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This article provides a rigorous asymptotic treatment of new and existing asymptotically valid conditional moment (CM) testing procedures of the constant conditional correlation (CCC) assumption in a multivariate GARCH model. Full and partial quasi maximum likelihood estimation (QMLE) frameworks are considered, as is the robustness of these tests to non-normality. In particular, the asymptotic validity of the LM procedure proposed by Tse (2000 Tse, Y. K. (2000). A test for constant correlations in a multivariate GARCH model. Journal of Econometrics 98 (1):107127.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) is analyzed, and new asymptotically robust versions of this test are proposed for both estimation frameworks. A Monte Carlo study suggests that a robust Tse test procedure exhibits good size and power properties, unlike the original variant which exhibits size distortion under non-normality.  相似文献   

Modeling the relationship between multiple financial markets has had a great deal of attention in both literature and real-life applications. One state-of-the-art technique is that the individual financial market is modeled by generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) process, while market dependence is modeled by copula, e.g. dynamic asymmetric copula-GARCH. As an extension, we propose a dynamic double asymmetric copula (DDAC)-GARCH model to allow for the joint asymmetry caused by the negative shocks as well as by the copula model. Furthermore, our model adopts a more intuitive way of constructing the sample correlation matrix. Our new model yet satisfies the positive-definite condition as found in dynamic conditional correlation-GARCH and constant conditional correlation-GARCH models. The simulation study shows the performance of the maximum likelihood estimate for DDAC-GARCH model. As a case study, we apply this model to examine the dependence between China and US stock markets since 1990s. We conduct a series of likelihood ratio test tests that demonstrate our extension (dynamic double joint asymmetry) is adequate in dynamic dependence modeling. Also, we propose a simulation method involving the DDAC-GARCH model to estimate value at risk (VaR) of a portfolio. Our study shows that the proposed method depicts VaR much better than well-established variance–covariance method.  相似文献   

The Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test is one of the principal tools to detect ARCH and GARCH effects in financial data analysis. However, when the underlying data are non‐normal, which is often the case in practice, the asymptotic LM test, based on the χ2‐approximation of critical values, is known to perform poorly, particularly for small and moderate sample sizes. In this paper we propose to employ two re‐sampling techniques to find critical values of the LM test, namely permutation and bootstrap. We derive the properties of exactness and asymptotically correctness for the permutation and bootstrap LM tests, respectively. Our numerical studies indicate that the proposed re‐sampled algorithms significantly improve size and power of the LM test in both skewed and heavy‐tailed processes. We also illustrate our new approaches with an application to the analysis of the Euro/USD currency exchange rates and the German stock index. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 405–426; 2012 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

In this article, we develop a specification technique for building multiplicative time-varying GARCH models of Amado and Teräsvirta (2008, 2013). The variance is decomposed into an unconditional and a conditional component such that the unconditional variance component is allowed to evolve smoothly over time. This nonstationary component is defined as a linear combination of logistic transition functions with time as the transition variable. The appropriate number of transition functions is determined by a sequence of specification tests. For that purpose, a coherent modelling strategy based on statistical inference is presented. It is heavily dependent on Lagrange multiplier type misspecification tests. The tests are easily implemented as they are entirely based on auxiliary regressions. Finite-sample properties of the strategy and tests are examined by simulation. The modelling strategy is illustrated in practice with two real examples: an empirical application to daily exchange rate returns and another one to daily coffee futures returns.  相似文献   

《Econometric Reviews》2007,26(5):557-566
Christoffersen and Diebold (2000) have introduced a runs test for forecastable volatility in aggregated returns. In this note, we compare the size and power of their runs test and the more conventional LM test for GARCH by Monte Carlo simulation. When the true daily process is GARCH, EGARCH, or stochastic volatility, the LM test has better power than the runs test for the moderate-horizon returns considered by Christoffersen and Diebold. For long-horizon returns, however, the tests have very similar power. We also consider a qualitative threshold GARCH model. For this process, we find that the runs test has greater power than the LM test. Theresults support the use of the runs test with aggregated returns.  相似文献   

Christoffersen and Diebold (2000 Christoffersen , P. F. , Diebold , F. X. ( 2000 ). How relevant is volatility forecasting for financial risk management? Review of Economics and Statistics 82 : 1222 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) have introduced a runs test for forecastable volatility in aggregated returns. In this note, we compare the size and power of their runs test and the more conventional LM test for GARCH by Monte Carlo simulation. When the true daily process is GARCH, EGARCH, or stochastic volatility, the LM test has better power than the runs test for the moderate-horizon returns considered by Christoffersen and Diebold. For long-horizon returns, however, the tests have very similar power. We also consider a qualitative threshold GARCH model. For this process, we find that the runs test has greater power than the LM test. Theresults support the use of the runs test with aggregated returns.  相似文献   

Current methods of testing the equality of conditional correlations of bivariate data on a third variable of interest (covariate) are limited due to discretizing of the covariate when it is continuous. In this study, we propose a linear model approach for estimation and hypothesis testing of the Pearson correlation coefficient, where the correlation itself can be modeled as a function of continuous covariates. The restricted maximum likelihood method is applied for parameter estimation, and the corrected likelihood ratio test is performed for hypothesis testing. This approach allows for flexible and robust inference and prediction of the conditional correlations based on the linear model. Simulation studies show that the proposed method is statistically more powerful and more flexible in accommodating complex covariate patterns than the existing methods. In addition, we illustrate the approach by analyzing the correlation between the physical component summary and the mental component summary of the MOS SF-36 form across a fair number of covariates in the national survey data.  相似文献   

This study considers the problem of testing for a parameter change in integer-valued time series models in which the conditional density of current observations is assumed to follow a Poisson distribution. As a test, we consider the CUSUM of the squares test based on the residuals from INGARCH models and find that the test converges weakly to the supremum of a Brownian bridge. A simulation study demonstrates its superiority to the residual and standardized residual-based CUSUM tests of Kang and Lee [Parameter change test for Poisson autoregressive models. Scand J Statist. 2014;41:1136–1152] and Lee and Lee [CUSUM tests for general nonlinear inter-valued GARCH models: comparison study. Ann Inst Stat Math. 2019;71:1033–1057.] as well as the CUSUM of squares test based on standardized residuals.  相似文献   

We propose a nonparametric procedure to test for changes in correlation matrices at an unknown point in time. The new test requires constant expectations and variances, but only mild assumptions on the serial dependence structure, and has considerable power in finite samples. We derive the asymptotic distribution under the null hypothesis of no change as well as local power results and apply the test to stock returns.  相似文献   

A test based on Tiku's MML (modified maximum likelihood) estimators is developed for testing that the population correlation coefficient is zero. The test is compared with various other tests and shown to have good Type I error robustness and power for numerous symmetric and skew bivariate populations.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with testing the presence of ARCH within the ARCH-M model as the alternative hypothesis. Standard testing procedures are inapplicable since a nuisance parameter is unidentified under the null hypothesis. Nonetheless, the diagnostic tests for the presence of the conditional variance is very important since any misspecification in the conditional variance equation leads to inconsistent estimates of the conditional mean parameters. BTo resolve the problem of unidentified nuisance parameter, 'Ne apply Davies' approach, and investigate its finite sample performance through a Monte Carlo study.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with testing the presence of ARCH within the ARCH-M model as the alternative hypothesis. Standard testing procedures are inapplicable since a nuisance parameter is unidentified under the null hypothesis. Nonetheless, the diagnostic tests for the presence of the conditional variance is very important since any misspecification in the conditional variance equation leads to inconsistent estimates of the conditional mean parameters. BTo resolve the problem of unidentified nuisance parameter, ‘Ne apply Davies’ approach, and investigate its finite sample performance through a Monte Carlo study.  相似文献   

In this paper we extend the closed-form estimator for the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (GARCH(1,1)) proposed by Kristensen and Linton [A closed-form estimator for the GARCH(1,1) model. Econom Theory. 2006;22:323–337] to deal with additive outliers. It has the advantage that is per se more robust that the maximum likelihood estimator (ML) often used to estimate this model, it is easy to implement and does not require the use of any numerical optimization procedure. The robustification of the closed-form estimator is done by replacing the sample autocorrelations by a robust estimator of these correlations and by estimating the volatility using robust filters. The performance of our proposal in estimating the parameters and the volatility of the GARCH(1,1) model is compared with the proposals existing in the literature via intensive Monte Carlo experiments and the results of these experiments show that our proposal outperforms the ML and quasi-maximum likelihood estimators-based procedures. Finally, we fit the robust closed-form estimator and the benchmarks to one series of financial returns and analyse their performances in estimating and forecasting the volatility and the value-at-risk.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a robust statistical approach to select an appropriate error distribution, in a classical multiplicative heteroscedastic model. In a first step, unlike to the traditional approach, we do not use any GARCH-type estimation of the conditional variance. Instead, we propose to use a recently developed nonparametric procedure [31 D. Mercurio and V. Spokoiny, Statistical inference for time-inhomogeneous volatility models, Ann. Stat. 32 (2004), pp. 577602.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]]: the local adaptive volatility estimation. The motivation for using this method is to avoid a possible model misspecification for the conditional variance. In a second step, we suggest a set of estimation and model selection procedures (Berk–Jones tests, kernel density-based selection, censored likelihood score, and coverage probability) based on the so-obtained residuals. These methods enable to assess the global fit of a set of distributions as well as to focus on their behaviour in the tails, giving us the capacity to map the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate distributions. A bootstrap procedure is provided to compute the rejection regions in this semiparametric context. Finally, we illustrate our methodology throughout a small simulation study and an application on three time series of daily returns (UBS stock returns, BOVESPA returns and EUR/USD exchange rates).  相似文献   

Gupta and Kirmani (2008 Gupta, R.C., Kirmani, S.N.U.A. (2008). Characterization based on convex conditional mean function. J. Stat. Plann Inference. 138:964970.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) showed that the convex conditional mean function (CCMF) characterizes the distribution function completely. In this paper, we introduce a consistent estimator of CCMF and call it empirical convex conditional mean function (ECCMF). Then we construct a simple consistent test of fit based on the integrated squared difference between ECCMF and CCMF. The theoretical and asymptotic properties of the estimator ECCMF and the proposed test statistic are studied. The performance of the constructed test is investigated under different distributions using simulations.  相似文献   

Yingfu Xie 《Statistics》2013,47(2):153-165
The regime-switching GARCH (generalized autoregressive conditionally heteroscedastic) model incorporates the idea of Markov switching into the more restrictive GARCH model, which significantly extends the GARCH model. However, the statistical inference for such an extended model is rather difficult because observations at any time point then depend on the whole regime path and the likelihood becomes intractable quickly as the length of observations increases. In this paper, by transforming it into an infinite order ARCH model, we obtain the possibility of writing a likelihood which can be handled directly and the consistency of the maximum likelihood estimators is proved. Simulation studies to illustrate the consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimators (for both Gaussian and non-Gaussian innovations) and a model specification problem are presented.  相似文献   

A consistent approach to the problem of testing non‐correlation between two univariate infinite‐order autoregressive models was proposed by Hong (1996). His test is based on a weighted sum of squares of residual cross‐correlations, with weights depending on a kernel function. In this paper, the author follows Hong's approach to test non‐correlation of two cointegrated (or partially non‐stationary) ARMA time series. The test of Pham, Roy & Cédras (2003) may be seen as a special case of his approach, as it corresponds to the choice of a truncated uniform kernel. The proposed procedure remains valid for testing non‐correlation between two stationary invertible multivariate ARMA time series. The author derives the asymptotic distribution of his test statistics under the null hypothesis and proves that his procedures are consistent. He also studies the level and power of his proposed tests in finite samples through simulation. Finally, he presents an illustration based on real data.  相似文献   

It has been known that when there is a break in the variance (unconditional heteroskedasticity) of the error term in linear regression models, a routine application of the Lagrange multiplier (LM) test for autocorrelation can cause potentially significant size distortions. We propose a new test for autocorrelation that is robust in the presence of a break in variance. The proposed test is a modified LM test based on a generalized least squares regression. Monte Carlo simulations show that the new test performs well in finite samples and it is especially comparable to other existing heteroskedasticity-robust tests in terms of size, and much better in terms of power.  相似文献   

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