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Today, with the new stage in development of our society — the process of building communism — the study of man in the USSR has gone far beyond the confines of the special disciplines and has become an interdisciplinary problem for a number of social and natural sciences. Therefore it will be readily understood that the social problems of sexual relationships must be studied. This explains the considerable attention given to that problem in the literature of sociology and social psychology (in the works of I. S. Kon, A. G. Kharchev, V. N. Kolbanovskii, and others).  相似文献   

The use of an international currency is not just a natural market phenomenon; it relies heavily on international political foundations. The historical lessons of the four major international currencies—the pound, dollar, euro and yen—show that a strong partner network and a favorable international institutional environment are the two major political foundations for the formation of a stable international currency. The rise of the renminbi, as a late starter looking to become a major international currency, depends not only on the requisite economic conditions but on governmental diplomacy aimed at attracting more monetary cooperation partners and creating international institutions that support its worldwide use. This strategy reinforces the political foundations for the rise of the renminbi. Building a network of partners supporting the renminbi as an international currency and creating a system of international monetary institutions are the real tests of the issuing country’s political leadership. This political leadership capacity has three dimensions: public trust founded on reputation building; a centripetal force driven by provision of benefits; and coercive force applied through sanctions. Comparatively speaking, the renminbi is still in the early stage of its ascent, so the development of its political infrastructure should concentrate mainly on gaining public trust through reputation-building and employing centripetal force involving provision of benefits.  相似文献   

本文从中国处于社会主义初级阶段的基本国情出发,结合党的十六大确立的全面建设小康社会的目标,论述了构建社会主义和谐社会的必要性,强调促进社会和谐是一项长期的任务,构建社会主义和谐社会必须坚持以经济建设为中心。  相似文献   

环境友好型城市命题的提出,既是建立环境友好型社会的基础,也是我国城市发展和改革的创新。环境友好型城市是环境友好型社会政治、经济发展的结果,也是实现环境友好型社会政治、经济发展的条件。从我国城市发展和改革、加快推进城市化进程看,环境友好型城市是顺应当今世界城市发展潮流的一项重要实践。建设环境友好型城市,要以环境承载力为基础,以遵循自然规律为准则,以绿色科技为动力,倡导环境文化和生态文明,构建经济社会环境协调发展的社会体系,最终实现城市的可持续和协调发展。  相似文献   

李喜霞 《唐都学刊》2013,29(1):101-105
清代中晚期,政府为了社会经济发展的需要,大量进行移民和大规模的开垦土地,这种掠夺性经营西北的方式,使得很多不适宜进行农业生产的土地被开发出来,西北的环境在清中晚期持续恶化,成为当时全国自然生态环境最为恶劣的地区。呈现级差地域特点的自然环境直接制约着该地区社会经济的发展,植被破坏、土地贫瘠化的加剧,影响到该地区的农业生产,破坏了的自然环境给清时期西北地区社会经济的发展提供了一个残破的环境背景。  相似文献   

财富异化不仅体现为财富分配的异化,还体现为创造财富的劳动主体的异化。在私有制范围内,财富异化具有一定的、暂时的历史正当性。在当代中国,由于私有经济的存在,由于全球范围内资本这一财富的“伪善形式”还在充当着现代社会生产的灵魂和能动主体,财富异化也是不可避免的,潜藏着极大的社会风险。这是中国特色社会主义走向更高级社会形态的必经炼狱。  相似文献   

This article takes an evolutionary “reverse engineering” standpoint on Homo discens, learning man, to track down the (learning) mechanisms that played a pivotal role in the natural selection of human being. The approach is “evolutionary sociological”—as opposed to gene‐centred or psychologising—and utilises notions of co‐evolutionary organism–environment transactions and niche construction. These are compatible with a Deweyan theory of action, which entails that in action one cannot but learn and one can only learn in action. Special attention is paid to apprentice‐like learning‐by‐doing peculiar to human socio‐cultural niches since the Pleistocene, which has permitted each subsequent generation to learn the many habits and skills needed in utilising the affordances of action that constitute their ecological niche. Affordances and actions have changed over the history of human–environment transactions, but the core mechanisms of human learning have not changed much. It is increasingly important to appreciate these mechanisms now in the global age “knowledge society,” which is in a way similar to the Pleistocene era: characterised by uncertainty and life‐determining problem‐situations without any ready‐made solutions, it calls for capacities to adapt to changing circumstances, and thus apprentice‐like learning in action supported by savvy epistemological engineering of learning environments.  相似文献   

周莲芳 《学术交流》2001,3(6):67-70
可持续发展是使人口、资源、环境与经济、社会永续性地协调发展.实施可持续发展战略关系到经济发展、人口增长、资源利用和环境保护等方面,本身内涵了伦理道德因素,也体现了有限资源分配的公正性和平等性,强调环境保护的道德责任感,促进人与自然的和谐发展,并引导社会朝着文明、健康、稳定、和谐的方向发展,实现社会的全面发展和进步.  相似文献   

The particular features of the current stage of socialist construction — the new scale and rate of production, the high level of socialist socialization stemming from the development of the scientific-technical revolution, expanded reproduction based on the intensification of all branches of the national economy — all this objectively and urgently requires significant improvement in the system of manpower utilization.  相似文献   

罗亮 《社会工作》2009,(8):63-64
纵观西方“公民社会”概念的历史演变过程,可以发现其理论内涵先后发生了三次重大的转变。在古代,公民社会是一个与自然状态相对应的概念,但到了近代,西方思想家开始提出一种建立在国家和社会二分法基础上的公民社会观,而在现代,人们又开始用国家-市场-社会三分法来代替国家和社会二分法,并在此基础上重新界定了公民社会的内涵。  相似文献   

王宁 《社会》2009,29(2):30-52
2008年美国次贷危机所引发的全球“金融风暴”传导到实体经济,导致一场全球性经济危机,中国也未能幸免。这是国人首次以如此深刻的方式了解到占人口多数的中低阶层消费不足对经济的危害。居民消费不足的问题涉及更为根本的社会阶层结构问题。中国长期以来实行的是生产型社会的制度安排,并未做好向消费型社会转型的准备。而导致生产型社会长期得以延续的原因,在于低成本发展战略。本文对这一战略的逻辑及其后果进行了反思,并得出结论:在产能过剩的年代,随着产品市场的地理扩张面临饱和,中国进入了产品市场的社会扩张阶段,为此,必须调整社会阶层结构,摈弃生产主义的人力观,不仅把劳动者当作生产力要素来使用,而且也应把劳动者当作消费者或消费市场来培育,促使生产型社会向消费型社会转型。  相似文献   

建设生态文明,必须要在社会生产力发展中顺应自然,注重人的文明发展,保护自然生态系统,遵循生态经济规律要求进行社会再生产,把传统的机器大工业下高碳、线性的生产方式逐步转变为低碳、循环的生产方式,通过科学发展,满足人工生态系统良性循环要求。  相似文献   

党英武 《唐都学刊》2006,22(4):41-43
构建和谐社会离不开两大系统,也就是社会系统和自然系统。自然系统受三大自然法则的约定即“共生共灭、互生互灭、此生彼灭”。社会系统受四大法则的约定即“共生共灭、共生共利、互生互利、互竞互长”。依据四大法则而引申出了和谐社会的八大社会伦理原则,即公平正义、共生共利、互生互动、互生互利、互生互享、互生互责、公平竞争、和谐发展。依据社会伦理的八大原则引申出了和谐社会的八大运行机制,即公平正义的社会秩序保障机制、社会生存环境的维权机制、社会生存与发展的动力机制、社会利益协调机制、社会利益分享机制、社会责任分担机制、社会公平竞争机制、社会和谐发展机制。  相似文献   

李英飞 《社会》2013,33(6):1-29
涂尔干关于“社会”的理论的形成,与由以卢梭为代表的自然权利学说演变而来的抽象个人主义给法国社会造成的现实困境紧密相关。通过对该线索的详细考察,本文认为,涂尔干试图通过确立社会既是一个社会体又是一种集体意识的存在,来破除自然权利学说有关人的自然权利和社会人为性的基本观点,并以此来重新确立社会团结的基础。但是,这种两重性设定同时也暴露出涂尔干早期思想的内在困境:由于社会作为自成一类的存在,而其理论框架中没有搭建起个人与社会发生关联的方式,因此无法论证社会的正当性并找到社会团结的现实基础。  相似文献   

Environmental protection is one of the global problems of modern times. It is a complex of problems and is closely associated with the rational use of natural resources. Economic activity is expanded and intensified in the course of the scientific-technical revolution, and more and more natural resources of all kinds are drawn into production, thereby significantly increasing the strain on the environment.  相似文献   

中国的城市化建设正在飞速进行。与经济进步相伴随,出现了众多的问题,如大城市中的交通拥堵、空气污染、资源浪费与匮乏并存等——这只是可见的表面问题。从长远的角度看,在城市化过程中,空间的资本化使用导致了城市文化、城市样态、自然环境等差异性的丧失,这将使人的存在更为物化、功能化与功利化。本文认为,指导空间生产的价值观念是促使上述问题出现的根本原因;只有改变以往的以“技术和资本增殖”为核心的消费社会的价值观念,建构新的“以人为本”的价值观念,才能对抗空间生产的资本化洪流。  相似文献   

The present stage of economic and social development of Soviet society is characterized by the heightened orientation of national economic plans toward raising the people's living standard. "At the present time," L. I. Brezhnev emphasizes, "the highest goal of socialist production is directly becoming the focal point of the Party's practical policy." (1)  相似文献   

江苏省张家港市东山村崧泽文化早中期大墓的发现,证明长江下游在距今五千七、八百年以前已存在明显的社会分化,初级王权已经产生,社会已进入“古国”^1阶段。在中国古代文明演进过程中,率先开始社会重大转型的不是黄河中游的中原地区,也不是以古长城地带为中心的北方地区,而是崧泽文化所在的长江下游地区。该遗址的发现还表明,在文明化进程中,中国古代最早出现的“古国”的性质和表现形式并不完全一样,有的是神权至上,有的是王权至上,从而导致其发展方向和发展前途的不同。  相似文献   

陈红 《学术交流》2002,2(5):18-21
哈贝马斯的现代性理论认为 ,现代性之所以出现危机 ,主要是因为“生活世界”受到了来自于“系统”的侵蚀 ,而解决该危机的根本途径则在于“生活世界”的复兴。为此 ,需要建立有效的语言使用规范、重新发挥公众社会的理性批判职能 ,并借助于交往理性来规约过分膨胀的工具理性 ,使二者相辅相成、协调发展 ,以最终实现社会的整合。这对当今现代性尚处于生成阶段的中国总体性现代化进程提供一些有益的启示 :弘扬现代性的基本精神 ;建构中国的市民社会  相似文献   

Today it seems that humanity has finally bid farewell to the greatest of delusions—the idea of constructing an ideal society in accordance with a specific model, a kind of paradise on earth. Of the once-powerful socialist camp (community), only Cuba and North Korea, both currently experiencing a deep crisis, as well as China and Vietnam—where economic achievements are attributable more to the logic of capitalist development—remain. But as long as one socialist country is left in the world, there are no adequate grounds for us to say that we have once and for all put an end to the phenomenon of alternative development (in this case, the phenomenon of Marxist-Leninist socialism)—or, as F[rancis] Fukuyama so loudly declared, that the "end of history" is upon us.1  相似文献   

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