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生活在一个日益世俗化的社会之中,人们的价值观和心态也会作出相应的调整.人的个体与群体变化存在着一定的规律,金绍选的<驾驭论>一书就专门对这些规律进行了系统的梳理,运用这些规律,不但可以解决人与人之间和谐相处的问题,同时可指导对人的个体与群体的进行有效的管理,运用这些规律,既可解决一个小单位、小部门、小群体的管理,也可以对一个行政区域、一个国家甚至一个民族等更大范围的群体进行有效的管理.  相似文献   

<正> 对于企业管理来说,管理的主体是人。管理就是如何做人的工作,人的因素是企业成功的关键因素,因而为了使企业充满活力,我认为,企业必需做到人企合一。为了推动现代企业人企合一,下面四项管理必不可少: 企业激励系统:心态管理 态度是决定成败的重要因素之一,不同的心态导致不同的结果。在一个团队里,不要低估了消极心态所带来的负面影响,它可能是正面影响的四倍,如果一个  相似文献   

"交往心态"是指初中生的人际交往意识、进行交往时所持的动机、交往过程中表现出的情感、态度以及反映出的个体的价值观。交往心态决定着交往活动的发生、开展、结束;决定着交往质量的高低、好坏;也决定着人际关系的建立和健康发展。因此,重视对学生进行交往心态与技能的辅导显得犹为重要。其中,培养学生良好的交往心态更为关键。  相似文献   

"交往心态"是指初中生的人际交往意识、进行交往时所持的动机、交往过程中表现出的情感、态度以及反映出的个体的价值观.交往心态决定着交往活动的发生、开展、结束:决定着交往质量的高低、好坏;也决定着人际关系的建立和健康发展.因此,重视对学生进行交往心态与技能的辅导显得犹为重要.其中,培养学生良好的交往心态更为关键.  相似文献   

熊婷婷 《经营管理者》2013,(32):259-259
本文从大学生就业问题分析入手,重点阐述了大学生在就业前做好准备工作的重要性,并对各种就业心态进行了诠释,结合大学生个体和外部环境因素对大学生就业做出了初步的方法介绍和指引。  相似文献   

贺海峰 《决策》2012,(1):34
只有往改善社会生态、个体心态两个方向上努力,在制度、环境、道德、信仰诸多层面上协力,才是人心向善、长治久安之道。这是一个高歌猛进的时代,也是一个普遍焦虑的时代。此为急剧转型之社会必然呈现的现实图景。真正让人不安的是,这种焦虑,并非来自个体欲念的普遍提升,而是源于伦理底线的屡屡失守。  相似文献   

谢爱武 《领导科学》2012,(19):42-43
近年来,媒体披露的干部心理压力过大导致焦虑、抑郁甚至自杀的案例逐年增多,充分表明领导干部群体的压力在现实中确实达到了相当高的程度。领导干部的压力应对需要立足于特殊的职业压力和自身个体的特点,从价值观的层面——拥有爱和感恩的心态、把握压力应对的通则以及压力应对方法的个性化选择三个方面来进行。一、拥有爱和感恩的心态是领导干部应对压力的重要思想方法  相似文献   

挫折是个体在从事有目的的活动过程中,遇到难以克服的障碍或干扰,致使个人动机不能实现,个人需要不能得到满足时的心理状态。一句话,任何使不快和痛苦无法排除的现象都可称作挫折。由于溺爱式的家庭教育和缺乏应对挫折的心理辅导,当前小学生中普遍存在一种"蛋壳心态"。所谓"蛋壳心态",是指个性十足,争强好胜,但又经不起任何挫折和外界干扰的脆弱心理。持有这种心态的学生,表现为"只能唯我,不能利他;只能至上,不能俯就",通常是好话赞歌喜欢听,批评逆语受不了。尤  相似文献   

在团队分工合作中,员工往往只将自我所在的内群视为具有利益一致性的共同体,对内群以外的其他团队群体则视为外群。内群中的行为更容易协调一致,内群与外群间的互动合作却不免充斥猜忌、防范和打压,导致组织整体发展的矛盾。群际领导的关键在于消解员工的偏差性自我身份定位,通过语言疏通、行为引导作用于个体认知,使其重塑自我在组织中的身份定位,继而改变态度、行为,与其他群体主动建立认同关系、采取合作行为。领导者的作用重心则应置于对员工心理、情绪波动的科学掌握和及时疏导,以及对自身领导艺术的强化。具体而言,可构建个体心态量表,测量员工心态波幅;遵循及时原则,强化组织认同,消除员工信任缺失的风险诱因;重视个体情绪疏导,促进群体心态良性变化。  相似文献   

读者工作者是图书管理事业的核心力量,其良好的工作态度对图书管理事业的健康发展具有重要的意义。读者工作者的情态和心态是影响其工作态度的重要因素,正确的情态和心态对于提高图书服务质量,丰富群众的精神生活具有积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

Making a career switch from clinical practice to medical management requires preparation and planning. There are numerous steps you can take to smooth out the transition. Most importantly, you must find ways to gain valuable leadership and management experiences before you can expect to land a good medical management position. Discover ways to cultivate that experience through staff posts, part-time positions or volunteer work.  相似文献   

In fall 1990, Witt Associates again catalogued the progress of physicians as they obtain management positions of increasing importance. The firm has conducted a continuing study of the position since 1979. The current survey of vice presidents of medical affairs/medical directors renders a candid portrait of the physician manager. The profile that emerges is a 53-year-old white male, working almost 50 hours a week in a full-time position, appointed by the hospital and reporting to the Chief Executive Officer. This individual is board certified and has major responsibilities for quality assurance, credentialing, risk management, and utilization review. His or her salary is into six figures.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the positions of Mintzberg and planning experts on the extent to which managers plan and the importance of planning to management. Mintzberg contends that managers do not plan. The ‘planning literature’ contends that planning leads to effective management. In a replication of Mintzberg's study, the authors found support for the planning literature's position. The discrepancy between Mintzberg and the planning literature is explained by the shortcomings of the observational method used by Mintzberg. A suggested modification of Mintzberg's method is given.  相似文献   

Previous empirical results have revealed two particular mechanisms influencing cooperative or extra-role behaviour of contingent employees. These are the mechanism of instrumentality, mainly driven by contingent employees’ desire for a permanent position, and the mechanism of social exchange, based on the ‘norm of reciprocity’ (Gouldner in Am Sociol Rev 25:161–178, 1960) between employer and employee. For the most part the cooperative behaviour studied among contingent workers has been restricted to non-managerial positions. But is it also possible to transfer these mechanisms to contingent employees in managerial positions? A quantitative study of contingent (self-employed) workers in managerial positions (also called ‘interim managers’) was carried out among 133 German interim managers. The results of regression analysis reveal that social exchange as well as instrumentality mechanism can facilitate cooperative behaviour of contingent employees in managerial positions. However, the aspects of social exchange, especially task autonomy, seem to be more relevant to the cooperative behaviour of these individuals.  相似文献   

This paper examines the factors associated with holding leadership positions among men and women academic scientists. We develop hypotheses for three determinants of leadership: professional networks, science ability, and gender. We test the resulting model on the likelihood of holding three different types of academic science leadership—research center leadership, university administrative leadership, and discipline leadership. Findings show that while science productivity and reputation are strongly associated with having either a center or discipline leadership position, they are less strongly associated with administrative leadership. Also, larger and more dense collaboration networks predict having a center leadership position, but the opposite is true for holding an administrative leadership position. Women are more likely to be in discipline leadership positions and less likely to be a leader of a research center or have an administrative university leadership position. Finally, having more women in the network reduces the likelihood of holding discipline or center leadership positions. Interpretations of findings and conclusions explore the potential implications for theory, practice and policy.  相似文献   

As a result of increasing enrolment of women in all levels of education and various fields of employment and aspects of public life in Saudi Arabia, the last 10 years witnessed a growing participation of women in senior management positions and in the decision-making process in public and private sectors. Recent developments indicate a clear strategic direction of policy makers and development plans in Saudi Arabia towards an even greater role for women in public life and into top leadership positions in public domains. In spite of the considerable role of women in Saudi society, evidence suggests that women in leadership positions are facing a different reality from their male counterparts due to organizational, personal and cultural challenges that impede their effectiveness as leaders. Through a survey of 160 women leaders, this article attempts to identify the challenges that women leaders face in government sectors in Saudi Arabia. Findings indicate that the main challenges are: structural challenges, lack of resources and lack of empowerment, while cultural and personal challenges ranked last, contrary to common perception. The study ultimately provides a set of recommendations with implications for leadership development in general, in order to address challenges that women leaders face and enhance their leadership role.  相似文献   

Marcus Sieff 《Omega》1976,4(6):633-642
In developed societies, good human relations become of crucial importance as people demand treatment as individuals. However, many in management positions pay only lip service to the implications of this need. The main reasons for this are that good human relations are very expensive in terms of both money and management effort and require fundamental revision of many inherited attitudes. They require appropriate organizational provision, good working conditions and amenities together with broad-ranging welfare facilities. Perhaps more important than these, however, are the intangible factors of caring and involvement by management and workers. Such principles have reached a high and successful stage of development in the author's company. Examples from several companies highlight the value of such hygiene conditions in diminishing disputes and facilitating essential change.Leadership is crucial both in management and trades unions but effective leadership is only possible against a background of good human relations.  相似文献   

This paper utilizes information on cognitive ability at age 10 and earnings information from age 20 to 65 to estimate the return to ability over the life‐cycle. Cognitive ability measured at an early age is not influenced by the individual's choices of schooling. We find that most of the unconditional return to early cognitive ability goes through educational choice. The conditional return is increasing for low levels of experience and non‐increasing for experience above about 15–25 years. The return is similar for men and women, and highest for individuals with academic education. Only a small part of the return can be explained by higher probability of having a supervisory position.  相似文献   

The ability of organizations to effectively compete in the global marketplace is contingent on identifying and selecting an adequate number of qualified global managers. Nowhere is the shortage of managerial talent more evident than in the management of global supply chains. The complex and vexing set of problems facing global supply chain managers makes the task of selecting an adequate supply of managers much more daunting. Given the historic perspective of manning supply chain positions (i.e., managers with a operation and functional orientation), human resource managers are modifying and updating the profile of the global supply chain manager's position to encompass political, cultural/social, network, and an awareness of the significant differences to be found in global markets. In an effort to develop a criteria for the selection of global supply chain managers, a competency-based theoretical perspective is used and eight intelligences are examined that can be used in the selection of global supply chain managers.  相似文献   

What to do next     
Why do we work? While there may be some obvious, practical answers to this question, like needing to make money to survive, there are other reasons that people work. These include working: to have stimulation and excitement--to meet new challenges and have variety in your life; for love and affection--to be with colleagues, clients, customers and to provide security and protection for family and friends; and to leave a thumbprint on the world and change individuals, systems, and institutions. For quality life, it is necessary not only to work but to enjoy your work. For physicians considering careers in medical management, the key to success is being truly excited about management activities. If you are heading towards management, you need to view some of the tasks as fun or you probably won't stay with it very long.  相似文献   

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