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The paper first discusses the autoregressive latent trajectory (ALT) model and presents in detail its improved version, the continuous-time autoregressive latent trajectory (CALT) model. Next, serious problems related to the linear components in the ALT and CALT models are dealt with. As an alternative for the linear component, the first-order derivative in a second-order stochastic differential equation model is proposed. This is applied to Marital Satisfaction data, collected in four consecutive years (2002–2005). It is pointed out that the first-order derivative as explanatory variable has none of the problems associated with the linear component.  相似文献   

Stochastic frontier models are widely used to measure, e.g., technical efficiencies of firms. The classical stochastic frontier model often suffers from the empirical artefact that the residuals of the production function may have a positive skewness, whereas a negative one is expected under the model, which leads to estimated full efficiencies of all firms. We propose a new approach to the problem by generalizing the distribution used for the inefficiency variable. This generalized stochastic frontier model allows the sample data to have the wrong skewness while estimating well-defined and nondegenerate efficiency measures. We discuss the statistical properties of the model, and we discuss a test for the symmetry of the error term (no inefficiency). We provide a simulation study to show that our model delivers estimators of efficiency with smaller bias than those of the classical model even if the population skewness has the correct sign. Finally, we apply the model to data of the U.S. textile industry for 1958–2005 and show that for a number of years our model suggests technical efficiencies well below the frontier while the classical one estimates no inefficiency in those years.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study space–time generalized additive models. We apply the penalyzed likelihood method to fit generalized additive models (GAMs) for nonseparable spatio-temporal correlated data in order to improve the estimation of the response and smooth terms of GAMs. The results show that our space–time generalized additive models estimated response and smooth terms reasonable well, and in addition, the mean squared error, mean absolute deviation and coverage intervals improved considerably compared to the classic GAM. An application on particulate matter concentration in the North-Italian region of Piemonte is also presented.  相似文献   

Single index models are natural extensions of linear models and overcome the so-called curse of dimensionality. They are very useful for longitudinal data analysis. In this paper, we develop a new efficient estimation procedure for single index models with longitudinal data, based on Cholesky decomposition and local linear smoothing method. Asymptotic normality for the proposed estimators of both the parametric and nonparametric parts will be established. Monte Carlo simulation studies show excellent finite sample performance. Furthermore, we illustrate our methods with a real data example.  相似文献   

The problem of testing for a parameter change has been a core issue in time series analysis. It is well known that the estimates-based CUSUM test often suffers from severe size distortions in general GARCH type models. The residual-based CUSUM test has been used as an alternative, which, however, has a defect not to detect the ARMA parameter changes in ARMA–GARCH models. As a remedy, one can employ the score vector-based CUSUM test in ARMA–GARCH models as in Oh and Lee (0000). However, it shows some size distortions for relatively small samples. Hence, we consider the bootstrap counterpart for obtaining a more stable test. Focus is made on the verification of the weak consistency of the proposed test. An empirical study is illustrated for its evaluation.  相似文献   

We propose a new method for the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) of nonlinear mixed effects models when the variance matrix of Gaussian random effects has a prescribed pattern of zeros (PPZ). The method consists of coupling the recently developed Iterative Conditional Fitting (ICF) algorithm with the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm. It provides positive definite estimates for any sample size, and does not rely on any structural assumption concerning the PPZ. It can be easily adapted to many versions of EM.  相似文献   

It is also shown that our proposed skew-normal model subsumes many other well-known skew-normal model that exists in the literature. Recent work on a new two-parameter generalized skew-normal model has received a lot of attention. This paper presents a new generalized Balakrishnan type skew–normal distribution by introducing two shape parameters. We also provide some useful results for this new generalization. It is also shown that our proposed skew–normal model subsumes the original Balakrishnan skew–normal model (2002) as well as other well–known skew–normal models as special cases. The resulting flexible model can be expected to fit a wider variety of data structures than either of the models involving a single skewing mechanism. For illustrative purposes, a famed data set on IQ scores has been used to exhibit the efficacy of the proposed model.  相似文献   

Between–within models are generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) for clustered data that incorporate a random intercept together with fixed effects for within-cluster and between-cluster covariates; the between-cluster covariates represent the cluster means of the within-cluster covariates. One popular use of these models is to adjust for confounding of the effect of within-cluster covariates due to unmeasured between-cluster covariates. Previous research has shown via simulations that using this approach can yield inconsistent estimators. We present theory and simulations as evidence that a primary cause of the inconsistency is heteroscedasticity of the linearized version of the GLMM used for estimation.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new compounding distribution, named the Weibull–Poisson distribution is introduced. The shape of failure rate function of the new compounding distribution is flexible, it can be decreasing, increasing, upside-down bathtub-shaped or unimodal. A comprehensive mathematical treatment of the proposed distribution and expressions of its density, cumulative distribution function, survival function, failure rate function, the kth raw moment and quantiles are provided. Maximum likelihood method using EM algorithm is developed for parameter estimation. Asymptotic properties of the maximum likelihood estimates are discussed, and intensive simulation studies are conducted for evaluating the performance of parameter estimation. The use of the proposed distribution is illustrated with examples.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to develop a Bayesian approach for log-Birnbaum–Saunders Student-t regression models under right-censored survival data. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods are used to develop a Bayesian procedure for the considered model. In order to attenuate the influence of the outlying observations on the parameter estimates, we present in this paper Birnbaum–Saunders models in which a Student-t distribution is assumed to explain the cumulative damage. Also, some discussions on the model selection to compare the fitted models are given and case deletion influence diagnostics are developed for the joint posterior distribution based on the Kullback–Leibler divergence. The developed procedures are illustrated with a real data set.  相似文献   

For micro-datasets considered for release as scientific or public use files, statistical agencies have to face the dilemma of guaranteeing the confidentiality of survey respondents on the one hand and offering sufficiently detailed data on the other hand. For that reason, a variety of methods to guarantee disclosure control is discussed in the literature. In this paper, we present an application of Rubin’s (J. Off. Stat. 9, 462–468, 1993) idea to generate synthetic datasets from existing confidential survey data for public release.We use a set of variables from the 1997 wave of the German IAB Establishment Panel and evaluate the quality of the approach by comparing results from an analysis by Zwick (Ger. Econ. Rev. 6(2), 155–184, 2005) with the original data with the results we achieve for the same analysis run on the dataset after the imputation procedure. The comparison shows that valid inferences can be obtained using the synthetic datasets in this context, while confidentiality is guaranteed for the survey participants.  相似文献   

A new lifetime model, which extends the Fréchet distribution called the generalized transmuted Fréchet distribution is proposed and studied. Various of its structural properties including ordinary and incomplete moments, generating function, residual and reversed residual lifes, order statistics and probability weighted moments are derived. Two characterization theorems are presented. The maximum likelihood method is used to estimate the model parameters. The flexibility of the new distribution is illustrated using a real data set. It can serve as an alternative model to other lifetime models available in the literature for modeling positive real data in many areas.  相似文献   

This paper considers the analysis of multivariate survival data where the marginal distributions are specified by semiparametric transformation models, a general class including the Cox model and the proportional odds model as special cases. First, consideration is given to the situation where the joint distribution of all failure times within the same cluster is specified by the Clayton–Oakes model (Clayton, Biometrika 65:141–151, l978; Oakes, J R Stat Soc B 44:412–422, 1982). A two-stage estimation procedure is adopted by first estimating the marginal parameters under the independence working assumption, and then the association parameter is estimated from the maximization of the full likelihood function with the estimators of the marginal parameters plugged in. The asymptotic properties of all estimators in the semiparametric model are derived. For the second situation, the third and higher order dependency structures are left unspecified, and interest focuses on the pairwise correlation between any two failure times. Thus, the pairwise association estimate can be obtained in the second stage by maximizing the pairwise likelihood function. Large sample properties for the pairwise association are also derived. Simulation studies show that the proposed approach is appropriate for practical use. To illustrate, a subset of the data from the Diabetic Retinopathy Study is used.  相似文献   

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