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创建西藏新型环境资源产业,全面建设高原小康社会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为使西藏农牧民增产增收 ,实现小康社会目标 ,需要重新认识高原环境资源状况 ,建立新型环境资源产业 ,并且掌握环境资源价值实现的基本特性 ,选择环境资源产业的市场运作方式 ,采取多种体现地方特色的综合措施 ,谋取经济、生态与社会效益最大化。  相似文献   

青海泽库县和日村生态移民凭借自身的文化传统发展出了适合当地消费模式的特色产业——石刻业,结合当地的风俗习惯和宗教信仰,围绕石头产品的加工而形成完整的产业链。从游牧到定居,不仅带来了和日村生态移民身份的转换,也使其生计方式发生了巨大的变迁。迁出牧区,靠近城镇,新的生产生活环境,促使他们的生计方式由过去的以牧业为主向现今以手工业——石刻业——为主转变,石刻业已成为和日村生态移民后续产业的支柱。后续产业的运作,是以资源合理利用为核心展开的一种人与自然、人与人相互交往交流的最基本活动。实现传统产业的顺利转型,需要在充分考察藏族文化传统优势的基础上,与其他形式互联,探索符合实际需求的生态移民后续产业发展出路。  相似文献   

兴边富民行动是我国边疆建设的重要举措。实施兴边富民行动要结合边疆地区自身的资源禀赋。东北边疆地区生态资源丰富,是我国极其重要的生态安全保护屏障。研究边疆地区人与自然和谐共生的现实路径,对于缓解生态脆弱区的人地矛盾、促进区域经济社会可持续发展具有重要意义。本文在厘清生态产品价值实现基本内涵的基础上,以国家重点生态功能区所涉及的东北边疆区县为主要研究对象,对区域内生态产品开发现状进行梳理,探索以生态产品价值实现为抓手的兴边富民路径,并结合实践中存在的主要障碍提出具体对策建议。  相似文献   

三江源地区生态退化的新制度经济学解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马洪波 《西藏研究》2007,1(3):88-96
三江源地区生态退化既有气候干旱化的自然原因,又有人类活动过度的人为原因,但更为根本的是制度因素。文章运用新制度经济学的概念和原理,从草场产权制度不尽合理、资源与环境法律制度不够完善以及游牧文化向农耕文化不断转化等三个方面提出了导致三江源地区生态退化的新解释,增加了认识青藏高原生态环境变化的新视角。  相似文献   

沈茂英 《西藏研究》2012,(4):105-114
基于四川藏区生态环境的脆弱性与多样性、经济社会发展的边缘性与依附性、人口发展的乡村性与贫困性等特征,其发展路径必须以重要生态功能区与生态脆弱区为基础,以国家特殊贫困区为背景,选择制度许可且符合区域特色的发展路径。结合四川藏区的社会经济与人口发展环境,应重点做好三方面工作,一是正确评估四川藏区生态产品价值,建立生态价值考评机制;二是加大藏区重点聚落的基础设施建设,改善民众的基本生存环境;三是增加向农牧民的财政转移专项支持,提高农牧民人均收入。  相似文献   

未来青藏高原应该建设成为生态文明区。实现这个目标,有两件最重要的大事必须做到:一是保护建设自然生态环境,二是保护继承藏族文化生态与文化资源。保护自然生态环境与保护文化生态环境必须同步进行,这是相辅相成的系统工程。文章论述了藏族文化生态的基本特征,分析了文化传统衰退的弊病,提出了整体保护藏区自然生态环境与文化生态的原则、方式与措施。  相似文献   

青海省资源富集但可供开发的区域有限,生态潜力巨大但价值转化的支撑有限。进入新发展阶段,构建新发展格局,青海省面临着经济发展与生态保护之间的矛盾,找准适合高原地区生态经济发展路径,实现“两山”理论在青海省的转化,是当下及未来发展的时代命题。本文基于青海省的区位优势、战略定位,从生态产品价值实现示范区、国家公园建设样板区、“双碳”实践先行区、基础功能一体区四个维度分析了青海省产业生态化的愿景;剖析了青海省产业生态化的现状与问题;从产业赋能、枢纽聚能、创新激能、城乡释能、开放拓能、要素助能六个方面阐述了青海省产业生态化的路径选择;最后提出了产业生态化的对策建议。  相似文献   

青藏高原生态城市化模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市化是各地实现现代化的必经之路。由于特殊生态环境和生态地位 ,青藏高原的城市化应当走出一条有别与其他地区的模式。本文从青藏高原城市化进程应当考虑的特殊因素出发 ,提出“生态城市化模式”的构想 ,并对其基本内容进行分析。  相似文献   

一、资金状况的基本分析 资金是社会经济发展的重要要素,既是其他各类有形经济资源(自然资源、劳动力、物质技术装备等)和无形经济资源(知识、技术等)的价值体现,又是将各类经济资源联系、组合起来的纽带。资金状况是社会经济发展水平及其结构、效益状况的综合体现。  相似文献   

产业经济生态化发展是我国西部民族地区实现可持续发展的重要物质保障和基本经济支撑,在西部民族地区产业经济发展的实践中必须重视发展生态产业。本文以生态民族学理念为指导,分五个部分先后分析了我国西部民族地区产业经济生态化发展面临的多重制约,探讨了该区域产业经济生态化发展的战略构想和破解现存约束的制度创新途径,最后总结了几点具有一定普遍意义的重要启示和结论,为我国以科学的发展观为指导,最终实现全社会经济发展和人口、资源、环境相协调的发展战略提供理论依据和政策参考。  相似文献   

青藏铁路作为全国乃至世界上首条高原生态环保铁路,通过其环保理念和环保实践及在全方位、多领域、各环节实施的环保措施,对青藏高原生态环境起到积极的保护作用,是人与自然生态、建设项目与高原环境和谐相处的典范,它将为我国今后经济建设项目的环境保护提供可以借鉴的成功经验,同时能发挥良好示范和典型引导作用,正如曾培炎副总理关于"青藏铁路建设中认真做好环境保护工作的经验,值得全面总结推广"的重要批示。可以预言,建成并投入使用的青藏铁路建设生态环保体系,必将在今后铁路运营中发挥良好的经济、生态和社会效益。  相似文献   

王元聪  刘秀兰 《民族学刊》2021,12(2):61-67, 99
相对贫困绿色治理理论吸纳了绿色发展、缓解相对贫困与可持续生计意蕴,因此更能够平衡、协调与融贯“经济-社会-生态”三大系统聚焦的效率、公平与可持续取向;在实践中又沿循产业绿色化与绿色产业化运转逻辑,坚持问题追溯、过程管理与目标瞄准相结合,能够精准地消弭经济发展与生态保护中出现的间隙隔阂,进而能够真正助益藏彝民族地区实现持续性高质量发展。  相似文献   

龚勤林  贺培科  曹邦英 《民族学刊》2022,13(9):119-129, 165
脱贫攻坚助力民族地区实现了全面小康,也为促进共同富裕打下了坚实基础。但民族地区依然是缩小城乡和区域发展差距的重点和难点地区,特别是推动民族地区农村居民实现可持续增收更是实现共同富裕的重中之重和难中之难。本文基于收入总量、结构比例、区域差异等多维度比较,以四川省具有代表性的三个民族自治州为例,总结分析了民族地区农村居民收入及其四项构成的差异特征,分类探讨了增收的来源,以及面临的经营净收入相对过大、工资性收入增速下降、财产净收入和转移净收入规模小等增收的不可持续性风险。基于此提出要巩固拓宽工资性收入和经营净收入的创造性财富规模,探索增大财产净收入和转移净收入的分配性财富收入,促进民族地区农村居民可持续增收,最终实现共同富裕。  相似文献   

治理贫困和实施乡村振兴战略,对于先天劣势的山区民族乡村,选准最为适宜的具有可持续性的产业才是根本。历史上竹木民艺器物成为广西融江流域民族文化的符号,二十世纪七十年代,是当地的主要财源产业,二十世纪八十年代竹木民艺逐渐衰落。如今,古的习尚潮流重新回归,亲近自然美和追逐绿色生态,传统生态工艺又萌发了生机。要把民艺产品植入文化进行"活化"开发,使生态资源转化为生态资本,进入资本市场,以新业态和模式引领八桂传统工艺文化的复兴和走向,使之成为乡村振兴的优势文化产业。  相似文献   

从瑶族历史文献<评皇券牒>的各种抄本、神话、故事传说、舞蹈艺术、村寨布局、传统社会组织及风俗习惯等可视和不可视的历史记忆入手,分析瑶族的自我认同、自我定位、族群凝聚力的打造以及与外族竞争的心态;认为生态环境和传统文化铸就了该民族是一个知足、不愿轻易冒险、礼让、回避、迁移和勤劳勇敢、艰辛度日、迁移游耕、渴望美好生活的群体.  相似文献   

丹曲 《西藏研究》2007,1(1):58-67
藏族史诗《格萨尔》宏大磅礴,从中既能领略到雪域高原的自然风貌和人文景观,又可感受到在恶劣的自然环境下人们生存的不易和生活的艰辛。史诗不仅再现了古代藏族在生存与发展过程中,认知自然现象、总结自然规律的智慧,也反映了古代人民在适应自然环境协调、发展过程中形成的纯朴观念,这些观念充满着朴素的辩证思想,对指导高原社会人们的社会实践发挥了积极作用。文章简要概述了《格萨尔》中的生态内容,并阐述了其生态意识产生的文化背景和思想内涵。  相似文献   

郑长德 《民族学刊》2017,8(1):1-21,94-97
Development is the master key for resolving various problems in ethnic areas. During the process of development, we must have correct principles of development. During the “13th Five-Year Plan” period, it was acknowledged that the realization of the goal of building a moderately prosperous society, resolving its challenges, and grasping the advantages of development in ethnic areas must firmly establish and thoroughly conduct the development concepts of innovation, coordina ̄tion, green, openness and sharing. This article presents an evaluation framework of the “five de ̄velopment” concept, and then evaluates the devel ̄opment status of ethnic areas. Based on the results of this evaluation, it proposes approaches for inno ̄vation, coordination, green development, open ̄ness, and sharing in ethnic areas.
Innovation is the first driving force in guiding development;coordination is the requirement for a sustainable and healthy development; green or“green development” is a necessary condition for sustainable development and important for people’s pursuit of a good life;openness is the only road for a country’s prosperity and development; and sha ̄ring is the basic requirement of socialism with Chi ̄nese characteristics. This paper analyzes the status of innovation in ethnic areas from the innovations of products, technology, markets and systems, etc. And, it discovers that the general level of innova ̄tion in the eight ethnic provinces and districts of China ( Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Tibet, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Guizhou, Yunnan and Qinghai) is low, and that the development of innovation is unbal ̄anced. Compared with the national average, devel ̄opment in these areas lags far behind. For the pur ̄pose of maintaining constant economic growth in the ethnic areas, and chasing after the level of de ̄veloped areas, the input in innovation must be in ̄creased, and the structure of innovation must be further optimized so that innovation becomes an im ̄portant driving force in economic development. Realizing innovative development in ethnic areas must depend on the effort of constructing its own learning ability. Laborers should get good educa ̄tion, good infrastructure should be built, and good innovation environmental programs should be crea ̄ted with the investment of the government.
Realization of harmonious regional develop ̄ment is the basic purpose of China’s regional devel ̄opment strategy. Understanding this from the angle of economics, the concept of coordination at least should include coordination among three elements, i. e. time, departments and space. The concept of coordination for development should be realized through market mechanisms in the competitive en ̄vironment, or through the rational intervention of the government. The concept of coordination for development discussed here mainly refers to the development of coordination of different regions and of urban and rural areas. Seeing from the perspec ̄tive of harmonious regional development, the de ̄velopment in the eight ethnic provinces and dis ̄tricts is actually imbalanced. In addition, urban-rural relationship is another important aspect of re ̄gional coordination development. The imbalanced development between urban and rural areas in Chi ̄na is not only reflected in income, but is even more reflected in basic public services. The ap ̄proaches for realizing the development of regional coordination in ethnic areas should 1 ) be com ̄bined with an economic support belt, and impor ̄tant lines of communication;2 ) guide the popula ̄tion and economic activities to move to important regions for development;and 3 ) take a path of in ̄clusive and green urbanization.
Green development is a basic element for sus ̄tainable development. The purpose of green devel ̄opment is to get solid growth, and avoid unsustain ̄able models. Green development will make the re ̄sources efficient, clean and resilient in the process of development. Green development requires con ̄sidering the environmental capacity or resource carrying capacity while pushing economic develop ̄ment. There are three factors in green growth, that it be: efficient, clean and resilient. Green devel ̄opment in ethnic areas is decided by its ecological location. Generally speaking, compared with the national level, both the efficiency of resource usage and carbon emission in ethnic areas is low; and environmental resilience is very different in various areas. Increasing the resource usage rate and re ̄ducing carbon emission are the main approaches for realizing green development in ethnic areas. The rich natural resources in ethnic areas are only a potential advantage, and not an economic advan ̄tage in reality. For the purpose of turning rich nat ̄ural resources into an economic advantage, and u ̄sing them to promote the regional economic devel ̄opment, one should depend on the property rights structure of natural resources, regional conditions of the area, the exploitation cost, the local tech ̄niques for transforming natural resources, and the market conditions. We should strive to develop green ecological economics, and realize the“Three-Wins” in growth, poverty alleviation, and ecolo ̄gy. According to the ecological advantages of the ethnic areas, as well as their ecological position in the whole country, we should rapidly develop green ecological industries ( eco-agriculture, eco-tourism, eco -industry ) , and make ecological economics become the important source for increas ̄ing the income of the poor population. This should be done by taking the rare ecological resources as the base, the market needs as guidance, the mod ̄ern business model as the carrier, and social cap ̄ital as the driving force. Moreover, we should make plans for green development , make clear its goals and steps, and implement the Green Industry Approach. We should enhance ecological construc ̄tion and protection; and initiate new progress in ecological civilization and poverty alleviation.
Openness or opening up is an inevitable course for the prosperity and development of a country or a district. Openness in ethnic areas in ̄cludes both external and internal openness. Exter ̄nal openness is opening up to other countries or districts, and internal openness is opening up to other areas within China. It could be noticed that external openness in the eight provinces and dis ̄tricts of ethnic areas in China is imbalanced. So, we should integrate it with the construction strategy of the “One Belt and One Road” program, and construct a new external opening up framework in an all-round way. Ethnic areas are core areas of and an important foundation for constructing of the Silk Road economic belt, and the 21st -century Maritime Silk Road. The ethnic areas should im ̄plement more actively the strategy of openness, and improve the strategic framework of opening up externally, construct new, open economic systems, expand new, open economic spaces so as to build the ethnic areas into important bridgeheads and create vital border economic belts opened to the west, north, and south of China.
Sharing the results of development by various ethnic groups, and realizing a common prosperity are the requirements of socialism. The nature of sharing development is inclusive, fair and benefi ̄cial. It further clarifies the keynotes of the rela ̄tionship between development and the people, and re-emphasizes that improving the benefits of the people, promoting the people’s development in all-round ways are starting points and goals of de ̄velopment. Poverty alleviation is the key in sharing development in the ethnic areas. The Central Pov ̄erty Alleviation and Development Work Conference proposed that “ the goal of poverty alleviation dur ̄ing ‘the 13 th Five-Year Plan’ is to win the battle against poverty, which includes ensuring food, clothing, compulsory education, basic medical service and housing security for the poor by 2020.” Furthermore,“precise poverty alleviation”is the basic strategy for fulfilling this goal. The foundation of “precise poverty alleviation” is to i ̄dentify poverty precisely, and to judge whether it belongs to income poverty or poverty by chance. Speaking from policy choice, we need to strength ̄en the self-development capability of poor popu ̄lations; speaking from project choice, we should evaluate whether it is pro -poor or pro -growth;speaking from industrial development, we should consider both the market choice and governmental support;and, speaking from spacial layout, a con ̄cept of sharing in development should be realized within centralized equalization.  相似文献   

青藏高原生态安全问题的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地处青藏高原腹地,气候高寒干旱,空气稀薄,气候特征使高原生态环境更加脆弱、敏感,自然生态系统的自我调节和修复能力差,生态环境遭到人为破坏后,极易造成生态环境的迅速恶化.青藏高原虽然土地辽阔,但高寒、干旱、缺氧,尚未发育成熟的生态链[1]极易受人类干扰,产生崩溃性失衡.这一巨大区域中少量人口的经济活动对中国生态环境产生的影响范围远远超出高原本身的范围,对生态环境产生的负面影响可以扩散至整个黄河和长江流域,进而对整个中华民族的生存发展产生重大影响.青藏高原的生态安全,事实上已经远远超越了青藏高原本身的范围,直接关系到中国、东南亚乃至全世界人民的生态利益,这一特性决定青藏高原的开发必须树立大生态观.  相似文献   

吴铀生 《民族学刊》2013,4(6):14-17,93-95
民族地区的社会稳定与经济发展息息相关。区域资源综合开发和整体开发资源是经济发展和社会稳定的血脉和基础,因此民族地区要要立足特色优势资源,全面落实科学发展观,加强资源整合与综合利用,发展资源节约型和环境友好型产业,构建特色优势产业体系,才能最终促进四川民族地区经济与社会的可持续发展。“十二五”期间,四川民族地区将进入经济发展与社会稳定的重要阶段,本文从加强民族地区整合优势资源,构建优势产业体系出发,阐述了推进传统特色农牧业向现代特色农牧业跨越,以及维护社会稳定的具体措施。  相似文献   

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