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We extend the bivariate Wiener process considered by Whitmore and co-workers and model the joint process of a marker and health status. The health status process is assumed to be latent or unobservable. The time to reach the primary end point or failure (death, onset of disease, etc.) is the time when the latent health status process first crosses a failure threshold level. Inferences for the model are based on two kinds of data: censored survival data and marker measurements. Covariates, such as treatment variables, risk factors and base-line conditions, are related to the model parameters through generalized linear regression functions. The model offers a much richer potential for the study of treatment efficacy than do conventional models. Treatment effects can be assessed in terms of their influence on both the failure threshold and the health status process parameters. We derive an explicit formula for the prediction of residual failure times given the current marker level. Also we discuss model validation. This model does not require the proportional hazards assumption and hence can be widely used. To demonstrate the usefulness of the model, we apply the methods in analysing data from the protocol 116a of the AIDS Clinical Trials Group.  相似文献   


This paper proposes a hysteretic autoregressive model with GARCH specification and a skew Student's t-error distribution for financial time series. With an integrated hysteresis zone, this model allows both the conditional mean and conditional volatility switching in a regime to be delayed when the hysteresis variable lies in a hysteresis zone. We perform Bayesian estimation via an adaptive Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling scheme. The proposed Bayesian method allows simultaneous inferences for all unknown parameters, including threshold values and a delay parameter. To implement model selection, we propose a numerical approximation of the marginal likelihoods to posterior odds. The proposed methodology is illustrated using simulation studies and two major Asia stock basis series. We conduct a model comparison for variant hysteresis and threshold GARCH models based on the posterior odds ratios, finding strong evidence of the hysteretic effect and some asymmetric heavy-tailness. Versus multi-regime threshold GARCH models, this new collection of models is more suitable to describe real data sets. Finally, we employ Bayesian forecasting methods in a Value-at-Risk study of the return series.  相似文献   

We introduce a Bayesian approach to test linear autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) models against threshold autoregressive moving-average (TARMA) models. First, the marginal posterior densities of all parameters, including the threshold and delay, of a TARMA model are obtained by using Gibbs sampler with Metropolis–Hastings algorithm. Second, reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (RJMCMC) method is adopted to calculate the posterior probabilities for ARMA and TARMA models: Posterior evidence in favor of TARMA models indicates threshold nonlinearity. Finally, based on RJMCMC scheme and Akaike information criterion (AIC) or Bayesian information criterion (BIC), the procedure for modeling TARMA models is exploited. Simulation experiments and a real data example show that our method works well for distinguishing an ARMA from a TARMA model and for building TARMA models.  相似文献   

In haemodialysis patients, vascular access type is of paramount importance. Although recent studies have found that central venous catheter is often associated with poor outcomes and switching to arteriovenous fistula is beneficial, studies have not fully elucidated how the effect of switching of access on outcomes changes over time for patients on dialysis and whether the effect depends on switching time. In this paper, we characterise the switching access type effect on outcomes for haemodialysis patients. This is achieved by using a new class of multiple-index varying-coefficient (MIVC) models. We develop a new estimation procedure for MIVC models based on local linear, profile least-square method and Cholesky decomposition. Monte Carlo simulation studies show excellent finite sample performance. Finally, we analyse the dialysis data using our method.  相似文献   


This article considers linear social interaction models under incomplete information that allow for missing outcome data due to sample selection. For model estimation, assuming that each individual forms his/her belief about the other members’ outcomes based on rational expectations, we propose a two-step series nonlinear least squares estimator. Both the consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimator are established. As an empirical illustration, we apply the proposed model and method to National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) data to examine the impacts of friendship interactions on adolescents’ academic achievements. We provide empirical evidence that the interaction effects are important determinants of grade point average and that controlling for sample selection bias has certain impacts on the estimation results. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   

Billari (2001) introduced a new type of single-spell parametric transition-rate model: transition-rate models with a starting threshold. In such models, the transition-rate function is composed of two additive terms. The first term is a constant that holds for any given duration; the second is a ‘traditional’ transition-rate function with the threshold as its time origin, and it is added after a certain threshold point. The possibility of allowing for the presence of long-term survivors in the social process has not yet been dealt with, and it is of specific interest in several domains of application. In this paper, we develop the specific case of the sickle model. We discuss its features, its implementation as a starting threshold model, and the estimation of its parameters. The sickle model with starting threshold is then applied to the union formation of Italian men and women, using the Fertility and Family Survey data.  相似文献   

Self-Exciting Threshold Autoregressive (SETAR) models are a non-linear variant of conventional linear Autoregressive (AR) models. One advantage of SETAR models over conventional AR models lies in its flexible nature in dealing with possible asymmetric behaviour of economic variables. The concept of threshold cointegration implies that the Error Correction Mechanism (ECM) at a particular interval is inactive as a result of adjustment costs, and active when deviations from equilibrium exceed certain thresholds. For instance, the presence of adjustment costs can, in many circumstances, justify the fact that economic agents intervene to recalibrate back to a tolerable limit, as in the case when the benefits of adjustment are superior to its costs. We introduce an approach that accounts for potential asymmetry and we investigate the presence of the relative version of the purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis for 14 countries. Based on a threshold cointegration adaptation of the unit root test procedure suggested by Caner & Hansen (2001), we find evidence of an asymmetric adjustment for the relative version of PPP for eight pairs of countries.  相似文献   

Diao  Guoqing  Yuan  Ao 《Lifetime data analysis》2019,25(1):26-51

Current status data occur in many biomedical studies where we only know whether the event of interest occurs before or after a particular time point. In practice, some subjects may never experience the event of interest, i.e., a certain fraction of the population is cured or is not susceptible to the event of interest. We consider a class of semiparametric transformation cure models for current status data with a survival fraction. This class includes both the proportional hazards and the proportional odds cure models as two special cases. We develop efficient likelihood-based estimation and inference procedures. We show that the maximum likelihood estimators for the regression coefficients are consistent, asymptotically normal, and asymptotically efficient. Simulation studies demonstrate that the proposed methods perform well in finite samples. For illustration, we provide an application of the models to a study on the calcification of the hydrogel intraocular lenses.


During recent years, analysts have been relying on approximate methods of inference to estimate multilevel models for binary or count data. In an earlier study of random-intercept models for binary outcomes we used simulated data to demonstrate that one such approximation, known as marginal quasi-likelihood, leads to a substantial attenuation bias in the estimates of both fixed and random effects whenever the random effects are non-trivial. In this paper, we fit three-level random-intercept models to actual data for two binary outcomes, to assess whether refined approximation procedures, namely penalized quasi-likelihood and second-order improvements to marginal and penalized quasi-likelihood, also underestimate the underlying parameters. The extent of the bias is assessed by two standards of comparison: exact maximum likelihood estimates, based on a Gauss–Hermite numerical quadrature procedure, and a set of Bayesian estimates, obtained from Gibbs sampling with diffuse priors. We also examine the effectiveness of a parametric bootstrap procedure for reducing the bias. The results indicate that second-order penalized quasi-likelihood estimates provide a considerable improvement over the other approximations, but all the methods of approximate inference result in a substantial underestimation of the fixed and random effects when the random effects are sizable. We also find that the parametric bootstrap method can eliminate the bias but is computationally very intensive.  相似文献   

The German Microcensus (MC) is a large scale rotating panel survey over three years. The MC is attractive for longitudinal analysis over the entire participation duration because of the mandatory participation and the very high case numbers (about 200000 respondents). However, as a consequence of the area sampling that is used for the MC, residential mobility is not covered and consequently statistical information at the new residence is lacking in the MC sample. This raises the question whether longitudinal analyses, like transitions between labour market states, are biased and how different methods perform that promise to reduce such a bias. Similar problems occur also for other national Labour Force Surveys (LFS) which are rotating panels and do not cover residential mobility, see Clarke and Tate (2002). Based on data of the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), which covers residential mobility, we analysed the effects of missing data of residential movers by the estimation of labour force flows. By comparing the results from the complete SOEP sample and the results from the SOEP, restricted to the non-movers, we concluded that the non-coverage of the residential movers can not be ignored in Rubin’s sense. With respect to correction methods we analysed weighting by inverse mobility scores and log-linear models for partially observed contingency tables. Our results indicate that weighting by inverse mobility scores reduces the bias to about 60% whereas the official longitudinal weights obtained by calibration result in a bias reduction of about 80%. The estimation of log-linear models for non-ignorable non-response leads to very unstable results.  相似文献   

Nonparametric regression methods are used as exploratory tools for formulating, identifying and estimating non-linear models for the Canadian lynx data, which have attained bench-mark status in the time series literature since the work of Moran in 1953. To avoid the curse of dimensionality in the nonparametric analysis of this short series with 114 observations, we confine attention to the restricted class of additive and projection pursuit regression (PPR) models and rely on the estimated prediction error variance to compare the predictive performance of various (non-)linear models. A PPR model is found to have the smallest (in-sample) estimated prediction error variance of all the models fitted to these data in the literature. We use a data perturbation procedure to assess and adjust for the effect of data mining on the estimated prediction error variances; this renders most models fitted to the lynx data comparable and nearly equivalent. However, on the basis of the mean-squared error of out-of-sample prediction error, the semiparametric model Xt =1.08+1.37 Xt −1+ f ( Xt −2)+ et and Tong's self-exciting threshold autoregression model perform much better than the PPR and other models known for the lynx data.  相似文献   

Longitudinal studies often entail categorical outcomes as primary responses. When dropout occurs, non-ignorability is frequently accounted for through shared parameter models (SPMs). In this context, several extensions from Gaussian to non-Gaussian longitudinal processes have been proposed. In this paper, we formulate an approach for non-Gaussian longitudinal outcomes in the framework of joint models. As an extension of SPMs, based on shared latent effects, we assume that the history of the response up to current time may have an influence on the risk of dropout. This history is represented by the current, expected, value of the response. Since the time a subject spends in the study is continuous, we parametrize the dropout process through a proportional hazard model. The resulting model is referred to as Generalized Linear Mixed Joint Model (GLMJM). To estimate model parameters, we adopt a maximum likelihood approach via the EM algorithm. In this context, the maximization of the observed data log-likelihood requires numerical integration over the random effect posterior distribution, which is usually not straightforward; under the assumption of Gaussian random effects, we compare Gauss-Hermite and Pseudo-Adaptive Gaussian quadrature rules. We investigate in a simulation study the behaviour of parameter estimates in the case of Poisson and Binomial longitudinal responses, and apply the GLMJM to a benchmark dataset.  相似文献   

Not only are copula functions joint distribution functions in their own right, they also provide a link between multivariate distributions and their lower‐dimensional marginal distributions. Copulas have a structure that allows us to characterize all possible multivariate distributions, and therefore they have the potential to be a very useful statistical tool. Although copulas can be traced back to 1959, there is still much scope for new results, as most of the early work was theoretical rather than practical. We focus on simple practical tools based on conditional expectation, because such tools are not widely available. When dealing with data sets in which the dependence throughout the sample is variable, we suggest that copula‐based regression curves may be more accurate predictors of specific outcomes than linear models. We derive simple conditional expectation formulae in terms of copulas and apply them to a combination of simulated and real data.  相似文献   

A study to investigate the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status on the course of neurological impairment, conducted by the HIV Center at Columbia University, followed a cohort of HIV positive and negative gay men for 5 years and assessed the presence or absence of neurological impairment every 6 months. Almost half of the subjects dropped out before the end of the study for reasons that might have been related to the missing neurological data. We propose likelihood-based methods for analysing such binary longitudinal data under informative and non-informative drop-out. A transition model is assumed for the binary response, and several models for the drop-out processes are considered which are functions of the response variable (neurological impairment). The likelihood ratio test is used to compare models with informative and non-informative drop-out mechanisms. Using simulations, we investigate the percentage bias and mean-squared error (MSE) of the parameter estimates in the transition model under various assumptions for the drop-out. We find evidence for informative drop-out in the study, and we illustrate that the bias and MSE for the parameters of the transition model are not directly related to the observed drop-out or missing data rates. The effect of HIV status on the neurological impairment is found to be statistically significant under each of the models considered for the drop-out, although the regression coefficient may be biased in certain cases. The presence and relative magnitude of the bias depend on factors such as the probability of drop-out conditional on the presence of neurological impairment and the prevalence of neurological impairment in the population under study.  相似文献   

Summary.  Alongside the development of meta-analysis as a tool for summarizing research literature, there is renewed interest in broader forms of quantitative synthesis that are aimed at combining evidence from different study designs or evidence on multiple parameters. These have been proposed under various headings: the confidence profile method, cross-design synthesis, hierarchical models and generalized evidence synthesis. Models that are used in health technology assessment are also referred to as representing a synthesis of evidence in a mathematical structure. Here we review alternative approaches to statistical evidence synthesis, and their implications for epidemiology and medical decision-making. The methods include hierarchical models, models informed by evidence on different functions of several parameters and models incorporating both of these features. The need to check for consistency of evidence when using these powerful methods is emphasized. We develop a rationale for evidence synthesis that is based on Bayesian decision modelling and expected value of information theory, which stresses not only the need for a lack of bias in estimates of treatment effects but also a lack of bias in assessments of uncertainty. The increasing reliance of governmental bodies like the UK National Institute for Clinical Excellence on complex evidence synthesis in decision modelling is discussed.  相似文献   

This short article extends well-known threshold models to the ordered response setting. We consider the case where the sample is endogenously split to estimate regime-dependent coefficients for one variable of interest, while keeping the other coefficients and auxiliary parameters constant across the threshold. We use Monte Carlo methods to examine the behavior of the model. In addition, we derive the formulae for the partial effects associated with the model. We apply our threshold model to the relationship between income and self-reported happiness using data drawn from the U.S. General Social Survey. While the findings suggest the presence of a threshold in the income-happiness gradient at approximately U.S. $76,000, no evidence is found in support of a satiation point. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   

This article studies dynamic panel data models in which the long run outcome for a particular cross-section is affected by a weighted average of the outcomes in the other cross-sections. We show that imposing such a structure implies a model with several cointegrating relationships that, unlike in the standard case, are nonlinear in the coe?cients to be estimated. Assuming that the weights are exogenously given, we extend the dynamic ordinary least squares methodology and provide a dynamic two-stage least squares estimator. We derive the large sample properties of our proposed estimator under a set of low-level assumptions. Then our methodology is applied to US financial market data, which consist of credit default swap spreads, as well as firm-specific and industry data. We construct the economic space using a “closeness” measure for firms based on input–output matrices. Our estimates show that this particular form of spatial correlation of credit default swap spreads is substantial and highly significant.  相似文献   

This paper complements a recently published study (Janczura and Weron in AStA-Adv Stat Anal 96(3):385–407, 2012) on efficient estimation of Markov regime-switching models. Here, we propose a new goodness-of-fit testing scheme for the marginal distribution of such models. We consider models with an observable (like threshold autoregressions) as well as a latent state process (like Markov regime-switching). The test is based on the Kolmogorov–Smirnov supremum-distance statistic and the concept of the weighted empirical distribution function. The motivation for this research comes from a recent stream of literature in energy economics concerning electricity spot price models. While the existence of distinct regimes in such data is generally unquestionable (due to the supply stack structure), the actual goodness-of-fit of the models requires statistical validation. We illustrate the proposed scheme by testing whether commonly used Markov regime-switching models fit deseasonalized electricity prices from the NEPOOL (US) day-ahead market.  相似文献   

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