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课间圈养日渐成为一种普遍的教育问题。这一问题的产生有两个重要原因,一是自我保存的时代精神对教育的规约,二是中国实施的独生子女政策。这一普遍的教育问题产生了较为严重的教育后果:课间圈养限制了学生好动的天性,不利于其身心健康以及未来的自我保护;课间圈养阻断了孩子与自然的亲密接触,使其无法习得在与自然的交往中产生的直观的安全知识以及丰富的生命体验;课间圈养阻碍了教师教育教学活动的顺利展开,阻碍了教师教育责任的真正履行。走出课间圈养,需要从两个方面入手:一是从根本上确立和落实玩的规则,明确规则的性质、制定规则的主体以及落实措施;二是建立并完善相应的法律法规及保险制度。  相似文献   

李建华 《唐都学刊》2005,21(2):92-95
隋代结束了中国多年的分裂,建立了统一的王朝。国家的统一并没有带来文学派别之争的停息。细细观察隋代文坛,我们可以发现隋代文学分成两大流派,这就是以隋炀帝杨广为代表的晋邸王府学士派和以杨素为代表的北方士族派。这两大流派文人的组成不同,代表了不同的政治利益,其主导思想亦不同。  相似文献   

An important new development in Soviet education is the nation-wide organization of a system of boarding schools for children. The following article by the Principal of Boarding School No. 15, Moscow, deals critically with a current pedagogical problem — over-loading children with classes and homework. "We Must Find A New Way — And Can," Izvestia, March 23, 1961.  相似文献   

The need to create a new social studies course is mandated by cardinal changes in the country—by the desire to resurrect Russian statehood and overcome the "image of the enemy" in relations with other states; by substantial changes in the social sciences and opportunities that have opened up to explore the diversity of worldview positions, by perestroika in the sphere of education, designed to make it more humane and to shape citizens who are integrated into contemporary society and desirous of improving it; and by educators' and school students' vigorous rejection of the old content of the social disciplines. The old content deprived students of the opportunity to become properly acquainted with the multicolored picture of contemporary life in the country and the world; it failed to foster the correct orientation under rapidly changing circumstances and realization of one's own place in them.  相似文献   

Some theories to explain the relationship between school failure and delinquency are examined. It is argued that it is the condition of status deprivation through being given a low rank on the status hierarchy of the school that leads to delinquency. Policies of equality of opportunity achieve a reordering of children on the hierarchy, but leave the hierarchy itself intact. Delinquency may be part of a more general pathology which arises from competitiveness in schools.  相似文献   

This article shows the pattern of socioeconomic class differences in schooling outcomes and indicates some of the causes for those differences that lie within the public realm. Those causes include "nested inequalities" across boundaries of states, school districts, schools within a district, classes within a school, and sometimes separation within a class. In addition, urban public schools demonstrate a particular set of problems that generate differential schooling outcomes by economic class. The article also demonstrates ways in which class biases are closely entwined with racial and ethnic inequities. It concludes with the broad outlines of what would be necessary to reduce class (and racial) disparities in American public schools .

The American dream will succeed or fail in the 21 st century in direct proportion to our commitment to educate every person in the United States of America.
            —President Bill Clinton, 1995 ( Clinton, 1995 : 617)

There is no greater test of our national responsibility than the quality of the education we provide.
      —Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore, 2000 ( Gore, 2000 )

Both parties have been talking about education for quite a while. It's time to come together to get it done, so that we can truthfully say in America: No child will be left behind.
                —President George W. Bush, 2001 ( Bush, 2001 )

This article addresses the responses likely to be received by low-income parents from teachers and staff in their children's public schools in the United States. A review of the relevant literature reveals that teachers and school administrators tend to subscribe to the dominant beliefs that low-income parents do not care about their children's schooling, are not competent to help with homework, do not encourage achievement, and do not place a high value on education. This article presents examples of such middle-class bias in the words and actions of individual teachers, and research findings that tend to contradict these stereotypes. The barriers that exist for low-income parents in interacting with the schools are discussed, and suggestions are offered for ways in which schools can recognize and respect the standpoint and potential contributions of these parents.  相似文献   

民办学校应是指非政府和其他非国有性质的单位、个人利用非国有资产投资 ,形成前期固定资产的学校。目前 ,民办学校的财产权结构束缚了其发展。应建立类似于企业法人的财产权结构  相似文献   

Community involvement in schools is currently being fostered in Australian education systems both by education departments and by interested groups within the wider society. It is a social issue which needs careful consideration both to avoid the errors of other countries and to ascertain whether such involvement has any real benefits for those who work in schools, namely, the teachers and students.  相似文献   

Introduction :LanguageandYuwen  Languageandyuwenaretworelatedyetdistinctterms.Languageasthevehicleofhumanthought playsahugeroleinhumansocietiesandcommunications,involvingatoncephysiologicalandpsychologicaldimensions.Naturallanguageisspokenorvoiced .Writt…  相似文献   

A hitherto neglected area of social and educational research has been the problems faced by itinerant children in their social development, personal adjustment and educational progress. These problems are likely to grow with the increasing mobility of the Australian population. This article briefly explores the issue and reviews research undertaken with geographically mobile families and children of defence force personnel. It recommends further research to delineate the extent of the problems, identify cause-effect relationships and help children and their families to cope with the effects of mobility.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study tested the quality of data collected with the online ESSP for Children from a diverse sample of 1,172 third through fifth graders. METHODS: Mplus confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) procedures for ordinal and clustered data were used. RESULTS: Of 80 original items, 61 loaded on 13 dimensions in a first-order model that had good fit in three random subsamples. Children in grades 3 through 5 may not be reliable reporters about neighborhood adults' caring. However, 12 statistically sound and independent dimensions related to school, peers, family, and well-being were obtained. CONCLUSIONS: The ESSP for Children provides school staff with quality data to use in conjunction with family and teacher ESSP data to guide intervention choices in schools.  相似文献   

西方国际安全理论主要流派述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪90年代,从批判理论分离出来的建构主义安全理论脱颖而出,与新现实主义和新自由主义并称为西方国际安全理论三大主流学派。三大学派从不同的视角对国际安全问题进行了诠释,均有一定的学术价值和现实意义,同时也各自存在着一定的局限性。西方国际安全研究的历史进程反映了国际安全形势的变化趋势,但国家安全始终是西方国际安全理论分析国际安全问题的基础和前提。与此同时,西方国际安全研究所涉及的安全内涵及安全主体等等正在发生变化,出现了综合安全研究的新趋势。  相似文献   

This article identifies organizational structures and practices in schools that influence the frequency of interracial interactions, the likelihood ofcross-race friendships, and students' attitudes and behaviors toward members of different racial and ethnic groups. These formal and informal organizational practices include curriculum tracking, assignment to classes, attendance at school level functions, and extracurricular activities. The article discusses how the quality of interracial interactions and the resultingrelationships among students is influenced by the contexts of these different organizational practices, including students' status expectations, cooperative versus competitive modes of academic and extracurricular interactions, and educators' views on racial/ethnic issues and their preferences for instructional methods. By taking these effects into account, schools can make significant advances in promoting positive race relations.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of schools of social work vary in methodology and findings. This paper critically reviews the available published and unpublished studies, indicating the methodological limits of four basic types: reputational, article counts, total production scores and citation counts. Variations in findings are probably due to the time period studied, the measures used and the individuals and sources used as samples. Caution should be exercised in drawing conclusions from any one study. Directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

Disproportionate attention is often focused on government programs which are adopted as part of a political platform. Yet these are often marginal in terms of the expenditures involved. Such is the case with education. The disadvantaged schools program introduced by the Whitlam Labor government involved only a very small outlay compared with the annual expenditure on education in Victoria. This paper argues that it is important to find ways of evaluating the spatial and social impact of the main bulk of government programs. Evidence is adduced which casts some doubt on the equity with which state government funds for state secondary schools have been allocated spatially in metropolitan Melbourne.  相似文献   

Human relations training in many forms, the best known of which are encounter groups, enjoys wide popularity in industry, government and education. Some ‘professional’ objections to the running of such groups are raised, and it is proposed that these objections may be partially answered if there is a non-profit-making national association of group leaders whose function would be to provide a code of ethics to members and information to the public. As well as these professional objections involving the areas of leadership, screening and casualties, there are also objections to the 'process' of groups itself; to these latter objections arising out of an individual's sensibility and subjective interpretations of events, no compelling reply can be given. Affirmation of the interactions in encounter groups is likewise a subjective matter.  相似文献   

文军 《社会》2003,(1):27-29
“学校社会工作(school social work)”在发达国家和地区已成为一项 专业化的社会事业,一门教育学与社  相似文献   

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