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This article analyzes the transformations of notions of governmentality, security, and sovereignty behind recent processes of securitization in the trinational frontier of the Southern Cone, which encompasses the cities of Puerto Iguaz? (Argentina), Ciudad del Este (Paraguay), and Foz do Igua?? (Brazil). It examines how early concerns with security that were primarily focused on the territorial integrity of nation-states have been replaced with security concerns of a more global nature, which call into question established mechanisms of control, particularly those related to the defense of national borders. It examines how environmental concerns are increasingly becoming conflated with other current forms of securitization such as terrorism, popular unrest, and narcotraffic and it analyzes devastating effects of these processes on peoples of the South, particularly the poor.  相似文献   


World system evolution may be viewed as a cascade of multilevel, nested, self-similar and Darwinian-type processes poised on the boundary between order and chaos that allows for innovation. A framework developed by Devezas-Modelski opens the door to conceptualizing globalization as part of that evolutionary cascade, and as a process of system-building of which the Portuguese enterprises of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries provide an illuminating case. Analysis is focused on two components of that cascade: the Portuguese long cycle, and the two (economic) K-waves and their related innovations. In this period preceding the Industrial Revolution, innovations focused on navigation and shipbuilding and formed the technical support for such activities. Quantitative analysis of empirical evidence on Portuguese expeditions and naval-military campaigns, the global network of bases, and of scarce data on the gold and pepper trades in this period supports the notion of long cycles and K-waves as system-building, and the more general conception of globalization as an evolutionary learning process.  相似文献   

以计算机、互联网和卫星通讯为代表的现代信息技术自20世纪七十年代开始在全球飞速发展。信息全球化正改变着人们以往的生产和生活方式,发达国家凭借信息技术优势优先享有信息全球化带来的诸多裨益,而处于先天弱势的发展中国家如何面对信息不对称竞争已成为所在国文化安全战略的重要考量。同样,阿拉伯国家虽然与发达国家在该领域存在差距,但为了建立符合本国利益的信息化社会,这些国家正加大对信息技术的投入,一些依托自身优势条件发展信息产业的阿拉伯国家已崭露头角。  相似文献   


This article compares the interplay between Europe and Scandinavian countries with interactions at other margins, and speculates on the prospects for Nordic identity. It uses an idea of the possibilities inherent in the "marginality" of a society, applying that conception to situations past and present. A summary exposition indicates how Scandinavian countries have negotiated their marginality in a "Nordic posture" of political independence and economic and cultural ties to "more advanced" societies. These interactions with Europe are then compared with other contemporary margins (i.e., ex-colonized societies, ex-soviet bloc countries, EU states, countries experiencing globalization). While similar, Nordic societies are distinctly more successful in exploiting marginality: practiced in cooperating or emulating "Europe" while sometimes finding space to outdo it. This article thus suggests continuing vigor in some version of Nordic distinctiveness. The late 20th century decline of confidence in a separate Nordic identity need not therefore end Scandinavia's advantageous position on the margins.  相似文献   

从国际经济秩序和环境以及中东伊斯兰国家所具备的能力和条件来看,全球化对中东伊斯兰国家更多的是挑战。面对来自国际金融机构的压力和全球金融风暴的威胁,伊斯兰金融究竟该做何抉择尚难确定。国际经济新秩序不可能彻底消除歧视性的贸易政策,实现完全意义上的公正,其中的不利因素无疑会对中东国家构成威胁。此外,全球性经济组织、制度和规则也会给这些国家带来更多的压力。  相似文献   

从国际经济秩序和环境以及中东伊斯兰国家所具备的能力和条件来看,全球化对中东伊斯兰国家更多的是挑战。面对来自国际金融机构的压力和全球金融风暴的威胁,伊斯兰金融究竟该做何抉择尚难确定。国际经济新秩序不可能彻底消除歧视性的贸易政策,实现完全意义上的公正,其中的不利因素无疑会对中东国家构成威胁。此外,全球性经济组织、制度和规则也会给这些国家带来更多的压力。  相似文献   

Major sociospatial transformation processes are taking place, and so concepts such as tradition, distinctiveness, and identity have become fundamental but delicate factors in the context of the social environment. Consequently, identity has become not only a term, but rather a comprehensive theme and concept, in making new places and built environments. In this context of argument, this article elucidates the implication of identity at different scales. It emphasizes the importance and hybridity of urban identities and how they may become entities or even mechanisms to overcome globalization issues. This article looks at global examples to exemplify various manifestations of urban identities. This theoretical article aspires to promote debates that can benefit current research programs in the context of globalization, urban identity, and sociocultural diversity. Finally, the aim here for specifying different levels of urban identities is not necessarily toward categorizing them, but rather to identify their roles and propositions in various scales that are related to humans and their social environments.  相似文献   

Despite 9/11, the seemingly endless Israeli–Palestinian conflict, the possibility of Iran developing nuclear weapons capabilities, and the Arab Spring and its aftermath, the social studies curricula of high schools throughout the nation generally put little emphasis on the Middle East and Islam as the foundation for understanding vital issues that will confront the United States for years to come.  相似文献   

There are times when entire populations of certain countries have had to readjust their lives and economic strategies as all of society is under transition. Post-Soviet Central Asia underwent this period after 1991. During times of transition, there are always people that tend to be able to make use of the new uncertainties, even at the risk of entering legal grey areas. Here new social groups emerge, ethnic origin becomes relevant and new kinship ties are made. These transformation periods are often short and provide limited opportunities for analysing the strategies of those pioneers that I call Kairos economists. They often act only in cooperation with residents of the border and with duty customs and security personnel. This article analyses this special economy with the help of case studies that have been observed during the transformation period from the Soviet to an independent Central Asia.  相似文献   

In late 1941 some 500 Jews, refugees from Nazism, were sitting in Lisbon awaiting an unknown fate. The Portuguese fascist government, though not espousing anti‐Semitic ideas, none the less served an expulsion order against these refugees in November 1941. In desperation, and with nowhere to go, the refugees approached the British government with a request that it agree to allow them sanctuary anywhere in the British Empire. With one day remaining before their forced expulsion, the Jews were granted entry to the British colony of Jamaica, at British expense. This article, an investigation into the circumstances and fate of these refugees, examines the way in which their rescue took place and why it is of significance to the overall record of British refugee rescue during the Second World War. It also offers some reasons to account for the British action, which took place in spite of all existing precedent and practice.  相似文献   

Space is a site where culture and body meet. It is a physical text of cultural constructions of the body that articulate personal, social and material functions and arrangements. The American DeafWorld consists of spaces where deaf and hard of hearing people are found. The geographies in the DeafWorld are the sites where different institutions create and imprint their ideologies, practices and properties pertaining to their sensory notions of the deaf body onto brick-and-mortar spaces in the DeafWorld. Sensescape is proffered as a theoretical model to describe DeafWorld institutional geographies.  相似文献   


According to different media and analysts, globalization could be in a phase of ‘slowbalization’, de-globalization or even secular stagnation. After surveying academic proposals for defining, classifying and measuring globalization, by means of the Elcano Global Presence Index, this paper explores to what extent globalization has stagnated and/or whether it has changed its nature. Our results show that globalization has slowed down, but not retrenched. However, economic globalization has lost traction (something that probably explains the general perception on de-globalization) while soft projection has become the main driver of globalization.  相似文献   

作为多维运动,全球化的内容是极为丰富的,其中包括法律的全球化.伊斯兰法作为世界重要法系,在全球化浪潮中不可能独处一隅,而是深受其影响.本文着重论述了全球化背景下伊斯兰法的发展趋势.  相似文献   

This article seeks to broaden our understanding of online privacy in three ways: first, by drawing out the differences between the physical world and the digital world as those differences affect privacy; second, by exploring how the concept of the 'commons' might help us to understand social and economic relationships in cyberspace; and third, by analysing two contrasting views of privacy: privacy as a private or individual good and privacy as a common good. In order to analyse similarities and differences in privacy in the physical world and the online world, each is assessed in three ways: the obvious level of privacy available; the possibility of modifying that level of privacy to create or choose more or less privacy for oneself; and the degree to which the, prior or contemporaneous, privacy decisions of others affect the amount of privacy that is available to all. Applying an analysis based on the 'tragedy of the commons', the article concludes that at least part of cyberspace can be conceived as a 'commons' and that personal information flows could be considered a 'common pool resource' within that commons. Based on the likely calculations that individuals and organizations will make about collection and uses of personal information, the article next evaluates what would be the most effective policy approach to ensure that the common pool resource of personal information is not overused and degraded. The article concludes that a policy approach of providing individuals with a private means, either through property rights or some means of redressing their grievances, is unlikely to provide an effective means of protecting the common pool resource of personal information. A policy approach that acknowledges the common good basis of privacy and views personal information as a common pool resource provides an alternative view of the policy problems and offers suggestions in terms of rules and institutions that may be effective in addressing those problems.  相似文献   

全球化中的主导文化是西方文化。在利润最大化原则的指导下,西方资本主义经济文化沿着两条主线向全球进行辐射:一条是由商品化而导致的消费主义;另一条则是由市场化而导致的市场主义。伊斯兰与全球化在文化上的悖论实际上集中表现为伊斯兰文化与西方文化之间的悖论。与利益至上的西方经济文化所不同的是,伊斯兰经济文化属于伦理型文化,其伦理价值取向与西方文化存在着较大差异。  相似文献   


This article explores the relationship between surveillance techniques and the production of sovereign statehood in an effort to track the day-to-day practices through which state authority is constituted in the context of globalization. This article explicitly probes the processes through which new forms of sovereignty come into being within the life of the state. It takes as its point of departure the operations of Ghana's Customs Service, a body charged with policing the nation's frontiers and collecting the bulk of state revenue. Contrasting the work of a multinational firm contracted by the government of Ghana to carry out Customs duties and the conventional roles of Ghanaian Customs officers, this article examines the ways in which the manifold technologies of neo-liberalism (from contractual forms and modes of accountability, to the apparatuses of surveillance) redefine the capacities, authority, and imagination of both state and self, held by state agents. Here we see a sovereignty that is increasingly derived outside of the state even as the play of sovereign power is intensified and deeply diffused within it.  相似文献   

This special issue seeks a new direction for the sociolinguistics of globalization in the process of transnationalism, using as a case study new modes of Korean migration that are changing the face of Korean transnationalism, including short‐term early study abroad and return migration. Through a discussion of the historical and sociolinguistic context of South Korea, this paper demonstrates how transnational Korea is a relevant site for refining, reframing, and reconsidering the current sociolinguistics of globalization. We identify two important interventions into the theoretical considerations of language and globalization brought forward by the Korean case: (1) a heightened attention to multiple timescales and markets; and (2) a more serious engagement with and critique of neoliberalism. ? ???? ????? ???? ?????? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ????, ????? ??? ? ??? ????? ??? ????? ??? ?? ???? ? ??? ????. ??? ???, ?????? ??? ?? ??? ??, ? ??? ? ??? ????? ???? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ????? ??? ????? ? ? ??? ????. ??? ??? ??? ???? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ? ??? ????: (1) ????? ???? ???? ??? ?? ?; ??? (2) ?????? ?? ? ??? ??? ?? ?. [Korean]  相似文献   

This paper, summarizes the lessons learned in this special issue of Habitat International on Planning Issues in the Middle East. After summarizing the highlights of the papers included in the issue, the paper looks ahead to the challenges facing the region's planners. These include coping with the rapid growth of cities, developing stronger planning institutions, integrating events in urban areas with the rural hinterlands, incorporating consultation with the public in the planning processes and meeting the inevitable challenges that will accompany globalization.  相似文献   

Exchanges of population between supposedly ‘urban’ and ‘rural’ spaces have occurred throughout history as people migrate between areas with relatively, densely and sparsely settled populations. However, comparatively little is known about whether the same small areas persistently contribute to the flow and what types of locality are involved. Recent counterurbanising migration represents both a re-location of the centres of population growth from urban to rural areas in many developed countries, and a refashioning of the characteristics and lifestyles of residents occupying the countryside. Mid-Wales classically exemplifies the changing demographic fortune of many rural areas having experienced a long period of population decline, followed by a general but locally fluctuating upturn since the 1970s. Using empirical information from recent British censuses on numbers of 1-year migrants and from a national geodemographic classification of small areas, this paper explores the geographical and socio-economic connections between the origins and destinations of those people who moved into Mid-Wales during the closing decades of the 20th century. It concludes that certain places and types of locality have stronger migratory links enduring beyond the period covered by a single census enumeration.  相似文献   


Scholarly attention to the processes of globalization and the construction of regional blocs such as the European Union, NAFTA, and Mercosur has resulted in the relatively widespread belief that borders are in the process of disappearing. Yet, ethnographic studies on political borders have for several years been evincing various redefinitions of border areas comprising new conflicts and mechanisms for strengthening certain barriers between countries. This article attempts to contribute to the discussion of the interplay between nation, state, and border in the Mercosur by analyzing transformations on the Argentinian-Brazilian border. My particular interest is in examining how sociocultural conflicts and negotiations at borders in this region are affecting the construction of new meanings of nationality, and conversely, how new policies (especially "hygienic" barriers) being defined from the politico-economic centers are transforming local populations' everyday lives and experiences. Border populations can be as important in the construction of state and nation as are areas deemed to be central.  相似文献   

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