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中东动荡历时一年多,导致该地区多国政权更迭,并迅速扩展到叙利亚,叙危机已成为这场动荡旋涡的中心.伊斯兰势力的崛起成为这些转型国家面临的严峻课题.动荡使中东地区格局面临新的调整,地区大国间矛盾和力量消长,将影响有关国家政局和热点问题走向.美国调整中东政策,深刻影响了地区局势走向.中国坚持“不干涉内政”原则,尊重有关国家人民自主选择的原则立场,得到国际社会理解和肯定.中东形势演变对中国中东外交带来重要机遇和严峻挑战,中国应审时度势,积极应对,谋求中国与中东国家关系的新发展. 相似文献
Corporate Governance: Impulses from the Middle East 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
The sheer fact that the concept of Corporate Governance is not yet as widely spread in the countries of the Middle-East as
in Western economies, may lead to our labelling, once again, this region as underdeveloped. The purpose of this article, however,
is to lead the reader to let go of this Western perspective and to discover the distinctive impulses that the Arab-Muslim
region has to offer for the further development of the human-social dimension of corporate governance, if not to ultimately
transform it in such a “Middle-Eastern” light. We start then, in this article, by revealing some of the general limitations
to corporate governance, before moving onto the specific impulses provided by the Muslim-Arab context. Islamic management
is a new domain of knowledge that will be addressed in this paper to shed some light on how Islam can inform reform and transform
the notion of corporate governance.
本文从剖析中东地区军火贸易的产生及发展入手,重点分析了2010年以来中东变局对地区军火贸易的发展格局、商品结构、供需市场等多方面产生的影响。由此得出结论:在中东变局的影响下,该地区极有可能掀起军备升级狂潮、再攀军火贸易高峰。从一定程度上看,军火贸易是军备竞赛的"晴雨表",中东地区军火贸易的不断扩大反映了地区军备竞赛的升级加剧,会导致地区安全形势恶化、经济发展延缓、恐怖主义活动猖獗,将对阿拉伯—伊斯兰地区稳定和可持续发展造成极大冲击,中东地区的军备控制依然任重而道远。 相似文献
历史上,犹太人与穆斯林并非天敌。《古兰经》承认犹太民族是一个“有经典的”优秀民族,对犹太人背井离乡深表同情,但对犹太教持否定与批判态度。犹太人与穆斯林之间的关系以和谐相处为特征,双方关系的恶化始于西方国家对穆斯林世界的侵略,锡安主义成了外部世界染指中东地区的工具。目前,以色列与中东穆斯林世界的关系将受制于缓和原则、在锡安主义上的工具性与目的性分离的原则、先易后难的原则和亮点原则等因素。以色列要化解与穆斯林世界的矛盾需要审时度势,针对不同国家采取不同对策:又方只有建立互信,才能最终实现和平共处。 相似文献
历史上,犹太人与穆斯林并非天敌。《古兰经》承认犹太民族是一个"有经典的"优秀民族,对犹太人背井离乡深表同情,但对犹太教持否定与批判态度。犹太人与穆斯林之间的关系以和谐相处为特征,双方关系的恶化始于西方国家对穆斯林世界的侵略,锡安主义成了外部世界染指中东地区的工具。目前,以色列与中东穆斯林世界的关系将受制于缓和原则、在锡安主义上的工具性与目的性分离的原则、先易后难的原则和亮点原则等因素。以色列要化解与穆斯林世界的矛盾需要审时度势,针对不同国家采取不同对策。双方只有建立互信,才能最终实现和平共处。 相似文献
Anna M. Agathangelou 《Asian Ethnicity》2011,12(2):221-224
《Journal of aging & social policy》2013,25(1):115-124
Abstract The countries of the Middle East all have traditional social insurance type social security programs. The move towards defined contribution individual accounts that is occurring in some regions has not affected this region The social security programs in the Middle East are not facing the problems of financing found in Europe and North America, in part because they still have relatively high fertility rates and are thus little affected by population aging. They tend to have low retirement ages and some of the wealthy countries of the region provide very generous benefits. Many of them need to consider reforms that raise retirement ages. A characteristic of many of the social security old-age benefit programs of the region is that they exclude foreign workers, who in some countries account for more than half the workforce. 相似文献
Vicken Cheterian 《Journal of historical sociology》2021,34(1):186-201
This paper argues that a long view perspective of contemporary sectarianism between Sunni and Shia Islam in the Middle East could be read on the background of earlier forms of sectarianism going back to the 19th and 20th century history of the region. Such an approach would disentangle sectarianism from primordial narratives as an intrinsic problem of Islam going back to the early schism of the 7th century and place it in social formations and social practices, and link it to the emergence of sectarianism during the Ottoman age of reforms. It would explicit arguments that link sectarianism with modernism, discussing how the emergence of modern, secular institutions that were based in early-modern millet system led to sects and sectarianism. The outcome of this approach is conceptualization of sect and sectarianism, its categorization, and confronting it with other modern narratives of the history of the Middle East. 相似文献
Beza L. Nisrane Ann Morissens Ariana Need René Torenvlied 《International migration (Geneva, Switzerland)》2017,55(6):122-136
Current migration studies and policy reviews neglect the vital link between migration experiences of labour migrants and their return and reintegration process. The objective of this study is to highlight the phenomenon and bring the matter to policy makers’ attention. This study uses in‐depth interviews and a series of focus group discussions to explore the relationship between migration experiences and economic reintegration of unskilled Ethiopian women who are return migrants from Middle Eastern countries. Economic reintegration, which in its basic form is about securing a livelihood, is a challenge for most returnees. The reason relates to the migration settings, preparedness and reintegration assistance in the home county. Reintegration assistance for involuntary returnees is beneficial only for those who manage to obtain some savings out of their migration. The findings imply the need for policy improvements regarding the working conditions of female domestic workers in the host countries and reintegration programmes in the home countries. 相似文献
“政教合一”是伊斯兰教的特性,这是它区别于其他宗教的显著特征。但是,作为一种入世性宗教,伊斯兰教是随着时代的进步不断发展的。在当代中东国家,存在着多种伊斯兰思潮。这些思潮虽有不同,但与穆斯林的生活密切相关的特性却始终如一,对中东社会的发展影响很大。 相似文献
由于死海地区严重缺水、死海水位的持续下降及所潜在的水能等因素,约、以分别提出了地中-死海、红海-死海的运河方案.两方案各有利弊,但就目前而论,利大于弊,但从长远看,尚难确定.目前,两方案虽已提出,但因国际和中东局势、资金等原因,运河何时能开工,还是未知数. 相似文献
全球经济艰难复苏之际,西亚北非的多个阿拉伯国家掀起了一场强烈的政治风暴,一批中东政治强人的政权岌岌可危。此次剧变中,青年是抗议人群的主体,也是发出改革最强音的群体。在对中东剧变的分析中,青年因素值得关注与研究。本文分析了青年成为变局主力军的主客观因素,并在此基础上,探讨了全球化背景下阿拉伯青年意识形态的发展趋势。 相似文献
由于死海地区严重缺水、死海水位的持续下降及所潜在的水能等因素,约、以分别提出了地中一死海、红海一死海的运河方案。两方案各有利弊,但就目前而论,利大于弊,但从长远看,尚难确定。目前,两方案虽已提出,但因国际和中东局势、资金等原因,运河何时能开工,还是未知数。 相似文献
"政教合一"是伊斯兰教的特性,这是它区别于其他宗教的显著特征.但是,作为一种入世性宗教,伊斯兰教是随着时代的进步不断发展的.在当代中东国家,存在着多种伊斯兰思潮.这些思潮虽有不同,但与穆斯林的生活密切相关的特性却始终如一,对中东社会的发展影响很大. 相似文献
第三次中东战争的地缘政治学探析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
事实上,第三次中东战争冲突的核心其实并非单纯是宗教上的分歧,地缘政治亦产生了重大影响.本文通过分析第三次中东战争爆发前后以色列所面临的复杂周边地缘政治环境及其国内影响安全的地缘政治因素(如疆域面积狭小、缺乏战略纵深等),从地缘政治学的角度来探析以色列在这次战争中的安全战略,进而对阿以和平走向作出某种展望. 相似文献
本文在对全球化缘起及国际关系格局变化进行全面论述的基础上,以大量事实说明全球化对中东各领域发展的影响及美、苏在中东地区的争夺.同时,对前苏联解体后,美国独霸世界的新形势下未来中东国际关系的发展趋势进行了阐述. 相似文献
政党竞争是政治生活中重要的组成部分,其相关状态反映了某一国家或地区政治生活的真实状况。阿拉伯革命之后中东地区政党竞争开始出现,但随之而来的是诸多消极表现。中东政党竞争中的困境是社会意识、政党发展程度、国内其他政治力量以及外部干涉等多种因素互相影响的结果。由于这些因素将长期存在,因此中东地区的政党制度的发展和完善还需要一定的时间。 相似文献
本文分析了国际能源体系的意义、结构及其演变,探讨了中东在国际能源体系中的重要地位.一个多世纪以来,中东从国际能源体系的边缘一步一步向中心移动.21世纪以来,国际能源体系呈现出一些新的特点.美国通过页岩气革命大规模开发非常规能源,其能源产量得到大规模提升,虽然中东在国际能源体系中的主导权在下降,但仍扮演着重要的角色. 相似文献