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We employ two different approaches to derive single and product moments of order statistics from a truncated Laplace distribution. A direct evaluation method establishes recurrence relations whereas the more general non-overlapping mixture model incorporates the truncated Laplace distribution as a special case. The results are thereafter applied to estimate location and scale parameters of such distributions.  相似文献   

This paper discusses some uses in econometrics of empirical process theory for dependent rendom variables. Examples considered include non-standard parametric hypotheses tests and semiparametric estimation. The application of bracketing functional limit results is discussed in some detail  相似文献   

This paper discusses some uses in econometrics of empirical process theory for dependent rendom variables. Examples considered include non-standard parametric hypotheses tests and semiparametric estimation. The application of bracketing functional limit results is discussed in some detail  相似文献   

Sheffer polynomials are solutions of certain systems of operator equations. Difference equations, which frequently occur in path enumeration, belong in that class. To find representations of the solutions, the restriction on the paths has to be in the form of boundaries. Such problems have applications in two-sample tests. We also consider paths with more than two step vectors. The gambler's ruin problem illustrates the method. If paths with a given area underneath are counted, q-binomial coefficients come into play. Eulerian Sheffer sequence solve some of such problems.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider five well known and widely used ridge estimators when the convenient assumption of normality of the disturbances is abandoned and report on a Monte Carlo study of their small sample properties. The Monte Carlo experiment is applied to four different data sets with artificially varied degrees of multicollinearity, while the disturbances follow normal, lognormal, uniform and Laplace distributions with small and large variances. The results show that the best estimates are obtained for all ridge estimators when the disturbances follow the lognormal distribution. Also, none of the examined ridge estimators shows a consistent behavior under the different settings considered.  相似文献   

In this paper, we derive some recurrence relations for the single and the product moments of order statistics from n independent and non-identically distributed Lomax and right-truncated Lomax random variables. These recurrence relations are simple in nature and could be used systematically in order to compute all the single and product moments of all order statistics in a simple recursive manner. The results for order statistics from the multiple-outlier model (with a slippage of p observations) are deduced as special cases. We then apply these results by examining the robustness of censored BLUE's to the presence of multiple outliers. Received: November 30, 1998; revised version: March 8, 2000  相似文献   

Summary Moments and distributions of quadratic forms or quadratic expressions in normal variables are available in literature. Such quadratic expressions are shown to be equivalent to a linear function of independent central or noncentral chi-square variables. Some results on linear functions of generalized quadratic forms are also available in literature. Here we consider an arbitrary linear function of matrix-variate gamma variables. Moments of the determinant of such a linear function are evaluated when the matrix-variate gammas are independently distributed. By using these results, arbitrary non-null moments as well as the non-null distribution of the likelihood ratio criterion for testing the hypothesis of equality of covariance matrices in independent multivariate normal populations are derived. As a related result, the distribution of a linear function of independent matrix-variate gamma random variables, which includes linear functions of independent Wishart matrices, is also obtained. Some properties of generalized special functions of several matrix arguments are used in deriving these results.  相似文献   

We investigate the efficiences of Tiku's (1967) modified maximum likelihood estimators μc and σc (based on symmetrically censored normal samples) for estimating the location and scale parameters μ and σ of symmetric non-normal distributions. We show that μc and σc are jointly more efficient than x? and s for long-tailed distributions (kurtosis β21 = μ4μ22>4.2, β21 = 4.2 for the Logistic), and always more efficient than the trimmed mean μT and the matching sample estimate σT of σ. We also show that μc and σc are jointly at least as efficient as some of the more prominent “robust” estimators (Gross, 1976). We show that the statistic tc = μcmσc, m = n ?2r + 2rβ (r is the number of observations censored on each side of the sample and β is a constant), is robust and powerful for testing an assumed value of μ. We define a statistic Tc (based on μc andσc) for testing that two symmetric distributions are identical and show that Tc is robust and generally more poweerful than the well-known nonparametric statistics (Wilcoxon, normal-score, Kolmogorov-Smirnov), against the important location-shift alternatives. We generalize the statistic Tc to test that k symmetric distibutions are identical. The asymptotic distributions of tc and Tc are normal, under some very general regularity conditions. For small samples, the upper (lower) percentage points of tc and Tc are shown to be closely approximated by Student's t-distributions. Besides, the statistics μc and σc (and hence tc and Tc) are explicit and simple functions of sample observations and are easy to compute.  相似文献   

In a previously published study, the effects of rounding on the significance and power of four test statistics were considered when the parent population was normal. Here we investigate how these tests will perform for rounded non-normal data. Guidelines are given on how the degree of precision recommended for normal populations can be applied when the population is non-normal.  相似文献   

Song, Buchberger, and Deddens (1992) derived means, variances, and covariances of variables summing to normal order statistics and proved that these variables are negatively correlated. In this paper we consider the case of variables summing to gamma order statistics. Formulas for the general product moments of these variables are obtained. Contrary to the normal case, variables summing to gamma order statistics are not necessarily negatively correlated. In addition, the covariances of variables corresponding to different order statistics are also obtained.  相似文献   

Frequently a random vector Y with known distribution function is readily observed. However, the random variable of interest is a transformation of Y say h(Y), and sample values of h are expensive to evaluate. The objective is to estimate the distribution function of using only a small sample on Y. Four estimators are proposed for use when Y is discrete. A Monte Carlo study of the estimators is presented This estimation problem frequently arises when Y is a parameter in a mathematical programming problem and h(Y) is the optimal objective function value. Two examples of this type are presented.  相似文献   

In reliability and survival analysis, comparison of two or more populations is an important problem. For example, while comparing a treatment group with a control group, one may be interested in determining whether the observations in the treatment group have a longer lifetime than those from the control group, that is, whether the treatment is effective or not. In such a study, it would be extremely valuable to make a decision based on early failures. In this paper, we consider independent progressively Type-II censored random samples from two populations with cumulative distribution function's (cdf) F(·)F(·) and G(·)G(·) respectively, and discuss a precedence test for testing the equality of the two distributions based on placements. For this purpose, we derive the joint distribution of the first l   placement statistics from the progressively censored sample from F(·)F(·). We then derive the exact null distribution of the precedence test statistic which is simply the sum of the placements. We provide the rejection regions for fixed levels of significance and various sample sizes and different progressive censoring schemes.  相似文献   

By considering order statistics arising from n independent non-identically distributed right-truncated exponential random variables, we derive in this paper several recurrence relations for the single and the product moments of order statistics. These recurrence relations are simple in nature and could be used systematically in order to compute all the single and the product moments of order statistics for all sample sizes in a simple recursive manner. The results for order statistics from a multiple-outlier model (with a slippage of p observations) from a right-truncated exponential population are deduced as special cases. These results will be useful in assessing robustness properties of any linear estimator of the unknown parameter of the right-truncated exponential distribution, in the presence of one or more outliers in the sample. These results generalize those for the order statistics arising from an i.i.d. sample from a right-truncated exponential population established by Joshi (1978, 1982).  相似文献   

This paper provides a unified treatment of various entropy, divergence and distance measures and explores their applications in the context of econometric estimation and hypothesis testing.  相似文献   

During the past .20 years, there has been growing recognition of the consequences of the randomness of crop yields and prices for farm management and agricultural policy decisions. Concomitantly, researchers have recognized the possibility and implications of the non-normality of yields and prices. This study demonstrates a method for estimating multivariate non-normality in crop yields and prices over time, using the inverse hyperbolic sine transformation of corn, soya bean and wheat yields. The resulting estimates are used to simulate a multivariate distribution of crop yields.  相似文献   

Benoît Cadre 《Statistics》2013,47(4):509-521
Let E be a separable Banach space, which is the dual of a Banach space F. If X is an E-valued random variable, the set of L1-medians of X is ArgminE[(d)]. Assume that this set contains only one element. From any sequence of probability measures {(d) 1} on E, which converges in law to X, we give two approximating sequences of the L1-median, for the weak* topology induced by F.  相似文献   

In this paper, the truncated version of the selected multivariate generalized-hyperbolic distributions is introduced. Considering special truncations, the joint distribution of the consecutive order statistics from the multivariate generalized-hyperbolic (GH) distribution is derived. It is shown that this joint distribution can be expressed as mixtures of the truncated selected-GH distributions. All of these truncated distributions are expressed as the selected singular-GH distributions. These results are used to obtain some expressions for the reliability measures such as mean residual life time, mean inactivity time and regression mean residual life for k-out-of-n systems.  相似文献   

In this paper, we derive explicit expressions for marginal and product moments of a bivariate lognormal distribution when a multiplicative constraint is present. We show that the coefficients of variation always decrease regardless of the multiplicative constraint imposed. We also evaluate the effects of the constraint on the variances and covariance, and present conditions under which the correlation coefficient increases under the presence of such a multiplicative constraint. We finally apply these results to futures hedging analysis and some other financial applications.  相似文献   

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