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民营企业的人力资源管理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李东 《学术交流》2001,(6):99-102
当前民营企业在人力资源管理中存在的一些共性问题认识不系统、方法不科学实际、培训不足、激励与约束机制不完善、急功近利等.自身素质、家族内部人控制、以往成功的幻象以及员工自身的素质等是产生这些问题的原因,解决以上问题,必须加强企业自身的教育和改造,加强内部员工培训,完善激励约束机制等.  相似文献   

自1998年邮、电分家,到2000年中国移动作为全球最大的移动通信企业在海外成功上市,这中间不过4年的时间。上市之后,中国移动更是以世人瞩目的速度飞速发展。在目前中国电信行业6家通信企业的市场运做模式之中,中国移动牢牢占据了领头羊的位置。在这样一个大环境下,辽宁移动通信有限责任公司丹东分公司作为辽宁移动驻丹东分支机构,在竞争日益激烈的市场经济条件下不断成熟,保持了健康持续发展。2004年,丹东移动的运营收入、数据业务发展、网络建设和维护、净利润等各项运营指标和工作任务,运营收入比上年同期增长9.7%,网络综合运行指标、客户…  相似文献   

王永江 《学术交流》2004,2(6):22-25
贯彻落实"三个代表"重要思想,本质在坚持执政为民。坚持执政为民,必须认识新时期人民内部矛盾的新内容、新特点,探索正确处理人民内部矛盾的原则和方法,大力推进社会主义物质文明、政治文明和精神文明建设,以实现全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标。  相似文献   

一《辽海名人辞典》是辽宁文化史上的第一部名人辞典,所选人物为先秦至2011年之前去世的辽宁省历史名人,共2800余人,其中属朝阳者十之一二,这在辽宁十四个市地中,当属前列.尤其是收入《辽海名人辞典》中的190位唐前名人中就有46位是朝阳人.由此可见,朝阳在辽海地区前期文明中的重要位置.  相似文献   

All EEC countries are faced with an ageing population, which means an increase of people in some way handicapped in everyday activities. A comparison of the solutions adopted by several EEC countries in the sectors of housing, home care services, residential and nursing homes shows that a real medico-social policy has been worked out only in Denmark and the Netherlands. In France and the United Kingdom, public authorities have certainly defined policies which lay claim to providing overall coverage but they have not provided corresponding resources. In Germany and in Italy there is no clearly defined policy. Here we discuss the various factors which may account for these differences.  相似文献   

杜芳琴 《浙江学刊》2002,(4):205-210
从大约公元前11世纪周武王率领周部族灭商定都镐京建立了周王朝,到公元前770年周平王迁都洛邑,这一段历史时期史称“西周”(又称“宗周”)。西周是中国文明史和华夏制度文明建设的滥觞时期。“周礼”,被视为华夏制度文明之圭臬,而社会性别制度是其中的重要有机组成部分。本文将考察周礼和社会性别制度的内容及其关系,追溯形成周代社会性别制度的历史文化与思想渊源,并适当兼顾考证性别制度运行中的性别关系,以期得到一幅对西周时期华夏族社会性别制度起源、构成和运作施行的比较完整的图画。由于受文章篇幅限制,不得不舍弃大量的例证引文,希望能在有关的著作弥补。在研究方法和材料方面,注重文献和考古成果的结合,特别注意引入社会性别视角和性别分析。  相似文献   

明信片的历史已经有130多年了。130年,也承载了青岛的岁月变迁。明信片已然成为我们生活的组成部分。它以便捷的方式、简约的内容传递着温暖的情感。而这在传递的过程中,不经意间,明信片也为我们记录下了历史的痕迹。透过一张张新近发现的沉穆而历经沧桑的明信片,穿越凝固的岁月,我们可以感知过往的历史,因为明信片的承载,  相似文献   

昭凯 《今日辽宁》2007,(3):75-77
幕村的慕容氏有一些风俗,据他们说已经流传700多年了。是不是慕容鲜卑的风俗如此,还有待专家的考证。春节幕村春节和中国其他地方一样,是重要的节日,腊月二十四  相似文献   

Relatively few comparative studies have focused specifically upon the socio‐economic conditions affecting the welfare of older rural Europeans. Such publications as exist are usually confined to single studies. In presenting a European overview of their ‘life‐world’ this paper focuses upon the general conditions of older rural Europeans, living in different types of countryside within a centre–periphery framework. These conditions are largely dependent upon the interconnectivity (nexus) between regional urban centres and the older people's types of settlement. The extent of the global socio‐economic flows between urban centres and countrysides is critical, especially for those living in less accessible and remote European areas. Older people's positive and negative outcomes are seen to occur within four possible urban–rural parameters. The first consists of two‐way socio‐economic urban–rural flows that are more likely to be of benefit to significant numbers of older persons, especially in urban fringe and accessible countrysides. The second parameter arises when there is a long‐standing impasse, where the lack of communication between the rural locality and urban centre hampers socio‐economic urban–rural flows, isolating older people, particularly in less accessible and remote countrysides. The third occurs when regional and local urban centres block or cut back socio‐economic flows to the countryside. The fourth takes place when the rural communities resist socio‐economic urban flows that they regard as a threat to their rural idyll. Exemplars within each of the four urban–rural alternatives help to show the applicability and workability of this four‐way exploratory approach.  相似文献   

辨析以人为本的人   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“以人为本”的“人”是指生而平等的作为类的独立的人,这种人摆脱等级和人身依附关系,是在世界历史中形成的。中国作为典型亚细亚生产方式的东方国家,经过了“民”—“人民”—“人”的转换历程。中国封建社会民不同于欧洲的农奴,中国的民在人格、经济、政治地位上都是平等的,与“官”相对立。“人民”是“人”与“民”的结合体,兼具人与民的双重特性,人民是与敌人相对立的政治概念,是原来“民”的主体,但已排除了地主富农、官僚资本主义等反动阶级,它是共产党服务的对象,同时,用人民概念表明政权的性质。“人”和“人民”一字之差但不可等同。随着历史的进步,敌人这一与人民相对立的阶级力量退出历史,使人民概念失去了与其相对应的存在前提,人民开始向马克思所说的作为类的人回归,正是在这个意义上,党的十六届三中全会才提出“以人为本”而不是以人民为本。当然,人民作为世界通用的概念将长久使用,在非严格意义上,称“以人为本”为“以民为本”或“以人民为本”也未为不可。  相似文献   

The article examines theories of youth that have been proposed in the past few years by Russian scientists, and presents the author's original version of a theory of youth that is based on the thesaurus methodological approach. It addresses the ways in which biosocial characteristics may be reflected in new theories of youth.  相似文献   

Media link events in society into meaningful plotlines for public consumption. For social issues such as homelessness this storytelling process continues until an issue is resolved or another concern takes precedence. This article investigates British Independent Television News 1 (ITN) portrayals of homelessness from January 1993 to December 2002 ( n = 99). News items are explored as instalments in a larger news narrative through which the public is offered engagements with homeless characters. A quantitative content analysis was used to establish the general prevalence of items throughout the year, story locations, causes and solutions offered for homelessness, and character roles. A qualitative narrative analysis was used to explore the function of these story elements in the overall patterning of the ITN story of homelessness. Of particular note was the promotion of a philanthropic approach to service delivery through the characterization of homeless people as needy victims and the maintenance of estranged relationships between the viewing public and homeless people. The significance of ITN's exclusion of homeless people from public deliberations regarding their needs is discussed in relation to the failure of this wealthy nation to resolve homelessness.  相似文献   

许敏 《创新》2008,2(3)
近年来,外籍人员大量进入我国,随之而来出现许多的问题,如外籍人员与本地文化的冲突、外籍人员的医疗问题、外籍人员的宗教信仰问题,"三非"外籍人员的问题等。通过分析,提出解决这些问题的措施,包括完善我国出入境管理法律法规、给予外籍人员平等社会待遇、完善基层管理组织等。  相似文献   

This article discusses research in the Northern Territory on Aboriginal civil and family law needs. It is based on focus group discussions and interviews with legal services providers and other associated organisations. The article argues that key areas of legal need involve discrimination, housing, child protection, social security, credit/debt and consumer law problems. It further argues that welfare conditionality, particularly as embodied in the NT Intervention and subsequent Stronger Futures policies, has exacerbated the need for legal assistance and advocacy for Aboriginal people.  相似文献   

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