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Today, with the new stage in development of our society — the process of building communism — the study of man in the USSR has gone far beyond the confines of the special disciplines and has become an interdisciplinary problem for a number of social and natural sciences. Therefore it will be readily understood that the social problems of sexual relationships must be studied. This explains the considerable attention given to that problem in the literature of sociology and social psychology (in the works of I. S. Kon, A. G. Kharchev, V. N. Kolbanovskii, and others).  相似文献   

马克思的哲学共产主义思想的深远意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马克思所理解的共产主义首先是指一种实体性的平台,即一种完善的社会制度和社会形态。但正如党的十六大修改过的新党章所申明的,共产主义是最高理想和最终奋斗目标,实现共产主义将经历一个极其艰难而漫长的过程。在做实体性界定的同时,马克思还从哲学的意义和价值层面,提出了对共产主义的非实体性理解,即他所理解的共产主义并非只是一种实体性的平台,还是哲学视域中的意义、价值和情境,其核心是人作为实践主体在对象化活动中所面对的各种矛盾的真正解决,实现人的本质向人自身的回归。所以我们不能用标准、条件等实体性的尺度去衡量马克思的哲学共产主义思想,他提供的是一种新的方向和维度,虽然对象化的诸多矛盾难以在未来某一天"真正解决",但共产主义应该坚持解决这些矛盾的大方向,要具有解决这些矛盾的意义、价值和功能。这是马克思哲学共产主义思想的真实涵义。共产主义在全部"世界历史"中生成绝不是一句空话,它就存在于现实活动中,存在于我们的实践中。所以,一个共产主义者必须努力工作,积极实践,同时保持共产主义的操守和情怀。  相似文献   

In the present article the logical structure of applied social sciences will be discussed. Applied sciences don't regard causes and effects but only means and ends. Therefore the logical structure of means-end-argumentations in social sciences will be shown. One can perceive also the important part of normative statements. In summarizing, we can declare that in social sciences there is partly a need to reflect on the postulate of a value-free social science. But it is not our purpose to introduce normative statements as scientific ones. What counts is a liberal attitude towards all realizable norms.  相似文献   

当前要深刻认识和高度重视哲学社会科学的重要地位和作用。“三个代表”重要思想是衡量我国哲学社会科学性质、方向和水平的根本尺度。用“三个代表”重要思想统领哲学社会科学工作 ,必须坚持理论创新 ,在马克思主义中国化、时代化上下功夫 ,用发展着的马克思主义指导新的实践 ;必须坚持先进性 ,在代表“发展要求”和“前进方向”上下功夫 ,使理论研究始终走在时代潮流的前头 ;必须坚持围绕中心、服务大局 ,在落实党执政兴国的第一要务上下功夫 ,全力推动经济社会的发展 ;必须坚持牢记宗旨 ,在代表根本利益上下功夫 ,把科学回答广大干部群众关心的重大理论和现实问题作为哲学社会科学研究的出发点和落脚点 ;必须坚持面向社会、推动普及 ,在促进领导干部掌握基本知识、增强执政能力上下功夫 ;必须坚持贯穿全部、统筹全局 ,在全部哲学社会科学工作中充分体现“三个代表”重要思想。坚持用“三个代表”重要思想统领哲学社会科学工作 ,必须牢牢把握四个突出 :突出现实 ,贴紧要务 ;突出重点 ,破解难题 ;突出优长 ,打造精品 ;突出创新 ,繁荣学术 ,在理论创新中推进哲学社会科学的繁荣和发展。  相似文献   

在全国人民喜迎中华人民共和国60华诞之际,中国社会科学院举行学术报告会,隆重庆祝新中国成立60周年。1949年中华人民共和国的诞生,开辟了中国共产党领导全国人民建设新社会、创造新文明的伟大时代,也开启了中国哲学社会科学发展的新纪元。  相似文献   

关于社会科学普及问题的理性思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从形式逻辑角度阐述了社会科学普及的概念及其所具有的含义,认为探讨社会科学普及的意义既要考虑社会科学本身的特点和功能,又要考虑广大社会公众的社会科学素质及其对社会科学的认识和态度,还要考虑我国的社会制度、价值目标以及社会发展与人的发展之间的互相依赖关系。社会科学的普及要坚持创新与普及、科学性与通俗性、系统性与针对性、政府主导与市场机制等四个方面的结合。  相似文献   

主流意识形态与中国哲学社会科学创新体系具有紧密的联系,创新主流意识形态研究方式,既是当代中国一个重要的理论与现实命题,亦是中国哲学社会科学创新体系的前提。创新中国主流意识形态研究方式,有三个重要的维度:一是从文明格局的高度创新主流意识形态研究方式,把握主流意识形态的历史连续性与文化特性,反对历史虚无主义和历史复古主义;二是以包容并蓄的方式拓展、丰富主流意识形态研究的视角与内容,在研究创新中优化主导地位,克服居高临下的意识形态傲慢和无力失语的意识形态虚弱症状;三是秉承开放学习的心态对国外主流意识形态进行比较研究,在借鉴交流中维护我国的主流意识形态安全,克服封闭自语和盲目崇外的意识形态研究套路,创造无隗于时代的意识形态新文化。  相似文献   

The problem of freedom is becoming ever more pressing in our day, as the effectuation of real and complete freedom for all people who work is one of the principal objectives of the social morality of communism set forth in the Program of the CPSU. On the other hand, capitalism and its ideological defenders in the struggle against the world communist movement seek to turn the idea of freedom to their own ends, distorting and limiting this concept so as to prove the unprovable, to wit, that the capitalist social system is the "free world," while socialism and communism constitute a violation and destruction of freedom. In so doing they recognize the fundamental opposition of the Marxist and bourgeois conceptions of freedom, while holding, naturally, that their standpoint represents truth and the Marxist, confusion.  相似文献   

张杨 《社会》2009,29(4):148-166
本文回应了尹海洁等两位作者对笔者的批评,并再次质疑了证伪主义在社会科学中的适用性。本文指出,由于“迪昂奎因”命题的存在以及社会科学命题的或然性,简单证伪并不可能;而波普尔和尹文所谓的复杂证伪则不可取,因为这种证伪本质上基于归纳法,相对于证实并无优越性和简便性,因而也就失去了波普尔立论的根基。同时,社会科学的统计检验自有其意义,并不需要冠以“证伪”的名号;而“可证伪性”即使存在,但在定量研究中既缺乏操作性,又完全被涵盖于 “解释力”这个概念之中。基于以上理由,“可证伪性”不具备成为社会科学和非科学的划界标准的意义,证伪主义不是社会科学赖以立基的逻辑基础。本文还延伸讨论了证伪、限界条件和发展社会科学经验研究的关系。  相似文献   

This paper uses the author’s own recently published history of the Royal Society Te Apārangi (the Royal Society) to reflect on the history of the organisation from a social sciences perspective. The Royal Society’s organisational ‘reinvention’ of itself has reflected the changing place of science and other forms of knowledge in New Zealand. The shift from the nineteenth-century amateur pursuit of knowledge to science as a specialised professional occupation resulted in the reshaping of the organisation at the turn of the twentieth century. There was a further reconstitution of the Royal Society in the 1960s; its structure no longer corresponded to the changes that had taken place in science during the twentieth century. Following the restructuring of science in the 1990s and the increased recognition that different forms of knowledge were integrated and embedded in society, the Royal Society reinvented itself once more with the inclusion of the social sciences and the humanities within its remit.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to trace a pathway connecting contemplative knowledge and practices with the social sciences. Contemplative knowledge and practices offer material for reflection in social science even concerning their very foundation. I'll found an opportunity for meshing our disciplinary tools with this knowledge as I introduced it in a health promotion program. The result will be a transdisciplinary confluence of different lines of inquiry contributing to a new perspective of self and social action. First of all I will give a definition of contemplative knowledge and practices. Then, I will make a bridge between the contemplative approach and the social sciences, showing the contribution that symbolic interactionism can play. I will illustrate the perspective drawing on an action research program called Auriga aimed at smoking cessation and reduction among health professionals. The aim of this paper is focused on the specification of the conceptual background in which such kind of program has been developed. Finally, I outline some implications it could represent for what might be called transformative sociology. I believe that contemplative knowledge could contribute to disentangle some of the unanswered questions and concerns in the social sciences, once they dismiss for a while their scientistic perspective. The secular redefinition of tools mainly belonging to the wisdom traditions represents an innovation that can reshape what we intend by the self and experience, contributing to what is called the “social transformation from within,” a pragmatic and wise approach to change at any level.  相似文献   

Decades of rigorous quantitative scholarship have generated a wealth of knowledge regarding the causes and consequences of crossnational variations in social trust. However, while some social science disciplines have made significant contributions to this conversation, others have largely failed to do so. The field of international relations, for example, has lagged behind in producing aggregate-level scholarship on social trust. This is surprising given that (1) trust influences public opinion and thereby the incentive structure for political leaders and (2) many peacebuilding efforts directly target the levels of trust in post-conflict settings. Country-level trust scholarship in international relations and the social sciences more generally is hampered by data scarcity. The main purpose of this article is to present a new publicly available data set on aggregate levels of social trust. Relying on a set of 19 widely accepted correlates, we construct a new cross-sectional measure of the concept that covers all countries from 1946 to 2010. We then perform a series of empirical tests establishing the validity of our measure. Finally, we offer a number of bivariate analyses to demonstrate the broad utility of our new variable for scholars in the social sciences.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this paper is to explore the nature of the disciplineof social work and to argue that perhaps its central and uniquecharacteristic is the way theory and practice are closely interrelated.In doing so it suggests it is important to locate social workin its particular social, political and historical contextsand to identify some of the key factors which have influencednot only its development but its forms. Social work is identifiedas being essentially ambiguous, complex and uncertain such thatits major strengths are in terms of its ability to improve dialogue,understanding and interpretation, rather than simply be concernedwith legislating and acting with authority. In this sense ithas the potential to make a significant contribution to thecontemporary social sciences more generally.  相似文献   

Stephen Kemp and John Holmwood, Realism, Regularity and Social Explanation, pp. 165–187.
This article explores the difficulties raised for social scientific investigation by the absence of experiment, critically reviewing realist responses to the problem such as those offered by Bhaskar, Collier and Sayer. It suggests that realist arguments for a shift from prediction to explanation, the use of abstraction, and reliance upon interpretive forms of investigation fail to demonstrate that these approaches compensate for the lack of experimental control. Instead, it is argued that the search for regularities, when suitably conceived, provides the best alternative to experiment for the social sciences.  相似文献   

Beyond Social Constructionism: Critical Realism and Social Work   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Theories within the social and psychological sciences continueto shape social work practice. However, recent debates withinthese sciences on the shortcomings of ‘social constructionism’,and the attempt to overcome them through a critical realistposition, have so far failed to capture social work's attention.This paper provides a critical overview of these theoreticaldebates, highlighting the shortcomings of social constructionismfor social work. The critical realist challenge to social constructionism,as articulated by the British philosopher Roy Bhaskar, is consideredand its relevance to social work formulated in terms of a returnto ‘depth’ in practice.  相似文献   

There are now countless social scientific disciplines—listed either as the science of … X … or as an ‐ology of one kind or another—each with their own internal controversies as to what are their “proper objects of their study.” This profusion of separate sciences has emerged, and is still emerging, tainted by the classical Cartesian‐Newtonian assumption of a mechanistic world. We still seem to assume that we can begin our inquiries simply by reflecting on the world around us, and by allowing our conceptualizations to guide our actions in our inquiries. Beginning our inquiries in this retrospective manner, however, means that our concepts and conceptualizations are both after‐the‐fact and beside the point, for ‘something else’ altogether is guiding us in the performance of our situation‐sensitive actions than merely our conceptualizations. We need before‐the‐fact, hermeneutically‐structured inquiries that can ‘set out’ inner ‘landscapes of possibilities’, to think‐with and to provide guidance, as we try in our more scientifically organized efforts to achieve socially desired outcomes in particular socially shared situations. Conducting such preliminary inquiries is thus an art, requiring not only judgment, but also imagination and poetic forms of expression aimed at creating such shared, inner landscapes among all concerned.  相似文献   

What is Real and What is Realism in Sociology?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the physical sciences a realist ontology rests on our ability to demonstrate the actual and real nature of material entities. Realist metaphysics of social entities, most influentially Bhaskar's critical realism, attempt to provide a related philosophical foundation for the social sciences. This paper examines the central issue of what is real about society it concludes that social relations and the organisations they constitute do exist and discusses the conditions of their demonstration. Realist interpretations of Bourdieu's theories are given particular attention in an argument that accepts the necessity of social realism but remains cautious about the development of methodologies able to provide effective demonstration.  相似文献   

科学是一个完整的体系,只有把自然科学的求"真"和社会科学的求"善"完美地融合起来,才能达到真正意义上的科学之"美"。但自从培根和孔德把科学分为自然科学和社会科学后,因研究领域的完全不同,加之知识界的文人相轻,使自然科学和社会科学完全断裂,互相排斥。本文就是从科学发展的必然性上,主张自然科学和社会科学融合,促使自然科学家和社会科学家结盟,探索又好又快发展的科学体系。  相似文献   

“历史的终结”是对现实的社会历史依照资本的固有逻辑和文化逻辑做出的主观设定,超越资本主义的历史限度,迫切需要从马克思人类解放理论中获取灵感。马克思通过对市民社会的研究,得出了市民社会必然被克服的逻辑结论。而克服市民社会的过程也就是超越政治解放走向人类解放的过程。作为发展过程的“两次飞跃”,政治解放与人类解放在典型意义上使得全部历史被合乎逻辑地分成“三个阶段”:前资本主义、资本主义和共产主义。这三个阶段与马克思提出的社会发展的“三大形态”——人的依赖性社会、物的依赖性社会以及个人全面发展的社会具有内在关联。三大形态理论着眼于人的发展状况与解放程度,决定了人类解放理论同时还兼有社会形态的意义,人类解放的进程与社会形态的嬗变实际是同一个过程。在社会主义自我完善的历史定位中,中华民族在实践与理论的双重探索中寻求人类解放的一种方式,将为人类社会形态的巨大变迁创造一种具有世界历史意义的经验。  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立,单位体制互解,单位保障逐渐"衰落",企业的社会福利功能在弱化,社区成为社会整合的主要载体,社区社会保障成为保障公民福利的一项重要体系。将社区作为实施社会保障的依托,应树立以人为本社区建设的理念,完善社区管理体制,探索社区社会保障资金的方式和渠道等。  相似文献   

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