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ChenLixu (陈立旭 ) ,b .1963,ResearchFellow ,TeachingandResearchSectionofSciencesofCulture ,thePartySchooloftheZhejiangCommitteeoftheCPC .LiDanhui (李丹慧 ) ,b .195 4 ,AssociateResearchFellow ,InstituteofModernChina ,CASS .LiQiang (李 强 ) ,b .195 0 ,Professor ,DepartmentofSociology ,Qin…  相似文献   

FanYanning (范燕宁 ) ,b . 1 955,Professor ,DepartmentofPoliticsandLaw ,CapitalNormalUniversity .HanQingxiang (韩庆祥 ) ,b .1 957,Professor,TeachingandResearchSectionofPhilosophy,thePartySchooloftheCentralCommitteeoftheCPC ,Beijing1 0 0 0 91 ,China .JiangXiaojuan (江小娟 ) ,b . 1 957,ResearchF…  相似文献   

崔洋 《今日辽宁》2013,(4):52-53
中华人民共和国第十二届运动会会徽诞生于2011年9月19日,"中国力量继往开来"成为会徽的名称及核心创意。本次会徽的征集评选参考借鉴了历届全运会的成熟经验,做了大量的调研和论证,经过征集、评选后终于诞生。设计者表示,"我们最初就是希望设计出好看、好懂、好记、好用的会徽"。设计方案体现了全国性、世  相似文献   

Three definitions of homelessness which have been influential in Australia may be categorised as the literal, the subjectivist and the cultural. The literal definition equates homelessness with ‘rooflessness’. The subjectivist definition attempts to establish homelessness ‘ by asking people about the adequacy of their accommodation The cultural definition argues that homelessness is an objective category which is not dependent on people's perceptions. From examining the usefulness of the three definitions in relation to a large body of data collected at an agency providing services for homeless people, we may contend that homelessness is best treated as a concept like poverty, which should be measured objectively and not depend on people's perceptions.  相似文献   

孔凡静 《日本学刊》2003,(1):139-152
战后高速增长时期的日本经济应该定位为“追赶型现代化” ,而不是“赶超型现代化”。“赶”与“超”是先后相继的两个不同的历史阶段。日本政府对经济的干预是在西方各国中最强有力的 ,但还不是“政府主导型”经济 ,而是政府强有力干预下的民间投资主导型经济。“贸易立国”长期作为日本基本国策 ,其初衷确与日本是“资源小国”有密切联系 ,但就总体而言 ,“贸易立国”主要不是为了换取外国资源 ,而是为了换取昂贵的外国先进技术和设备。“贸易立国”的实质是“以引进为主导的技术立国”。  相似文献   

Because of the gender-differentiated nature of the Australian workforce, it is important to gain a clear understanding of how girls and women make choices about careers. The data in this paper originate from a study involving girls discussing their subject choices as they move into Year 11 at school. The study revealed a strong link between subject choices and career aspirations. Furthermore, personal experiences of a career through home or school activities were usually necessary for a girl to aspire towards that career. This raises questions about the efficacy of trying to influence career decisions through brief exposure to role models. It also suggests the need to supplement the experiences of those girls with limited experiences related to careers.  相似文献   

人人都说恋爱中的女人更漂亮,不但皮肤变得更加细腻有光泽,身材也变得紧致有曲线,就连整个人都变得神采奕奕,充满自信!原来荷尔蒙才是个中秘密!  相似文献   

Victoria was the first State to allow adopted persons unqualified access to their original identity and to provide natural parents and others with conditional access to identifying information. This article examines findings from 1985 to 1988 to examine four assumptions. These are that: few adoptees would want to know about or meet their natural parents and so few would register with the Adoption Information Service; few adoptees would welcome an approach from or on behalf of their natural parents and most would reject such an approach; few relinquishing parents would wish to meet or know about their relinquished child and consequently most would reject an approach by or on behalf of their child; and adoptive parents would not wish to acknowledge the adoptive status of their children by providing information to the natural parent facilitating a meeting between the natural parent and the child. The data suggest that the above assumptions do not reflect the experience or behaviour of adopted persons, natural parents or adoptive parents.  相似文献   

The present study tests a developmental model designed to explain the romantic relationship difficulties and reluctance to marry often reported for African Americans. Using longitudinal data from a sample of approximately 400 African American young adults, we examine the manner in which race-related adverse experiences during late childhood and early adolescence give rise to the cynical view of romantic partners and marriage held by many young African Americans. Our results indicate that adverse circumstances disproportionately suffered by African American youth (viz., harsh parenting, family instability, discrimination, criminal victimization, and financial hardship) promote distrustful relational schemas that lead to troubled dating relationships, and that these negative relationship experiences, in turn, encourage a less positive view of marriage.  相似文献   

孔颖达的《对<论语>问》,是一篇精美的政论文,但宋代俞德邻认为,唐太宗误认曾子为孔子,而颖达竟不省,故责其告君欠谨。俞德邻的解读依据《新唐书》。根据《贞观政要》、《旧唐书》、《十三经注疏》、《全唐文》,《新唐书》所载《对<论语>问》错误有二:其一,张冠李戴;其二,文体不合。同时,《全唐文》等文献所载《对<论语>问》的几处异文值得商榷。  相似文献   

The relationship between sources of information about AIDS/HIV, trust of the sources, how informed about AIDS people thought they were, and perceived risk to self and others were examined using three samples. One included young heterosexual students (113 females and 91 males), while the others included slightly older heterosexuals (74 females and 73 males) and homosexuals (82 males) from the general community. Homosexual men were the only group who trusted the same sources from which they received the most information (eg gay publications and AIDS organisations). Heterosexuals trusted expert sources the most, but the students received most information from magazines aimed at their peer groups and the heterosexuals in the community sample received most information from the print media. For the students, perceived personal risk was influenced most by perceived risk to male friends and people with the same sexual practices, whereas for the community samples it was influenced most by perceived risk to people with the same practices. The results suggest a strong peer influence on perceptions of personal risk of HIV infection.  相似文献   

韩宏韬 《唐都学刊》2006,22(2):10-12
孔颖达的<对<论语>问>,是一篇精美的政论文,但宋代俞德邻认为,唐太宗误认曾子为孔子,而颖达竟不省,故责其告君欠谨.俞德邻的解读依据<新唐书>.根据<贞观政要>、<旧唐书>、<十三经注疏>、<全唐文>,<新唐书>所载<对<论语>问>错误有二其一,张冠李戴;其二,文体不合.同时,<全唐文>等文献所载<对<论语>问>的几处异文值得商榷.  相似文献   

辽海之地多温泉,其中最有历史、最有名气者当属称为“狗儿汤”的本溪温泉寺。它深藏在长白山西缘的太子河边,群山环抱,雾绕云蒸,早年只有通过太子河航运才能与外界沟通。  相似文献   

The Mondragon producers cooperatives in Basque Spain represent the classic case of alternative industrial organisation. While the cooperatives received a great deal of scholarly attention during the 1970s and 1980s, relatively little has been published on recent developments at Mondragon. It is time to update the Mondragon story. In 1991, 100 cooperatives joined to become the Mondragon Cooperative Corporation. This super-structure has permitted an important degree of centralised control over member cooperatives. Yet, it has also been the source of substantial challenges, both structural and ideological, to this alternative form of industrial organisation. We appear to be witnessing the cooperatives' decline, the end of a great experiment in favour of just another capitalist enterprise. This story is important both for cooperativism in Mondragon itself and for scholars and practitioners worldwide who find in Mondragon proof than an alternative, less exploitative approach to industrial organisation is possible.  相似文献   

Young people from refugee backgrounds face enormous challenges in the settlement process within Australia. They must locate themselves within a new social, cultural, geographic and adult space, yet also try to find security within the spaces of their own families and ethnic communities. Traumas of the past can mix with painful experiences of the present. The stressors in the lives of these young people can be both complex and diverse. This paper explores the nature of these stressors among young people from refugee backgrounds living in Australia. It is based on in‐depth interviews with 76 young people from refugee backgrounds now living in Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. A qualitative analysis of the impact of these stressors as well as the coping strategies employed are discussed. It is argued that trauma exists within a life continuum and that approaches to supporting young people in these circumstances should be wary of limiting their focus to biomedical categories such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or Acculturation Stress and instead focus on a wider social context.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of sources of information about HIV/AIDS and trust of the sources among heterosexuals in 1989 (113 females and 91 males) and 1994 (185 females and 66 males). We also examined whether perceived personal risk of HIV infection was predicted by sources of information about HIV/AIDS, trust of the sources, how informed about AIDS people believed they were, and perceived risk of infection to others, as well as whether there was a relationship between perceived personal risk and safe sex behaviour. Participants received most of their information about AIDS/HIV from magazines, newspapers, and television, but placed most trust on sources such as doctors and HIV/AIDS organisations. Perceived personal risk was influenced most by perceived risk to friends and to people with the same sexual practices. In the 1994 sample, perceived personal risk was correlated with the amount of condom use among participants with sexual experience. These results indicate ther has been relative stability across a five-year period. They also point to the continuing discrepancy among young heterosexuals between the most-used and most-trusted sources of information, as well as to the importance of peer influence on perceptions of personal risk of HIV infection.  相似文献   

你在电影院里体验过这样的境界吗?萤火鸟在身边盘旋,似乎触手可及;水珠在空中飘浮,一滴滴清晰可见;食人鱼忽然张开大嘴,仿佛从银幕上扑了出来;还有身临其境的废矿飞车,可以跟车上的人感受同等程度的刺激和惊险,好像过山车……如果没有,那就赶快去看看3D大片<地心历险记>吧,这是不可错过的视觉,身心享受!  相似文献   

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