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做课堂笔记是学习的重要方法,但许多技工院校的学生不知道如何做笔记。本文以商务文秘专业为例,从对课堂笔记重要性的重新认识、做课堂笔记与培养自学能力的关系、通过做课堂笔记提高自学能力的重要意义和做好课堂笔记的策略四个方面进行了分析,提出通过做课堂笔记培养技工院校学生的自学能力。  相似文献   

李晓红 《职业》2013,(5):130-130
英语课堂笔记是学生提高英语学习成绩的重要方法。记好英语笔记很有必要,能收到事半功倍的效果。要做好英语课堂笔记,首先要明确记笔记的目的;笔记要详略得当,迅速、机动;记完笔记要经常翻查,重复记忆;老师经常检查学生做笔记的情况。  相似文献   

本文通过发掘口译初学者常见的信息记忆误区,较为详细地分析了口译初学者的信息记忆模式。在此基础上,结合吉尔的认知负荷模型和笔者的口译实践,深入探讨了口译脑记和笔记相融合的信息记忆方式。同时,提出了针对口译笔记结构的三点建议,即以意群为单位纵向笔记,舍弃动词和形容词笔记,注重时态和逻辑连词的笔记方式。  相似文献   

深刻理解古文背后的故事并且以古人的方式一字一句将其复述出来,确实并非易事,因此针对初中文言文的学习,要做到有迹可循:首先,在对一篇全新的文言文进行学习之前,一定要做足课前预习。课前预习的目的不为别的,只为搞清楚一件事,文章到底叙述了一件什么事情;其次,就是做好注释做好笔记,注释的作用是帮助读者客观理解,并且强化记忆;再有课堂上通常教师会给予学生一定的时间,或令其朗诵,或令其背诵。无论形式是怎样的,都一定要跟上教师的步伐。  相似文献   

长期以来,教师讲、学生听,笔记记满一大本,成为高中英语课堂教学的主要形式。这种教学形式虽然在知识传授方面有容量大、花费时间少等优越性,但其单一的教学组织形式束缚着学生语言实践活动的全面开展,制约着学生语言运用能力的提高。在课堂上,教师容易偏重讲授英语语言知识而忽视对学生语言知识的训练,这样极易使学生成为语言知识的被动接受者,使不少学生失去学习英语的信心,制约了学生运用英语能力的提高及发展,这些已很不适应新课程标准下的高中英语教学,课堂教学亟需引进能面向全体学生的、有利于学生全面开展的语言实践活动教学模式──合作学习。  相似文献   

备课是上好课的前提,如何备好每一节数学课,使学生在课堂上最大限度地掌握知识,提高数学教学成果,确实需要我们精心设计。 教学是一门艺术。不管你是个人备课还是集体备课,都必须经过周密思考,精心设计教学过程,充分细致地做好准备工作,才能更好地提高40分钟的教学效率。有的教师上课目的不明确,  相似文献   

你曾否被误解,找不到解释的语言,却有这样的时刻,朋友的话语让你一扫阴霾。老师还在讲台上循序渐进地演示如何写作,老斑在我旁边认真地记着笔记。刚上课的时候我没有听,结果就被老师的循序渐进给落下了,想想也没关系,回去抄老斑的笔记就行了,老斑总是能让我找到安慰自己的好借口。想着老  相似文献   

每一篇课文中总有新词新语出现,句式也不尽相同。我们在阅读教学中指导学生体会、认识课文中语言表达的规律、知识、感情,引导学生把课文中的好词佳句、优美片段记在读写笔记上,并熟读成诵,融汇贯通。  相似文献   

长期以来,高校英语专业的听力教学主要关注听力输入内容﹑形式和达到应试要求等方面,忽视听力作为学生学习知识信息与文化的重要媒介作用。选择题成为主要教学题型,听力的输出能力往往被弱化。听力笔记在英语学习高级阶段作为一种有效的学习技能与认知手段应在教学中进行培养与锻炼。  相似文献   

勤奋的学生最近罗啦啦报了个古典吉他班,下班后匆匆去上课,回来后认真复习课堂笔记,练琴练到指尖生茧。大家正惊异于音乐的巨大魔力时,罗啦啦看着手机上的一张照片自言自语道:"我们吉他班的老师太帅了!"  相似文献   

包轶 《职业时空》2012,(4):20-21
高职院校的中心任务是培养高素质、高技能的应用型人才,重点训练学生的实际动手能力。计算机实训教学以学生综合运用所学多门课程知识,以实际动手操作训练为主的综合练习,目的是培养学生的综合职业技能。计算机实训中应注意实训项目的选取、时间的安排和实训环节设计,有效地提高学生的动手能力。  相似文献   

This study reports the outcomes of undergraduate students completing a pilot Interdisciplinary Intensive Course Abroad (IICA) with a service learning component. The IICA model is comprised of a three-part sequence of study that includes a seven-week course on campus, followed by three weeks of study abroad, and a summative seven-week course back on campus. The additional summative component gives students the opportunity to bring together their newly acquired knowledge and skills, and to reflect on how to integrate these experiences in their future. The sequence integrates discipline-specific content studies with foreign language classes, and grounds them with a study abroad experience. A mixed-method design was used to measure students’ development of language skills, understanding of multicultural education concepts, and intercultural skills. Primary data sources were pre/post-assessments, student field notes and reflections, and a post-course survey. Results indicated that students gained confidence in their Spanish skills and were likely to enroll in further Spanish courses, their ability to define multicultural education concepts increased, and service learning, homestays abroad, and their time in an indigenous reservation contributed to development of intercultural skills.  相似文献   

The author presents a content integration that focuses on social studies and science knowledge and skills. The idea of using folk crafts to help elementary students learn social studies extends from John Dewey's laboratory school to the twenty-first century. Meaningful content is applied to skills, such as blacksmithing, found in the community, and students make connections between school knowledge and their lives outside of school. In this activity, blacksmithing helped students integrate ideas from multiple academic subjects, incorporating content from the social sciences and humanities. The guest content expert with a specialized knowledge base played a large role in making this experience occur for the students and teachers.  相似文献   

With the influx of almost 400,000 Jamaicans of color to the US, American educators are increasingly concerned about whether learning communities are preparing teachers and students for the increasing diversity of the American classroom. Problems arise when Jamaican students of color with excellent English skills are placed in special reading classes or in classes of English for speakers of other languages (ESOL). Additional problems occur with teachers perceiving Jamaican students of color as simply a black child among other black children in America, regardless of their English language skills, nationality or immigrant status. To compound these problems, Jamaican students of color also lack knowledge about their own heritage, resulting in loss of self-esteem and national identity. To assist their adaptation to a new society, teachers must possess the attitudes and skills necessary to be able to differentiate between the various nationalities of children of color and possess knowledge about the rich historical and cultural contributions of Jamaica.  相似文献   

The motivation behind every educator's dedication and hard work in the classroom is the knowledge that his or her teaching will result in students' success in life. Educators are committed to implementing twenty-first century skills; they have no question that students need such skills to be equipped for life beyond school. Members of the National Education Association are enthusiastic about the Partnership for 21st Century Skills framework, yet express frustration that many schools do not have adequate resources to make the necessary changes. Teaching these skills poses significant new responsibilities for schools and educators. To make it possible for teachers to build twenty-first century skills into the curriculum, physical and policy infrastructures must exist, professional development and curriculum materials must be offered, and meaningful assessments must be available. With an established understanding of what skills need to be infused into the classroom-problem solving, analysis, and com- munications-and educators' commitment to the new skill set, this chapter explores how to make such a dramatic reform happen. The author discusses existing strategies that will guide educators in infusing twenty-first century skills into traditional content areas such as math, English, geography, and science. Ultimately, public policy regarding educational standards, professional development, assessments, and physical school structures must exist to enable educators to employ twenty-first century skills, leading to student success in contemporary life. Any concern about the cost of bringing this nation's educational system up to par internationally should be offset by the price that not making twenty-first century skills a priority in the classroom will have on future economic well-being.  相似文献   

Rebeka Stowe 《Social Studies》2017,108(6):242-248
In response to the widening academic achievement gap between Native American students and other students in the United States, a culturally responsive approach was used in a Native American social studies class with positive results. Eighth-grade Oglala Lakota students in an American History classroom experienced a unit infused with lessons that highlighted Native American culture, history, and values. Students' knowledge, skills, and culture were used as frames of reference for the teacher, enabling students to personally engage with the content and making learning more meaningful. By incorporating culturally responsive teaching practices into the social studies curriculum, teachers not only give students the opportunity to come face to face with multiple perspectives but students are able to come face to face with their own ancestors, bringing history home, and bringing it to life.  相似文献   

"出纳实务"作为高等职业教育会计专业的核心课程,其课程的设置应以企业需求为导向,培养学生务实的职业技能为目标。课程内容上注重职业道德、基本功和业务技能的教学和实训,特别要强调学生实际能力的培养。教学实践中结合专业特点应用形式多样的教学模式,突出技能培养目标,增强教学效果。  相似文献   

This article illustrates how community service-learning can be defined and implemented as a group inquiry project in which students apply academic knowledge and social problem-solving skills. The authors examined eleven different community service-learning projects put into practice by elementary and middle school teachers who participated in CiviConnection, a national civic education program. They also explored how the teachers' practices were related to their perspectives on citizenship education, as the national CiviConnections program was designed to align with the reflective inquiry perspective by integrating historical inquiry in community service-learning. From the reflective inquiry perspective, they identified four elements of service-learning as a group inquiry project and analyzed eleven class projects to see how they incorporated the four components: (1) identifying issues and defining problems, (2) studying issues in-depth while using disciplinary modes of investigation, (3) developing action plans through decision-making processes, and (4) developing personalized knowledge through reflection. The authors discuss the study results' implications and examine opportunities to consider how community service-learning should be developed and implemented as a group inquiry project in which students develop personalized knowledge about community issues through discipline-based inquiry skills and decision-making processes.  相似文献   

Twenty-first century skills increasingly represent the ticket to the middle class. Yet, the authors argue, in-school learning is simply not enough to help students develop these skills. The authors make the case that after-school (or out-of-school) learning programs are emerging as one of the nation's most promising strategies for preparing young people for the workforce and civic life. Most school systems have significant limitations for teaching twenty-first century skills. They have the limits of time: with only six hours per day there is barely enough time to teach even the basic skills, especially for those students starting already behind. They have the limits of structure: typical school buildings and classrooms are not physically set up for innovative learning. They have the limits of inertia and bureaucracy: school systems are notoriously resistant to change. And perhaps most important, they have the limits of priorities: especially with the onset of the No Child Left Behind Act, schools are laserlike in their focus on teaching the basics and therefore have less incentive to incorporate twenty-first century skills. Meanwhile, the authors argue that after-school programs are an untapped resource with three competitive advantages. First, they enable students to work collaboratively in small groups, a setup on which the modern economy will increasingly rely. Second, they are well suited to project-based learning and the development of mastery. Third, they allow students to learn in the real-world contexts that make sense. Yet the after-school sector is fraught with challenges. It lacks focus-Is it child care, public safety, homework tutoring? And it lacks rigorous results. The authors argue that the teaching of twenty-first century skills should become the new organizing principle for afterschool that will propel the field forward and more effectively bridge in-school and out-of-school learning.  相似文献   

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