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Xun Zi (c. 336 BC-238 BC; given name Kuang), who lived in the State of Zhao (now Handan City, Hebei Province) during the Warring States period, was a great thinker and educator. As the last master of Confucianism in the Pre-Qin period, he established his own system of thought by inheriting and developing that of Confucius and assimilating the achievements of other contemporary philosophers. His scholarly thought had a great influence on later ages. The spread of the Five Classics (The Book of Songs, The Book of Documents, The Book of Rites, The Book of Changes and The Spring and Autumn Annals) in the Hart Dynasty owed almost entirely to his disciples. From the Han to the Tang, people such as Sima Qian, Liu Xiang, Wang Chong, Yan Zhitui, Wei Zheng and Yang Jing put Xun Zi ahead of Mencius, showing that his influence outweighed the latter's. Xun Zi's philosophy lay at the heart of thinking on state administration in the Han and Tang, two of the most prosperous dynasties in Chinese history.  相似文献   

(1)An Introduction of Professor Yuan Fang' s Social Work Educational Thought and Practice in Pro- moting Professional Development
Professor Yuan Fang is one of the forerunners in the restoration of social work profession in China and has profound social work educational thought. He defines social work as a professional discipline which should have solid sociology theory foundation and be supported by the social welfare and social security system in responding multiple needs of vulnerable population. Sociology can be viewed as a broader vision of social work. Social welfare and social security system is the institutional base to prac- tice social work and professional social work provides an important way to solve problems of the vul- nerable. He argues that social work should be professionalized and social work education should be closely tied with practical sectors. His thought plays an important role in directing social work' s resto- ration and its future development in China.  相似文献   

Contemporary China's rapid urbanization has highlighted the importance of urban order and meaning, In the absence of order and meaning, a city will never be able to achieve sustainable survival, development and prosperity. It is of world-historical significance to focus on and probe into the problems, essence, reality and trends of China's urban development as well as possibilities and ways of constructing urban order and meaning in China.  相似文献   

The term "community" bears totally different meanings at different times in China.
In the era of the planned economy, social welfare, social services, and even political mobilization and social control, were largely the responsibilities of the danwei (work units) that were subordinate to the government in China. Every danwei, whether economic in nature (e.g., factories, shops and people's communes) or a public institution (e.g., schools, hospitals and nursing homes) had to provide its members with an economic livelihood, medical care, education, and an old-age pension, in addition to undertaking its designated business. This extended to members' dependent children, for whose medical insurance and other benefits the danwei was responsible. A danwei was even responsible for matters in its members' private life such as marriage and funerals and mediating family disputes, in addition to ideological control and political education. Such being the case, all members of society were directly and closely bound to their danwei in terms of interests. In other words, every member of society was a typical "'danwei man." It was very hard for neighborhoods to play any social, cultural, political or economic role and form any "community" in the real sense of the word. Therefore, the economic, political and social institutions of that era are now called "danwei-based institutions."  相似文献   

In past studies the positive role Liang Qichao played during the May Fourth New Cultural Movement was underestimated. As a matter of fact, Liang Qichao was not a conservative during the May Fourth Movement. He supported the literary revolution and earnestly practiced what he advocated, being a comrade of Chen Duxiu and Hu Shi in the Vernacular Movement (1917-1919). He adhered, as always, to the  相似文献   

On 10 April 2002, Professor Qin Yi, Editor-in-Chief of Social Sciences in China Press,interviewed Dr. Klaus Kautzor-Schroder. The influence of China's accession to both of theWTO and China itself, and how China will implement its accession protocol were discussedin the interview. Dr. Kautzor-Schroder served in the GATT from the 1970s to the pre-found-ing period of the WTO. He was Director in the GATT Secretariat for 20 years and responsiblefor tariffs, NTMs, AD, Subsidies, safeguards, FTA and a number of other trade policy-relatedareas. During his tenure of office he took part in the Tokyo Round and Uruguay Round multi-lateral trade negotiations. After retiring in 1991, Dr. Kautzor-Schroder has given his help toa number of developing countries in their accession process. He has visited China many timesin connection with the training of Chinese civil servants and young professionals. This inter-view was conducted during his stay in China.  相似文献   

There were in the past two main approaches to discussion of the political orientation of the intellectual community and its relations with student unrest in the Republican period, especially on the upsurge of the student movement during the civil war between the Guomindang and the Communist Party of China (CPC) (1945-1949). One was to attribute this to the leadership of the CPC, seeing it as the "second front" opened up by the CPC when the two parties were at war. The other approach was straightforward discussion of how intellectual circles promoted democracy, struggled against autocracy and gradually became estranged from the  相似文献   

Ever since the pre-Qin period, almost all scholars, thinkers and philosophers in all dynasties have thought about and studied the issue of “how to run the country well” in varying ways and have put forward a vari- ety of different views and theories. We may use a cover-all term for their exploratory work and its intellectual results: “China’s clas- sical management science.” The philosophers and thinkers of the pre-Qin period did not concern themselves with political institutions. They n…  相似文献   

Following the gradual deepening of China’s decentralization reforms since reform and opening up in 1978, local governments have played an ever more prominent role in the entire vertical structure of government and in nationwide economic and social development. The checks and incentives in China’s fiscal institutional arrangements and their profound influence on the behavior of local governments have furnished academia with an important perspective on China’s economic issues.  相似文献   

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