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Among the most fundamental assumptions made in economics are utility maximization and the separability of the arguments in the representative consumer's utility function. These assumptions are important for theoretical and empirical applications of economics. In this article, we present results from nonparametric tests of these assumptions of consumer behavior. We find that utility maximization generally obtains with either annual or quarterly per capita data on consumption goods, leisure, and relatively liquid monetary assets. Annual data on consumption goods, leisure, and all monetary assets are consistent with utility maximization. There is some evidence in support of using partial adjustment models when estimating quarterly data models of the demand for monetary assets. Further, annual data on consumption goods and leisure and on liquid monetary assets meet the necessary and sufficient conditions for weak separability. These results support the notion of a monetary aggregate more broadly based than currency plus demand deposits. Separability of monetary assets does not obtain for quarterly data.  相似文献   

This article argues that in many markets, quantity is demand determined in the short run but price is supply determined, and that the dynamic restrictions between price and quantity implied by the model have been widely neglected in empirical research. Two examples illustrate our point—the demand and supply relationships between inflation and unemployment and between the terms of trade and the trade balance. In both, specifying quantity as a function of lagged prices in demand and price as a function of lagged quantities in supply (rather than concentrating on exogenous shift determinants) is sufficient to separate demand and supply.  相似文献   

中国顾客满意度指数体系的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章论述了构建中国顾客满意度指数体系(CCSI)的必要性,对构建过程中的关键问题进行了探讨,具体包括指数体系层次的设定、各层次中测评范围的确定、低层次指数向高层次指数综合的具体方法以及综合加权指标的选取,最后对CCSI构建的组织实施加以展望。  相似文献   

This study develops statistical procedures for computing the parameters of a complete demand system. A constrained maximum likelihood method has been applied, and parametric restrictions derived from classical demand theory are introduced by a substitution approach. The procedures are then applied to U.S. data for estimating a composite food demand system covering 12 food categories and one nonfood sector.  相似文献   

Among reliability systems, one of the basic systems is a parallel system. In this article, we consider a parallel system consisting of n identical components with independent lifetimes having a common distribution function F. Under the condition that the system has failed by time t, with t being 100pth percentile of F(t = F ?1(p), 0 < p < 1), we characterize the probability distributions based on the mean past lifetime of the components of the system. These distributions are described in the form of a specific shape on the left of t and arbitrary continuous function on the right tail.  相似文献   

高锡荣 《统计研究》2007,24(9):37-42
运用两阶段固定效应法,本文估计了中国三大语音通信市场的常弹性Marshall需求函数,结果显示:三大语音通信市场的需求都是无价格弹性的,固定本地电话对固定长途电话市场的需求具有互补效应,对移动电话市场的需求具有替代效应;固定长途电话对移动电话市场的需求具有互补效应。三大语音通信市场中,只有固定本地电话市场具有显著的需求收入效应,固定电话用户对固定本地电话市场的需求具有促进作用,对移动地电话市场的需求具有抑制作用,而移动电话用户对移动电话市场和固定长途电话市场的需求皆有促进作用。研究表明,随着时间的推移,人们的消费时尚正在向移动通信方式转变  相似文献   

基于含实体与虚拟经济对货币供给影响机制的动态随机一般均衡(DSGE)模型,探析中国货币供给是内生的抑或是外生的,并重点研究了货币需求冲击和投机性冲击对整个宏观经济稳定的影响。研究结果表明:中国货币供给具有内生性;货币需求冲击和投机性冲击对货币供给波动有较大影响,进而对通货膨胀产生显著作用,因此加强公众预期的引导和管理,从而减弱货币需求冲击和投机性冲击的效应,对于中国防范和遏制通胀具有重要意义。  相似文献   

An approximation is presented that can be used to gain insight into the characteristics – such as outlier sensitivity, bias, and variability – of a wide class of estimators, including maximum likelihood and least squares. The approximation relies on a convenient form for an arbitrary order Taylor expansion in a multivariate setting. The implicit function theorem can be used to construct the expansion when the estimator is not defined in closed form. We present several finite-sample and asymptotic properties of such Taylor expansions, which are useful in characterizing the difference between the estimator and the expansion.  相似文献   

吴璟  徐曼迪 《统计研究》2021,38(9):75-88
本文围绕城镇家庭户自然增长、城镇家庭户机械增长和城镇存量住房拆除三项需求来源,设计了基于人口普查等公开统计数据定量测算城镇新增住房需求规模的系统性方法,对2001—2010年和2011—2015年间全国和各省份城镇新增住房需求规模进行测算与分析。在此期间新增住房供需关系经历了从基本均衡向供过于求的变化,同时存量住房拆除引致的被动需求取代城镇家庭户自然增长和机械增长引致的主动需求,成为新增住房需求的最主要来源。东、中、西部省份在新增需求规模、新增供需比、需求结构等方面表现出明显差异。本文还进一步对2021—2030年的发展趋 势进行了定量预测。由于三项需求来源均趋于下降,2021—2025年和2026—2030年间全国年均城镇新增住房需求规模预计将较2011—2015年间分别下降33%和53%。本文设计的城镇新增住房需求规模测算方法和预测思路能够为各级政府“十四五”住房发展规划编制、房地产企业战略制定等提供参考。  相似文献   

In many economic models, theory restricts the shape of functions, such as monotonicity or curvature conditions. This article reviews and presents a framework for constrained estimation and inference to test for shape conditions in parametric models. We show that “regional” shape-restricting estimators have important advantages in terms of model fit and flexibility (as opposed to standard “local” or “global” shape-restricting estimators). In our empirical illustration, this is the first article to impose and test for all shape restrictions required by economic theory simultaneously in the “Berndt and Wood” data. We find that this dataset is consistent with “duality theory,” whereas previous studies have found violations of economic theory. We discuss policy consequences for key parameters, such as whether energy and capital are complements or substitutes.  相似文献   

Finitization transforms a discrete distribution into a distribution with smaller support of specified size. In special cases finitization preserves moments (moments of the order n finitization coincide with those of the parent distribution). We create a moment preserving finitization method for power series distributions by introducing an alternative representation and showing how to finitize members of this new class in a manner that preserves moments of the parent distribution. We provide results on convolutions and a reproductive property for power series distributions that have been finitized in this manner, and show how these finitized distributions accelerate variate generation in simulation.  相似文献   

 作为尚未被国民经济核算监测和计量的经济活动,“未观测经济”范畴自2002年被正式提出以来,理论界对其规模测算的研究不断深入;未观测经济本身亦对中国的经济运行产生了可感知的实际影响。本文构建了基于修正货币需求法的未观测经济估测模型,并首次将用以对不可观测变量进行量测的状态空间模型引入了未观测经济规模的测算。研究结果反映了过去20年间中国未观测经济的规模,而建立的模型本身亦可对未观测经济规模进行动态地监测。  相似文献   

陈晓华  刘慧 《统计研究》2015,32(10):47-55
降低劳动力价格扭曲是减少我国资源错配、提高全要素生产率和实现经济效率提升的关键手段,当前外需疲软和生产技术升级诉求会对劳动力价格扭曲产生什么样的影响呢?本文在构建劳动力价格扭曲新型测度方法的基础上,从描述性统计和实证检验双层面对上述问题进行深入剖析。研究发现:首先外需疲软有助于缓解我国制造业劳动力价格扭曲,而技术革新则会加剧劳动力价格扭曲,二者合力表现出一定的相互抵消关系,因而在当前外需疲软背景下,企业进行技术革新不失为一种“好策略”;其次我国补贴政策的效果有悖政府补贴的初衷,表现出一定的“补贴悖论”,应重新审视和优化中高技术企业的补贴机制,发掘补贴在加快中国经济发展方式转变中的正向功能;最后融资约束和投入产出效率提升对多数企业劳动力价格扭曲表现出一定的“中性”和“不敏感”特征,规模经济则会显著加剧内资制造业劳动力价格扭曲。  相似文献   

为了揭示货币供应量结构变化的断点检定具有价格预警的作用,运用1999年12月至2012年4月中国流通中的货币、狭义货币、广义货币数据进行结构变化的内生断点检验,分析货币供应量的结构变化对价格产生影响的机理。在此基础上,结合CPI价格指数验证断点检定的价格预警功效。结果显示:各个层次的货币供应量序列是分段平稳的,在99%、97.5%、95%置信水平上检出的7个内生断点均具有优良的价格预警效果。因此,基于货币供应量结构变化的断点检定以及预警价格的波动,在理论和实践上都是可行的。  相似文献   

A quadratic almost ideal demand system allowing for age, cohort, and trend effects is developed at the macro level. The model is estimated by maximum likelihood, using a three-tier iterative/search method applied to pooled 1961–1992 time series for five regions of Canada and six categories of expenditure. Hypothesis tests indicate support for the model specification. Elasticities are compared with those reported in other studies, with special attention to food. Effects of demographic and trend variables on elasticities and expenditure shares are investigated. An overall conclusion is that such effects can be very important in a macro demand system.  相似文献   

企业技术竞争力评价指标体系研究:构建、测评与结论   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在分析企业技术竞争力内涵的基础上构建了企业技术竞争力评价指标体系,尝试利用层次分析法对该指标体系进行测评,通过构造判断矩阵并伴随一致性检验,得到了各指标体系的总排序结果。研究表明,从准则层的3项目标来看,企业的技术创新竞争力对总目标的影响权重占有绝对优势;从指标层的29项评价指标来看,影响最大的10项指标在对总目标的影响权重值中占大部分比例,这些指标是提升企业技术竞争力水平的关键所在。  相似文献   

The ratio of the sample variance to the sample mean estimates a simple function of the parameter which measures the departure of the Poisson-Poisson from the Poisson distribution. Moment series to order n?24 are given for related estimators. In one case, exact integral formulations are given for the first two moments, enabling a comparison to be made between their asymptotic developments and a computer-oriented extended Taylor series (COETS) algorithm. The integral approach using generating functions is sketched out for the third and fourth moments. Levin's summation algorithm is used on the divergent series and comparative simulation assessments are given.  相似文献   

一、序言高等教育人才总需求是指各部门、单位和厂商等对高等学校应届毕业生的总体需求。近年来我国大学毕业生就业问题凸现,引起了社会各方面的广泛关注,2005年大学毕业生的就业问题更为突出。事实上,社会对大学毕业生的需求所反映出的主要问题是高等教育办学规模和专业结构的  相似文献   

Suppose that in the situation of a paired t test natural pairing, such as the use of twins, is not possible. Reduction in variability is then often achieved artificially, for example by pairing animals of similar birth weight. This article points out that, unless such pairing is ineffective, the usual assumptions underlying the paired t test are violated. Nevertheless, simulation indicates that, with randomization in the allocation of treatments, the standard procedure gives good results. Our bivariate normal model provides the factor by which the length of the confidence interval for the mean treatment difference is reduced as a result of the pairing. Another form of pairing sometimes used is shown to be incorrect. Nonparametric analogs are also briefly considered.  相似文献   

我国货币供应与经济增长及物价水平关系研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
孟祥兰  雷茜 《统计研究》2011,28(3):43-50
 本文采用协整、向量误差模型以及脉冲响应和方差分解的方法对中国货币供应、物价水平与经济增长的关系进行实证研究。研究表明,物价水平在长期中对经济增长的负影响明显,在短期内,也存在负面影响,但影响方向不明显;短期内物价水平与货币供应量之间相互影响,互相促进。货币供应对经济增长的影响具有促进效应,长期内货币非中性。此外,向量误差模型也表明经济增长、货币供应和物价水平都受到自身滞后期的影响,经济发展具有长期且趋于稳定的特性。  相似文献   

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