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张政文 《求是学刊》2001,28(3):80-86
康德认为,美的本源出自于人的理性能力与知性能力之间的审美判断力,但美的本源决非美的本质.美的本质是审美判断力在其判断活动中展开的涉及到质、量、关系、模态四个方面的规定性.美的本质可以深刻地应答美的本源问题.同样,对美的本质的界定只是问题的开始,美的本质问题只有在关于艺术本体的阐释中才能得到终极解决,从美的本源到美的本质,再从美的本质到艺术,康德通过对美的本质的二重解构,重新打开了美的本质之门.  相似文献   

Determinism and the Recovery of Human Agency: The Embodying of Persons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intending the recovery of human agency with the aid of theories of human socio-cultural life, Turner and Harre do so however in terms of conflicting conceptions of the embodying of persons. Consequently, their theories share the problem of determinism and embodied human agency. This is the problem of the proper location of agency with regard to the person, the body, and society. These theories then are in fundamental conflict on exactly this issue of the proper location of agency. Turner's thesis of location: in the beginning is the body, and therefore the person. Thus Turner's recovery of agency: the effectiveness of persons resides in the discourse-independent agency of the bodies of persons. Harre's thesis of location: in the beginning is the person, and therefore the body. Thus Harre's recovery of agency: the effectiveness of persons resides in the discursive agency of persons embodied. For both Turner and Harre the intent to recover agency through embodiment is also a scientific intent. Thus, the problem of the proper location of agency requires that agency must be formulated in terms of ubiquitous determinism and not regularity determinism: only the former provides a conception of causal powers. To answer the question of location Turner is led to Merleau-Pontian phenomenology and its conception of the lived body. Instead, Harre enlists a realist philosophy of science with its special conception of causual powers. A systematic conception of agentive causation is shown to constitute the recovery of human agency and to enable us to make principled determinations in the assignment of agency. It is argued that, since phenomenology presumes the ontology of regularity determinism, it cannot provide us with what it in fact denies, a conception of causal powers. It is argued that Merleau-Ponty moved from his idea of the actual body as lived to the actual body as flesh, and in that reformulation it is best understood as causal powers. It is argued that without a conception of causal powers Turner's use of the lived body to establish the agency of effective persons must fail, revealing instead that the effectiveness of persons is the discursive agency of persons embodied. Persons discursively embodied enact the practices of speech acts and action signs systems.  相似文献   

徐冰 《社会》2017,37(5):24-58
本文围绕查尔斯·泰勒的两篇文章"消极自由有什么错" "自由主义政治与公共领域",以及泰勒与哈贝马斯在2009年的对话,来阐释他对自由主义的修正。这两篇文章相互呼应,前一篇阐释作为道德心理学的个人本真性,后一篇阐释使(个人或群体的)本真性得以充分发挥的多元公共领域。公共领域是市民社会的核心环节,而市民社会是与自由主义联系在一起的自由社会的主要形式。在对自由社会的阐释中,泰勒总结了修正自由主义的中庸观:在个人自由、自治和基于平等权利的规则之间寻求平衡和相互支持。在2009年与哈贝马斯的对话中他进而指出,宗教是多元公共领域中的议题之一。这种历史观基于他对韦伯观点的修正而形成,而此历史观对当前中国的处境有启发价值。  相似文献   

倪玉珍 《社会》2019,39(1):184-210
法国大革命遭遇的挫折促成了19世纪初法国思想界对自然权利学说的反思。这一反思的重要成果是社会范畴受到关注和社会学说的兴盛。圣西门接续了孔多塞和观念学派创立“社会科学”的努力,探索“社会生理学”。他摒弃了启蒙时代盛行的抽象个体观,揭示了人的社会属性。他把社会视为有机体,认为社会的各个部分应相互协作,构成和谐的统一体。他还强调了欧洲社会历史演进的动力机制。在此基础上,圣西门提出了“组织”社会的初步设想。圣西门的社会学说融合了社会科学和社会主义的萌芽,促进了法国从革命向社会重建的重要转变。它给后世留下了双重的精神遗产:既唤起人们同情社会苦难的博爱情感,又提醒人们要科学地观察和研究社会事实,尤其在行动时要保持清明的理性。  相似文献   

应用伦理学是伦理学的现代发展形式之一,也是最富有生命力的理论前沿,有着重大的现实价值。本期所刊发的四篇文章是国内青年学者近期在应用伦理学的不同领域中所取得的阶段性成果。《市场经济与分配正义》一文重申了分配与生产、交换的同等地位,从社会伦理的角度阐述了分配正义与合理市场经济秩序构建的问题。《论环境伦理学中的整体主义》一文则围绕环境保护的道德责任归属的问题进行了深入分析,指出个体主义和整体主义虽然都有其历史渊源,并且可以部分地解决环境伦理的规范问题,但都缺乏内在的自洽性,这就暴露了环境伦理学作为学科之不成熟性的事实。《论中国公共行政伦理的核心任务》一文探讨了公共行政的一般特性以及在中国的特殊问题,从而揭示了中国公共行政建设的重点所在。《论当代宗教的伦理化趋势》一文考察了全球化视阈下的宗教的新变化,特别是信仰伦理成分的加重使它在今日社会发展中扮演着越来越重要的角色。  相似文献   

市场经济与分配正义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用伦理学是伦理学的现代发展形式之一,也是最富有生命力的理论前沿,有着重大的现实价值。本期所刊发的四篇文章是国内青年学者近期在应用伦理学的不同领域中所取得的阶段性成果。《市场经济与分配正义》一文重申了分配与生产、交换的同等地位,从社会伦理的角度阐述了分配正义与合理市场经济秩序构建的问题。《论环境伦理学中的整体主义》一文则围绕环境保护的道德责任归属的问题进行了深入分析,指出个体主义和整体主义虽然都有其历史渊源,并且可以部分地解决环境伦理的规范问题,但都缺乏内在的自洽性,这就暴露了环境伦理学作为学科之不成熟性的事实。《论中国公共行政伦理的核心任务》一文探讨了公共行政的一般特性以及在中国的特殊问题,从而揭示了中国公共行政建设的重点所在。《论当代宗教的伦理化趋势》一文考察了全球化视阈下的宗教的新变化,特别是信仰伦理成分的加重使它在今日社会发展中扮演着越来越重要的角色。  相似文献   

An introduction to the issue of research on the social impact of the Therapeutic Community for Addiction (TC) is presented. The TC is argued to originate in 1957 in the California utopian community of Synanon, although earlier antecedents are recognised. The direct scientific influence on the development of Synanon is documented and traced to the discipline of sociology and the social research tradition. The breaking with the authoritarian style of Synanon is seen as a key process in the evolution of the TC. Social innovations created by the TC movement include interracial and interethnic living groups as well as the instilling of democracy in the relations of caring in the state institutions and the civil society. The issues of after-care and the re-entry phase of the TC client to society are seen as the point where the social impact of the TC can begin to be traced. The integration of the TC into larger treatment systems is discussed, both in its positive and negative consequences to the social movement. Historical research needs to be extended beyond familiar sources into the 'grey literature' of TCs and their umbrella organisations. Also, the need to go beyond research that provides an understanding of the past history of the TC is acknowledged. A call for present-oriented sociological research on the impact of the TC on the social networks of clients in re-entry and on socially excluded segments of society that would revitalise the movement is concluded.  相似文献   

This study examined the patterns and correlates of the types of maltreatment experienced by adolescents aged 9–12, participating in an ongoing longitudinal study on the impact of neglect on children's development. Using case record abstraction, the study compared the child protection classification and findings from the case record abstraction with regard to the rates of four types of maltreatment (i.e. physical, sexual, emotional abuse and neglect) as well as co‐occurrence across multiple types of maltreatment. Next, the study examined the frequently observed patterns of child maltreatment. Finally, the study investigated whether aspects of caretaker functioning and the detailed incident characteristics in the cases of neglect differed by the number of different types of maltreatment the children experienced. Results showed significant discrepancies between the Child Protective Service classification and case record abstraction. Child Protective Service classification considerably underestimated the rate of co‐occurrence across multiple types of maltreatment. Neglect accompanied by physical and emotional abuse was the most common form. Some of the caretaker functioning variables distinguished the number of types of maltreatment. Based on the findings, future‐research directions and practice implication were discussed.  相似文献   

在互联网时代,网络的开放性和匿名性促进了信息发布的繁荣与泛滥,每一个人既可能是信息滥用的始作俑者,又可能是信息滥用的受害者。网络群体性事件是个人信息滥用的重灾区,在程度上可以区分为递进的三级,即对正式发布文本中个人信息的集成;挖掘并发布当事人的日常生活隐私;将当事人的真实信息与虚构和想象结合在一起,以抹黑当事人。针对网络群体性事件中个人信息日益严重的滥用,需要强化互联网个人信息发布规则,建立针对个人信息滥用的纠正机制,强化快速而有力的司法救济措施。  相似文献   

吴立保  王骥 《阅江学刊》2012,4(5):31-36
文化精神是大学的灵魂,中国大学模式的构建是中国大学百年发展历程中摆脱依附、寻求自主发展和独立发展的探索过程,体现出文化选择的时代特征。在建设高教强国的背景下提出建构中国大学模式的命题,表明了中国大学发展对中华民族的复兴具有重要作用。从文化选择的视角思考中国大学模式的构建,需要传承近代中国大学文化精神,立足中国模式,以文化包容的心态融合世界大学的共同精神,遵循世界大学发展的普适规律并形成中国大学的文化特色。  相似文献   

Objective. This article offers a test of the normative explanation of collective behavior by examining the fire at the Station nightclub in Rhode Island that killed 100 and injured nearly 200 persons.Methods. Information on all persons at the club comes from content analysis of documents from the Rhode Island Police Department, the Rhode Island Office of the Attorney General, and The Providence Journal. We use negative binomial regression to test hypotheses about the effects of group-level predictors of the counts of dead and injured in 179 groups at the nightclub.Results. Results indicate that group-level factors such as distance of group members at the start of the fire, the number of intimate relations among them, the extent to which they had visited the nightclub prior to the incident, and the average length of the evacuation route they used predict counts of injured and dead. The research also looks at what behavioral differences exist between survivors and victims, ascertains the existence of role extension among employees of the nightclub, and provides support for the affirmation that dangerous contexts negate the protective influence of intimate relations in groups.Conclusion. We argue for the abandonment of current emphasis on irrationality and herd-like imitative behavior in studies of evacuation from structural fires in buildings and for the inclusion of group-level processes in social psychological explanations of these incidents.  相似文献   

At the end of World War II there was a great interest in estimation of reconversion prospects for the United States economy. A main question was: Would be the United States return to the conditions of the Great Depression of the 1930s or maintain a high level of employment and grow without inflation? Franco Modigliani and James Duesenberry independently proposed dynamic versions of the macroeconomic consumption function, and A.C. Pigou had recently suggested that the consumption function should include a term for real cash balances, a wealth effect which was relevant, given the accumulation of liquid assets during the austere consumer environment of the War. Also, from the original discussions of the mathematical models of the Keynesian system, there was consideration about the effects of the distribution of income on aggregate consumer spending. Those various lines of thought were discussed in a memorial conference for Franco Modigliani at the New School University in 2005. The present paper was on the memorial program, and examines the statistical content of the questions about reconversion prospects in the mid 1940s. It also extend the analysis through the rest of the 20th Century, with consideration of the macrodynamics of the early postwar period into the age of affluent consumer.  相似文献   

权力缺席与权力失约--当代中国的公法漏洞及其救济   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
谢晖 《求是学刊》2001,28(1):59-65
文章认为,当代中国法律中存在着明显的权力缺席现象.形成这一现象的原因既有观念的,也有体制的.观念的原因主要有国家主义法律观、强制主义法律观和管理主义法律观的负面影响;体制的原因则指我国现行立法体制(特别是由有关政府部门起草与自身利益相关的法案)的弊病.权力的缺席是导致权力失约的重要原因,这主要表现为权力缺席使控权对象缺失,使权力制约失去了规范依凭,同时也使权力在法外推定有了"必要"和可能.而权力一旦在法外能够推定,则意味着权力扩张和权力失约成为必然.为此,作者提出要真正控权,就必须注重公法建设的主张.公法倘要克服权力缺席现象,需强调控权的立法宗旨、确权的立法内容、护权的立法技术和越权的法律责任.  相似文献   

南宋时期内忧外患,儒释道思想呈互相融合与斗争之局面.此时朱熹对儒家礼学之建构甚为重视,认为礼为沟通人与天、行与心之必要桥梁,礼之实现为心与礼的相合.这种精神维度的相合有着宇宙论的合法性、永恒性和心性论的必然性、自觉性,因气禀存在着"圣人似的自诚明"与"圣人以外的自明诚"两种不同方式.朱熹以心与礼的相合实现了礼之内化,激活了礼的内在生命力,更以此开辟了天人合一之礼学路径,对后世产生了深远影响.  相似文献   

许仕廉是燕京大学社会学第一位中国籍系主任。他提出了“本土社会学”的社会学思想,确立了燕大社会学中国化学科建设的基点。在任期间,他改变了燕大社会学早期服务于基督教的特征和依赖外国教师的局面,初步建立“中国化”的社会学课程体系,开拓了社会学原理与中国实际结合的学术路径,有选择地引入了人文区位理论,培养和储备了社会学中国化的骨干人才。许仕廉开启了燕京大学社会学中国化的进程,在燕京大学社会学中国化乃至社会学中国化的过程中扮演着重要的引领者和奠基人的角色。  相似文献   

随着清末直隶行政体制改革进程的加快,直隶疆域改制的问题也一度被提上日程。为此,直隶地方政府通过增加行政建制,加强了对直隶辖区边缘地区的行政统辖权。同时,直隶还试图通过迁移县治等办法改变大兴、宛平与京师管辖权限界限不清之弊。作为立法机构,顺直谘议局为推动顺天府的行政改革做出了努力。但最终由于清朝中央政府改革思路混乱,造成了地方行政区划改革无所适从而失败,而直隶则通过加强边地建设,进一步巩固了基层行政权力。  相似文献   

行政主体义务设定的失衡及价值选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政主体义务设定是指行政主体在行政执法的过程中为相对一方当事人确定禁止规则或强加负担的行为 ,它是行政权的延伸。与其它类型的行政权行使一样 ,义务设定必须符合法定条件 ,同时又要符合行政合理原则 ,这也是行政法治、依法行政的要求。然而 ,行政法治实践中行政主体义务设定的失衡现象非常普遍 ,如对程序负责不对实体负责的失衡 ,以经济利益为重而以社会利益为轻的失衡等。因此 ,必须探讨义务设定中的合理价值选择 ,即有利于建立法律秩序、有利于实现公民权、有利于行政管理过程有效实现、充分体现行政伦理准则等四个方面的价值选择。  相似文献   

The capacity of the EMU system to successfully tackle an economic crisis has been questioned during the recent financial and economic turmoil. The basic economic structure and competitiveness in the eurozone has developed in an undesirable direction. The number of member countries of the EMU, as well as the basic construction of the EMU system, must again be the focus of the discussion. After a study of the current accounts of 12 EMU countries follows a discussion in terms of the Barro–Gordon model about the costs of the EMU, i.e., to bring together the preferences of the political authorities in different EMU countries and the optimal combination of inflation and employment in the eurozone to determine the sought equilibrium of the model. If economic structural differences are increasing, they must be compensated by increased integration. It is feasible, but only for the economically viable EMU countries.  相似文献   

张军 《阅江学刊》2013,(5):73-82
魏晋南北朝时期以军府为核心的军事行政体制逐步楔入国家行政体制,军事行政体制侵蚀民政,出现以“军”代“民”的情况。在这一转变过程中,西晋实为关键时期。西晋武帝时期,军府制度先后经过两次重大改革:一是都督制与封王制度相配合;二是罢州郡兵。平吴之后,晋武帝改革的重点在于军政分途,逐步恢复汉代地方制度,即刺史负责监察,民事由郡国守相管理,军事主要由都督负责。西晋后期,政局动荡,地方军权和行政权相互渗透,重新出现军政高度合一的态势,导致都督之权极度扩张,出现了多州都督与郡都督,都督区域的盈缩变化表明了都督本身军政职能与权力的变化。西晋末期,刺史加将军号拥有军权,都督也领刺史而有相当之行政权,拥有军事实力的都督,可以选置刺史、郡太守这一级别的行政官员。都督制度的变化对东晋南朝军制的影响十分深远。  相似文献   

纪明  岑树田 《创新》2007,1(3):67-71
与全国平均水平相比,广西目前的产业结构仍处于低度水平。基于时代背景的不同,广西产业结构战略性调整需要有新的思路。创新产业结构发展模式,打破产业结构的渐进式变革进程,根据地区发展的比较优势,选定一个或几个主导产业重点发展,在产业非均衡发展中短期内实现产业结构的高级化、合理化与高效化,并为整个地区经济跨越式发展寻求新的经济增长点。  相似文献   

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