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This study examines how the division of labor surrounding emotion work relates to the marital satisfaction of husbands and wives. The analysis is performed on data from a random sample of couples with at least one child from a northern city in a western state (N = 96 couples). Results suggest that for both husbands and wives the emotion work received from and performed for their spouse is significantly and positively related to marital satisfaction. Results also suggest that the marital satisfaction of husbands is enhanced when they are involved in performing emotion work for children, but if their levels of emotion work for children begin to approach or exceed that of their wives then their marital satisfaction tends to decline. Implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

Objective. This article questions what factors are associated with joining the military after high school rather than attending college, joining the civilian labor force, or doing some other activity. Three areas of influence on military enlistment are highlighted: educational goals, the institutional presence of the military in communities, and race and socioeconomic status. Method. The analysis uses data from a recent cohort of high school graduates from the State of Texas in 2002, when the United States was at war, and employs multinomial logistic regression to model the correlates of post‐high‐school choice of activity in this cohort. Results. Results confirm the hypothesis that a higher military institutional presence increases the odds of enlisting in the military relative to enrolling in college, becoming employed, or doing some other activity after high school. Additionally, college aspirations are clearly associated with the decision to enroll in college versus enlist and also increase the odds of joining the military rather than the civilian labor market, or remaining idle. Unlike previous studies, few racial and ethnic differences are found. Conclusion. Voluntary military enlistment during wartime is associated college aspirations, lower socioeconomic status, and living in an area with a high military presence.  相似文献   

本文通过对珠江三角洲农民工问卷调查资料的回归分析,试图检验在市场转型下的企业制度和社会环境对农民工工资的影响。研究发现,人力资本中的教育年限、本企业工龄等变量对农民工工资有显著的正向影响,年龄和性别也有显著影响;企业制度中的工种对工资有显著影响,表现出明显的等级性。企业所属行业、规模和企业性质对工资没有显著影响,是否签订劳动合同和缺工情况同样如此。社会资本变量和社会环境变量对农民工工资水平没有显著影响。文章由此认为,农民工的工资是处于分割的二元劳动力市场一端,是高度市场化的,缺乏企业内部劳动力市场或晋升机制,也少受劳动力市场用工情况变化影响,没有地区性差异,是一个实实在在的、刚性的低工资。  相似文献   

This study addresses the relevance of gender roles and perceived gender discrimination against women in attitude towards career progression in heterosexual dual-earner couples. One hundred and thirty-nine wives and their husbands completed the questionnaires independently. From a dyadic data analysis, using the actor-partner interdependence model (APIM), we examined the actor and partner effect. The following findings were made: (a) an actor and partner effect of gender roles in husbands, (b) an actor effect of perceived gender discrimination in wives, and (c) an interaction effect between partner gender roles by actor professional status in wives. Overall, results showed that gender roles and perceived gender discrimination are useful factors in understanding couples’ interdependence in their attitudes towards career progression. Results are discussed in terms of the influence of traditional gender roles in perpetuating inequality between men and women and the relevance of perceived gender discrimination against women in attitude towards career progression.  相似文献   

石智雷  刘思辰  赵颖 《社会》2022,42(1):88-123
本文旨在从劳动过程的视角,将不稳定就业作为一种资本积累方式进行政治经济学的理论分析,并使用具有全国代表性的调查数据和企业访谈案例,结合广义倾向值匹配等方法进行经验论证。本研究梳理出不稳定就业的一般特征及其对当代中国农民工群体的影响,并尝试从国家与资本的双重运作逻辑中去理解经济转型期农民工市民化的困境。研究发现,在资本积累及劳动过程全球化的背景下,中国形成了规模庞大的农民工及其不稳定就业现象。资本通过控制农民工就业流动而达成最大限度地获取利润的目标,无需承担劳动者的再生产成本。这就从根本上导致了农民工市民化的悖论:不稳定就业有助于提高农民工个体的工资水平,但是不利于其家庭成员随迁。这种资本积累方式的隐蔽性在于,所谓的农民工流动自由其实是雇主通过掐尖式用工以保证资本的利润率。不稳定就业不会提升农民工的群体性收入,反而强化了群体内部的竞争。  相似文献   

Over the last several decades of urbanization and industrialization, China has encountered mass labor force migration from rural to urban areas. As a result, two‐child populations have dramatically increased in number: so‐called left‐behind children and migrant children. Using data from the 2006 and 2009 China Nutrition and Health Surveys, this study examined the effects of parental migration and residency status on the education, health, parenting, and personal values of children, with particular focus on left‐behind and migrant children. The findings suggest that parental migration and residency status play important roles in the educational and health outcomes, parental supervision, and personal values of children. Through analyzing the differences and possible reasons for disparate outcomes among child populations, this study aimed to improve public understanding of migrant and left‐behind children's well‐being in China, and explore implications for future studies and welfare policy making. Key Practitioner Message: ● Help to identify the impact of migration on individual, family, and the society domestically and internationally;Provide implications for welfare policy making, program design, and service delivery for migrant populations;Explore the approaches to addressing migration‐related issues in different countries with internal and transnational migrant populations.  相似文献   

In Australia, there is a dearth of literature available on men as principal carers despite reports which show that in the 60 + age group, looking after a sick spouse becomes the major form of caregiving and men as carers predominate (ABS, 1993). The paper reports findings from a study of 26 aged husbands who cared at home for their cognitively impaired wives. In‐depth interviews collected quantitative and qualitative data about men's caregiving experiences. Findings challenge the literature about the role gender plays in evoking care and service responses. Results show how men demonstrated a strong injunction to care, performed intimate personal care tasks competently, received limited government support and derived some satisfaction from the caregiving role. Despite similarities between male and female caregivers being noted, some gender differences in the way in which men approached the care role are described. The need for community care policies to be more sensitive to the gendered context of elderly care provision is discussed.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationships between social support and social networks of female immigrants married to South Korean men, using two-year data on migrant wives from the Gyeonggi Welfare Panel and an ego-centred network approach. The results suggest that a larger network with less cohesive ties provides more diverse social support for migrant wives. Migrant wives gradually reduce dependence on their family-in-laws and play roles of support givers for those with the same nationality by sharing their experiences in South Korea. The ego-centred network analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of the social networks of married migrant women in South Korea.  相似文献   

Following a continuing decline in representation in the Australian population, the Chinese community began again to show signs of life after the Second World War with numbers of wives and dependents beginning to arrive to join their husbands and fathers. This movement was made possible by the granting of naturalization rights to the Chinese in 1956. The pre-war and post-war trends of Chinese migration are surveyed, and are related to current marriage patterns among the Chinese in Melbourne.  相似文献   

陈奕玲 《唐都学刊》2012,28(1):59-72
从文武官职的角度看,"军将"、"武臣"、"武将"在魏晋南北朝时期主要用来泛指军事行动中的各级统帅,多与地方行政官职构成文武之别,但"军将"一词北魏后内涵有所扩展,亦指中央与地方军队的统帅。"文官"与"武官"之称从东汉开始普及,主要用以区分中央官职。两汉存在"文吏"与"武吏"的对举,所指侧重地方的基层吏员集团。从文武群体的角度来看,汉代以后,从军队出身、以武功扬名者渐渐被视为一个群体,该群体常被称作"武士"、"武夫"、"武人"、"武将",他们多具有善战强悍、学识浅薄、不闲吏职等比较固定的特征。文人群体常被称为"文吏"、"儒生"、"文士"、"文人"、"学士",尽管诸词所指人群掌握的知识不尽相同,但它们都和武人群体相区别,强调其不长武事的特征。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This paper documents the effects of increasingly restrictive immigration and border policies on Mexican migrant workers in the United States. METHODS: Drawing on data from the Mexican Migration Project we create a data file that links age, education, English language ability, and cumulative U.S. experience in three legal categories (documented, undocumented, guest worker) to the occupational status and wage attained by migrant household heads on their most recent U.S. trip. RESULTS: We find that the wage and occupational returns to various forms of human capital generally declined after harsher policies were imposed and enforcement dramatically increased after 1996, especially for U.S. experience and English language ability. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that the labor market status of legal immigrants has deteriorated significantly in recent years as larger shares of the migrant workforce came to lack labor rights, either because they were undocumented or because they held temporary visas that did not allow mobility or bargaining over wages and working conditions.  相似文献   

Objectives. This article considers how becoming a father affects men's employment levels and tests whether the effects of fatherhood differ by the relationship of the father to the child's mother at the time of the birth. Methods. We use data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study to fit growth curve models of new fathers' employment trajectories for the first five years after they become fathers. Results. Prior to becoming a father, married men worked more hours per week and more weeks per year than cohabiting and nonresident fathers. By five years after the birth, differences in employment between unmarried and married fathers had diminished. Conclusions. The transition to fatherhood is associated with an increase in employment for unmarried fathers but is not associated with significant changes in employment for married fathers.  相似文献   

Objectives. We study migrant remittances among households surveyed in Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, testing expectations derived from the new economics of labor migration (NELM) and from the historic‐structural approach. Methods. We applied logistic regression analyses to survey data collected by the Mexican Migration Project and the Latin American Migration Project, focusing on the contrast between Mexico and the Dominican Republic. Results. In Mexico, remittances seem to be associated with the patriarchal traditional family, but in the Dominican Republic we verified the opposite. Receipt of remittances is positively associated with degree of development among Mexican households, but the association is negative in the Dominican Republic. In addition, Mexican remittances are negatively associated with the number of businesses in the local community. Conclusions. In Mexico, as predicted by NELM, the cohesive patriarchal family ensures the flow of remittances as part of a household strategy of risk diversification. Dominican remittances, however, seem to be mostly determined by lack of opportunities and household need.  相似文献   

Objective . This research examines the role of the family in the immigrant settlement process by assessing the labor supply behavior of immigrant spouses. Methods . We make use of a unique data set—the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Australia (LSIA), which provides detailed demographic, human capital, and labor market information for both principal applicants and their spouses. Results . Family circumstances such as the presence of young children, partners' hours of work, and family income are important determinants of labor supply. Similarly, human capital, particularly English language ability, is closely related to hours worked, and there is some evidence that spouses' employment is related to the visa category of their partners. Conclusions . Since immigration is not a solitary undertaking, evaluations of immigration policy and the economic status of immigrants that ignore interactions between family members may be inaccurate in their representation of the financial health and economic contributions of immigrants.  相似文献   

Objective. Sense of appreciation for the work one does contributes to subjective well‐being and relational satisfaction, but few studies examine the factors that may affect levels of recognition for household labor. We formulate and test hypotheses based on the effort‐reward imbalance model in occupational health research to investigate the extent to which married women feel that the work they do around the house is appreciated. Methods. We use data from a sample of married women from the 1987–1988 National Survey of Families and Households to test these hypotheses. Results. We find that wives' absolute time spent in housework and the share they do are both important in shaping their perception of appreciation for housework. Women who hold relatively liberal attitudes toward gender roles and those who have more options outside marriage are less likely to feel appreciated. Finally, wives who often share time with their husbands tend to report higher levels of gratitude for their work at home than those who do so rarely. Conclusions. This study suggests that the literature on psychological and relational outcomes of household labor should go beyond amounts and divisions of housework to include beliefs about roles, couples' dependency, and their relationship.  相似文献   

Turchi B 《Social science》1987,72(2-4):185-190
In this study of household time allocations, Turchi argues that children play a crucial part in the trade-off that members of a household must make between time at home and the pursuit of economic gains in the marketplace. Turchi examined data collected by Baumann, Udry, and Turchi in 1977 for a study of marriage and fertility to study how families handle the time that children add to their schedules. Using the data and the theory of utility maximization from economics, the researchers were able to look at the amounts of time a group of parents reported spending in various child-related activities and the impact this had on their economic status. The average number of hours a wife devotes to various activities varies considerably with having children. For example, wives spend 21 hours/week on general housework before having children, 16 hours/week when the children are preschool age, and 13 hours/week when the children are school-age. The child-related housework increased from 0 to 26 hours with preschool children, and then decreased to 21 hours with school-age children. Child care increased to 26 hours/week with preschoolers, and decreased to 20 with school-age children. Outside employment dropped from 29 hours/week to 11 with preschoolers, and increased to 18 with school-age children. Turchi has developed a method for measuring the value of time for nonworking women; it allows more precise understanding of the factors that determine the time allocation of wives, and, in particular, their fertility decision. This method allows the estimation of the monetary value of time spent in housework and child care, which is of great interest to lawyers who specialize in personal injury and divorce cases. While findings may support the argument that individuals who grow up without siblings are more successful, more intelligent, and better educated because of more quality time from parents, Turchi offers a different interpretation. He suggests that sharing a parent's time with siblings also results in quality time spent with a child. 2 children do not necessarily double the time costs of 1. He further argues than the psychological costs per child may even drop as family size increases.  相似文献   

就业是民生之本,现阶段总体就业形势严峻。随着高校的大规模扩招,毕业生总体供大于求。大学生就业难仅仅是一般劳动就业问题,女大学生就业难除了劳动就业问题以外,还附带有劳动力市场上的性别歧视问题。本文首先对女大学生的现状进行分析,然后对女大学生就业难提出具体有针对性的对策,以便消除女大学生就业中的"性别歧视",实现男女大学生的平等就业,充分发挥女性人力资源的重要作用。  相似文献   

本文从角色视角,利用调查数据,分析性别失衡背景下农民工心理失范的性别差异及其机制。研究发现,性别、婚姻状况和与“养家糊口”相关的社会角色及特征对农民工的心理失范具有显著影响,其中,男性的心理失范程度要比女性严重,婚姻状态对农民工的心理失范影响没有性别差异,与“养家糊口”相关的社会角色及特征对农民工心理失范的影响存在性别差异。研究进一步发展了暴露差异理论与脆弱性差异理论,认为社会角色与性别角色变迁的不一致导致了角色紧张的出现,从而导致心理失范及其影响因素的性别差异。  相似文献   

Over half of three hundred fifth-formers surveyed had taken holiday jobs and over a third worked part-time during the school term. The average remuneration for those who worked was $1.75 for boys and $1.20 for girls and the average time in employment per week was almost twenty hours in the holidays and about seven and a half during term. While the respondents reported that they worked for money and to gain acceptance in the adult world, a majority of them stated that they favoured compulsory work experience, advocating that all students should spend time on farms or in factories as part of their education.  相似文献   

Older Couples     
This study examines the degree to which older, noninstitutionalized husbands and wives are involved in providing various types of assistance, the likelihood of providing assistance to one's spouse and to others, and the characteristics associated with giving more forms of help. The findings suggest that older wives are more likely than older husbands to provide most of these forms of assistance. Furthermore, husbands are more likely to help their spouses, while wives are more likely to report helping people outside the conjugal pair. Multiple regression analysis suggests that the ability of the potential recipient spouse to perform daily living tasks is a key factor in determining number of forms of help provided by the potential helping spouse.  相似文献   

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