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北京,一个历史悠久的文化古都,一个古老而现代的城市,在2008年,因为奥林匹克运动而生气蓬勃。自申奥成功以来,北京大街小巷弥漫着浓郁的奥运气息,只等那神圣时刻的到来!  相似文献   

《Home Cultures》2013,10(3):311-327

Traditionally, the Mexican domestic interior has been characterized by a propensity to accumulative decoration and solemnity in the public areas of the house. The present study of residents of a central area of Mexico City shows that this situation has changed as forms of urban lifestyles, environmental attitudes and house ownership have developed that affect the use and decoration of the house. Here, I will focus on those changes that affect the public rooms of the house (living room, dining room, kitchen) with the aim of describing new forms of domesticity in the lifestyles, consumption practices, leisure and home life that no longer respond to the model of the traditional bourgeois home, but to life patterns in which the symbolic experience of home suits a particular spatial and economic reality.  相似文献   

The determinants of women's political orientations are explored in terms of two perspectives: ambition and gender role and their interrelationship. A sample of 1336 Democratic and Republican delegates to the 1972 national nominating conventions was used to compare the political expectations and aspirations of men and women. Women were found tohave less interest in holding public officebut equalled men in aspiring to party careers. Party as well as sex differences affected the political ambitions of female elites, with Democratic women more likely to pursue public office holding and Republican women remaining committed to the party sphere. Women's roles in the family and at work were also found to influence the development of political ambition among women. In addition, gender roles had an impact on the type of ambition women developed and the styles of activism they pursued.  相似文献   

Community agriculture and conservation initiatives have become increasingly important components of sustainable community development strategies, particularly in disadvantaged neighborhoods. This study examines a community conservation program whose goal was to foster revitalization through the establishment of floral and vegetable gardens primarily in distressed areas. Respondents indicated that the program contributed to revitalizing neighborhoods, as well as their beliefs and behavior regarding conservation issues, sense of community, and volunteerism. Motivation for involvement in the program was high. The most important reasons for involvement were to beautify and give back to the community and to support conservation of green space. The more volunteers were engaged in the program, the greater their motivation, conservation ethic, and volunteerism in other community activities. This study illustrates the importance of community gardening and conservation efforts in improving and beautifying distressed communities, promoting sustainable community development, and increasing civic engagement and conservation practices. Implications for practice are also discussed.  相似文献   

何莉 《安家》2006,(9):237-238
约冯仑采访并不是一件容易的事情,也许是缘分,也许初生牛犊不怕虎,总之,在没有任何采访提纲的情况下,冯仑给了我一个半小时的时间,那时修我名片上的职务为实习记考.  相似文献   

人们可以容忍品味低下的东西到处泛滥,可以容忍心灵的满目疮痍,而唯独不能宽容一些一直在坚守某种精神操守的知识分子微弱、而稍稍有些偏激的言论和呐喊。人们可以容忍更多的精神垃圾,可就是无法容忍一些能够照亮我们内心深处阴暗角落的精神之光。  相似文献   


This study examined the environment and activities that effectively promote individual involvement and cross-age interactions in a joint day care setting serving seniors and children from infancy through kindergarten. It evaluated the impact of staff training on improving program quality, and examined the relationship between the components of quality and participant engagement. Two instruments were developed to assess program and participant characteristics, respectively, the Intergenerational Program Quality Assessment and the Intergenerational Involvement and Interaction Inventory. Using a pre-post design, data were collected on 25 intergenerational activities with 108 children and 68 seniors before training, and 25 sessions with 111 children and 93 seniors after training. Five components were found to characterize effective programs and promote participant engagement: a designated intergenerational space that is shared, accessible, and stocked with materials inviting to both age groups; a consistent daily schedule that allows for formal as well as informal cross-age interactions; openended activities that emphasize process over product and provide opportunities for planning and reflection; the explicit facilitation of cross-age interactions by caregivers; and objective observational assessment to plan activities and share information with families.  相似文献   

梅·齐亚黛这个名字,对每一个正规学过阿拉伯语并了解一点阿拉伯文学的人来说,都不会感到陌生.但就整个中国而言,她绝对是默默无闻的,至多是在人们谈及纪伯伦时顺带提到她.这实在有点不公平.不说她是阿拉伯现代最杰出的女文学家,也不说她为阿拉伯妇女争取政治权利事业和解放运动做出的重要贡献,单凭她与纪伯伦之间堪称人类精神恋爱经典的那场风花雪月的事,她也理应享有更高的知名度.只可惜几百年来东方人大多得了那种崇拜西方的病,从而忽视了身边的"才子佳人".我不知道,那些为西方精神恋爱的典型人物唏嘘不已的中国人,在得知"纪梅"终生未曾谋面而通信17载、彼此深爱不娶不嫁的"事迹"后,是否会倒吸一口凉气:东方也有这人这事?!  相似文献   


Exercise improves physical and mental health. Nevertheless, most 20-year-olds do not exercise, and approximately 50% of the participants in exercise programs drop out in the first 3 to 6 months. In view of the health benefits of exercise, college health educators and clinicians need to be able to identify factors that predict exercise relapse in a student population. The authors administered questionnaires measuring Prochaska's 10 processes of change for exercise, self-efficacy, and decisional balance to 52 physically active undergraduate students. They assessed baseline exercise levels in October and reassessed them about 8 weeks later. At baseline, relapsers had significantly lower self-efficacy scores than those who maintained their exercise levels. The relapsers also had higher perceived negative views of exercise. These findings provide support for applying the transtheoretical model of behavioral change to a college population.  相似文献   

Abstract In the on-going sociological debate over rural-urban differences, rural conflict over natural resources is often attributed to environmental attitudes of new residents from urban areas. An alternative hypothesis is that new residents provide not new attitudes, but a new voice for attitudes already held by many local residents. Data from a survey of residents of communities near two national forests show little support for the hypothesis that residential status affects forest management attitudes, dissatisfaction, or action. The findings support the “new-voice” thesis and show that it is often a female voice.  相似文献   

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