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20世纪90年代的中国纪录片曾经有过一段辉煌,一方面以<东方时空·生活空间>为代表的短纪录片广受赞誉,一句"讲述老百姓自己的故事"成为受到百姓欢迎和纪录人自豪的流行语;另一方面,以吴文光、蒋樾等为代表的独立纪录片制作人,也因频获国际大奖而令人瞩目.但是到90年代末,人们发现无论是哪一类的纪录片,开始逐渐被人们冷落,"纪录片向何处去?"成为世纪之交人们的质疑和困惑.  相似文献   

萧红是中国现代文学史上勤于变换写作手法的先锋性实验派作家,她的小说、散文、诗歌、戏剧常有出人意料之笔.萧红从由鲁迅作序、胡风写读后,发表<生死场>以来,她的结构一直是有争议的.20世纪30年代就有"结构不坚实"的微词,而她却逆势创作了短篇小说<手>、<家族以外的人>、<小城三月>,结构完美地无可挑剔.40年代,茅盾掩饰不住对<呼兰河传>的溢美之情,称其为"一篇叙事诗,一幅多彩的风土画,一串凄婉的歌谣".新时期,杨义则进一步将她的小说定位为"诗之小说",称其为中国"30年代的文学洛神".  相似文献   

张晓彭 《社科纵横》2008,23(2):124-126
20世纪80年代以来,通过国内外学者的共同努力,<三国演义>研究有了突破性进展.本文就近三十年来学界对<三国演义>的作者籍贯、成书年代及主题研究的主要状况,略加综述.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中期,我在南京政治学院读研究生时,给自己确定了一些必读的学术刊物,以了解学界的研究动态.<学习与探索>就是其中重要的一份.当时给我印象深刻的有两点:一是这份刊物的学术水准高,能及时反映学界的热点问题并进行深度追踪;  相似文献   

史可扬 《唐都学刊》2008,24(3):47-51
百年中国电影可划分为五个阶段,即20世纪30年代以前;30、40年代;50、60年代;80年代;90年代至今.从对这些阶段的扫描和分析中,我们可以发现,每个阶段的中国电影都与相应历史阶段的社会主题相呼应.在一定意义上,中国电影是百年中国社会风云变迁的"文化症候".根据这样的基本认识,笔者在此尝试对百年中国电影做一社会文化分析.  相似文献   

王朔在20世纪80年代末90年代初的中国文坛上具有不可替代的位置.围绕着王朔本人的言行、王朔小说内容的精神实质、王朔的电视剧以及他的商业操作方式所引起的观点尖锐对立的争论成为90年代非常富有启发性的文化现象.  相似文献   

李鲁祥 《唐都学刊》2005,21(1):98-101
20世纪90年代中后期,在欧美电影界,伊朗电影以其体制内、低成本的温情故事取代了90年代初精美的中国历史寓言叙述,成就了别样的第三世界电影景观.因此,世纪门槛上的中国艺术电影,便继豪华冷艳的画屏式人生展现转而盈溢起苦涩柔情.同样讲述的是一个关于贫穷的故事,伊朗导演马哲·马芝迪的电影<小鞋子>和中国导演杨亚洲的电影<美丽的大脚>,却各自有着不同的讲述和思考.  相似文献   

从19世纪90年代起至20世纪90年代末这100多年间,西方涂尔干社会学思想研究大致可划分为四个阶段,争论的焦点集中在涂尔干社会学思想的主题、保守性、连续性和方法论上.涂尔干社会学思想在中国的传播及研究经历了起步--中断--复苏的过程.20世纪90年代以来,国内学者关于涂尔干思想研究可分为两大层面:一是对涂尔干思想本身的研究,二是从涂尔干理论对分析现代社会的实际问题所具有的启发意义出发进行的研究.国内学者对涂尔干思想的研究在取得显著进展的同时,也存在局部性研究较多而整体性研究较少、对西方最新研究成果关注不够、专业术语翻译不统一、误读原著等明显缺陷.  相似文献   

改革前中国与俄罗斯具有相类似的政治、经济制度和法律体系.20世纪80-90年代,两国先后开始了经济体制改革,俄罗斯在改革取得初步成效的基础上,着手制定民法典,历经十几年,完成一部适应新时代发展的<民法典>,而中国至今仍未形成民法典.文章着重分析了中俄两国在寻找现代<民法典>的进程中的不同特点,以及俄罗斯的民法法典化进程对中国的启示.  相似文献   

近年来,随着新诗研究程度的深化、细化,已鲜有拓荒性的力作诞生,众多学者为出新、求变,或沉潜于新诗细微处取证,或跨学科嫁接新的学术生长点,一定程度上开阔了研究视域,但亦使新诗研究陷入僵枯的历史考证 和文学性稀薄的社会文化研究之中.日前,吴井泉先生出版的<现代诗学传统与文化阐释>(黑龙江人民出版社2009年版,以下简称<阐释>)摈弃从五四出发的传统新诗研究范式,将聚焦点移至20世纪40年代、80年代和90年代--三个新诗相对成熟、稳定、多元的发展阶段,从诗潮、流派、重要诗人三方面逐层递进地绘制诗界版图,多层次探寻新诗传统形成期各种诗潮相互对抗与和解的动态演变轨迹.  相似文献   

钟书林 《唐都学刊》2009,25(2):32-35
刘宋至北宋之前,是《后汉书》接受传播的第一座高峰;北宋至明代之前。《后汉书》的影响传播有所下降;明清时期,是《后汉书》研究的第二座高峰,也是黄金时期;20世纪三四十年代,《后汉书》研究进入全面系统阶段。  相似文献   

Objectives. Although recent research has documented the contributions of philanthropic foundations as “patrons” of the major identity movements, scholars know very little about the specific ways foundations have influenced these movements' development and impact. This study examines the role of foundations in shaping the U.S. women's movement of the 1960s–1980s, in particular the role that foundations played in deciding which of its claimsmakers—and by extension, its claims—would be sustained. Methods. The study is based on an original data set of nearly 6,500 foundation grants to women's groups, or for women's causes, from 1970 to 1990. It examines shifts in the types of groups that received foundation grants and in the female interests that these groups represented. Results. Philanthropic patrons were central to transforming women from servants of society into claimants against the state. Likewise, foundations played a critical role in segmenting U.S. womanhood into politically relevant subgroups (civic stewards, battered women, lesbians, etc.) with ever narrower policy claims. Conclusions. By legitimizing identity subgroups and their policy agendas, foundations played an important role in the development of special interest politics in the second half of the 20th century. In this way, professional grantmakers have constituted a critical yet overlooked force behind the construction of U.S. hyperpluralism, in the process diminishing the capacity of gender to unite women in common cause.  相似文献   

孟祥光  王辉斌 《阅江学刊》2012,4(1):115-118,130
中国孟浩然研究会会长王辉斌教授对自新中国成立以来62年的孟浩然研究进行了较全面总结,并对孟浩然研究的将来进行了构想与预示。前期的孟浩然研究研究呈现出了两个特点:其一是注重对孟浩然作品特别是一些名作的解读与品鉴;其二是对孟浩然的生平事迹进行了具体考察。中期为"十年文革",孟浩然研究成果基本阙如。后期即当代的孟浩然研究,主要体现出了四大特点。孟浩然研究的将来,至少有七大专题需要尽快研究。  相似文献   

Story stem narrative tasks provide insight into young children's inner experiences. Little research has investigated how developmental capacities impact narrative content and process. This study evaluates the influence of executive functioning (EF) and language ability on children's narratives. Data were gathered from 210 low‐income children. EF and language ability were assessed at age 4 and EF was assessed at age 6 via direct examination, cognitive‐motor tasks, and examiner ratings. Children's responses to eight story stems were gathered at age 6; three latent narrative variables were constructed (Prosocial, Aggressive/Conflict, and Avoidance/Danger), and Narrative Coherence was rated. Results of longitudinal path analyses in structural equation modeling demonstrated age 4 EF significantly predicted all narrative outcomes. Language ability independently predicted Prosocial and Narrative Coherence, and had an influence on Aggression/Conflict when modeled with EF. Age 6 EF mediated the relationship between age 4 EF and narrative outcomes. Findings provide insight into developmental abilities that influence on children's narrative responses to challenging interpersonal scenarios. Future research should study parent–child relations, EF, and language abilities simultaneously.  相似文献   

李衍柱 《阅江学刊》2010,(4):135-142
长篇历史小说《大秦帝国》最大的革新是精神理念上的突破,主要体现在三个方面:一,文明史观与创作理念的颠覆性和挑战性;二,文史哲交融的大文学观,将议论、历史考评文字作为小说构成要素;三,立足于新的时代新的历史起点,形成和确立了"历史发展是文明形态的演进"的审美判断,形象地呈现了民族文明形态演进的轨迹。作者对议论思辨、考证文字的运用,成为《大秦帝国》这一充满生命气息的有机整体的不可分割的组成部分。但有些繁多的考证文字和图示,容易冲淡跌宕起伏的故事情节给予读者的审美意味;最后的"祭秦论"部分,在与整部作品的情感发展逻辑的有机统一性、人物事件的连贯性与加深、提高、升华作品的历史哲学意味方面,缺乏应有的深度和高度,因而,只能作为一篇具有原创性的学术论文存在于世。  相似文献   

The traditional detective story—not a crime novel but precisely a detective story—has not really adapted to Russia. To realize the longing for Truth and Justice, normal to any average person, we must still identify ourselves with the heroes of Dick Francis or Agatha Christie. And it is not that the detective story in its classical form is outdated; actually, it is one of the youngest genres and flourishes quite well in the West on a par with the crime novel.  相似文献   

《The Senses and Society》2013,8(3):290-313

This article explores the relationship between the thinking, feeling, moving body, and a city's industrial architecture. It takes as its fieldwork site the Brooklyn, Manhattan, Williamsburg and 59th Street bridges that dominate downtown New York, and uses this to present an ethnographic understanding of lived experience as a continuous sensory exchange between mind, body, and world. New York's bridges, towering 300 feet into the air and 7,000 feet across, established a new sense of scale against which citizens could compare their finite, organic bodies. The article draws upon a practice-based research project, New York Stories, for which I recorded more than a hundred interior dialogues of random strangers as they moved around the city. People's movement across bridges, reveals them to be complex sites of perception, sensation, and experience, which generate ongoing streams of interior dialogue ranging from the trivial to the tragic. For when walking across a bridge people are no longer attached to the land or part of the city but are instead partially in the sky above the water, “making strange” the sense of being on the ground, and subjecting people to various delirious effects including vertigo, flying, and falling, before reaching the other side. It is a story told through words and images in the form of a photo-essay with accompanying text that derives from the practice-based ethnography that is also available in video and audible form online.  相似文献   

Fathers can make positive contributions to their children's well‐being. However, involving the literature and this research indicate that fathers are much less likely to be engaged with child welfare services than mothers. This paper reports the findings of life story research with 18 fathers involved with child welfare. It focuses on these men's perspectives of fatherhood and their relationships with their children. Also, reactions to these fatherhood stories from father and service provider focus groups are examined. The findings challenge common perceptions of these fathers and highlight similarities and differences in perspectives between fathers and service providers. Implications for engaging fathers in child welfare practice are discussed.  相似文献   

曾一果 《阅江学刊》2012,4(2):91-96
苏童在其以《妇女生活》为代表的小说世界中塑造了各种"叛逆女",却并不是迎合"妇女解放"思潮。侯咏在改编苏童小说的基础上,试图用电影《茉莉花开》打造一部符合女权主义思想的"女性启示录",但最终展现给观众的事与愿违,是一部杂糅、拼贴的"后现代主义"的女性故事。这样的一种拼贴风格或许正是当下中国影像文化的真实处境,缺乏真正的思想意识和艺术创见,许多影像产品只是不同思想观念的大杂烩。  相似文献   

舍伍德.安德森是美国现代文学史上享有特殊地位的重要作家,其小说《林中之死》是现代短篇小说的经典之作。本文运用文体学的分析方法,对该小说进行探讨,揭示小说的思想内容与言辞形式上的潜在联系,以期对它的思想内涵和创作技法有更进一步的了解与把握。  相似文献   

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