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国内外石油市场的极端风险溢出检验   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文采用美国西得克萨斯(WTI)和我国大庆2000年5月至2005年5月的原油价格的日度数据,运用GED分布的GARCH模型估计了两个市场95%和90%置信水平下的上涨和下跌的VaR,并利用风险-Granger因果检验方法分析了两个石油市场的极端风险溢出效应.实证结果表明,无论是上涨还是下跌,国际油市对国内油市产生了单向的风险溢出,这意味着国际油市极端风险的历史信息可以用来预测国内油市的极端风险.文章进一步以股票市场为参照系,分析了石油市场风险管理的难点与对策.  相似文献   

宫晓莉  熊熊  庄新田 《管理科学》2018,31(3):149-159
 金融期货市场既存在平常信息引起的连续性波动,又存在突发冲击造成的跳跃式波动,金融市场波动同时具有扩散性和跳跃性特点。同时,金融期货市场与现货市场间的跳跃和波动行为存在着风险溢出效应和羊群效应等。并且,金融资产收益在跳跃过程中呈现出非高斯属性,正态分布假设不能刻画跳跃和波动中的程式化现象,如噪音分布的尖峰厚尾、有偏特征等。        考虑到金融期货序列分布的尖峰厚尾、有偏、非对称现象,采用非对称、有偏的广义双指数分布刻画收益率非高斯特征;同时考虑到金融波动序列的时变性、集聚性和异方差性以及收益与波动之间存在着杠杆效应,将有偏的广义双指数分布引入到收益序列和波动序列均存在跳跃且跳跃相关的双层跳跃扩散模型,构建广义双指数分布驱动的双层跳跃扩散模型,并从理论上分析模型的优越性。根据模型的似然函数估计式,使用马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛模拟迭代求解广义双指数分布驱动的双层跳跃扩散模型参数,将构建的模型应用到中国股指期货和现货市场进行实证研究,分析中国股指期货和现货市场各自的跳跃和波动行为特征以及市场间跳跃和波动的风险关联性,包括对两类市场跳跃形态的非高斯特征分析股指期货市场与现货指数的波动协同性描述,以及股指期货与现货间的跳跃溢出行为、跳跃强度和跳跃大小分析等。        研究结果表明,广义双指数分布驱动的双层跳跃扩散模型较好地捕获了收益率分布的尖峰厚尾特征;股指期货收益和股指现货收益上涨与下跌概率呈现非对称性;股指期货波动强度高于股指现货波动,而股指期货波动的持久性低于股指现货;股指现货的杠杆效应表现更强;股指期货和股指现货市场存在双向跳跃溢出效应。        研究结论有利于理解中国沪深300股指期货市场和现货市场之间的跳跃风险传染机制,对于深入认识期货和现货市场的风险溢出关系、促使投资者规避风险和监管机构加强监管具有一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

本文分别采用参数法、半参数法与非参数法来估计铜期货市场的风险值。由于利好与利空信息对期货市场波动性的影响是不对称的.因此本文参数法采用非对称的EGARCH与TGARCH模型来估计铜期货市场的条件vaR.半参数法采用前四阶矩方法.非参数法采用核函数的方法。一般金融市场只考虑下跌风险.而期货市场由于存在做空机制。所以本文亦提出期货市场上涨风险的概念.并分别估计了三种方法下的下跌VaR与上涨VaR。用返回检验对每种方法的有效性进行了评价。实证研究表明:不论是下跌VaR还是上涨VaR.非参数法对数据的拟和要远远优于另外两种方法.具有很强的实际意义。  相似文献   

为探索恒生指数期货与现货市场之间的跳跃溢出行为.本文利用贝叶斯MCMC推断的SVCJ模型对恒生指数期货与现货市场的跳跃溢出概率、跳跃强度与跳跃大小进行了实证分析.研究结果表明:恒生指数期货与现货市场均存在明显的跳跃特征,并且,两市场之间具有显著的跳跃溢出行为;相对与包含跳跃的波动变化和收益,不包含跳跃的波动和收益模型会过度估计恒生指数期货与现货市场之间的相关性;对同日或次日而言,恒生指数期货市场对现货市场的条件跳跃溢出概率均大于现货市场对期货市场的条件跳跃溢出概率,且跳跃引起负收益的跳跃溢出概率均大于条件跳跃溢出概率;此外,恒生指数期货与现货市场之间的同日跳跃强度与同日跳跃大小均是显著的,相对而言,恒生指数期货的平均跳跃大小要远小于恒生指数的平均跳跃大小,并且,彼此的跳跃溢出均可在同日或次日到达对方.  相似文献   

本文借助于Tohamen协整检验、Granger因果检验、信息共享模型、方差分解等方法进行多层次实证研究,定量地刻画出期货市场在价格发现中作用的大小.研究结果显示:印度板材期货价格和现货价格之间存在长期均衡关系,在价格引导上仅存在现货对期货价格的单向引导关系,期货对现货没有引导关系;通过方差分解发现,现货市场在价格发现功能中处于主导地位,说明印度钢材期货市场效率有待提高,板材期货没有实现其应有的价格发现功能.  相似文献   

基于VAR模型的中国农产品期货价格发现的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王骏  张宗成 《管理学报》2005,2(6):680-684,753
借助向量自回归模型、协整检验、误差修正模型、格兰杰因果检验、方差分解、脉冲响应函数等方法,以两个商品交易所的黄豆和硬麦期货品种为例,研究了农产品期货价格与现货价格之间的动态关系,定量地刻画出期货市场在价格发现中作用的大小.研究结果显示,黄豆和硬麦期货价格与其现货价格都存在相互引导关系,而且两种价格之间也存在长期均衡关系.对黄豆期货来说,期货市场在价格发现功能中起到主导作用,但对硬麦期货来说,现货市场在价格发现功能中起到主导作用.  相似文献   

刘志新  贾宁 《中国管理科学》2004,12(Z1):248-251
本文借鉴VAR模型,运用Granger因果检验,以及方差分解和脉冲响应函数,刻画沪铜市场期现货波动间的互动关系,并与LME铜市场进行比较.研究表明沪铜期货市场对沪铜现货具有单向的滞后引导关系,且具有一定国际影响力,但仍与国外成熟市场存在差距.  相似文献   

随着我国股指期货市场的日益成熟,探索中国沪深300股指期货市场的信息效率问题具有十分重要的意义。本文通过实证方法检验了2010年4月16日至2012年12月31日期间沪深300股指期货的信息效率。研究结果表明,股指期货市场对新信息的反映速度慢于现货市场,并且对新信息的反映程度也低于现货市场,总体来看,股指期货市场的信息效率要低于现货市场。本文的贡献主要在于首次用大样本跨度数据实证研究了沪深300股指期货信息效率。  相似文献   

本文基于协整分析、Granger因果检验、VAR模型、方差分解等计量分析方法对中国沪铜期货市场及铜现货市场之间的关系进行了深入的研究.结果显示:沪铜期货市场与现货市场之间具有长期均衡关系,铜期货价格具有较好的价格发现功能.  相似文献   

自2018年3月上海原油期货INE在上海国际能源交易中心上市以来,目前已成为规模仅次于WTI和Brent原油期货的第三大国际原油期货,随市场容量的持续增长,上海原油期货在准确地反映市场基本面变化的同时,具有更为灵敏价格发现和风险管理功能,如何判别中国原油期货是否有助于规避全球原油市场对中国股市的风险溢出已经是一个亟待解决的理论和现实问题。本文拟从动态条件风险溢出的角度探索上海原油期货对中国金融市场稳定的有效性。选取了2002至2020年约4000多个日度数据,分别对比了4种国际原油期货市场与2组股票综合指数的相关影响。基于DCC-MGARCH模型,本文依次研究了多元国际原油市场与股票市场的动态关联性、重大突发事件对二者相关性的影响以及采用CoVaR量化了风险溢出效应。本文研究发现国际原油价格对两组股票综合指数的异质性主要表现在两组股票是原油进口国和出口国;中国(美国)结构突变点时间点分别是5(3)个,这与突发性重大经济、政治等事件的时间点高度吻合;国际证据表明,INE对中美股票市场的CoVaR最小,且原油期货市场比现货市场CoVaR更低。本文揭示了一些新的证据,验证了中国原油期货市场启动有利于实现与国际风险脱钩,并建议风险监管部门改善系统性风险可以采取平滑对冲重大突发事件期间的风险溢出。  相似文献   

This study assesses the risk/return profile of three market timing strategies namely traditional, bull and bear timing under different market conditions on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.The results indicate that market timing does lead to a lower variability of returns than a buy-and-hold strategy. On a risk-adjusted basis the required forecasting ability necessary to outperform the market is lower than previously thought. Under bearish conditions a random guess is expected to yield returns above the risk-adjusted market return regardless of the timing strategy employed.  相似文献   

Stock market efficiency is a crucial concept when forecasting of future stock price behaviour is discussed. In the literature, a distinction is made between three potential levels of efficiency. Under a weak form of efficiency, information on historical price movements is of no value for predicting the future price development. Similarly, a semi-strong form of efficiency holds that no publicly available information can be successfully used in the prediction of prices. And finally, a strong form of efficiency means that the share prices fully reflect all relevant information including data not yet publicly available. Stock market efficiency has been extensively studied in different countries. On a thin security market, like in the Helsinki Stock Exchange, many anomalies and deviations from market efficiency have been obtained. This paper aims to contribute to that discussion. It is shown in the paper that both the monthly and quarterly stock market prices (the general stock market index) can be adequately forecasted using either univariate time-series analysis or multivariate econometric modelling. The univariate ARIMA-models seem to be slightly outperformed by the econometric models. It is further shown that the forecasting accuracy of the models can be improved when time-series and econometric forecasts are combined into a composite forecast. The empirical results obtained indicate an absence of efficiency on the Finnish security market.  相似文献   

现货市场与期货市场微观结构比较研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
证券现货市场和期货市场的微观结构是不相同的,在考虑交易成本和卖空限制条件下研究了拥有特定证券信息的知情交易者在这两个市场中的交易策略,以及相应的做市商和未知情策略交易者的交易策略.通过上述研究比较了现货市场与期货市场微观结构的不同.  相似文献   

Bus scheduling is essential to a carrier's profitability, its level of service and its competitiveness in the market. In past research most inter-city bus scheduling models have used only the projected (or average) market share and market demand, meaning that the variations in daily passenger demand that occur in actual operations are neglected. In this research, however, we do not utilize a fixed market share and market demand. Instead, passenger choice behaviors and uncertain market demands are considered. Stochastic and robust optimizations and a passenger choice model are used to develop the models. These models are formulated as a nonlinear integer program that is characterized as NP-hard. We also develop a solution algorithm to efficiently solve the models. They are tested using data from a major Taiwan inter-city bus operation. The results show the good performance of the models and the solution algorithm.  相似文献   

The revolution in retailing: from market driven to market driving   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The first image aroused by ‘retailing’ for many of us, especially those of us who are somewhat older, is that of the corner grocery store. Not so long ago retailing was, and it still is in some parts of the world, a fragmented, local, unsophisticated, traditional business run by vulnerable owner-operators. Yet, here we are talking about a revolution in retailing. Why? What has changed? Fundamentally retailers have grown up over the past 25 years into large, global, technology-intensive, powerful, fast-growth corporations managing their own brands. Several retailers have become the darlings of their stock markets. Hennes and Mauritz, the specialty clothing retailer, has been the top performer on the Stockholm Stock Exchange over the past 10 years. Royal Ahold in the Netherlands, Home Depot and Wal-Mart in the Unìted States, Carrefour in France and Marks and Spencer in the United Kingdom have generated spectacular returns for their stockholders. How have they done this? The leading retailers through consolidation, global expansion, technology push and innovative formats, among other approaches outlined in Figure 1, have been ‘market driving’ rather than ‘market driven.’ They have shaped consumer behavior, transformed the market place, and redefined the rules of engagement with their competitors and suppliers.  相似文献   

通过计算金融的方法构造了引入期权交易的人工股票市场模型,构建了包含衍生品交易的相对完整的金融市场. 模型在期权交易模块中引入了不同类型的期权交易者,使用基于多主体的撮合交易机制来完成期权定价,并基于信息传导建立股票市场和期权市场之间的双向联系. 实验结果表明期权的引入导致股票市场的波动性增强,股票收益率尖峰厚尾现象有所降低,但波动性聚集增强. 此外期权市场的信息量和期权交易者类型也会对股票市场产生显著 影响.  相似文献   

Over the past few years, grocery retailing has undergone a tremendous transformation which was driven mainly by changing consumer characteristics. In order to accommodate these changes, the industry has responded in three ways. The most important of these is the introduction of new technology, particularly efficient consumer response (ECR). The second change has to do with innovations in product and/or service offerings. The final transformation is the organisational restructuring and the increasing number of mergers and acquisitions in the industry at both the manufacturer and retailer levels. The implications of these transformations on the marketing mix, productivity and manufacturer-retailer relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

股票市场由大量具有不同的理性程度、行为偏好以及操作策略的异质类型交易者所构成的,这些交易者汇聚在一起相互作用,以自组织的方式涌现出诸多复杂的宏观金融市场现象。基于主体建模思想,从交易媒介、交易活动以及交易者行为三个层面进行设定,构建模拟真实市场交易的人工股票市场元模型。其中交易者(Agent)按其行为偏好分为风险厌恶型、损失厌恶型、过度乐观型、保守型、过度乐观的损失厌恶型以及保守的损失厌恶型6类;交易策略则分为基础交易者、趋势交易者、零信息交易者和自适应型交易者4类。不同的行为偏好和交易策略自由组合形成代表性异质交易者,并在交易环境的约束下相互作用推动市场的演化。以我国沪深300指数实际数据为参照,采用AnyLogic系统环境下优化算法对模型参数赋值并进行敏感性分析,发现股票市值和波动率之间不存在直接的联系,且所有交易者的总财富值在无风险利率改变的条件下差别不大,这意味着我国金融市场很大程度上是一个零和游戏过程,有效市场假说在市场运行的宏观层面成立。而在微观层面,不同类型交易者的财富分布均值明显不同,说明交易者的操作策略和行为偏好直接决定了其财富状况。  相似文献   

基于二手市场与理性预期的房地产市场机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
尝试研究近年来我国房地产价格不断剧烈波动背后的市场机制.通过构建包含投资效用、二手市场、预期、政策冲击等因素的动态模型,揭示动态的房地产市场机制.研究结果表明,短视预期效应会加剧房价波动,而理性预期却是房价的自动调节器.一旦房地产市场中短视预期效应大于理性预期效应,房价暴涨或暴跌的"棘轮效应"则无法在短期内逆转.这可能...  相似文献   

This article examines the acquisition behavior of multinational companies from emerging markets (EMNCs) compared to multinational companies from advanced markets (AMNCs). Specifically, we relate the governance mode (i.e. the degree of commitment) to exogenous and endogenous uncertainty. As a result of endogenous uncertainty due to their liability of origin, EMNCs are likely to acquire less control, which is exacerbated by exogenous uncertainty when acquiring targets in high-tech sectors. Furthermore, EMNCs experience a higher propensity to control the local partner the higher the institutional distance with the host country, since they enjoy a better institutional environment when they invest in advanced countries and, hence, they are less likely to need a local partner. To test our hypotheses, we develop an econometric analysis applied to foreign acquisitions in Italy between 2001 and 2010 and we study the degree of control of AMNCs as compared to EMNCs. Our results confirm that EMNCs acquire less control than AMNCs, especially in high-tech industries, while institutional distance in trade and investment freedom effectively increase the probability to undertake full acquisition for EMNCs as opposed to AMNCs.  相似文献   

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