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“数字鸿沟”:当代社会阶层分析的新视角*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李升 《社会》2006,26(6):81-81
当代社会,随着信息技术的发展以及信息重要性的增强,以互联网等为基础的电子信息网络已经浸透于社会的各个领域之中,在产业、经济和社会中生成着一种新的信息场域,影响着人们的社会生活。本文从社会阶层的研究视角出发,透过“现代——后现代”的二维分析模式对信息及信息技术带来的“数字鸿沟”现象进行理论上的阐释,对其究竟是实现着“阶层化”还是“去阶层化”进行探讨,并对信息化高度发达的日本社会进行了“数字鸿沟”的实证分析。可以看出:信息、信息技术已经成为一种新的变量,并与社会阶层之间产生着密切的关系,重塑着社会阶层化机制。  相似文献   

胡塞尔的内在时间意识与西方哲学的时间观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高秉江 《求是学刊》2001,28(6):29-35
时间问题是西方哲学最艰深的也是最重要的问题之一 ,从柏拉图到胡塞尔相继出现了实体论时间观、关系论时间观、个人主观时间观、先验时间观和内在时间意识 ,胡塞尔上承奥古斯丁而持内在时间意识观念 ,既别于牛顿的时间客观实体论 ,又别于心理主义的个人主观时间论。本文把胡塞尔的内在时间意识学说置于西方时间学说发展的历史背景中 ,努力阐明其与各种时间观的理论因承关系及异同点 ,以此来阐述其内在时间意识的内涵及意义。  相似文献   

Much of social life now takes place online, and records of online social interactions are available for social science research in the form of massive digital text archives. But cultural social science has contributed little to the development of machine‐assisted text analysis methods. As a result few text analysis methods have been developed that link digital text data to theories about culture and discourse. This paper attempts to lay the groundwork for development of such methods by proposing metatheoretical and theoretical foundations suitable for machine‐assisted semantic text analysis. Metatheoretically I draw on the work of Elder‐Vass (2012), Kaidesoja (2013) and others to argue that digital text analysis methods ought to be (and in practice implicitly are) based on a realist constructionist ontology that treats discourses as ontologically real emergent social entities that have causal relationships with non‐discursive social and cognitive processes. Theoretically I follow Feldman (2006) and many others in arguing that language is fundamentally shaped by processes of embodied cognition. Researchers developing digital text analysis techniques must theoretically account for such processes if they wish to produce algorithms that can interpret texts in ways that supplement, and not only amplify, human interpretation. I critically survey contemporary text analysis methods that implicitly share these metatheoretical and theoretical positions and discuss some ways these can be further developed with newly available software.  相似文献   

焦泰平 《唐都学刊》2007,23(5):91-93
中国古代诗词中的时间意象具有诗意和哲理。诗人们借此咏叹的时间忧患,是生命意识的觉醒,也是对人生意义的思考和探索。  相似文献   

The access divide was once the basic form of the digital divide. The development of Internet infrastructure has narrowed the access divide and increased application coverage, but it has also touched off a connectivity dividend difference. Taking the online market as an example, we examine the sources of the dividend difference and the factors influencing it with in a connectivity framework. We found that the narrowing of the access divide has resulted in enhanced connectivity and platform development, giving people the chance to benefit from transforming the various assets in which they have previously invested into differentiated compound connectivity capital. In the course, the scale and rate of the conversion are affected by two multiplier effects and especially by online platforms. The process is ultimately expressed in the dividend difference.  相似文献   

北京历史地图的数字化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
电子数字地图是 2 0世纪后期发展起来的新型地图 ,它在信息量的包含、深层空间关系揭示、动态过程表现等方面 ,大大优于传统纸面地图。数字化技术在历史地图方面也在迅速发展。北京历史地图的数字化工作已经开始 ,新型数字化地图将在北京历史地理研究、旧城改造、环境管理、文化建设、宣传北京等方面 ,成为得力工具  相似文献   

数字化传媒的革故鼎新已成为推动中国文学世纪转型的强大引擎。网络文学的市场化崛起打破了传统文学的原有平衡,让当今文学的整体格局遭遇数字技术的创生性重整。第四媒体不可抗拒的技术力量导致文学大范围转向“数字化生存”,从存在方式和表意体制上改写了文学惯例。这需要我们厘清数字化媒体在文学转型中“消解”与“建构”的双重功能,以便从不同的学理维度上为文论拓新建构数字化生存时代的文学观念,使数字媒介对传统的挑战变成未来文学别创新声的契机,让新媒介成为新世纪中国文学的强劲动力和有效资源。  相似文献   


Gerontological Social Work education has been substantially altered by the advancement of today’s digital technologies, influencing both the training and tools required to ensure student success in social work research, policy, and practice. The goal of this paper is to present the state of the science on gerontological digital social work education, identify implications for emerging technologies, and define areas for social work student competencies and proficiencies to advance the field of gerontological digital social work. This paper underlines the role of gerontological digital social work education in preparing future researchers, practitioners, and policymakers when engaging in Digital Therapeutic Teams. We provide insightful considerations pertaining to emerging technologies which present unique opportunities for innovation. Furthermore, this paper presents training and education opportunities for social work education in preparing future gerontologist practitioners, researchers, and policymakers to engage in multidisciplinary team efforts and leverage digital technologies and digital therapeutics.  相似文献   

姚皓华 《学术交流》2005,(9):167-171
郁达夫小说的叙事时间,突破了中国传统小说的注重物理时间的叙事时间模式,以心理时间态势展示出来,时间被充分主观化,是一种偏重心理时间的叙事时间模式.这种强调心理、情绪的叙事时间模式呈现出叙事时序的错位、时长的被压缩和重复等.郁达夫小说的多维叙事时间模式,提高了小说叙事的自由度,增大了小说叙事内容的密度,使人物的精神状态、心理现实及作品的内在意蕴都得到了最大限度的发挥.  相似文献   

Similarities and differences in adolescent siblings' free time activities were investigated. Firstborns and second‐borns from 181 predominantly White, working, and middle‐class families reported on their time use and sibling relationships. Their parents reported on their socioeconomic status and neighborhood characteristics. Cluster analysis identified three groups of sibling dyads: Cluster 1 differentiated in leisure and time with friends, Cluster 2 differentiated in instrumental activities and time alone, and Cluster 3 did not differentiate in time use. Multinomial logistic regressions revealed that the longitudinal links between sibling relationship qualities and cluster membership were moderated by firstborns' sex. Findings highlight the importance of person‐oriented analytic strategies for understanding sibling similarities and differences and of within‐family variability in youth's time use.  相似文献   

北京作为中国的首都,在城市社区数字化建设方面成绩显著,但也存在着一些问题。本文在调查分析的基础上,提出了具体的解决方案,并就其未来发展作了展望。  相似文献   

技术创新是科学技术转化为现实生产力的重要途径。出版业产生与发展的历史表明,出版业是一个高度的技术依赖型行业。随着现代电子信息技术的飞速发展,我国出版业正经历由传统出版向数字出版的数字化转型。在数字出版产业飞速发展的同时还存在诸如产业链整合、版权保护、人才建设和集群创新等方面制约技术创新的一系列问题。在深入分析这些问题的基础上,提出了促进我国数字出版技术创新的对策建议。  相似文献   

数字化传媒的革故鼎新已成为推动中国文学世纪转型的强大引擎。网络文学的市 场化崛起打破了传统文学的原有平衡,让当今文学的整体格局遭遇数字技术的创生性 重整。第四媒体不可抗拒的技术力量导致文学大范围转向“数字化生存”,从存在方 式和表意体制上改写了文学惯例。这需要我们厘清数字化媒体在文学转型中“消解” 与“建构”的双重功能,以便从不同的学理维度上为文论拓新建构数字化生存时代的 文学观念,使数字媒介对传统的挑战变成未来文学别创新声的契机,让新媒介成为新 世纪中国文学的强劲动力和有效资源。

关键词: 中国文学?世纪转型?数字化生存

The reform ignited by digital media provided strong impetus to literary transformation at the turn of century in China. The market‐led rise of online literature has destroyed the balance of traditional literature and resulted in a fundamental digital readjustment of the overall literary structure. The fourth medium, with its irresistible technological force, has led to a large‐scale literary shift towards “being digital,” thereby changing literary traditions of existence and expression. Such being the case, we need to clarify digital media's dual function of “deconstruction” and “construction” in this literary shift so as to input new ideas from a different academic perspective into literary theory of the digital era, turn digital media's challenge to tradition into a chance for literary innovation and make the new media into a powerful driving force and effective resource for Chinese literature in the new century.  相似文献   

马克思主义时代化的深层解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱虹 《创新》2011,5(1):14-18,126
马克思主义是时代的产物,它所具有的实践精神、方法论的普遍意义、对人的终极关怀使其能够超越时空的局限,实现马克思主义时代化。马克思主义时代化是一个动态的发展过程,呈现出坚持与发展的统一、世界性与民族性的交融等基本特征。推进马克思主义时代化需要强化解放思想、问题意识、知行并重、海纳百川等基本原则。  相似文献   

李翔 《唐都学刊》2012,28(5):77-80
数码插画是现今流行文化审美价值取向的一种图像学显现,其审美特征具有明显的非理性主义倾向。具体表征为:(1)审美深度削平,表面效果强烈;(2)复制、拼贴手法明显,风格折中且缺乏范式。这种现象的成因基于日常生活审美化的艺术思潮,其背后的深层原因是消费型经济的推动。视觉文化产业化进程与数字技术的飞速发展是这种推动的具体表现,两者共同导致并强化了数字插画的非理性特征,使其总体面貌呈现出一种梦呓般的状态-含义暖昧而形象具体。  相似文献   

文化的个性化根源于时间的多样化."现代性时间"建立在资本主义生产方式和基督教文化、人文主义精神、理性主义精神以及进化观的文化信仰基础上,是尺度单一和价值单一的时间."现代性时间"反映了现代资本主义生产方式的量化特征,给文化的健康发展带来了负面影响."现代性时间"成为现代社会中的最高统治者,人成为时间的奴隶.在"现代性时间"维度上,不仅不同民族的文化独特性消失殆尽,个体也被割断了与历史的联系而成为无根的存在.  相似文献   

张义霞  吴玲 《创新》2011,5(4):113-116,136
人性化服务是当前世界图书馆发展的主流方向和必然趋势。高校图书馆要适应数字时代的发展,提高现代服务水平,必须改革创新,建立起以人为本的人性化服务新体制,具体措施是:强化人性化服务理念,深入了解需求状况,全面优化服务功能,切实做好导读工作,培养高素质人才队伍。  相似文献   

胡建升 《唐都学刊》2006,22(3):123-126
《诚斋诗话》的成书时间主要有壬午前说和壬午后说两种。笔者根据《诚斋诗话》中的条目内容,结合历史材料和杨万里的生平进行仔细的梳理和考证,以详实的材料证明《诚斋诗话》不可能写于壬午前,而且还进一步对壬午后说给予更为确切的时间界定,认为《诚斋诗话》是杨万里自金陵退居故里后成书的,也就是说其成书时间应该是绍熙三年壬子(1192)年以后。通过界定《诚斋诗话》的成书年代,有利于更好地理解此诗话的诗学思想,还详细考述了《诚斋诗话》的诗学思想体系是和杨万里晚年的诗歌理论主张是一致的。  相似文献   

李永平 《唐都学刊》2005,21(1):84-87
在中国古代的游仙文学里存在一个古老的信仰,当人进入一个特殊的空间(如仙境)或神圣容器(洞窟、葫芦等)时,和人间相比,时间的流速会变慢,正所谓"仙界方七日,人间已千年".于是许多游仙文学以之为吟咏对象,形成"沧海桑田"和"地久天长"两个意象.追溯这一时空观的来源,与道教徒的修炼生活有关.  相似文献   

刘爱新 《创新》2010,4(2):57-59
近年来,制度变迁理论对诸多学科产生日益广泛的影响,在我国经济史研究中也体现了其适用性。当研究视域放置于中国近代经济发展史时,制度变迁理论为我们提供了全新的思考维度和分析框架。  相似文献   

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