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Ⅰ.DifferencesBetweentheAncientLiteraryStyleoftheNorthandSouthLongagoourpredecessorsnotedtheinfluenceofthenaturalenvironmentoncustomsandcultures.Themostpopulartopicinthisregardwasthedifferenceinculturebetweenthenorthandthesouth.Inmoderngeographicterms,thetworegionsareroughlydividedbytheQinlingMountainsandtheHuaiRiver,althoughinancienttimesthisdefinitionwasnotsoclearcut.Generallyspeaking,theYangtzeandHuairivervalleysandareastothesoutharedefinedasthe"south"andareastothenorthasthe"north.',L…  相似文献   

国民党党治在地方层级的运作,与中央判然不同。地方党部与地方政府分别自成系统,党政分离,互不统属,形成一种双重衙门体制。这是中国有史以来政治控制体制由单轨制向双轨制的重大转变。形式上,党政之间平等制衡,互相监督,似不失为一种较理想的地方政制。但在实际运作中,党政之间为争夺权势资源时起冲突。在权力竞争中,国民党中央倾向于将地方政治交由地方政府主控,党权在地方政治运作中日趋弱化。党治在地方层级几乎处于一种虚拟状态。这种党政分开的地方党政体制,在很大程度上削弱了国民党的党治权威和党治基础。加之战前国民党员对政治资源的有限控制,国民党最终只建立了一个脆弱的党治国家秩序。  相似文献   

E. P. Thompson, The Poverty of Theory and Other Essays (1978), v+406 (The Merlin Press, paperback £3.95).

W. Bick, P. J. Müller and H. Reinke (eds), Quantum Dokumentation. Quantitative historische Forschung. Historisch‐Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung‐en Bd. I (1977), 236 (Klett‐Cotta Verlag, Stuttgart, DM. 39). (Quantum Documentation. Quantitative Historical Research)

P. J. Müller (ed.), Die Analyse prozess‐produzierter Daten. Historisch‐Sozialzvissenschaftliche Forschungen Bd. II (1977), 226 (Klett‐Cotta Verlag, Stuttgart, DM. 29). (The Analysis of Institutionally produced Data)

H. Best and R. Mann (eds), Quantitative Methoden in der historisch‐sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung. Historisch‐Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungen Bd. Ill (1977), 253 (Klett‐Cotta Verlag, Stuttgart, DM. 39). (Quantitative Methods in Historical and Social Science Research)

F. Irsigler (ed.), Quantitative Methoden in der Wirtschafts‐und Sozial‐geschichte der Vorneuzeit. Historisch‐Sozialvnssenschaftliche Forschungen Bd. IV (1978), 171 (Klett‐Cotta Verlag, Stuttgart, n.p.). (Quantitative Methods in the Economic and Social History of the Early Modern Period)

P. D. A. Garnsey and C. R. Whittaker (eds), Imperialism in the Ancient World (1978), 392 (Cambridge University Press, £12.50).

Guy Cabourdin, Terres et Hommes en Lorraine (1550–1635). Toulois et Comté de Vaudémont (1977), 2 vols., 763 (Université de Nancy, n.p.).

Sharon Kettering, Judicial Politics and Urban Revolt in Seventeenth‐century France: The Parlement of Aix 1629–1659 (1978) xi+370 (Princeton University Press, £15.00).

R. J. Morris, Class and Class Consciousness in the Industrial Revolution 1780–1850 (1979), 79 (Macmillan, £1.75).

Clyde Binfield, So Down to Prayers: Studies in English Nonconformity, 1780–1920 (1977), xiv+296 (Dent, £8.50).

Ian Sellers, Nineteenth‐century Nonconformity (1977), ix+102 (Arnold, £5.95, paperback £2.95).

Lynn Hunt, Revolution and Urban Politics in Provincial France: Troyes and Reims, 1786–1790 (1978), viii+187 (Stanford University Press, $11.50).

Gwynne Lewis, The Second Vendée (1978) x+250 (Oxford University Press, £10.00).

Joseph F. Kett, Rites of Passage: Adolescence in America, 1790 to the Present (1977), 327 (Basic Books, New York, $16.50).

Alain Corbin, Les filles de noce. Misere sexuelle et prostitution aux 19e et zoe siècles (1978), 576 (Editions Aubier Montaigne, Paris, 96 f).

(The Good‐time Girls. Sexual Poverty and Prostitution in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries)

A. J. Youngson, The Scientific Revolution in Victorian Medicine (1979), 237 (Croom Helm, £9.95).

F. B. Smith, The People's Health 1830–1910 (1979), 436 (Croom Helm, £14.95).

Ian Carter, Farm Life in Northeast Scotland, 1840–1914: The Poor Man's Country (1979) xiv+258 (John Donald, Edinburgh, £12.50).

Shulamit Volkov, The Rise of Popular Antimodernism in Germany. The Urban Master Artisans 1873–1896 (1978), ix+399 (Princeton University Press, £16.80).

Stefan Collini, Liberalism and Sociology. L. T. Hobhouse and Political Argument in England 1880–1914 (1979), vii+281 (Cambridge University Press, £12.00).  相似文献   

As cigarette smoking expanded dramatically during the early twentieth century, it brought more and more workers into conflict with the policies and demands of the manufacturers who employed them. As this paper shows, addiction to nicotine ignited daily struggles over workers’ shopfloor rights and the ability of employers to set rules, establish discipline, and monitor behavior. A specific set of records from the archives of the Hammermill Paper Company, a paper manufacturer once based in Erie, Pennsylvania, provide a unique opportunity to explore the impact of cigarette consumption on labor relations during the era of mass production, as two nosy factory spies probed and documented worker actions and attitudes in the summer of 1915. As a result of their intelligence gathering, the spies discovered a factory-wide work culture rooted in the addictive pleasure of cigarette smoke. This discovery worried them. Worker-smokers needed to dampen their hunger for nicotine with frequent, and often clandestine, breaks from work, typically in defiance of “no-smoking” rules, employer designations for the uses of factory space, and bosses’ demands for continuous production. Highlighting the intersections of the histories of labor, smoking, and addiction, this paper argues that cigarettes were a key battleground in workers’ and managers’ intensifying struggles over who really controlled the industrial shopfloor during the early 1900s.  相似文献   


Objectives to analyze the development of the elderly patients with chronic diseases and to make some suggestions for the elderly social hospitalization. Methods By using yearbook data and theoretical analyses, the paper respectively presents the problems and furthermore solutions of China's elderly services. Results The elderly patients with chronic illnesses have formed a new group, and the phenomenon of “socialization of elderly hospitalization” has become a major social risk. Discussions China needs to promote the idea of “long-term care” in elderly social security, establishing long-term care insurance and fostering a private, professional elderly service system.  相似文献   

The pioneering migration scholar Eugene Kulischer employed the metaphor of the ‘flood’ to characterize the movement of peoples across Eurasia at the end of the Second World War. This article builds on that metaphor by analysing the range of Soviet citizens’ migratory movements within and back to the USSR in 1945. It pays special attention to settlers, deportees, returning evacuees, repatriates, demobilized soldiers and itinerants. Not only did these different groups of migrants appear simultaneously, but each produced the other: settlers moved to deportees’ vacated land; many demobilized soldiers and evacuees were recruited as settlers; some repatriates were deported; and those escaping deportation often became itinerants. In each case the article examines the interaction between the state’s migration regimes – its projects and provision of infrastructure to move people – and migrants’ repertoires, that is, their reliance on networks of kinship and friendship to avoid or mitigate hardship and maximize opportunities. It argues that the fulfilment of the state’s agendas with respect to migration depended not only on its regimes but migrants’ own practices.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide a test of the sustainability of the Spanish government deficit over the period 1850–2000, emphasizing the role played by monetary and fiscal dominance in order to get fiscal solvency. Since the condition of fiscal solvency was satisfied, government deficit would have been sustainable along the sample period. In addition, the whole period can be characterized as one of fiscal dominance.  相似文献   

Purpose: The overall purposes of this article are to report the development of a survey instrument, Scientific Misconduct Questionnaire-Revised (SMQ-R) that elicits the perceptions of research coordinators managing clinical trials about the various aspects of scientific misconduct and to present the psychometric analyses for the SMQ-R.

Methods: A panel of five researchers and research coordinators reviewed the original SMQ (Rankin and Esteeves, 1997 Rankin, M. and Esteves, M. 1997. Perceptions of scientific misconduct in nursing. Nursing Research, 46(5): 270276. [PUBMED][CSA][CROSSREF][Crossref] [Google Scholar]) and suggested an additional 42 items based on the review of the literature and their own experiences in research. The SMQ-Revised (SMQ-R) consists of 68 closed-choice items in six sections and one section with 12 open-ended questions. The SMQ-R was sent to 5302 persons who were members of the Association for Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP) or subscribers to Research Practitioner, published by the Center for Clinical Research Practice (CCRP).

Findings: Internal consistency of subscales was assessed with Cronbach's alpha and ranged from .83 to .84. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test construct validity of the instrument subscales. The factor structure was assessed with the principal factors method, using the squared multiple correlations as initial communality estimates followed by varimax (orthogonal) or biquartimax (oblique) rotations. Analyses revealed five distinct factors among three subscales. Construct validity for the SMQ-R was also assessed by testing hypothesized relationships using the known groups approach.

Conclusion: The current effort demonstrated the usefulness of the SMQ-R in obtaining information from a national sample of experienced research coordinators about their perceptions of the prevalence of different types of scientific misconduct and of factors that influence the occurrence of misconduct. The psychometric evaluation of the SMQ-R suggests good internal consistency for most subscales and suggests adequate construct validity of the instrument as a whole. The analyses also suggest that further refinement of the instrument for future studies is warranted.  相似文献   

经济波动实际上就是各个产业波动的综合效果。本文拟由产业入手,探讨各产业波动与经济波动的相关性、经济波动过程中各产业波动的特点以及推动经济波动的产业来源。研究表明:(1)重工业景气波动主导宏观经济景气波动。(2)各行业波动幅度均大于GDP波动幅度,说明行业间波动相关性各异,存在"风险分散"效应。各产业的经济效益比总产出更易波动。(3)各产业的增加值、总产值与当期经济景气波动的相关性不强,但中长期比短期表现出更好的相关性;各产业价格指数、固定资产投资增长率与全国的相应指标之间表现出较强的相关性。(4)冶金工业、建筑材料及其他非金属矿工业、建筑业始终是推动景气波动的主要产业,制造业在最近一个经济周期中开始起作用。  相似文献   


This article examines the colonial legal culture of French Guiana from 1794 to 1830 during a period marked by dramatic historical rupture; slaves in the colony who were liberated by decree of the French legislature in 1794 were returned to slavery under Napoleon. People who managed to remain free in the nineteenth century endured humiliating legal handicaps as well as challenges to their free status. In Guiana during this period, a person's access to the ‘rights of man and citizen’ depended on intricate and ultimately fragile legal structures. The perils besetting Guiana's freed people during and after the French Revolution often arose from the highly adjustable character of legal space – the legal status of imperial territory in relation to domestic soil. This article draws on archival materials including notarial documents and trial records to reconstruct the role of law and legal discourse in mediating everyday life, familial relationships and social encounters on the French colonial frontier.  相似文献   

Sara Schatz 《Social history》2013,38(2):145-165

A number of plausible, competing, mass-based accounts exist in the literature explaining the breakdown of democracy and the rise of fascism in Spain, Italy and Germany. The objective of this article is to specify further empirically mass-based accounts of the social origins of democracy and modern authoritarianism in the Spanish Second Republic (1931–1936). In specifying mass-based general theories of the breakdown of democracy and the rise of fascism in inter-war Europe, the article contends that the polarising dynamic of agrarian reform is a central factor undermining the Republic.  相似文献   

At present more and more innovativemodels have appeared on the basis of pastpractice in HIV/AIDS social theories, e.g.,the “model of social movement,” the “modelof health-improving social ecology,” the“model of behavior-changing policy” and the“model of social action.” However, in its re-view of the experience of empirical studieson HIV/AIDS the Joint United Nations Pro-gram on HIV/AIDS points out that most ofthe existent behavior-changing theories andmodels for prevention and…  相似文献   

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