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东盟成立时印度对其反应冷漠。在最初几年里印度重视与东盟国家的双边关系,但对东盟这个地区组织重视不够。随着国际形势的变化和东盟一体化程度的提高,印度开始重视与东盟的经济合作,但是受美苏冷战以及印度与大国关系的制约,印度的东盟政策没有达到预期效果。研究冷战时期印度对东盟政策的演变,有助于我们理解目前的印度东盟关系。  相似文献   

冷晓玲 《创新》2009,3(1):76-78
西藏问题长期以来成为中印两国关系健康发展的一个障碍。印度对西藏政策的从属性、两面性和长期性特点的形成,有来自深层次的国内因素,也有受复杂的国际背景的影响。近年来,印度政府开始意识到中印关系发展的重要性,并在西藏问题上采取了一些积极的措施。然而,双边关系的全面发展还将有待于两国在西藏问题上对现有分歧的超越。  相似文献   

The theory of international trade presents trade as a positive-sum game for all participants. Yet, most of the negotiations between the developed and the developing countries seem to have been conducted under a perception of reality that views North-South relations as a zero-sum game. The purpose of this paper is to suggest a general framework for institutional and structural changes to benefit all participants. A number of original proposals for international reforms to support equitable development in developing countries are presented. The major element of the proposals include a Land Reform Fund, a rural and industrial development package for LDCs, support for trade liberalization of impacts from land reform countries, and an industrial Assistance Fund to help industrial countries to restructure production pattern.The proposals contain obviously far reaching national and international political implications whose impact is assessed in the concluding part of the paper. There the claim is made that unless both sets of countries find cooperation mutually attractive, they will be unable to embark in development strategies characterized by the highest chance of success and with the fewest economic and social disruptions.  相似文献   

The paper presents a world econometric model of the LINK type, which is then applied to the study of the recovery prospects of the OECD economies. Specifically, several policy packages coordinated at the international level are assessed for the period 1978–1980.The model includes country specific macroeconomic structures for eight developed economies, and different type structures for five additional developing countries. The obvious policy and behavioral differences that exist between these two groups of countries are highlighted through the specification, in one case, of demand-oriented Keynessian models able to capture short-term cyclical phenomena. The supply orientation with several resource gaps (savings, foreign exchange, etc.) prevails for the developing economies. The two sections after the introduction review broadly the main modeling features of the project, including the international comparison of structural parameters. In the following sections several policy experiments are attempted. The underlying behavioral assumptions stress the community of interest that prevails among OECD economies. These experiments consider the case of stimulative policies adopted in (1) the United States alone, (2) three engine countries (United States, Federal Republic of Germany, and Japan), and (3) several developed countries that are part of the OECD system. Other experiments assume additional policy packages to correct present current account imbalances. The general conclusion of the study is that the prospects for economic recovery in the OECD area depend to a crucial extent on the ability of the member countries to agree on policies able to make the major economic indicators of each economy converge toward levels that are domestically manageable and mutually supporting.  相似文献   

Processes of transnational policy transfers are of immense importance in understanding new forms of the reproduction of relations and discourses of power, and of memory and forgetfulness, within particular social welfare regimes. Transnational advice and policy transfers appear particularly unsuited to the need to address the complexities of the ways in which welfare subjects interact with welfare regimes which seek to organise their lives, a theme which touches complex issues of culture, identity and resistance, at the interface of local, national, regional and global social relations. Utilising ethnographic material from post–Yugoslav countries, particularly Bosnia–Herzegovina, this article addresses international consultancy, transnational policy advice, and project and programme documents as a specific 'genre' with its own language and power, including the power of silence. The article is based on an explicit erosion of the border between 'research' and 'consultancy'. Theoretically and empirically, a literature on 'global social policy' has paid too little attention to an emerging 'cultural' perspective on welfare which focuses much more on the social relations of welfare; the role of biographies, subjectivities and memories; and the need for forms of reflexivity and attention to the minutiae of everyday life constructed within, and itself constructive of, 'welfare' as a lived experience. Rendering the practice of policy–making as a subject for ethnographic or anthropological research may be the basis for a new action research, and for policy agendas for a democratic welfare, envisioning forms of access, voice, and empowerment, which much current transnational policy advice militates against.  相似文献   

Human activities impact on environment and resources needs policy actions. We provide a new multivariate model which helps to assess how to shape and quantify appropriate policy responses taking into account equity and sustainability. The model analyzes the joint dynamic growth rate of three relevant components of ecological footprint: cropland factor; water resources usage; CO2 emissions, estimating their joint rate of convergence, explicitly including conditioning variables, in the period 1971–2018. This model provides a quantitative assessment of the determinants of convergence across countries, that might help policy makers to take measures to enhance the success of achieving the target. Results show that countries with lowest levels of the ecological footprint components are growing faster than those countries with the highest level of these components. In addition, a higher participation to the international trade (openness of the economy) and a higher investment share is beneficial to accelerate the countries’ dynamics toward a converging path characterized by a more sustainable ecological footprint.  相似文献   

Four hundred and seventy college students and 119 high school students in South Korea were sampled to measure attitudes on Americans. Cognitive aspects of students’ attitudes towards Americans were relatively stable but there were subtle gaps between gender, areas, and ages in the evaluation of an affective component of attitude. There were gender, area, and age differences in behavioral aspects of attitude on Americans. In the perspectives on international relations, Koreans think relations with America are most important even though anti-Americanism is more dominant than negative attitude towards other countries. China is expected to be the highest rank nation in friendliness in the next 10 years. This forecast differs in America as a friendly nation in gender and area comparison. In other pro- or anti-American attitudes the ratios of very friendly and friendly attitudes toward Americans were 12.8% and 58.5%. In the case of very unfriendly and unfriendly attitudes toward Americans, differences were demonstrated by gender and age. Reasons and interpretations on the attitude changes were discussed.  相似文献   

缅甸独立后的外交政策先后经历了冷战时期的中立主义外交,1989~1992年的对华友好外交,1993年后的多边外交。进入21世纪后,缅甸把油气资源作为其多边外交的新手段,对中国、印度、泰国等邻国,以及区域外的俄罗斯等国推行以油气资源为重要内容的多边外交,并利用各国相互制衡,以保持其内政外交的独立自主。缅甸的油气资源外交较大程度地维护了国家利益,增强了缅甸在国际政治舞台的博弈能力,并对相关国家的对缅政策产生了复杂的影响。2011年上台的民选政府势必会继续利用这一外交新手段在对外关系中追求平衡,完善多边外交。  相似文献   

For decades, the discussions on the problem of social protection in cases of dependency have been gaining in intensity. Comprehensive new regulations on the subject have now been enacted in Germany and have attracted international interest. The new Dependency Insurance Act in Germany is based to some extent on tried and tested model solutions enshrined in German social policy, but it also contains fundamental new orientations which could have an importance reaching beyond the sphere of social dependency insurance. Does the act adhere to established traditions, merely disguising them in modern dress? Or is it a trend-setter disguised in traditional dress? Taking the new Dependency Insurance Act as an example, this article examines current trends in social policy in Germany and on the international plane.  相似文献   

Family impact analysis (FIA) is informed by a growing vision of incorporating a family perspective into policy making. It is a skillful and technical exercise in examining past, present, or probable future consequences – both intended and unintended – of a policy on family well‐being. Originating in the USA in the 1970s, it has become state/provincial or federal policy in the USA, Canada (Alberta), Australia, and Hong Kong. The policy has had different degrees of success in these countries. This article reviewed the critical issues and challenges for implementing the policy and the countries’ different responses to the challenges. It also discussed the implications of these international experiences on Hong Kong's policy of FIA as the newest member of the ranks. Attention to the diversity of families in defining family, adequate training and support to policy staff, building of quality control mechanisms, and the development of grassroots and political support of FIA were recommended. The review also found that there was a dearth of evaluation research on the policy. Further studies are necessary to examine whether FIA is an effective means of affecting policy‐planning decisions. It is a shared obligation of all countries that voted for a policy on FIA.  相似文献   

The policy issues involved in the social problem of elder victimization could fill volumes. Even the policy issues involved in the new concept of elder justice are multi-faceted. Through the lens of a policy analysis perspective, the history, ideologies, politics, social movements, and economics of policies that promote the collaboration between adult protective services and law enforcement are examined. The analysis of state and local policies as well as a promising federal legislative initiative will, hopefully, help policy advocates understand from where the movement toward collaboration between adult protective services and law enforcement has come as well as where it may be headed.  相似文献   

本文采用"政治过程"论证结构,从国家权力与对外政策关系的角度来分析,通过探讨印度对外关系中各个重要历史时期国内各界政治力量在国家制定重大对外决策过程中的互动过程及其对国家对外政策的影响,深度挖掘出独立60年来印度对外政策决策中的关键影响因素,揭示了印度对外政策决策的一般性规律,归纳出印度对外政策的决策模式——"双螺旋"决策模式,并对该模式做出了初步的评价。  相似文献   

The paper sketches an approach to exchange rate modeling that links currency values to the prospective income streams associated with claims on physical capital in different countries. This framework represents an alternative to general equilibrium models in which asset preferences are derived essentially from the use of different transactions currencies in different countries. The new framework provides perspectives on: the safe-haven phenomenon; the role for monetary policy and the debate over fixed versus flexible exchange rates; the effectiveness of exchange market intervention; and the dual nature of policies toward capital flows and policies toward tradable goods industries.  相似文献   

In the traditional understanding, the social basis of the emergence and existence of international law can be summed up as an international society in which interstate conflict and cooperation and interests and contradictions coexist. In recent years, the term “international community” has been widely used in national practice and academic discourse. Many scholars believe that the development of interstate relations indicates that the international community is being transformed into a global international community. The concept of “a community of shared future for mankind” reflects China’s new understanding of the social foundations of international law. It introduces Chinese traditional culture into global governance, develops Marxist theory on the community, is concerned both for mankind as a whole and for individuals, highlights the ultimate issues of the international community, and emphasizes the international community’s union of diversity and interdependence. The idea of “a community of shared future for mankind” is of great significance for the theory and practice of international law; it reflects the emergence of methodological holism, the response of international law to the questioning of its legitimacy, and the trend toward hierarchical systematization in international law. The concept of “a community of shared future for mankind” is of great value to China’s participation in the reform of the global governance system. It will help promote appreciation of the relations between China and the world, enhance China’s international discourse power and discourse force, and promote the rule of law in international relations that China advocates.  相似文献   

朱锋 《日本学刊》2022,(1):1-21
自新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,中日两国主要通过高层沟通、捐赠物资等手段来合作抗疫。“山川异域、风月同天”的话语给双边关系注入了温情。菅义伟上台后,中日两国关系发生逆转,现任岸田文雄首相更是提出了要把“对付中国”作为首要目标。2020年的“疫情外交”对改善和升温中日关系的短暂效应,已经清楚地说明了在美国实施对华战略竞争政策后,日本以制衡中国为国家安全利益定位的“国家利益论”和“国际贡献论”都变得越发清晰。日本已经成为在中美战略竞争中完全“选边美国”的少数亚太国家。自中日邦交正常化以来两国的睦邻友好关系正在被日本政界似乎铁了心的“制衡中国论”所取代。已经完全超出“周边事态”、一心想要助力美国对华战略遏制的日本,给中国周边外交增加了新的变数。  相似文献   

The increasing number of migrant women and girls in Australia affected by female genital mutilation (PGM) presents a significant challenge for public policy. Addressing FGM requires an understanding of the practice, its incidence and consequences; as of the cultural patterns and belief systems that underwrite it in those countries where it is commonly practised. Australian policy and programmatic responses to FGM are placed in the context of both international initiatives and those in other countries of settlement, and the underlying principles that guide effective FGM policy development identified.  相似文献   

三边关系是国际关系中的一个研究课题。中美苏战略三角、中美欧、中美日、中美印和中美台关系等都是国际关系三边关系研究中的热门研究对象。但是主流的三边关系理论主要是强调国家权力的分配和国家利益对国家间互动关系的影响,忽视了国家的认同、认知等观念和心理因素对国家权力、利益和国家间互动关系的作用。因此,本文援引心理学的结构平衡理论,强调国家间认知关系分配构成的认知结构对国家间互动关系的影响,既可以从宏观层面分析三边互动关系,又可以从微观层面分析国家间关系对国家对外政策和决策的影响,力图提供一种不同的分析三边关系的路径。  相似文献   

Over the past twenty years, social researchers have had increasingly to turn from domestic to international and global perspectives in their efforts to account for growing levels of social inequality and in their search for practical policy solutions. It is against this background that China's recent experience is to be appreciated. The combined programme of economic reform coupled with an open-door policy has achieved much, yet has been accompanied by marked increases in social inequality. Until recently, most experts seemed to believe this trend to be a mere transitional "by-product" of domestic economic reform. Further social reform, backed by sustained economic growth, would be sufficient to resolve the problem. However, the facts now suggest otherwise. Sustained economic growth and reform, especially from the later 1990s, has been accompanied by ever-widening social inequality, with no signs of an end in sight. This is a critical period. China is now on the eve of entry into the WTO, with all the anxieties as well as rewards this signals for the Chinese people. Against this background the present paper weighs up the likely impact of globalization on China's social structure and its systems of social protection. It concludes by offering suggestions for international social policy advance both "longitudinal" (between developed and developing countries) and "latitudinal" (between developing countries in competition with each other). Only by means of such "joint efforts" might China hope to escape the "social protection dilemmas" associated with entry into the WTO.  相似文献   

崔健 《日本学刊》2022,(1):71-89
从运用经济力维护国家安全的经济安全视角来看,外国直接投资所具有的直接、间接经济力与国家安全之间有密切的关系,世界各国都非常重视对外资的管理。长期以来,放松规制是日本外资管理政策的主基调,但是近年来,从经济安全视角出发,为了防止重要技术外泄等,日本政府在2007年、2017年和2019年进行的相关制度调整呈现出不断加强外资管理的迹象。这一方面是受到国际秩序变化、国际社会对军民两用技术重视度增强以及国际上外资管理趋强等因素的影响;另一方面,也更为重要的是,在当前形势下日本初步形成了经济安全战略思想。当前日本实施外资管理政策面临如何解决好外国直接投资引进与管控之间、维护经济安全的技术政策与坚.持自由贸易原则之间的平衡等问题,这些问题的解决路径蕴含着日本外资管理政策变化的趋势。  相似文献   

This article reviews divergent empirical evidence on interracial contact. While research on diversity in higher education provides ample evidence for the educational benefits of engaging with diversity in informal interactions or courses, experimental and naturalistic studies in social psychology on interracial interactions reveal a complicated picture, showing what appear to be both positive and negative effects. Rather than addressing the question of whether or not to promote interracial interactions on campus, we present a critical-dialogic model of intergroup dialogue that centers on communication processes as an avenue toward intergroup relationships, understanding, and collaboration. Prior research and preliminary results from a nine-university research collaboration provide strong empirical support for the proposed model. We conclude with program and policy considerations for higher education institutions interested in promoting meaningful intergroup interaction.  相似文献   

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