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We give a set of identifying conditions for p-dimensional (p ≥ 2) simultaneous equation systems (SES) with heteroscedasticity in the framework of Gaussian quasi-maximum likelihood (QML). Our conditions rely on the presence of heteroscedasticity in the data rather than identifying restrictions traditionally employed in the literature. The QML estimator is shown to be consistent for the true parameter point and asymptotically normal. Monte Carlo experiments indicate that the QML estimator performs well in comparison to the generalized method of moments (GMM) estimator in finite samples, even when the conditional variance is mildly misspecified. We analyze the relationship between traded stock prices and volumes in the setting of SES. Based on a sample of the Russell 3000 stocks, our findings provide new evidence against perfectly elastic demand and supply schedules for equities.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose instrumental variables (IV) and generalized method of moments (GMM) estimators for panel data models with weakly exogenous variables. The model is allowed to include heterogeneous time trends besides the standard fixed effects (FE). The proposed IV and GMM estimators are obtained by applying a forward filter to the model and a backward filter to the instruments in order to remove FE, thereby called the double filter IV and GMM estimators. We derive the asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators under fixed T and large N, and large T and large N asymptotics where N and T denote the dimensions of cross section and time series, respectively. It is shown that the proposed IV estimator has the same asymptotic distribution as the bias corrected FE estimator when both N and T are large. Monte Carlo simulation results reveal that the proposed estimator performs well in finite samples and outperforms the conventional IV/GMM estimators using instruments in levels in many cases.  相似文献   


We study partial linear models where the linear covariates are endogenous and cause an over-identified problem. We propose combining the profile principle with local linear approximation and the generalized moment methods (GMM) to estimate the parameters of interest. We show that the profiled GMM estimators are root? n consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. By appropriately choosing the weight matrix, the estimators can attain the efficiency bound. We further consider variable selection by using the moment restrictions imposed on endogenous variables when the dimension of the covariates may be diverging with the sample size, and propose a penalized GMM procedure, which is shown to have the sparsity property. We establish asymptotic normality of the resulting estimators of the nonzero parameters. Simulation studies have been presented to assess the finite-sample performance of the proposed procedure.  相似文献   

We propose a test for the equality of the autocovariance functions of two independent and stationary time series. The test statistic is a quadratic form in the vector of differences of the first J + 1 autocovariances. Its asymptotic distribution is derived under the null hypothesis, and the finite-sample properties of the test, namely the bias and the power, are investigated by Monte Carlo methods. A by-product of this study is a new estimator of the covariance between two sample autocovariances which provides a positive definite covariance matrix. We establish the convergence of this estimator in the L1 norm.  相似文献   

This paper considers the estimation of Cobb-Douglas production functions using panel data covering a large sample of companies observed for a small number of time periods. GMM estimatorshave been found to produce large finite-sample biases when using the standard first-differenced estimator. These biases can be dramatically reduced by exploiting reasonable stationarity restrictions on the initial conditions process. Using data for a panel of R&Dperforming US manufacturing companies we find that the additional instruments used in our extended GMM estimator yield much more reasonable parameter estimates.  相似文献   


In the stepwise procedure of selection of a fixed or a random explanatory variable in a mixed quantitative linear model with errors following a Gaussian stationary autocorrelated process, we have studied the efficiency of five estimators relative to Generalized Least Squares (GLS): Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), Maximum Likelihood (ML), Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML), First Differences (FD), and First-Difference Ratios (FDR). We have also studied the validity and power of seven derived testing procedures, to assess the significance of the slope of the candidate explanatory variable x 2 to enter the model in which there is already one regressor x 1. In addition to five testing procedures of the literature, we considered the FDR t-test with n ? 3 df and the modified t-test with n? ? 3 df for partial correlations, where n? is Dutilleul's effective sample size. Efficiency, validity, and power were analyzed by Monte Carlo simulations, as functions of the nature, fixed vs. random (purely random or autocorrelated), of x 1 and x 2, the sample size and the autocorrelation of random terms in the regression model. We report extensive results for the autocorrelation structure of first-order autoregressive [AR(1)] type, and discuss results we obtained for other autocorrelation structures, such as spherical semivariogram, first-order moving average [MA(1)] and ARMA(1,1), but we could not present because of space constraints. Overall, we found that:
  1. the efficiency of slope estimators and the validity of testing procedures depend primarily on the nature of x 2, but not on that of x 1;

  2. FDR is the most inefficient slope estimator, regardless of the nature of x 1 and x 2;

  3. REML is the most efficient of the slope estimators compared relative to GLS, provided the specified autocorrelation structure is correct and the sample size is large enough to ensure the convergence of its optimization algorithm;

  4. the FDR t-test, the modified t-test and the REML t-test are the most valid of the testing procedures compared, despite the inefficiency of the FDR and OLS slope estimators for the former two;

  5. the FDR t-test, however, suffers from a lack of power that varies with the nature of x 1 and x 2; and

  6. the modified t-test for partial correlations, which does not require the specification of an autocorrelation structure, can be recommended when x 1 is fixed or random and x 2 is random, whether purely random or autocorrelated. Our results are illustrated by the environmental data that motivated our work.


This paper considers the estimation of Cobb-Douglas production functions using panel data covering a large sample of companies observed for a small number of time periods. GMM estimatorshave been found to produce large finite-sample biases when using the standard first-differenced estimator. These biases can be dramatically reduced by exploiting reasonable stationarity restrictions on the initial conditions process. Using data for a panel of R&Dperforming US manufacturing companies we find that the additional instruments used in our extended GMM estimator yield much more reasonable parameter estimates.  相似文献   


In this paper, we show that Y can be introduced into data sharpening to produce non-parametric regression estimators that enjoy high orders of bias reduction. Compared with those in existing literature, the proposed data-sharpening estimator has advantages including simplicity of the estimators, good performance of expectation and variance, and mild assumptions. We generalize this estimator to dependent errors. Finally, we conduct a limited simulation to illustrate that the proposed estimator performs better than existing ones.  相似文献   

Under some nonstochastic linear restrictions based on either additional information or prior knowledge in a semiparametric regression model, a family of feasible generalized robust estimators for the regression parameter is proposed. The least trimmed squares (LTS) method proposed by Rousseeuw as a highly robust regression estimator is a statistical technique for fitting a regression model based on the subset of h observations (out of n) whose least-square fit possesses the smallest sum of squared residuals. The coverage h may be set between n/2 and n. The LTS estimator involves computing the hyperplane that minimizes the sum of the smallest h squared residuals. For practical purpose, it is assumed that the covariance matrix of the error term is unknown and thus feasible estimators are replaced. Then, we develop an algorithm for the LTS estimator based on feasible methods. Through the Monte Carlo simulation studies and a real data example, performance of the feasible type of robust estimators is compared with the classical ones in restricted semiparametric regression models.  相似文献   


When estimating a proportion p by group testing, and it is desired to increase precision, it is sometimes impractical to obtain additional individuals but it is possible to retest groups formed from the individuals within the groups that test positive at the first stage. Hepworth and Watson assessed four methods of retesting, and recommended a random regrouping of individuals from the first stage. They developed an estimator of p for their proposed method, and, because of the analytic complexity, used simulation to examine its variance properties. We now provide an analytical solution to the variance of the estimator, and compare its performance with the earlier simulated results. We show that our solution gives an acceptable approximation in a reasonable range of circumstances.  相似文献   

Hu Yang 《Statistics》2013,47(6):759-766
In this paper, we introduce a stochastic restricted kd class estimator for the vector of parameters in a linear model when additional linear restrictions on the parameter vector are assumed to hold. The stochastic restricted kd class estimator is a generalization of the ordinary mixed estimator and the kd class estimator. We show that our new biased estimator is superior in the mean squared error matrix sense to the kd class estimator [S. Sakall?o?lu and S. Kaçiranlar, A new biased estimator based on ridge estimation, Statist. Papers 49 (2008), pp. 669–689] and the stochastic restricted Liu estimator [H. Yang and J.W. Xu, An alternative stochastic restricted Liu estimator in linear regression, Statist. Papers 50 (2009), pp. 639–647]. Finally, a numerical example is given to show the theoretical results.  相似文献   


In this article, the validity of procedures for testing the significance of the slope in quantitative linear models with one explanatory variable and first-order autoregressive [AR(1)] errors is analyzed in a Monte Carlo study conducted in the time domain. Two cases are considered for the regressor: fixed and trended versus random and AR(1). In addition to the classical t -test using the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimator of the slope and its standard error, we consider seven t -tests with n-2\,\hbox{df} built on the Generalized Least Squares (GLS) estimator or an estimated GLS estimator, three variants of the classical t -test with different variances of the OLS estimator, two asymptotic tests built on the Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimator, the F -test for fixed effects based on the Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) estimator in the mixed-model approach, two t -tests with n - 2 df based on first differences (FD) and first-difference ratios (FDR), and four modified t -tests using various corrections of the number of degrees of freedom. The FDR t -test, the REML F -test and the modified t -test using Dutilleul's effective sample size are the most valid among the testing procedures that do not assume the complete knowledge of the covariance matrix of the errors. However, modified t -tests are not applicable and the FDR t -test suffers from a lack of power when the regressor is fixed and trended ( i.e. , FDR is the same as FD in this case when observations are equally spaced), whereas the REML algorithm fails to converge at small sample sizes. The classical t -test is valid when the regressor is fixed and trended and autocorrelation among errors is predominantly negative, and when the regressor is random and AR(1), like the errors, and autocorrelation is moderately negative or positive. We discuss the results graphically, in terms of the circularity condition defined in repeated measures ANOVA and of the effective sample size used in correlation analysis with autocorrelated sample data. An example with environmental data is presented.  相似文献   


In this article, we propose a new improved and efficient biased estimation method which is a modified restricted Liu-type estimator satisfying some sub-space linear restrictions in the binary logistic regression model. We study the properties of the new estimator under the mean squared error matrix criterion and our results show that under certain conditions the new estimator is superior to some other estimators. Moreover, a Monte Carlo simulation study is conducted to show the performance of the new estimator in the simulated mean squared error and predictive median squared errors sense. Finally, a real application is considered.  相似文献   

The generalized method of moments (GMM) and empirical likelihood (EL) are popular methods for combining sample and auxiliary information. These methods are used in very diverse fields of research, where competing theories often suggest variables satisfying different moment conditions. Results in the literature have shown that the efficient‐GMM (GMME) and maximum empirical likelihood (MEL) estimators have the same asymptotic distribution to order n?1/2 and that both estimators are asymptotically semiparametric efficient. In this paper, we demonstrate that when data are missing at random from the sample, the utilization of some well‐known missing‐data handling approaches proposed in the literature can yield GMME and MEL estimators with nonidentical properties; in particular, it is shown that the GMME estimator is semiparametric efficient under all the missing‐data handling approaches considered but that the MEL estimator is not always efficient. A thorough examination of the reason for the nonequivalence of the two estimators is presented. A particularly strong feature of our analysis is that we do not assume smoothness in the underlying moment conditions. Our results are thus relevant to situations involving nonsmooth estimating functions, including quantile and rank regressions, robust estimation, the estimation of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, and so on.  相似文献   

We study the invariance properties of various test criteria which have been proposed for hypothesis testing in the context of incompletely specified models, such as models which are formulated in terms of estimating functions (Godambe, 1960) or moment conditions and are estimated by generalized method of moments (GMM) procedures (Hansen, 1982), and models estimated by pseudo-likelihood (Gouriéroux, Monfort, and Trognon, 1984b,c) and M-estimation methods. The invariance properties considered include invariance to (possibly nonlinear) hypothesis reformulations and reparameterizations. The test statistics examined include Wald-type, LR-type, LM-type, score-type, and C(α)?type criteria. Extending the approach used in Dagenais and Dufour (1991), we show first that all these test statistics except the Wald-type ones are invariant to equivalent hypothesis reformulations (under usual regularity conditions), but all five of them are not generally invariant to model reparameterizations, including measurement unit changes in nonlinear models. In other words, testing two equivalent hypotheses in the context of equivalent models may lead to completely different inferences. For example, this may occur after an apparently innocuous rescaling of some model variables. Then, in view of avoiding such undesirable properties, we study restrictions that can be imposed on the objective functions used for pseudo-likelihood (or M-estimation) as well as the structure of the test criteria used with estimating functions and generalized method of moments (GMM) procedures to obtain invariant tests. In particular, we show that using linear exponential pseudo-likelihood functions allows one to obtain invariant score-type and C(α)?type test criteria, while in the context of estimating function (or GMM) procedures it is possible to modify a LR-type statistic proposed by Newey and West (1987) to obtain a test statistic that is invariant to general reparameterizations. The invariance associated with linear exponential pseudo-likelihood functions is interpreted as a strong argument for using such pseudo-likelihood functions in empirical work.  相似文献   

This article studies the minimum divergence (MD) class of estimators for econometric models specified through moment restrictions. We show that MD estimators can be obtained as solutions to a tractable lower dimensional optimization problem. This problem is similar to the one solved by the generalized empirical likelihood estimators of Newey and Smith (2004 Newey , W. K. , Smith , R. J. ( 2004 ). Higher order properties of GMM and Generalized Empirical Likelihood estimators . Econometrica 72 : 219255 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), but it is equivalent to it only for a subclass of divergences. The MD framework provides a coherent testing theory: tests for overidentification and parametric restrictions in this framework can be interpreted as semiparametric versions of Pearson-type goodness of fit tests. The higher order properties of MD estimators are also studied and it is shown that MD estimators that have the same higher order bias as the empirical likelihood (EL) estimator also share the same higher order mean square error and are all higher order efficient. We identify members of the MD class that are not only higher order efficient, but also, unlike the EL estimator, well behaved when the moment restrictions are misspecified.  相似文献   

Let X be a discrete time contact process (CP) on ?2, as defined by Durrett and Levin (1994, Stochastic spatial models: a user's guide to ecological applications. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B, 343, 329–350). We study the estimation of the model based on space-time evolution of X, that is, T + 1 successive observations of X on a finite subset S of sites. We consider the maximum marginal pseudo-likelihood (MPL) estimator and show that, when T→∞, this estimator is consistent and asymptotically normal for a non-vanishing supercritical CP. Numerical studies confirm these theoretical ones.  相似文献   

A novel method is proposed for choosing the tuning parameter associated with a family of robust estimators. It consists of minimising estimated mean squared error, an approach that requires pilot estimation of model parameters. The method is explored for the family of minimum distance estimators proposed by [Basu, A., Harris, I.R., Hjort, N.L. and Jones, M.C., 1998, Robust and efficient estimation by minimising a density power divergence. Biometrika, 85, 549–559.] Our preference in that context is for a version of the method using the L 2 distance estimator [Scott, D.W., 2001, Parametric statistical modeling by minimum integrated squared error. Technometrics, 43, 274–285.] as pilot estimator.  相似文献   


This article considers linear models with a spatial autoregressive error structure. Extending Arnold and Wied (2010) Arnold, M., Wied, D. (2010). Improved GMM estimation of the spatial autoregressive error model. Econ. Lett. 108:6568.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], who develop an improved generalized method of moment (GMM) estimator for the parameters of the disturbance process to reduce the bias of existing estimation approaches, we establish the asymptotic normality of a new weighted version of this improved estimator and derive the efficient weighting matrix. We also show that this efficiently weighted GMM estimator is feasible as long as the regression matrix of the underlying linear model is non stochastic and illustrate the performance of the new estimator by a Monte Carlo simulation and an application to real data.  相似文献   


The main goal of this paper is to study the estimation of the conditional hazard function of a scalar response variable Y given a hilbertian random variable X in functional single-index model. We construct an estimator of this nonparametric function and we study its asymptotic properties, under quasi-associated structure. Precisely, we establish the asymptotic normality of the constructed estimator. We carried out simulation experiments to examine the behavior of this asymptotic property over finite sample data.  相似文献   

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