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The Commission of Population (Popcom), together with the Philippine Ministry of Local Government ond the National Economic and Development Authority devised a multiagency project entitled "Population, Local Development and Local Administration." Expected to improve the capabilities of mayors in fulfilling their new roles, the project called for holding consultative conferences with town mayors as participants. From March to november 1985, the sponsoring agencies conducted 12 consultative conferences for 281 municipal mayors and 13 representatives throughout the country. Mayors learned that they are empowered to implement the local population program and that the population workers, being local coordinators of the population program, should be reporting to them. The mayors' feedback given at the conferences made some officials realize that there are local government units that may not be able to fully absorb the full-time outreach workers. To help implement population programs, the mayors suggested fiscal reforms. Overall, the conferences gave the mayors a sense of importance.  相似文献   

The Population Program in the Philippines initially was preoccupied with the problem of fertility reduction. From 1981-85, the program will be carrying out a 5-year population plan which aims at the reduction of fertility as well as the broader goal of enhancing the well-being of the family and of society. Called the Medium Term Plan, this population plan began to evolve in January 1978 when President Marcos called for a comprehensive review of the population program in the context of the country's overall development plans. The Special Committee to Review the Philippine Population Program, worked from February to June 1978 and focused attention on the policy, program, and research components of the population program. They assessed the achievements of the program, analyzed its limitations, and recommended future policy and program thrusts. In performing its task, the committee observed the following guidelines: 1) the program must be evaluated by taking into account the overall development goals that are directly related to the population problem, 2) the program must be evaluated in its totality, 3) the concept of family planning must be redefined as family planning and welfare, 4) research must be recognized as a vital instrument for program formulation, and 5) the population program must be evaluated with an awareness of the role of financial and institutional support in its implementation. The committee's findings stressed the need to link family planning efforts with the rest of socioeconomic issues outlined in the government's 5-year development plan for 1978-82. The broad objective of the National Population Program is to reduce the population growth rate to levels that promote national welfare and individual well-being. Under the Medium Term Plan the population growth rate should be reduced from an estimated 2.3% to an estimated 2.0% in 1985. To achieve this objective, the program aims to raise the number and quality of protected couples, promote delayed marriage, promote internalization of the small family size norm, and study other development factors. 14 strategies and their objectives are outlined along with action steps.  相似文献   

This history of the Philippine Population Commission, which was created in 1969, is summarized. In 1970 President F.E. Marcos defined the government's task in this area as: 1) educating the people on the urgent need for population control; 2) disseminating knowledge on birth control techniques; and 3) providing facilities, especially in rural areas. Funding began in 1971. The 4 basic policies are noncoercion, integration, multiagency participation, and the partnership of the public and private sectors. The noncoercion policy means that all birth control techniques are offered and couples are free to use or reject whatever they wish. This has probably slowed the spread of family planning, but has also minimized opposition. Family planning has never been the domain of 1 agency but has been implemented through many agencies working together. Now it is being implemented through total community development plans, of which family planning is merely 1 component. This approach puts irrigation workers, agricultural development workers, and many others on the family planning team. private agencies have also had an important role to play in the development of the total program. For the past 5 years these have been mainly voluntary sociocivic and health associations whose interests are very close to or naturally related to family planning. Now the entry of business into the Population Program through the commercial contraceptive marketing program has enlarged the role of the private sector in the diffusion of family planning products and services. It is possible that the partnership between the public and private sectors may soon be based on segmentation of the target population with government agencies going deep into rural areas while private organizations concentrate on urban and adjacent rural areas.  相似文献   

This statement, prepared for the 1984 International Conference on Population, summarizes the demographic situation in the Philippines, the Philippine position regarding implementation of the World Population Plan of Action, and current population policies. In 1980, the population of the Philippines stood at 48.1 million. The country's current population growth rate reflects the interplay between decreasing mortality and still high but declining fertility. The 1984-87 Philippine Development Plan aims to achieve sustainable economic growth, equitable distribution of the gains of development, and personal development. A net reproduction rate of unity by the year 2000 is sought, and preschool-age children, youth, premarriage-age groups, and married couples of reproductive age have been targeted for special outreach efforts. The national population program will concentrate on developing a network of public and private community-based organizations, strengthening the capacity of local government and community organizations to plan and manage the population program, developing community capacity to finance family planning services, upgrading the quality of natural family planning practice, continuing the promotion of effective contraceptive methods, developing a population data bank, and upgrading the technical and management capabilities of population program personnel. Increasing attention is being paid to regional development and spatial distribution. The average annual population growth rate is expected to decline from 2.8% in 1970-75 to 2.2% by 1987. The crude birth rate is expected to drop from 34/1000 in 1980 to 31/1000 in 1987. To help achieve this goal, the contraceptive prevalence rate should increase from 34% in 1983 to 41% in 1987 and 50% by 1993. In addition, attempts will be made to reduce the proportion of women marrying below the age of 20 years and to improve women's access to educational and employment opportunities.  相似文献   

The outreach officials of the National Population Program of the Philippines, with its 4 basic functions of research, training, information-education-communication, and clinic services, are trying to solve pressing problems which have been an outgrowth of developments of the early 1970s when population and family planning concepts were integrated into other government programs. Given the task of attacking these problems and coordinating the whole program was the newly organized Commission on Population (Popcom). The organizations which had their own programs cooperated with the government agencies. Initially thought of as workable, the early strategy was soon found to be inadequate, and in July 1975, Popcom implemented an integrated development approach in population work. The strategy is complex, and as it undergoes refinement, the program may well profit from the experiences or lessions gained by a number of agencies in carrying out population/development activities. The approach used by the Office of Nonformal Education of the Philippines Rural Reconstruction Movement is seen as potentially helpful to the outreach project in developing 3 types of leadership in order to properly integrate or link private and public agencies, and ensure a continuing development program: political, educational, and technical. It is stressed that outsiders can help, but it is the community which must basically do the job themselves. So different government technicians are trained so that they can effectively train other people from the community, and do it in such a way that the program will be continuing and self-releasing.  相似文献   

Ghana and Kenya have had long experience with population policies, while some other countries just recently adopted such policies. In Ghana the population growth rate is 3.1% a year, which hampers the country's development. 45% of the population is under the age of 15, constituting a high dependency burden on the economy. The adverse effects of high population growth are manifested in overgrazing and desertification. The number of the aged is also increasing, which has socioeconomic implications. There are also over 1 million people with disability requiring rehabilitation and medical care. Women, children, and young people are adversely affected by rapid population growth because of unemployment, teenage pregnancy, drug abuse, prostitution, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV/ AIDS. Educational programs are needed to modify lifestyles that make people vulnerable. The 1969 population policy and the Revised National Population Policy recognize the importance of the law in addressing these issues. This involves tax laws and regulations affecting family size, the licensing of medical practice and paramedical personnel, laws concerning the importation and distribution of contraceptives, regulations on vital statistics, abortion, child and youth welfare and education, and the status of women. Ghana has also signed international charters such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Ghana was the first country to sign the World Leaders' Declaration on Population in 1967. During the 1962-63 session of the United Nations Ghana had sponsored a resolution on population growth and economic development. Ghana also endorsed the Kilimanjaro Plan of Action on Population and Sustainable Development (1984) and the Dakar/Ngor Declaration on Population and Sustainable Development (1992). The National Population Council has embarked on the reform of laws to accommodate population issues, to influence behavior, to empower women, and to counteract harmful traditional practices.  相似文献   

In 1957 the National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP) established the Family Welfare Center, offering an educational program in family planning; it was subsequently expanded and reorganized into the Planned Parenthood Movement of the Philippines. Since its creation in 1970 the Philippine Population Program has brought together government, private, and religious activities. Under the 1987-92 development plan nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) will be taking a more active role in the implementation of the population program by contributing to the maternal and child health/family planning and the information, education, and communication (IEC) components. There are more than 50 private organizations engaged in such population activities. These include national women's organizations and development NGOs with a mass base. The Family Planning Organization of the Philippines is carrying out a 3-year comparative study of the effectiveness of community volunteers in the acceptance of natural family planning. The Reproductive Health Philippines has completed a follow-up of Depo Provera defaulters in a previous clinical study of Depo Provera acceptors conducted in 1985-87. IEC support from various medical and social organizations also helped advance family planning and population awareness of the program. The Mary Johnston Hospital and Iglesia ni Kristo have been front-runners in sterilization through their mobile teams and regular clinics. On the negative side, funding constraints are threatening the very existence of some NGOs. Even those that do not face such constraints face problems related to cost effectiveness, priority setting, capability building, and staff development. A survey of the Population Center Foundation identified some urgent concerns: sharing experience in self-reliance, enhancement of the managerial skills of staff, and funding problems. NGOs complement the family planning services of the government as well as focus on the smooth flow of IEC activities.  相似文献   

赵跃进 《西北人口》2008,29(5):41-43,48
自上世纪70年代大力开展计划生育以来,陕西在控制人口增长方面取得了较为显著的成绩,人口生育率进入到低生育水平时期。进入“十一五”.陕西制定了国民经济和社会发展计划,提出到2020年全省总人口控制在4050万以内.确保人均国内生产总值达到3500美元。本文将依据2005年1%人口抽样调查资料,采用年龄移算法.对陕西省2006-2030年的人口发展规模、人口生育率、人口增长率、人口年龄构成变化、育龄妇女变化等进行科学准确的测算。提出了在低生育水平下.人口与计划生育工作出现的新情况、新问题,是构建社会主义和谐社会、落实科学发展观大环境下人口与计划生育工作者面临的新的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

The International Parliamentary Assmebly on Population and Development took place on August 15-16, 1984, with the participation of more than 300 parliamentarians from 60 countries. The aim was to promote an exchange of views on population programs and policies among parliamentarians, and to support the recommendations adopted by the UN International Conference on Population. The assembly held discussion in 3 subcommittees on the subjects of 1) policies of population and development; 2) the legal and social status of women; and 3) the improvement of family planning service. On population policy, parliamentarians generally agreed that policy formulation is the prerogative of each sovereign country, stressing that such policies and programs should be integrated with social and economic development. The developing countries stronly demanded that a new international economic order be established and international aid increased to help them in solving the popultion problem. Concerning the status of women, the assembly unanimously agreed that both men and women should not only be legally equal, but should also have de facto equality for employment, education and social life. Attention should be given particularly to the rights and status of rural women. Examples of how the status of Chinese women has improved were offered by Chinese representative and were appreciated by the assembly. On improving family planning services, participants urged provision of information about birth control to people of marriageable age and of access to contraceptives to eligible couples; moreover, they advocated the strengthening of medical care for women and children and the lowering of infant and maternal mortality rates. Dr. Qian Xinzhong described the priorities and goals of family planning programs in China. Finally, the assembly unanimously adopted the "Action Plan," whose contents embody independence, respect for national sovereignty, and the spirit of cooperation and conformity to the interest of the international community, particularly the developing nations.  相似文献   

The Government of Korea's 5th 5-Year Economic and Social Development Plan (1982-86) seeks to reduce the population growth rate from its 1982 level of 1.58% to 1.49% by 1986; it is assumed that the population replacement level of fertility (total fertility rate, 2.1) will be attained in 1988. The task of achieving these demographic targets is expected to be made more difficult by factors such as the impact of the 1950s baby boom and widespread son preference. New population control policy measures announced in 1981 call for improvements in the current family planning program management system; a new social and institutional support system to inculcate the small family size norm; strengthened information, education, and communication activities for family planning; and establishment of coordination among the government organizations involved in population-related activities. Numerous social support measures have already been put into effect, including income tax exemptions for up to 2 children, inclusion of population education in the school curriculum, priority in alloting public housing to sterilization acceptors with 2 or fewer children, and provision of IUD services through the medical insurance system. The number of contraceptive acceptors in the government program increased 78.3% from 1981-83, from 614,000 to 1,094,600. Sterilization and menstrual regulation services have shown particularly sharp increases. Program achievement for 1983 was equivalent to 19% of eligible women ages 15-44 years. The total fertility rate stood at 2.7 in 1982. Major efforts now must be directed toward eradicating the strong parental son preference and ensuring better family planning program efficiency and effectiveness.  相似文献   

In Pakistan the population planning program has been "federalized." As part of the new plan, the Population Planning Division will be responsible for policy formation, preparation of plans, and program implementation. With this new organization, the program will promote close coordination with provincial governments. An effective information program has been planned to promote pro-family planning attitudes. In order to develop these attitudes among the young, population education is being integrated into the curricula of the schools and colleges. At the policy making level, development projects of the Ministries of Education, Local Government, Rural Development, Health, Labor and Manpower Production, and Agriculture will in future be prepared so as to contain a component of the population planning program. The operational structure of the program was strengthened during 1976-1977 in order to reduce the crude birthrate from an estimated level of 45 per 1000 in mid-1976 to 43.6 per 1000 in mid-1977.  相似文献   

Plans by the Chinese government for drafting and passing a national law on population and birth planning were first reported in 1978. Progress toward that politically sensitive goal has been, however, very slow. During the past two decades, the legal basis of China's birth planning program was limited to provincial legislation. By the late 1990s, birth planning was the only major national policy area that did not have national enabling legislation. In January 2000 the State Birth Planning Commission sent a draft of the law on population to the State Council for interagency review and party approval. At the end of 2000, the National People's Congress placed the law on its 2001 agenda. After the required multiple reviews, and with some changes, the Standing Committee of the NPC passed the Law on Population and Birth Planning on 29 December 2001, and on the same day President Jiang Zemin signed and promulgated the Law. The Law is to come into effect on 1 September 2002. The background and significance of this legislation are discussed in detail in the opening article in the present issue of this journal. The author of the article, Edwin A. Winckler, also prepared an English translation of the Law on Population and Birth Planning. This translation is reproduced below. It is followed by a note by the translator.  相似文献   

3 views of the Philippine Population Program under the Aquino government are presented: the first states the government's position on population programs and the next 2 criticize that position. Issued by the Commission on Population (POPCOM) in early 1987, the first statement establishes the government's stance on population programs. It explains that the 1987 Philippine Constitution reaffirms the government's commitment to the ultimate goal of the Population Program: the improvement of the quality of life in a just and humane society. The statement explains the constitutional guarantees, policy principles, and policy strategies concerning population. The next view presented is an excerpt from Alejandro N. Herrin's paper entitled "Population, Health and Education: Policy Initiatives Under the Aquino Administration." In it, Herrin explains that after 1 year of silence, POPCOM finally issued a policy statement. The statement, however, is marked by ambiguity, avoiding an explicit mention of a policy to moderate fertility. Furthermore, the statement fails to clarify the government's position on 2 basic issues: whether or not an acceptable economic and social development can be achieved within a reasonable time without a moderation of the current high fertility and population growth, and whether or not the government is justified in sponsoring a program to moderate fertility and population growth. The 3rd view presented in the document is that of Virginia A. Miralao. In her essay "Population Policies, Family Planning Programs, and Women's Reproductive Rights," Miralao explains that the current population program -- which directly affects the lives of women -- has virtually excluded women in its planning. Moreover, since Aquino came into power, the Catholic church has gained great influence and has opposed family planning programs.  相似文献   

The National Population Council of Bangladesh set a policy to reduce the national growth rate from 2.8 to 2% by 1980, and increase the frequency of family planning use by eligible couples from 4.7 to 12% in 1978 and 20% in 1980. If the replacement level can be reached by 1985, then the population of Bangladesh will stabilize at 121 million. The orientation of family planning programs will be switched from clinics to a national mobilization of programs. All methods of contraception will be used throughout the policy implementation.  相似文献   

In its 2nd year after achieving political independence, Papua New Guinea declared a general population policy in October 1976, and inaugurated a population research program to guide policy formulation. Population affairs of the country, which has a population of 2.75 million, have been vested with the Ministry of Environment and Conservation. The research program will be implemented in cooperation primarily with the Institute of Applied Social and Economic Research (IASER) and the University of Papua New Guinea, as well as the Central Planning Office, Department of Public Health, Bureau of Statistics, and Office of Information, among other agencies. The priorities for research will initially fall under 5 main concerns: 1) fertility and population growth, and the causes of local differentials; 2) socioeconomic influences on growth trends; 3) interrelation between population and land resources; 4) internal migration; and 5) individual attitudes regarding family planning practice. The research program is designed to become an integral part of national development planning. However, the Government has declared that both policy and research programs must concur with the needs and desires of the people, to pave the way for successful implementation of development plans.  相似文献   

In Bangladesh the Population Control and Family Planning Division of the Ministry of Health and Population Control has decided to delegate increased financial and administrative powers to the officers of the family planning program at the district level and below. Currently, about 20,000 family planning workers and officials are at work in rural areas. The government believes that the success of the entire family planning program depends on the performance of workers in rural areas, because that is where about 90% of the population lives. Awareness of the need to improve statistical data in Bangladesh has been increasing, particularly in regard to the development of rural areas. An accurate statistical profile of rural Bangladesh is crucial to the formation, implementation and evaluation of rural development programs. A Seminar on Statistics for Rural Development will be held from June 18-20, 1980. The primary objectives of the Seminar are to make an exhaustive analysis of the current availability of statistics required for rural development programs and to consider methodological and operational improvements toward building up an adequate data base.  相似文献   

With drastic changes in both the international and domestic environment for population and family planning development, China faces nine major challenges in its efforts to further its population and family planning program, said Zhang Weiqing, Minister of the National Population and Family Planning Commission, in an article in Qiushi (seeking truth), a journal published by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. The challenges include: 1. Unstable low fertility level. Th…  相似文献   

This paper reviews the issues in evaluating public policy interventions that are designed to address the economic burden of population ageing. It then briefly reviews the main public policy options with application to Australia. The economic burden of ageing is defined as the burden on national economic well-being over time and the extent to which this burden is shared between the public and private sectors. A key policy issue is the extent to which the economic burden of ageing should be spread out over present and future generations. This depends on how we value the economic well-being of future generations relative to our own, future projections of economic growth, and the rate at which our subjective sense of well-being improves with our living standards. The paper discusses policies to boost the labour force participation rates of older workers, measures to boost fertility and immigration policy. Also discussed are several policies to shift the burden of ageing from the public to private sectors: the establishment of government financial funds such as the Future Fund, superannuation policy, and health and aged care policy.  相似文献   

In 1993 the charter of the Bureau of Immigration Research (BIR) was widened to encompass other areas of population and its name changed to the Bureau of Immigration and Population Research (BIPR). The paper argues that for too long population policy and policy-related research in Australia has been synonymous with immigration policy and research and that this change presents an opportunity to redress this imbalance and broaden the range of areas across which government and private sector activity in Australia can be assisted through knowledge of population dynamics. It is essential, however, that the BIPR broaden the scope of its activity and the present paper presents a research agenda which encompasses a range of population issues of relevance to contemporary private and public sector activity. A version of this paper was presented to a seminar organized by the Centre for Immigration and Multicultural Studies and the Demography Program of the Australian National University for the Bureau of Immigration and Population Research in Canberra, 20 August 1993.  相似文献   

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