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This study assessed whether trajectories of parental monitoring components were different for sexual minority girls (SMGs) compared to heterosexual girls. We recruited 14–19‐year‐old girls from two adolescent medicine clinics. We estimated growth curve models to compare how components of parental monitoring—adolescent disclosure, parental solicitation, and parental knowledge—changed over 2 years for SMGs and heterosexual girls. SMGs and heterosexual girls had similar trajectory slopes and quadratic forms of adolescent disclosure, but SMGs had consistently lower adolescent disclosure scores. Parental knowledge trajectories indicated differential intercepts and slopes for SMGs compared to heterosexual girls, suggesting potential higher risk for maladaptive behaviors. Results of this study suggest that parental monitoring may operate differently over time for SMGs compared to heterosexual girls.  相似文献   

From socialization theory, it was hypothesized that parental support and monitoring as well as peer deviance would influence individual trajectories of alcohol misuse, other substance use, and delinquency. Six waves of data were analyzed using interviews with 506 adolescents in a general population sample. Results from multilevel modeling showed that monitoring significantly predicted adolescents’ initial levels (intercepts) of alcohol misuse and delinquency. Parental monitoring strongly predicted the rates of increase (slope) in all 3 problem behaviors. Peer deviance significantly predicted initial levels of all problem behaviors and the rates of increase in them. This study provides evidence that both effective parenting and avoidance of associations with delinquent peers are important factors in preventing adolescent problem behaviors.  相似文献   

A process‐oriented approach to parental divorce locates the experience within the social and developmental context of children's lives, providing greater insight into how parental divorce produces vulnerability in some children and resiliency in others. The current study involves prospectively tracking a nationally representative sample of Canadian children of ages 4–7 and living with two biological parents at initial interview in 1994 (N = 2,819), and comparing the mental health trajectories of children whose parents remain married with those whose parents divorce by 1998. Results from growth curve models confirm that, even before marital breakup, children whose parents later divorce exhibit higher levels of anxiety/depression and antisocial behavior than children whose parents remain married. There is a further increase in child anxiety/depression but not antisocial behavior associated with the event of parental divorce itself. Controlling for predivorce parental socioeconomic and psychosocial resources fully accounts for poorer child mental health at initial interview among children whose parents later divorce, but does not explain the divorce‐specific increase in anxiety/depression. Finally, a significant interaction between parental divorce and predivorce levels of family dysfunction suggests that child antisocial behavior decreases when marriages in highly dysfunctional families are dissolved.  相似文献   

This study investigated the prevalence of mental health problems among girls who are involved in child welfare or juvenile justice systems. The sample consisted of 1,193 girls ranging in age from 4 to 18, the majority (82.3%, n = 982) of which were older than age 12. Differences based on race/ethnicity and developmental age groups were examined. Consistent with other research, this study found that the mental health needs of girls involved in the child welfare or juvenile justice systems are several times higher than in the general population. Intervention approaches must be developed that take into consideration differences in gender, age, and racial and ethnic group.  相似文献   


Objectives: The relationship between social network risk (alcohol-using close friends), perceived peer closeness, substance use, and psychiatric symptoms was examined to identify risk and protective features of college students’ social context. Participants: Six hundred and seventy undergraduate students enrolled in a large southeastern university. Methods: An online survey was administered to consenting students. Results: Students with risky networks were at a 10-fold increase of hazardous drinking, 6-fold increase for weekly marijuana use, and 3-fold increase for weekly tobacco use. College students’ who feel very close to their peers were protected against psychiatric symptoms yet were at increased risk for marijuana use. Perceived closeness of peers was highly protective against psychiatric symptoms, adding a natural preventive effect for a population at great risk for mental illness. Conclusions: Results support targeting college students through network-oriented preventive interventions to address substance use as well as mental health.  相似文献   

This administrative data analysis examined substance use and mental health severity among a sample of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) individuals receiving residential treatment for an alcohol or drug use disorder. LGBTQ were statistically compared to heterosexual patients on a number of variables, including frequency and amount of pretreatment alcohol use, frequency of pretreatment illicit drug use, co-occurring Axis I mental health diagnoses, and past history of physical or sexual abuse. LGBTQ patients exhibited significantly greater severity on nearly all variables, suggesting a strong relationship between clinical severity and being a sexual minority. This study also found a relationship between patient gender and the pattern of differences between LGBTQ and heterosexual patients. These results replicate and extend those of studies examining LGBTQ in the general population and suggest opportunities for development of alcohol/drug treatment approaches that address the unique needs of LGBTQ.  相似文献   

Sexual minorities are overrepresented among homeless youths, and this is often related to reactions to their status as sexual minorities. While on the streets, they are at increased risk for victimization, substance and alcohol use, sexual risk behaviors, and mental health issues compared to homeless heterosexual youths. This article uses ecological systems theory to examine psychosocial problems associated with homelessness among sexual minority youths and reviews empirical literature examining outcomes related to homeless sexual minority youths including mental health, substance use, and sexual risk behavior. Implications for social work are discussed including practice, policy, and suggestions for future studies.  相似文献   


Objectives: Racial discrimination experiences can negatively affect health. This study examined perceived discrimination and its relationship with mental health and substance use among Asian American and Pacific Islander (API) undergraduate and graduate students. Participants: A total of 113 API students aged 18–35 completed the study during February–June, 2011. Methods: The authors conducted a cross-sectional, anonymous survey online. Dependent variables included mental health (depressive, anxiety, and somatic symptoms) and substance use (alcohol problems, use of tobacco, marijuana or hashish, and other illegal drugs). Results: Students’ perceived discrimination were significantly, positively associated with depressive, anxiety, and somatic symptoms, but not with substance use. Ethnic identity moderated the relationship between perceived discrimination and somatic symptoms, but not depressive or anxiety symptoms. Conclusions: These findings suggested the negative effect of racial discrimination on API students’ mental health. The buffering effect of ethnic identity may increase resilience in these students when they face racial discrimination.  相似文献   


Experiencing sexual victimization prior to becoming homeless is common among homeless youth and is associated with increased HIV risk behavior. This study examined mediating variables that underlie this association, adding to the understanding of gender differences in these paths. Participants were homeless youth in Los Angeles recruited through service access centers who completed a computerized self-administered interview in English or Spanish using an iPad. Findings indicate a high presence of sexual victimization across both genders. Female participants experienced posttraumatic stress disorder and subsequent engagement with exchange sex, whereas male participants were primarily involved in substance use risk pathways. Results indicate paths in the association between sexual victimization and HIV risk behavior differ between male and female homeless youth. Gender-specific, mental-health-informed interventions targeting sexual risk reduction are warranted.  相似文献   

This study evaluated whether a history of sexual abuse could differentiate negative health consequences among men who have sex with men (MSM; N = 148) enrolled in a risk counseling program. More than half (51.4%) reported an experience of sexual abuse. A history of sexual abuse was associated with increased psychological distress, increased rates of alcohol (AOR = 2.91; p <.01) and/or drug abuse (AOR = 2; p <.01) treatment, increased risk of housing instability (AOR = 2.13; p <.05), and increased risk for suicidality (AOR = 4.3; p <.001). Findings demonstrate that screening for sexual abuse may be useful in determining the service needs of high-risk MSM.  相似文献   

Homelessness is related to poorer mental health, yet, there is limited understanding of the predictors of mental health of men and women experiencing homelessness. To support service providers in identifying individuals who might be at particular risk of poor mental health, this study investigated the predictors of mental health in 501 single men and women experiencing homelessness in Vancouver, Toronto, and Ottawa, Canada. Data were obtained via in-person, structured interviews. In order to identify whether predictors differ by gender, multiple linear regressions were conducted separately for men and women. Mental health status was measured by the Mental Component Summary score of the 12-item Short-Form Health Survey. Better mental health for men and women was associated with the presence of fewer chronic health conditions and a higher level of social support. An older age, not having experienced a recent physical attack, and absence of a mental health diagnosis were related to better mental health for women. The absence of unmet mental health needs within the past 12 months was associated with better mental health for men. The study highlights differences in factors associated with mental health for men and women. Service providers should be aware of the association of these factors with mental health to guide assessment and service planning.  相似文献   


As urban adolescents encounter serious health and mental health risks, they present the allied health professions with important opportunities for health promotion and risk reduction interventions. However, the prevailing emphasis on adolescents' risk behaviors rather than on their vulnerability has limited our capacity to understand and serve them. Further limiting are the widely held myths that adolescents as a whole have few health problems and that they are poor judges of their own needs. This article presents an overview of current theories of adolescent risk and vulnerability and suggests Youth Development as an overarching framework for understanding both. Experience within a comprehensive, adolescent health and mental health center demonstrates how to meaningfully engage adolescents in their own health care from the start.  相似文献   


An automated screening system for substance abuse and mental health problems was developed and implemented in a rural primary care clinic. Eighty-nine patients were assessed with this system. The incidence of identified problems, 35% in total, was consistent with that found in previous studies of patients in general and medical settings. Additionally, over half of the patients assessed felt at least some need for mental health or substance abuse treatment. Nonetheless, because of the staff's concerns over patient privacy, impeding patient flow, and the physician's perceived ability to adequately identify these problems without assistance, the system was not adopted.  相似文献   


Objective: To determine if the substance use patterns of one's close friends and romantic partners would be a significant contributor to the co-occurrence of borderline personality disorder (BPD) features and drug use problems above and beyond impulsivity and negative emotionality. Participants: Participants were 2,202 undergraduates who attended a large southeastern university between 2003 and 2006. Methods: All subjects completed measures assessing the presence of BPD symptoms, drug use problems, general personality traits, and the proportion of their friends and partners who had used illicit drugs within the past 12 months. Results: The illicit drug use patterns of one's friends and romantic partners was a significant contributor to the co-occurrence of BPD features and drug use problems even when controlling for levels of impulsivity and negative emotionality. Conclusions: These findings suggest possible additional avenues for treatment focusing on helping students with BPD and drug use problems modify their social group.  相似文献   


Objective: The purpose of this study was to employ a multivariate approach to examine the correlates of self-rated health in a college sample of women, with particular emphasis on sexual assault history and related mental health outcomes. Participants: A national sample of 2,000 female college students participated in a structured phone interview between January and June 2006. Methods: Interview modules assessed demographics, posttraumatic stress disorder, major depressive episode, substance use, rape experiences, and physical health. Results: Logistic regression analyses showed that poor self-rated health was associated with low income (odds ratio [OR] = 2.70), lifetime posttraumatic stress disorder (OR = 2.47), lifetime major depressive episode (OR = 2.56), past year illicit drug use (OR = 2.48), and multiple rape history (OR = 2.25). Conclusions: These findings highlight the need for university mental health and medical service providers to assess for rape history, and to diagnose and treat related psychiatric problems in order to reduce physical morbidity.  相似文献   


This study examines differences in rural and urban mental health service utilization and service satisfaction. A cross-sectional survey design was used to gather information from a sample of 311 mental health consumers regarding their use of services relative to accessibility, availability, affordability, and acceptability. Data were collected from respondents individually or in small groups in various locations in one Midwestern state. Study findings showed that rural consumers are aware of fewer services, use fewer services, and are less satisfied with services than are urban consumers. Implications for rural mental health policy, practice, and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Child abuse and neglect often occur within the context of multiple risk factors, in particular parental mental health (MH) and/or drug and alcohol (D&A) problems. Interventions aimed at improving parental MH and D&A issues can have a positive impact on children now, as well as in the future. However, implementing sustainable service models that facilitate positive change for families with multiple risk factors is challenging. The purpose of the present study was to gain feedback from key stakeholders on a service model targeted at families where there are parental D&A, MH and child protection concerns to identify possible strengths and limitations of the model. This identified possible strategies for service improvement from the perspective of discharged clients and clinical staff. Gaining feedback from key stakeholders on service models is increasingly recognised as central to service evaluation and development. Ten interviews were conducted with clinical staff and twenty interviews with discharged clients of a pilot service that works with families where the child or children are at risk of significant harm in the context of parental MH and/or D&A issues. The interviews with clinicians highlighted difficulties working with this complex client group and its impact on staff burnout. Clinicians suggested how the model could be changed to better support clinical staff from burnout. Interviews with discharged clients highlighted the importance of the relationship with the worker in establishing client engagement and facilitating change. The way in which these recommendations informed the design of the service model is discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that Asian parents’ high academic expectations can lead to negative mental health outcomes among Asian American youth. We explore this hypothesis by analyzing data collected in an affluent, suburban high school with a large Asian American population. We examine the relationships between parent expectations, students’ relationships with their parents, and mental health outcomes among Asian American (predominantly Indian American and Chinese American) and white youth. We find that the quality of parent-child relationships is associated with mental health outcomes and that the association between parent expectations and mental health outcomes is insignificant after controlling for these relationships. We discuss significant differences by race and gender. The findings presented expand our understanding of the influence of Asian parents. They suggest that focusing on improving parent-child relationships, as opposed to altering parents’ expectations, might lead to improved mental health outcomes for Asian American youth, particularly for those in affluent communities.  相似文献   


Objective: The current study examined the relationship between sleep quality and health-related quality of life (HRQOL). Participants: Participants were 501 undergraduate students with allergies (167), asthma + allergies (167), or with no history of a chronic illness (167) completed study measures from August 2011 to April 2012. Methods: The undergraduate students completed questionnaires online as part of a larger study of psychosocial adjustment of young adults. Results: Young adults with allergies and asthma + allergies reported significantly worse sleep quality and HRQOL than healthy peers. Additionally, those with allergies and asthma + allergies had significantly more sleep disturbances and used sleeping medication significantly more often in the previous month than healthy peers. Conclusions: These results highlight concerns regarding quality of life and sleep problems in an often-overlooked population. Importantly, sleep difficulties can result in difficulties in daily living and impairment in academic functioning.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine changes in health behaviors among US emerging adults 1 year after high school. Participants: The national sample of participants (N = 1,927), including those attending 4-year college/university (n = 884), 2-year colleges/technical schools (n = 588), and no college (n = 455), participated in annual spring surveys 2013–2014. Methods: Health behaviors were assessed the last year of high school and first year of college; differences by college status controlling for previous-year values were estimated using regression analyses. Results: Relative to 4-year college attendees, those attending technical school/community college were less likely to binge drink (odds ratio [OR] = 0.57, confidence interval [CI] = 0.38–0.86) but more likely to speed (OR = 1.26, CI = 1.0–2.84), consume sodas (OR = 1.57, CI = 1.0–2.47), and report lower family satisfaction (p < .01), with marginally more physical and depressive symptoms. College nonattendees reported more DWI (driving while intoxicated; OR = 1.60, CI = 1.05–2.47), soda drinking (OR = 2.51, CI = 1.76–3.59), oversleeping (OR = 4.78, CI = 3.65–8.63), and less family satisfaction (p < .04). Conclusions: Health risk behaviors among emerging adults varied by college status.  相似文献   

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