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Surveillance measures, now a major form of public action in relation to health and environmental risks, often rely on cooperation among parties with contradictory interests. This cooperation is analyzed in cases when neither coercion nor incentives suffice to obtain it. A study of an attack by a virus on crops has brought to light arrangements that contrast with the formal setup for surveillance. These arrangements made it possible for health-related information to circulate. They were facilitated by the activity of “surveillance mediators” who were able — thanks to their durable local roots and their technical qualifications — to relate to different social worlds. Light is thus shed on the need both to take into account the political nature of the data collected during surveillance activities and to examine the many forms they take — forms that are the very conditions for data collection.  相似文献   

This article explores the connections between game studies and surveillance studies. Although much of previous research analyzes surveillance as an oppressive practice, a more critical approach has recently identified the playful and enjoyable sides of watching and exposing. Surveillance in fact has many playful and game-like functions, which have not yet been addressed in their full extent. In this article, the vocabulary of play and game is used in order to uncover these game-like functions or surveillance practices. Five distinct game metaphors are presented: (1) cat-and-mouse, (2) hide-and-seek, (3) labyrinth, (4) sleight-of-hand and (5) poker. These metaphors reveal connections between enjoyment and control. Their implications are discussed both in urban settings and in virtual surroundings. In this article it is argued that faking, tricking and camouflaging have become persistent elements of urban and virtual cultures. There is no single authority watching, nor single context of surveillance and/or play. Rather, there are multiple players with variable motives. Examining the game elements of surveillance facilitates a broader understanding of how this practice moves beyond power and discipline. It also shows how surveillance and games are more intertwined than might have previously been recognized.  相似文献   

This article outlines some basic foundations and academic controversies about Web 2.0 surveillance. Contemporary web platforms, such as Google or Facebook store, process, analyse, and sell large amounts of personal data and user behaviour data. This phenomenon makes studying Internet surveillance and web 2.0 surveillance important. Surveillance can either be defined in a neutral or a negative way. Depending on which surveillance concept one chooses, Internet/web 2.0 surveillance will be defined in different ways. Web 2.0 surveillance studies are in an early stage of development. The debate thus far suggests that one might distinguish between a cultural studies approach and a critical political economy approach in studying web 2.0 surveillance. Web 2.0 surveillance is a form of surveillance that exerts power and domination by making use specific qualities of the contemporary Internet, such as user‐generated content and permanent dynamic communication flows. It can be characterized as a system of panoptic sorting, mass self‐surveillance and personal mass dataveillance. Facebook is a prototypical example of web 2.0 surveillance that serves economic ends. The problems of Facebook surveillance in particular and web 2.0 surveillance in general include: the complexity of the terms of use and privacy policies, digital inequality, lack of democracy, the commercialization of the Internet, the advancement of market concentration, the attempted manipulation of needs, limitation of the freedom to choose, unpaid value creation of users and intransparency.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the welfare effects of labor market institutions, placing an emphasis on how the institutions’ effects are differentiated by socio-demographic subgroups. We study how life satisfaction is affected by employment protection and the level and duration of unemployment benefit payments. Using data for almost 370,000 individuals in ten European countries, 1975-2002, we find that more employment protection and a higher benefit replacement rate increase the life satisfaction of the average citizen. At the subgroup level, different segments of the population are affected differently by the two categories of labor market institutions. While employment protection is valued especially by employed persons of intermediate age, it is less beneficial for women/housewives and for older persons. More generous unemployment insurance is valued especially by these latter subgroups and by the unemployed.  相似文献   

As the number of individuals and families impacted by AIDS continue to multiply, family therapists will increasingly be asked to become engaged in the challenge of caring for those affected. To date, little has been written in family therpy journals regarding the response of family therapists to this crisis. This paper represents an initial attempt to examine the atitudes of clinical members of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy toward AIDS and persons with AIDS. Included in the study are data regarding the therapists' contact with persons with AIDS, gays, and lesbians, and the impact of such contact on attitudes. Implications for future research, training, and treatment of those affected by AIDS are also provided.  相似文献   

Surveillance plays several interrelated and essential roles in contemporary education. In the current article, we explore the understandings and experiences of educators related to surveillance; especially the ‘vertical’ surveillance ‘from below’ students themselves direct towards educators both inside and outside of the classroom (referred to as ‘sousveillance’). We also explore the prudential ‘intrapersonal’ and reflexive surveillance undertaken by educators to align and adjust to the expectations of educator professionalization, including during educator training, especially in terms of their social media use and under a context of synoptic prudentialism in schools. Synoptic prudentialism refers to the reflexive actions and adjustments by individuals and organizations in response to an acute awareness of widespread social surveillance—the many watching the few. Educators noted risks posed by surveillance, including sources of potential harm, both personal and professional. Findings reveal that, reinforced by the legal scare stories encountered during educator training programs, educators feel overwhelmingly vulnerable to the potential sousveillance of students, and are receiving little advice beyond the requirement to ‘be careful’. We explore educators’ privacy management strategies in response, for example, in response to concerns over students capturing videos in the classroom where situations may be taken out of context. This prudential framework, moreover, may also be inhibiting educators’ ability to conduct outreach with students to detect and respond to online mediated conflict and harm.  相似文献   

Motivation as a limit to pricing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A monetary reward offered by a principal tends to crowd out an agent's willingness to perform the task for its own sake (i.e. based on intrinsic motivation) if the agent's sense of recognition, fairness, or self-determination are thereby negatively affected. The crowding-out effect of pricing may also spill over into sectors where no pricing is applied (spillover effect) if the persons affected find it costly to dinstinguish their motivations according to sectors. Motivation crowding-out and spillover narrow the scope for successfully applying monetary rewards. These theoretical claims are supported by real-life observations for environmental policy and blood donations.  相似文献   

This contribution discusses the ways people hold themselves and others accountable for everyday practices of surveillance. It analyses three examples: (1) the “breeching experiments” of the video artist “Surveillance Camera Man,” (2) a “stop and frisk” incident involving a 17‐year‐old boy in Harlem, and (3) the pop‐up windows on websites that ask for users’ consent to use “cookies.” Understanding the relationship between language and securitization, it is argued, requires that we pay attention to the interactional basis of surveillance and the ways rights and responsibilities are negotiated, ratified, challenged, or ignored in the moment‐by‐moment unfolding of communication.  相似文献   

The authors examine 12 months of emergency department visit data (N= 2,521) from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System All Injury Program and explore its utility for measuring and studying intimate partner violence. Given the dearth of national data on intimate partner violence–related injury and its potential value for public health surveillance and prevention, the data set appears promising for estimating national rates of emergency department visits. Missing perpetrator‐patient relationship data limit estimation of intimate partner–related hospital visits for injury and pain, which precludes national rate estimation at this time, but the data are still useful for describing documented intimate partner violence cases and may be helpful in designing prevention strategies.  相似文献   

Aging is accompanied by numerous functional and phenotypic changes in T cells, B cells and monocytes/macrophages; moreover, increases in autoimmunity, infections and occurrence of cancer have been reported in aged people. Healthy elderly persons, defined according to the criteria of the SENIEUR protocol, show various alterations in immunocompetent cells. Recent data have shown that the distribution of the subsets of peripheral blood, T-cell subtypes, is influenced by age. With increasing age, CD45RA+ naive cells are replaced by CD45RA- memory CD4+ T cells. In the CD8+ T-cell subset, we found an increased proportion of cells co-expressing CD57. In monocytes also, some alterations of the immunophenotype, for example the expression of the adhesion molecule CD54, were observed. A relative deficit of transendothelial migration with aging was found in T cells, whereas this function was not impaired in monocytes. The immunophenotype and the function of dendritic cells do no t appear to be affected by aging. Due to their capacity to present antigens to T cells and to induce T-cell proliferation, dendritic cells may provide a useful tool for immunotherapy. In conclusion, investigations of immune functions in aging people reveal that there is an alteration of the immunophenotype of T cells and monocytes. Several functions of T-cell accompanying mechanisms, for example cytokine production and cell migration, are also affected by aging. In contrast, dendritic cells do not seem to be influenced by the aging process.  相似文献   


As thousands of women are added to the surveillance data each year, the AIDS epidemic continues to be far reaching. And, as the number of infected women increase, there is an increase in the number of children affected by HIV. This article reviews the existing literature of AIDS affected children who have experienced or will experience the death of one or both parents as a result of HIV/AIDS. Approaches to culturally relevant, alternative permanency planning are examined which seek to serve as a guide for HIV-infected parents and human service providers.  相似文献   

Advance letters can potentially reduce the degree of nonresponsein random digit dial (RDD) surveys; however, they can also havea heterogeneous impact on subgroups, disproportionately raisingparticipation rates among certain segments of the populationand thereby having a detrimental effect on nonresponse bias.This is, in part, because advance letters can only be used inRDD surveys with the subset of respondents for whom an addresscan be identified. It may also be related to who in a householdsees the letter. We assess whether the use of advance letterscan improve the level of participation in the Behavioral RiskFactor Surveillance System (BRFSS) without introducing otherpotential data biases. The data reported here corroborate previousfindings, in terms of the positive impact that advance letterscan have on overall response rates (approximately a 6-percentage-pointgain). Moreover, the advance letters were cost-efficient inthat the cost of obtaining a fixed number of completed surveysusing advance letters was lower than the cost without letters.However, the positive impact of the advance letter on reducingnonresponse may have been offset to some extent in that theadvance letter may have biased the sample of those who completedthe interview toward older, white respondents and those of highersocioeconomic status, and away from younger, nonwhite individualsand persons with lower education and income levels. This lattergroup was underrepresented in the final sample and also lesslike to remember having received a letter.  相似文献   

Surveillance technologies may be capable of monitoring a domain, but they need a sufficiently orderly domain to monitor. This article examines the secretive effort to institute artificial-intelligence-based ‘smart surveillance’ in the New York subway, using object- and pattern-recognition algorithms to identify dangerous activities in video feeds, such as a person abandoning a package. By considering the necessary preconditions for computer vision systems to recognize patterns and objects, I show how smart surveillance was challenged by the lack of visual and social uniformities necessary for smart surveillance systems to make its fine-toothed distinctions. In spite of vast resources and involvement of a major military contractor, the project was eventually deemed a failure. Although problems in computer vision are being incrementally solved, those improvements do not yet add up to a holistic technology capable of parsing the real-world ambiguity of open-ended settings which do not meet the assumptions of the detection algorithms. In the absence of technologies that can handle the actual mess, the world itself must cooperate, but it often does not. The article demonstrates the importance of looking beyond the claims of technical efficacy in the study of security and surveillance to discover how technologies of inspection and control actually work, as a means to cut through the heavy rhetorical packaging in which they are sold to their publics.  相似文献   

Surveillance is one of the key aspects of the economic and social system in which we live. Its relevance is growing, due in part to technical advances and in part to complex social dynamics and the magnitude of certain conflicts. In this article we discuss the analytical framework formulated by Bauman, in which he contrasts the concepts of liquid and solid surveillance, and we introduce the concepts of inquisitive and coercive surveillance. We examine the genesis and evolution of both types of surveillance by analyzing public health and penitentiary strategies, particularly in 19th century Spain, as well as those of their respective institutions—the hospital and the prison—with special focus on their spatial manifestations and the divergence between the paths taken in the health‐care and penitentiary spheres.  相似文献   

《Journal of Socio》1997,26(4):421-437
Taxes imply loss of individual freedom to dispose of one's own money as one wishes. From a psychological viewpoint it is reasonable to assume that people reject the introduction of new taxes if they are affected by them and have to contribute more to the tax authorities than in the past. It can also be assumed that personal value orientation such as selfishness and altruism, respectively, influence attitudes towards taxes. Moreover, personality traits, such as norm dependency, and age should affect one's acceptance of taxes.This study investigates the attitudes of 120 persons affected by a new tax and 113 persons not affected by the tax. Norm dependency, egoistic versus altruistic value orientation, tax mentality and tax morality as well as demographic characteristics were assessed by questionnaires. The results indicate that both affectedness and value orientation determined attitudes towards the new tax. Age and norm dependency are correlated with attitudes towards taxes in general. The hypothesized interaction effect between affectedness and value orientation was not confirmed. However, affected egoists, nonaffected egoists, affected altruists, and nonaffected altruists, respectively, mentioned different reasons for and against taxes, tax increases, and the introduction of new taxes.  相似文献   

In an effort to better understand the cognitive and attitudinal factors underlying public opinion on AIDS-related issues, this article proposes and empirically tests a model of the relationships between (1) knowledge of HIV transmission, specifically the misinformation that AIDS can be transmitted easily through casual contact with HIV-infected persons; (2) attitudes toward homosexuals, the most prominent of the social groups presently affected by the AIDS crisis; and (3) support for restrictive public policies aimed at HIV-infected persons. Data from two nationally representative surveys conducted in December of 1985 (N = 2,308) and in July of 1987 (N = 2,095) provide evidence that misinformation about AIDS transmission and negative attitudes toward homosexuals are strong predictors of support for stringent restrictions of persons with AIDS. The findings also suggest that several background factors, in particular, education and political liberalism, may also play decisive roles in influencing levels of support for restricting those infected with the AIDS virus.  相似文献   

Women with disabilities face simultaneous oppression in employment due to discrimination with regard to disability and gender. This article investigates the potential disparity in participation in employment for women, particularly women with disabilities. We analysed weighted data from disability surveillance programs and the Behavioural Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) on over 47,000 respondents. The disability BRFSS was a telephone survey in 11 states and Washington DC. Logistic regression analyses produced adjusted models of the association between gender and employment. Compared with people without disabilities, there were disparities found for people with disabilities, and women with and without disabilities, with the larger discrepancy for women without disabilities. Additional detail about level of employment is needed to make conclusive statements; however, it is clear that disparities in employment continue to exist for women, regardless of their disability status.  相似文献   

Monitoring of consumers has become the most widespread mode of surveillance today. Being a multi-billion dollar business, the collected data are traded globally without much concern by the consumers themselves. Loyalty cards are an element with which such data are collected. Analyzing the role of loyalty cards in everyday practices such as shopping, I discuss how new modes of surveillance evolve and work and why they eventually make communication about data protection a difficult matter. Further, I will propose an alternative approach to the study of surveillance. This approach is concerned with local practices, focusing on subjective narratives in order to view surveillance as an integral part of culturally or socially manifested contexts and actions and not to view surveillance as something alien to society and human interaction. This will open up other possibilities to study modes of subjectivity or how individuals situate themselves within society.  相似文献   

Research shows that participation in employment contributes to life satisfaction for persons with disabilities [18]. Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) sought to prohibit discrimination against persons with disabilities in the workplace, however, the ADA's effectiveness remains controversial. This research utilizes data from the disability supplement of the 2000 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System to examine the impact of disability status on predicting employment status and income. Confounding variables such as gender, age, educational level, race and marital/parental status are examined regarding their influence on results. Results from analysis utilizing zero-order correlation, linear and logistic regression analysis techniques revealed that disability status has a significant predictive effect on inability to work. Furthermore, results continue to show that despite legislation, the higher the level of disability, the lower the employment status (those employed for wages) and income. Finally, disability status, coupled with being female or decreased educational level, consistently shows significance in predicting lower employment status and income than men or non-minorities with disabilities. Future research opportunities and policy implications are discussed with regard to the results presented.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether the Swedish national entitlement legislation, which is known to be one of the most developed in Europe for persons with intellectual disabilities or autism, accomplishes its aim to provide equal quality of day services independent of location. We estimated a reduced-form model of demand and supply-side determinants of a latent quality variable for day-service programmes using panel data on expenditure per attendee for the 290 Swedish municipalities 2004–2012. We found that expenditure per attendee is among others affected by changes of the local tax base and outcome in elections to the local assemblies. These results imply that rights of persons with intellectual disabilities with regard to equal quality of day services independent of where they live are not fully honoured in budget allocation decisions made by local governments.  相似文献   

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