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A wide variety of time series techniques are now used for generating forecasts of economic variables, with each technique attempting to summarize and exploit whatever regularities exist in a given data set. It appears that many researchers arbitrarily choose one of these techniques. The purpose of this article is to provide an example for which the choice of time series technique appears important; merely choosing arbitrarily among available techniques may lead to suboptimal results.  相似文献   

An often-used scenario in marketing is that of individuals purchasing in a Poisson manner with their purchasing rates distributed gamma across the population of customers. Ehrenberg (1959) introduced the marketing community to this story and the resulting negative binomial distribution (NBD), and during the past 30 years the NBD model has been shown to work quite well. But the basic gamma/Poisson assumptions lack some face validity. In many product categories, customers purchase more regularly than the exponential. There are some individuals who will never purchase. The purpose of this article is to review briefly the literature that addresses these and other issues. The tractable results presented arise when the basic gamma/Poisson assumptions are relaxed one issue at a time. Some conjectures will be made about the robustness of the NBD when multiple deviations occur together. The NBD may work, but there are still opportunities for working on variations of the NBD theme.  相似文献   

In a recent article, Pedeli and Karlis (2010 Pedeli, X. and Karlis, D. 2010. A Bivariate INAR(1) Process with Application. Statistical Modelling: An international Journal, 11: 325349. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) examined the extension of the classical Integer–valued Autoregressive (INAR) model to the bivariate case. In the present article, we examine estimation methods for the case of bivariate Poisson innovations. This is a simple extension of the classical INAR model allowing for two discrete valued time series to be correlated. Properties of different estimators are given. We also compare their properties via a small simulation experiment. Extensions to incorporate covariate information is discussed. A real data application is also provided.  相似文献   

The Wisconsin Epidemiologic Study of Diabetic Retinopathy is a population-based epidemiological study carried out in Southern Wisconsin during the 1980s. The resulting data were analysed by different statisticians and ophthalmologists during the last two decades. Most of the analyses were carried out on the baseline data, although there were two follow-up studies on the same population. A Bayesian analysis of the first follow-up data, taken four years after the baseline study, was carried out by Angers and Biswas [Angers, J.-F. and Biswas, A., 2004, A Bayesian analysis of the four-year follow-up data of theWisconsin epidemiologic study of diabetic retinopathy. Statistics in Medicine, 23, 601–615.], where the choice of the best model in terms of the covariate inclusion is done, and estimates of the associated covariate effects were obtained using the baseline data to set the prior for the parameters. In the present article we consider an univariate transformation of the bivariate ordinal data, and a parallel analysis with the much simpler univariate data is carried out. The results are then compared with the results of Angers and Biswas (2004). In conclusion, our analyses suggest that the univariate analysis fails to detect features of the data found by the bivariate analysis. Even an univariate transformation of our data with quite high correlation with both left and right eyes is inadequate.  相似文献   

In incident cohort studies, survival data often include subjects who have had an initiate event at recruitment and may potentially experience two successive events (first and second) during the follow-up period. Since the second duration process becomes observable only if the first event has occurred, left-truncation and dependent censoring arise if the two duration times are correlated. To confront the two potential sampling biases, Chang and Tzeng (2006 Chang , S.-H. , Tzeng , S.-J. (2006). Noparametric estimation of sojourn time distributions for truncated serial event data- a weight-adjusted approach. Lifetime Data Anal. 5367.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) provided an inverse-probability-weighted (IPW) approach for estimating the joint probability function of successive duration times. In this note, an alternative IPW approach is proposed. A simulation study is conducted to compare the two IPW approaches.  相似文献   

Forecasting of future snow depths is useful for many applications like road safety, winter sport activities, avalanche risk assessment and hydrology. Motivated by the lack of statistical forecasts models for snow depth, in this paper we present a set of models to fill this gap. First, we present a model to do short-term forecasts when we assume that reliable weather forecasts of air temperature and precipitation are available. The covariates are included nonlinearly into the model following basic physical principles of snowfall, snow aging and melting. Due to the large set of observations with snow depth equal to zero, we use a zero-inflated gamma regression model, which is commonly used to similar applications like precipitation. We also do long-term forecasts of snow depth and much further than traditional weather forecasts for temperature and precipitation. The long-term forecasts are based on fitting models to historic time series of precipitation, temperature and snow depth. We fit the models to data from six locations in Norway with different climatic and vegetation properties. Forecasting five days into the future, the results showed that, given reliable weather forecasts of temperature and precipitation, the forecast errors in absolute value was between 3 and 7?cm for different locations in Norway. Forecasting three weeks into the future, the forecast errors were between 7 and 16?cm.  相似文献   

Bivariate integer-valued time series occur in many areas, such as finance, epidemiology, business etc. In this article, we present bivariate autoregressive integer-valued time-series models, based on the signed thinning operator. Compared to classical bivariate INAR models, the new processes have the advantage to allow for negative values for both the time series and the autocorrelation functions. Strict stationarity and ergodicity of the processes are established. The moments and the autocovariance functions are determined. The conditional least squares estimator of the model parameters is considered and the asymptotic properties of the obtained estimators are derived. An analysis of a real dataset from finance and a simulation study are carried out to assess the performance of the model.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the effects of careful modeling the long-run dynamics of the volatilities of stock market returns on the conditional correlation structure. To this end, we allow the individual unconditional variances in conditional correlation generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (CC-GARCH) models to change smoothly over time by incorporating a nonstationary component in the variance equations such as the spline-GARCH model and the time-varying (TV)-GARCH model. The variance equations combine the long-run and the short-run dynamic behavior of the volatilities. The structure of the conditional correlation matrix is assumed to be either time independent or to vary over time. We apply our model to pairs of seven daily stock returns belonging to the S&P 500 composite index and traded at the New York Stock Exchange. The results suggest that accounting for deterministic changes in the unconditional variances improves the fit of the multivariate CC-GARCH models to the data. The effect of careful specification of the variance equations on the estimated correlations is variable: in some cases rather small, in others more discernible. We also show empirically that the CC-GARCH models with time-varying unconditional variances using the TV-GARCH model outperform the other models under study in terms of out-of-sample forecasting performance. In addition, we find that portfolio volatility-timing strategies based on time-varying unconditional variances often outperform the unmodeled long-run variances strategy out-of-sample. As a by-product, we generalize news impact surfaces to the situation in which both the GARCH equations and the conditional correlations contain a deterministic component that is a function of time.  相似文献   

Bivariate failure time data is widely used in survival analysis, for example, in twins study. This article presents a class of chi2-type tests for independence between pairs of failure times after adjusting for covariates. A bivariate accelerated failure time model is proposed for the joint distribution of bivariate failure times while leaving the dependence structures for related failure times completely unspecified. Theoretical properties of the proposed tests are derived and variance estimates of the test statistics are obtained using a resampling technique. Simulation studies show that the proposed tests are appropriate for practical use. Two examples including the study of infection in catheters for patients on dialysis and the diabetic retinopathy study are also given to illustrate the methodology.  相似文献   

This article proposes a novel non-stationary BINMA time series model by extending two INMA processes where their innovation series follow the bivariate Poisson under time-varying moment assumptions. This article also demonstrates, through simulation studies, the use and superiority of the generalized quasi-likelihood (GQL) approach to estimate the regression effects, which is computationally less complicated as compared to conditional maximum likelihood estimation (CMLE) and the feasible generalized least squares (FGLS). The serial and bivariate dependence correlations are estimated by a robust method of moments.  相似文献   

The dynamic response of the nominal trade account to changes in the value of the U.S. dollar has been posited to follow a J-curve pattern. Recent experience calls this into question. The aggregate nominal trade balance is decomposed here into four components, both prices and volumes of imports and exports. Time series specification tests and Granger tests of causal priority are employed to identify the existence and nature of the response of each individual component to dollar movements. Surprisingly weak and delayed responses of both import prices and volumes are found, suggesting a new view of trade-balance evolution.  相似文献   

We define a nonlinear autoregressive time series model based on the generalized hyperbolic distribution in an attempt to model time series with non-Gaussian features such as skewness and heavy tails. We show that the resulting process has a simple condition for stationarity and it is also ergodic. An empirical example with a forecasting experiment is presented to illustrate the features of the proposed model.  相似文献   

A procedure is developed for seasonally adjusting weekly time series, based on a composite of regression and time series models. The procedure is applied to some weekly U.S. money supply series currently seasonally adjusted by the Federal Reserve.  相似文献   

The actual performance of several automated univariate autoregressive forecasting procedures, applied to 150 macroeconomic time series, are compared. The procedures are the random walk model as a basis for comparison; long autoregressions, with three alternative rules for lag length selection; and a long autoregression estimated by minimizing the sum of absolute deviations. The sensitivity of each procedure to preliminary transformations, data, periodicity, forecast horizon, loss function employed in parameter estimation, and seasonal adjustment procedures is examined. The more important conclusions are that Akaike's lag-length selection criterion works well in a wide variety of situations, the modeling of long memory components becomes important for forecast horizons of three or more periods, and linear combinations of forecasts do not improve forecast quality appreciably.  相似文献   

In the presence of univariate censoring, a class of nonparametric estimators is proposed for linear functionals of a bivariate distribution of paired failure times. The estimators are shown to be root-n consistent and asymptotically normal. An adjusted empirical log-likelihood ratio statistic is developed and proved to follow a chi-square distribution asymptotically. Two types of confidence intervals, based on the normal approximation method and the empirical likelihood method, respectively, are constructed to make inference about the linear functionals. Their performance is evaluated in several simulation studies and a real example.  相似文献   

The forecasting stage in the analysis of a univariate threshold-autoregressive model, with exogenous threshold variable, has been developed in this paper via the computation of the so-called predictive distributions. The procedure permits one to forecast simultaneously the response and exogenous variables. An important issue in this work is the treatment of eventual missing observations present in the two time series before obtaining forecasts.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the inclusion of random effects in both the survival function for at-risk subjects and the cure probability assuming a bivariate normal distribution for those effects in each cluster. For parameter estimation, we implemented the restricted maximum likelihood (REML) approach. We consider Weibull and Piecewise Exponential distributions to model the survival function for non-cured individuals. Simulation studies are performed, and based on a real database we evaluate the performance of our proposed model. Effect of different follow-up times and the effect of considering independent random effects instead of bivariate random effects are also studied.  相似文献   

This investigation examines an approximation to the poly-t distribution, which often occurs in the Bayesian analysis of a linear model. The approximation allows one to compute the mean vector and dispersion matrix of any k/0 multivariate poly-t distribution in such a way that only univariate and bivariate numerical integrations are required. A numerical study depicts the advantages and disadvantages of the approximation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a semiparametric shock model for two dependent failure times where the risk indicator of one failure time plays the part of a time-varying covariate for the other one. According to Hougaard [2000. Analysis of Multivariate Survival Data. Springer, New York], the dependence between the two failure times is therefore of event-related type.  相似文献   

The main objective of this article is to specify and estimate a model for the car accident rates in Spain to improve input for the decision-making process for insurance companies and provide useful information for traffic authorities. The prediction performance of the model is also analyzed in an attempt to verify the improvement in prediction that takes place when more elaborate models are used.  相似文献   

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