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A Joint Task Force comprised of members of the Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues in Counseling (ALGBTIC) and the Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling (AARC) present standards of care for assessment of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Gender Expansive, and Queer/Questioning (LGBTGEQ+) Persons.  相似文献   


Health and social service utilization experiences of disenfranchised groups have recently gained renewed public attention. Reducing and eliminating racial disparities in health care has become a major national agenda. While a fairly substantial literature on Black and African American health outcomes and social service utilization does exist, and may help to influence interventions to reduce disparities, there is no comparable literature for Black and African American lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons. In this article the author examines factors affecting research with urban Black and African American LGBT populations. A brief case study is included that demonstrates the viability of the recommended research methods and discusses the possible negative consequences of deviating from these methodological suggestions.  相似文献   


This study explores the perspectives of service providers and youth advocates on bullying of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth and intersectionalities in LGBT peer victimization. In depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine key informants (4 male, 4 female, 1 transgender male; 4 gay, 3 lesbian, 2 non-identified; 6 white, 1 South Asian, 2 Middle Eastern) recruited using purposive sampling from diverse education and social service settings. Narrative thematic analysis and a constant comparative method were used to identify themes. Five themes emerged from the data: (1) “transgressing gender norm boundaries”; (2) homophobic sexism vs. sexist homophobia; (3) “you choose sexuality or you choose race”; (4) newcomer youth and citizenship; and (5) “multiple wires together … create the cage.” Findings suggest the importance of an intersectional approach to conceptualizing and addressing LGBT bullying and to uncovering the differential experiences of bullying among LGBT youth. Bullying related to sexual orientation should not be assumed to be the only or primary form of violence shaping the lives of LGBT youth.  相似文献   

Research on same‐sex relationships has informed policy debates and legal decisions that greatly affect American families, yet the data and methods available to scholars studying same‐sex relationships have been limited. In this article the authors review current approaches to studying same‐sex relationships and significant challenges for this research. After exploring how researchers have dealt with these challenges in prior studies, the authors discuss promising strategies and methods to advance future research on same‐sex relationships, with particular attention given to gendered contexts and dyadic research designs, quasi‐experimental designs, and a relationship biography approach. Innovation and advances in the study of same‐sex relationships will further theoretical and empirical knowledge in family studies more broadly and increase understanding of different‐sex as well as same‐sex relationships.  相似文献   

Even with society's increasing acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) persons, negative stereotypes persist. Despite these depictions, most LGBT people manage to cope with adversity, thrive, and develop increased self-efficacy along with personal resilience. This paper describes the process of developing and validating a rapid assessment instrument aimed at identifying personal hardiness, a central component of resilience in LGBT persons. Incorporating the conceptual intersection of three primary social constructs — stress/coping, self-efficacy, and social stigma — the Courage to Challenge Scale offers practitioners a more culturally relevant understanding of LGBT client populations. The implications are described; in particular, opportunities for more comprehensive assessment and utilization of client strengths. Implications for future research are identified.  相似文献   

This article describes an integrated model of service provision called a continuum of care (CoC), and illustrates the application of this approach to working with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth through a case example. The CoC described in this article includes provision of individual and group counseling, case management, housing/family supports, socialization events, and prevention workshops, along with relevant outcomes. The relevance of a CoC model for LGBTQ youth due to the inclusion of community context and potential to empower service users is explored. Key recommendations for CoC models with LGBTQ youth include a focus on collaboration, provider education, and affirmative practice, and incorporating service user feedback.  相似文献   

The acceleration of research with lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) populations amid existing sexual prejudice and advancing human rights leads to sometime conflicting stances between researchers and ethics boards over acceptable methodological practices. Ethics boards, charged with ensuring the safety of research participants, may engage in ostensibly protective stances regarding potential risks and informed consent that are unwittingly founded upon negative stereotypes of LGB populations. We examine four case studies that demonstrate divergent stances between researchers and ethics boards, researchers’ responses to ethics reviews and their resolution. Based on these cases, we describe themes and strategies for researchers working with LGB populations in responsibly navigating ethics board concerns.  相似文献   

Same‐sex marriage has received much scholarly attention in the United States in the past decade. Yet we know little about how same‐sex couples experience marriage. In this article, I present findings from in‐depth interviews with 32 legally married gay men in Iowa. I focus on their experiences with families of origin and investigate the legitimating potential of same‐sex marriage. The men had high expectations about the power of marriage to help them gain recognition and support, but their experiences with family members were more varied and complex than they expected. Although marriage often led to positive family outcomes, it also commonly had negative consequences, including new and renewed experiences of family rejection. This study complicates ideas about the legitimating potential of marriage for same‐sex couples by illuminating both its power and limits in helping gay men gain status and support from their families of origin.  相似文献   

Attitudes toward same‐sex intimate relationships and intimate partner violence (IPV) are changing. Little research, however, has examined norms about IPV in same‐sex relationships. Using a fractional factorial (experimental vignette) design, we conducted random‐digit‐dialed interviews in four languages with 3,679 community‐residing adults. Multivariate analyses of responses to 14,734 vignettes suggest that IPV against gay male, lesbian, and heterosexual women is more likely than that against heterosexual men to be considered illegal and that it should be illegal, police called, and a stay‐away order issued. Regardless of gender and sexual orientation, the type of abuse and whether a weapon was displayed are the strongest predictors of respondents’ judgments about whether a behavior is illegal and merits a range of societal interventions.  相似文献   


Little is known about the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) students attending religious colleges and universities. This study used grounded theory to analyze the narratives (N = 271) of LGBTQ former and current students. The central theme described by LGBTQ students was a fight for survival with five subthemes: (a) institutionalized homo/transphobia (strict school policies, enforcement of heterosexuality and gender conformity through discipline, conversion therapy); (b) a culture of fear (fear of exposure, homophobic panic and code words, seeking cover); (c) marginalization and isolation; (d) struggle (suffering and suicide, reconciling faith and LGBTQ identity); and (e) coping and resilience (surviving through critical thinking and strategic activism). Implications for practice are provided.  相似文献   


Men who have sex with men, men who have sex with men and women, and transgender women are at high risk for HIV infection. This study seeks to clarify which known HIV risk factors (partner type, sex location, serodiscordance, multiple sex partners, substance use during sex) contribute to engagement in high-risk (unprotected receptive anal) sex in each population. Data collected from June 2005 through June 2008 indicate all three populations display different HIV sexual risk profiles. The data suggest that HIV-prevention interventions should be individually tailored to address the specific needs of these three highly vulnerable and impacted populations.  相似文献   

This research contributes to our understanding of two central and related problems in the study of social movements: tactical innovation and strategic leadership. Focusing on the leadership history (1984–2003) of the founder and director of the first US public school program for gay and lesbian youth, called Project 10 and located in the Los Angeles, California public school system, this case study illustrates the importance of leadership agency on the part of those ‘organizing from within’. Analyses herein indicate the significance of both institutional constraints and life course circumstances in determining leadership choices. This paper maps organizational obstacles and the tactical dilemmas they produced to explain how successful strategic choices get made. The case of Project 10 indicates that institutional constraints can be overcome tactically with organizational elaboration. Additionally, hybridity, assumed in the literature to produce organizational precariousness, is shown here to be a mechanism for stability, facilitating networks and resource acquisition over time.  相似文献   


A proposed version of these standards was first produced and published in the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation through input from professional meetings (Coleman & Dwyer, 1990). Since that time, The Standards of Care were reviewed and revised by a group of professionals and unanimously endorsed by voice vote by the participants in the Third International Congress on the Treatment of Sex Offenders held in Minneapolis, MN, September 20–22, 1994. These Standards were again published in the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation (Coleman, Dwyer, Abel, Berner, Breiling, Hindman, Honey-Knopp, Langevin, & Pfäfflin, 1996). Those Standards have been subsequently reviewed by the current authors at the Fifth International Conference on the Treatment of Sex Offenders held in Caracas, Venezuela, March 22–27, 1998 and minor modifications and changes were incorporated into this version. The authors invite feedback from readers. Further revisions are anticipated and will be reviewed by current committee members and at future International Conferences on the Treatment of Sexual Offenders.  相似文献   


This article posits that an integrative research partnership model can assist school counselors in addressing the marginalization of transgender students in schools through staff development. A methodological integration of action research and program evaluation through quantitative and qualitative data collection is explained, and a collaborative process is highlighted. A case example is provided to demonstrate the use of the design.  相似文献   


Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ) individuals are often faced with societal challenges that can lead to mental health or substance abuse issues. They may be misunderstood or mistreated when seeking services because of a lack of training in offering culturally sensitive treatment by service providers. A program, the Rainbow Heights Club, was developed to support LGBTQ individuals with a mental health diagnosis. All of the members are in treatment for their mental health and/or substance abuse problems, but prior to the development of the program did not have a place to feel accepted, supported, or have a sense of community. Members were surveyed determine if Rainbow Heights was helpful in maintaining themselves in the community. Results indicated that 75% of members are more consistent in following prescribed treatments, keeping them free from inpatient hospitalization, and 79% reported being clean and sober since coming to the Club.  相似文献   


The healthcare landscape is changing with the development of integrated health care models across the country. Counseling is uniquely positioned to add to the continuum of services of integrated health by providing counseling and case management services through advocacy for clients. One particular chronic illness that remains highly stigmatized is HIV, which is slowly becoming more integrated into the larger healthcare system. This pilot study documents the process and experience of a hospital-based midwestern AIDS service organization in the development of innovative and unique services to address the needs of the HIV population in a rural midwestern state.  相似文献   

A team of practitioners created a research process that we hoped would be educational and healing for survivors of sexual abuse by professionals. In order to look at the impact of the study, we included a follow-up debriefing questionnaire designed to gather data about respondents' experiences. Nearly all respondents found the study both helpful and difficult. The potential for research to be educational or healing is demonstrated by these findings. The fact that research on trauma is likely to be painful or upsetting even when it is helpful to respondents underscores the importance of making potential risks of participation very clear.  相似文献   

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