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Statistics on crime and violence in Russia show that there is a crisis in the moral order and a significant deficit in self-control in Russian culture and society, which has been termed a state of moral degradation. This situation needs to be urgently changed through legal and other forms of social control, aimed in particular at young Russians.  相似文献   

建构北京市大福利制度的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我国现代福利制度体系建立在狭义的社会福利观上,这种小福利观已经不适应我国社会建设的需要,急需调整。要建构面向全球化、面向现代社会的福利制度,必须打破将社会福利等同于民政福利的观念,建设面向全体公民的大福利体制。  相似文献   

鲁岩  杨军 《学术交流》2001,1(6):16-19
党的基本路线指明了我们党在这一历史时期的根本任务、奋斗目标、前进道路和基本政策,反映了发展先进社会生产力和建设先进文化的客观需要,代表了全国各族人民的根本利益,集中体现了"三个代表"的本质要求.在新形势下,贯彻落实"三个代表",必须坚持党的基本路线不动摇.  相似文献   

张巍卓 《社会》2019,39(2):214-241
作为德国社会学的两位奠基人,滕尼斯和齐美尔奠定了截然相反的两种现代伦理生活格局。伦理世界观的分流源于他们各自对时代处境的体验以及对思想史的独特解释。从近代自然法的角度出发,滕尼斯的社会伦理的核心是重建政治社会的秩序与风尚,一切价值最终都要融入社会;与此相反,齐美尔的社会学思考从一开始就以对社会伦理的批评作为前提,他将超越社会的个体生命视作伦理的目的,对他来说,生命不仅意味着身处社会之中的个体具有饱满个性,而且从自身孕育出客观的、适用于他自己的伦理责任。从帝制时期到魏玛时期,德国社会伦理同文化伦理的分流、交织与合流为我们提供了一条理解德国社会学史的清晰主线。  相似文献   

New Labour's "Third Way" in welfare derives its intellectual underpinning from "risk society" theory as developed in the UK by Anthony Giddens. The theory suggests that the crucial changes affecting citizens of modern societies are globalization, the post-traditional social order and social reflexivity. These changes lead people to question authority and to wish to take greater responsibility for meeting their needs. Applied to welfare, the analysis suggests a diminution in the role of government, greater proactivity by citizens and subsidiarity favouring community groups and also the private sector. It buttresses Third Way calls for "no rights without responsibility" and "equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome". This paper reports qualitative and quantitative research which indicates that the risks of modern social life are experienced differently by different social groups. Risk society theories assume value consensus. They understand social change to have a common impact across society, leading to a common response, and direct attention away from the particular needs and aspirations of more vulnerable groups. The risk society thesis is class ideology masquerading as social theory: it serves the interests of those already privileged in a more flexible society by obscuring the needs and aspirations of the more vulnerable, who already bear most of the burdens of social change.  相似文献   

陈雷 《社会工作》2011,(10):42-46
专业社会工作本土化是一个迫切需要解决的课题。一般而言,推动专业社会工作的本土化,必须与社会转型期的政治、经济、文化以及社会的实际状况相适应。单就杭州市而言,其推进专业社会工作本土化的主要做法有:在政府的主导下,将专业社会工作融入城市社区建设;以社区管理体制改革为契机,在社区设立专业社会工作岗位;将社工人才的培养纳入"党管人才,人才强市"战略的总体部署,侧重以"存量提升"的方式解决社会工作队伍的专业化问题;以建立社会工作资格认证制度为突破口,逐步提高专业社会工作的职业化水平。概而言之,杭州市实行的是"政府主导型"的专业社会工作本土化策略。  相似文献   

本文参照行动的文化结构化理论来解释北美历史上最大规模的猎巫事件--萨勒姆审巫案。对该案如何以及何以发生的理解与解释,需要考虑当时活跃在清教徒生活中复杂且被深刻感知的意义。本文揭示了清教文化中的危机。这场造成19个英国男女被绞死的审巫案是在原告、牧师及法官的主导下进行的,他们深植于一个充满意义的世界观中,操纵这一世界观,并最终借助合法暴力捍卫这一世界观。这个世界观是根据如下的紧张与矛盾节点而得以重建的:妇女在社会中的地位、殖民地与上帝之间的关系、世界如何运转的形而上信仰(如巫术与驱魂)。研究萨勒姆审巫案牵涉文化、诠释以及社会学解释的问题。为了回答这些问题,本文指出:(1)文化社会学的解释包含且不限于叙事性意向、意识、言说的意义及行动者的策略;(2)文化社会学的解释应把符号结构与政治经济学的互相嵌入纳入考虑范畴,但又注意不将前者化约为后者;(3)一个危机或事件的走势与参与其中的人们对危机的诠释之间相互纠缠。这意味着,文化社会学能够给出对社会生活的一种因果性诠释,从而超越在理解与解释之间长久存在的区分。  相似文献   

战后美国南部"文化危机"问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李朋 《学术交流》2004,62(9):163-167
美国有史以来,其南部一直是一个亚文化区域,走过了一条与其他地区十分不同的发展道路,有着自身独特的保守主义文化传统。二战以后,南部社会经历了深刻的变迁,其经济模式、政治运作乃至种族关系等方面都逐渐与美国主流社会趋同,于是,"多元文化主义"中的南部"文化危机"问题成为美国学术界论争的对象。事实上,南部文化并没有随着南部政治和经济的巨大变革而出现危机。实质上它是论争各方在文化的概念上存在分歧、中产阶级理论的误用和美国当下保守主义思潮的巨大影响所致。美国南部文化特征依然鲜明。  相似文献   

王宁 《社会》2009,29(2):30-52
2008年美国次贷危机所引发的全球“金融风暴”传导到实体经济,导致一场全球性经济危机,中国也未能幸免。这是国人首次以如此深刻的方式了解到占人口多数的中低阶层消费不足对经济的危害。居民消费不足的问题涉及更为根本的社会阶层结构问题。中国长期以来实行的是生产型社会的制度安排,并未做好向消费型社会转型的准备。而导致生产型社会长期得以延续的原因,在于低成本发展战略。本文对这一战略的逻辑及其后果进行了反思,并得出结论:在产能过剩的年代,随着产品市场的地理扩张面临饱和,中国进入了产品市场的社会扩张阶段,为此,必须调整社会阶层结构,摈弃生产主义的人力观,不仅把劳动者当作生产力要素来使用,而且也应把劳动者当作消费者或消费市场来培育,促使生产型社会向消费型社会转型。  相似文献   

生态社会主义抓住社会正义问题并将其作为分析生态问题的重要方法论,揭示出生态问题的本质是社会正义问题,而资本主义制度的非正义性是产生全球生态危机的根源。将社会正义与生态正义结合起来,从政治正义、经济正义和文化正义等方面构建人与自然和谐以及人与社会和谐的公正的社会主义社会,才能最终解决人类面临的生态危机,走向公正社会。生态社会主义的社会正义价值观,虽然在一定程度上继承了马克思主义的公平正义理论,对认识生态问题的成因以及有效解决生态危机具有积极意义,但是其内在的理论缺陷,注定其与科学社会主义还相距甚远。  相似文献   

渠敬东 《社会》2023,43(2):1-17
社会存于人世间,也存于人世外。任何一个文明体的存在,都需要拥有一种超越性的精神世界。中国文明始终以政统和道统的双重体系而发展,而山林文化系统则是承载道统的本体构造。这个理想的世界将一种恒久的精神力和神圣性注入人的心灵之中,成为了道统的依存之所。山林文化系统形成于魏晋隋唐时期。佛道二教对于士大夫内在精神的培植,创造性地将孔子思想中的隐逸观与老庄哲学中的自然观结合起来,中国文明由此进入了一个以诗文书画为载体而传承、守持和弘扬道统的时代。山林文化系统始终与人世间、王朝政治以及天下图景保持多重和多形态的互动。关于山林与社会的讨论,意在反思现代社会中人与世界的关联方式,给出另一种文明意义上的可能路向。  相似文献   

An employment survey among people in Toronto who left Ontario Works — a classic "work-first" regime — shows clear secondary labour market status. Most interventions typical of work-first programmes did not have a positive effect on job quality: contrary to the "stepping stones" theory that poor initial jobs lead to better jobs, those who changed jobs after leaving assistance experienced poorer job quality. A shift in orientation to "sustainable employment" is required to address the employment needs of those on social assistance. Policy must also address the fact that the social assistance caseload includes a size able group that face significant barriers to employment other than education or skills.  相似文献   

Young people in statutory care and protection interact with social workers, who hold potential to provide a supportive adult role in their lives. Many however, run away at an early age and end up on the street trading sex for money or other favours. There is potential to improve outcomes for young people in care if the relationship between young people and their social workers is better addressed. This paper uses data from a qualitative study of 14 young people who traded sex and who had experienced interactions with social workers. A thematic analysis identified three themes: the rigidity of social work practice; contesting the family situation; and resisting the at‐risk label. We argue that to have any impact on outcomes for young people in care, social workers need to prioritise relationship‐building above the need to conform to organizational protocols and guidelines. Such guidelines assist the social worker in assessing whether family situations pose high risk for a young person, but the “at‐risk” label is contested by young people, which results in a lack of trust and a barrier to relationship building.  相似文献   


There is little research about trauma, financial stress, and social service needs emanating from the experience of parenting grandchildren caused by the opioid crisis in the United States. We conducted a qualitative study with 15 grandparents who currently or in the past had custodial care of their grandchildren. We also interviewed nine issue-related stakeholders in Eastern Massachusetts. Specific inquiries centered on events leading up to a change in guardianship, stressors related to legal, financial, and family issues, and system-wide response to the grandparents’ needs. Results indicate that the opioid crisis presents distinct challenges for the grandparent-led families and for the systems that serve the new family arrangement. Crisis triggers a change in guardianship and continues throughout the years. The continued crises stem from events related to the parent’s opioid use disorder (OUD) and from expenses related to raising a young family, especially when the grandchild has adverse childhood experiences. Our analysis shows that systems break down on a number of levels, and the fluidity of custodial arrangements due to parents’ OUD status does not map onto existing support or benefit systems. Policy responses must focus on the immediate and long-term needs of grandparent caretakers, especially since the opioid crisis is likely to continue.  相似文献   

The interface between two major UK Government priorities—reducingunwanted teenage pregnancies and supporting teenage parents,and improving the health and well-being of young people in andleaving local authority care—has been the focus of recentresearch. The overall aims of this study were to explore factorscontributing to early pregnancy and parenthood among young peoplein and leaving local authority care; to determine the kindsof support available to these young people; and to identifywhat enables or prevents the delivery of the support they need.Via in-depth interviews, and in four contrasting geographicalareas, data were collected from young people and service providersacross England. This paper analyses data of relevance to theexperience of young fathers who have been looked after—toconsider how the needs of these young men might be better addressedthrough policy and practice. In-depth interviews conducted withyoung fathers and service providers highlighted three key aspectsof their experience that must be addressed if future needs areto be better provided for. These are: social exclusion, trustand more flexible forms of service provision. The implicationsof these issues for future policy and programme developmentare discussed.  相似文献   

This analysis departs from social identity being part and parcel of the system of social representations a group holds. Additionally, social identity is seen as being affectively laden with religious or other deeply ingrained ideological beliefs. These systems delimit the space of norms and behaviours where people socially construct the objects defining the local world as an objectively given. The local objectifications differ between groups and cultures and pose a problem for interaction and communication between members of different groups. Inter‐group discrepancies must be bridged by establishing a shared representational space and interobjective understanding. This understanding can be reached if both interactants mutually develop meta‐representations that allow them to grossly anticipate what to expect from the other and to orient their actions accordingly. But there is a catch in establishing interobjectivity: even if the interactants manage to overcome semantic and cognitive barriers, their interaction and open‐minded communication will be blocked if the two objectivities are ethically or affectively incommensurable. I illustrate this process by suggesting that native Europeans will feel blocked to establish interobjective acceptance for example with proponents of a slave holder culture whose values are incommensurable with European ideas of human equality. Accepting a slave holder's worldview would threaten the European's identity. A similar process seems to govern devout conservative Muslims living in 'gated communities' and enclaves in European cities who try to maintain their identity by avoiding regular contact with the non‐Muslim majority. Such contact would threaten their identity if their worldview and sharia rules were measured by the standards of human rights. Native Europeans on the other hand, will feel their own cultural objectivity to be incompatible with traditional Islam that does not equally observe human rights. The implications of such processes are discussed in terms of migrants' integration, multiculturalism, and socio‐political psychology.  相似文献   

Trail-blazing efforts are now underway in social work treatment with adolescents who are involved with both alcohol and other drug abuse and who have been arrested for antisocial acts. These are young people who are caught in a pathological system which is spiraling them deeper and deeper into self-destruction, either by their antisocial acts leading to continuing conflict with the law and often incarceration, and/or to the breakdown of their physical system by the substance abuse. Traditional forms of social casework or psychotherapies are of little use since the young person is likely to deny vigorously that he has a problem and shrink from contact with the helping resources that are available. Whereas a psychodynamic orientation is necessary in order for the worker to provide the degree of understanding of the internal turmoil of these young persons, the focus of treatment must be upon problem solving and a peer support system that can sustain the faltering ego through the social hazards of adolescence and young adulthood. To understand the professional demands of this practice, we will describe the general characteristics of this special segment of today's youthful population, the social-psychodynamic factors involved, and the diagnostic issues raised. Several concepts for clinical practice with these young people will be discussed: enforced treatment, age-related differential planning, and group work as the optimal treatment modality. An actual group work practice situation will illustrate theorerical and technical issues raised in the treatment process.  相似文献   

The need to create a new social studies course is mandated by cardinal changes in the country—by the desire to resurrect Russian statehood and overcome the "image of the enemy" in relations with other states; by substantial changes in the social sciences and opportunities that have opened up to explore the diversity of worldview positions, by perestroika in the sphere of education, designed to make it more humane and to shape citizens who are integrated into contemporary society and desirous of improving it; and by educators' and school students' vigorous rejection of the old content of the social disciplines. The old content deprived students of the opportunity to become properly acquainted with the multicolored picture of contemporary life in the country and the world; it failed to foster the correct orientation under rapidly changing circumstances and realization of one's own place in them.  相似文献   

Despite the evidence of unmet support needs among young people who have lost a parent to cancer, only a few support group initiatives have been reported. This observational prospective study explored the psychosocial well-being of young people who participated in support groups at a Swedish specialist palliative care setting. On three occasions, 29 participants, aged 16–28 years, answered questionnaires covering characteristics of the participants, circumstances of the losses, psychosocial well-being of the young people, and their own assessment of the support groups. The support groups attracted mostly young women who were often unprepared for the loss. The living arrangements differed between younger and older participants; however, the loss-related variables did not differ. Significant positive changes were found regarding a sense of meaning in their future life and life satisfaction. The helpfulness of the group was assessed as high/very high and the group brought a valuable fellowship with others in a similar situation. Universality and beneficial interactions were reported and strengthened psychosocial well-being developed over time. This change, according to the young people themselves, may be attributed to the group support. The findings are useful for planning interventions to support young people in bereavement in order to enhance their psychosocial well-being.  相似文献   

The quasi-revolutionary events of May 1968 have come to symbolize the generation gap between young people and their elders in France, and of contestation over social values, freedom and control. This article demonstrates that this discontent was apparent earlier in the decade, although politicians in charge of youth affairs either did not see it or chose not to publicize its existence. It focuses on debates relating to sport – and its incorporation into the teaching of physical education in lycées – because of its importance both within formal schooling and as an extra-curricular leisure activity. In 1966 François Missoffe, Minister of Youth Affairs and Sport, launched a huge inquiry into the problems facing young people, leading to the publication of an official report in 1967 which, perhaps surprisingly, had nothing to say about unrest among young people. This article aims to access the voices of young people in French lycées by mining the contents of over 2600 files of evidence that were collected during the course of the Missoffe inquiry. We argue that it is important to measure the gap between what the political and educational decision-makers presupposed about the sporting needs of young people and the views these same young people actually expressed. The article highlights examples of young people’s disillusionment with the teaching of sport and physical education, demonstrating that this not only conveyed signs of discontent with educational institutions as a whole but also a wider desire for social change that anticipated the views of angry lycéens (school pupils) in May 1968.  相似文献   

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