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… I read the Moscow papers carefully, but I cannot pretend I understood everything. I remembered how Bonnet and Chamberlain used to dream that Hitler would march on the Ukraine; the Soviet-Nazi Pact had been dictated by necessity. The drble de guerre [phoney war] and the persecution of (French) communists proved that Daladier had no real intention of fighting Hitler. Nonetheless Molotov's phrase about "the nearsighted anti-fascists" cut deep. That was the winter when I first needed a pair of glasses; but I wasn't ready to consider myself "nearsighted": my memories of the Spanish War were still fresh; fascism remained for me the main enemy. I was profoundly shaken by Stalin's telegram to Ribbentrop which spoke of a friendship cemented by blood that had been shed. I must have reread that telegram a dozen times, and although I believed in Stalin's genius as a statesman I was boiling. This was blasphemy1 How was it possible to equate the blood of Red Army soldiers with the blood of Nazis? And how to forget the rivers of blood drawn by the fascists in Spain, in Czechoslovakia, in Poland, in Germany itself?  相似文献   


The Risk Indicator Survey I (RISK I) is a screening tool used to identify the truancy risk level and intervention needs for frequently absent students. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis were used to examine the survey's validity. Sample included 6,239 elementary school children. The RISK I was reduced from 59 items to 32 items on 6 factor subscales, accounting for 49.59% of the variance in EFA. Results support the use of the RISK I as a valid truancy risk screening tool. Future studies should evaluate the RISK I survey tool with a more diverse population.  相似文献   

I spent several miserable weeks in Paris: each day I relayed to Izvestia the communiqu6s from Spain appearing in the French newspapers, I kept going to the Spanish embassy, I helped the fist volunteers make their way to Barcelona. I only remained in Paris because I could get no answer from the home office as to whether or not I might leave for Spain as a war correspondent. Again and again I was given the laconic, mysterious answer, W e are deciding the matter." I still did not wholly know the meaning of that magical verb, I lost my temper, and finally I felt I could not wait any longer. One day the paper called my Paris apartment to inquire why I had stopped wiring them, and Liuba answered: "Didn't you know? He's in Spain."  相似文献   

Now that Sobchak is no longer with us, the remarks he made not long before his premature death take on the force of an invocation, a prophecy. I met with him—just think!—only last Monday in his small office on Nevskii Prospekt. It was Valentine's Day, and I felt that I was not intruding too much in Sobchak's family plans. "Lana," he told his wife on his mobile phone, "you didn 't know, but I am talking with Sosnov. No, I won't be late for dinner."  相似文献   

Last month I happened to be in a sanatorium in the Moscow suburbs. There I was in daily contact with people in various professions and fields of endeavor: workers and collective farmers, Party functionaries, scientists and technicians. Every evening movies were shown. For the most part these were recent releases from various studios in our own country. And not infrequently after a showing dozens of eyes would be trained on me, the film expert, and what I saw in the faces around me was incredulousness, doleful surprise and outright reproach. The films did not live up to the viewers' expectations, they did not create the mood which my new friends had expected.  相似文献   

In this article, I report on a study that examined how young people are framed within formalized child welfare reviews. The study examined reports of serious case reviews (SCRs) in England over a 6‐year period, 2008–2016. I report on a data set on sexual exploitation. I focus on both the professionals and the reviewers, who are considered experts in child protection. The study focused on two aspects: one, how did professionals produce a “young person,” and two, how is the cultural identity of a young person represented within, and (re)produced by, these documents. A thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. I report on both the semantic and latent levels, discussing the words and phrases used, and the meaning they carry as situated across multiple SCRs. The analysis revealed that young people are literally seen through a visual lens, figuratively through a series of labels and produced as an autonomous, free subject. I conclude by arguing that age is applied in a visual and highly problematic way.  相似文献   

… As I have said, I looked forward to the Soviet Writers' Congress like a girl to her first dance. Possibly not all my naive hopes were realized, but still I remember the Congress as an extraordinary occasion. The walls of the Hall of Columns were decorated with portraits of the great-Shakespeare, Tolstoi, Molihre, Gogol, Cervantes, Heine, Pushkin, Balzac and many others. Facing me was the picture of Heine, young, dreamy, and of course ironic; and I automatically repeated his verses. I remember the opening of the meeting and I can't help smiling: quite unexpectedly the orchestra began to play deafening flourishes as though toasts were to follow.  相似文献   

In my faraway Paris I am now reading the stenogram of the discussion of Strolls with Pushkin, and I bitterly regret that I was not there: how I would have liked to have been at that "roundtable," modestly averting my eyes at the words, "This is a very talented book, in many places very profound" (V. Nepomniashchii), or, "the ideal of pure art for the sake of which, in my opinion, this book was written" (I. Rodnianskaia), or else-"Siniavskii has an absolutely wonderful idea" (A. Marchenko)-and blush from time to time from satisfaction, as if I myself had dreamt all of this up-about the erotic little legs and the vampire. And at times I also want to rip open the shirt on my breast-shoot, bastards: it's all my fault! Because it is my book, written for me, in answer to my plea-lord, save Siniavskii, do not let him perish, Lord, send Your Angel. …  相似文献   

In this paper I examine the Deaths in Custody Royal Commission from a Foucauldian perspective. I argue that the inquiry was an(other) act of state surveillance, and that many of the recommendations, if implemented, would further extend the scrutiny of Aboriginal lives. Additionally, I consider the way the ‘individualizing knowledge’ (Foucault 1979, p. 126) of the deceased was used to control the interpretation of their deaths.  相似文献   

Paris, 1939     
In the spring of 1939 Savich left for Moscow. We went to Le Havre to see him off. Many Spaniards were on the same steamship, bound for the Soviet Union. We stood on the dock; there was a strong wind; again in my mind's eye I saw Spain, now lost to us. I asked Savich to write me from Moscow; but it was a long while before I heard from him-for a time people preferred not to write abroad.  相似文献   

The idea that thinking is a form of talking to oneself was discussed in classical Greece, analyzed by the Medievals and treated as a central issue by the American pragmatists. But whether inner speech is a language unto itself, distinct from outer language, has not been determined. To this end I ask how Saussure's defining ideas about language apply to inner speech. I show that Saussure's ideas, while partly usable, are mainly a poor fit. Inner speech is a variety of language, or perhaps of dialect, with its own unique structure. Given that it is a unique window into human consciousness, I briefly discuss some of the research areas on which it sheds light.  相似文献   

It often happens that the entry of a third candidate into a race for legislative office is supported by a group of voters who favour, not the new candidate, but one of the two initially declared candidates. It is hoped that the third candidate will draw votes away from a particular one of the other two, changing the course of the election. This phenomenon is examined at a general level and the set of social choice rules which are invulnerable in this sense is characterized.This paper was written while I was a Canada Council Research Fellow visiting at Stanford University. I am grateful to Professor W. Leinfellner for helpful comments on a first draft and I assume full responsibility for errors.  相似文献   

In concern for the hungry and enslaved I became directly convinced That Kant, Feuerbach, and Hegel had erred—That their understanding failed them. Though I had as yet read not a line of theirs, I firmly knew that, well, as a matter of fact They had gotten it all wrong. Alas! These old men, they didn't know, It was beyond them, They hadn't looked around them! And at twenty years, the spirit of doubt Did not hover over us. Credulous beyond measure, I had already accumulated a solid capital Of readymade truths, taken on faith. Assiduously learned by heart, Solidly inscribed in the records, They comforted me and guarded me Like a stone wall.  相似文献   

Almost 10 years ago, when I was in my fourth year of graduate school, my fellow graduate students discovered that our thesis advisor had engaged in misconduct by falsifying and fabricating data in two grant applications. We informed the university and my advisor resigned. This event was a turning point in my life. Years later, I have gathered my thoughts and reflections on the experience. I believe we must first prevent what misconduct we can. But unfortunately some misconduct will still occur and in those circumstances we must respond to protect those affected by the misconduct and to progress beyond the event. In so doing, we get the most value out of scientific research.  相似文献   

I No Longer remember who introduced me to Mayakovsky; first we sat in some cafe talking about films; later he took me to his own place, a room in the San Remo furnished apartments in Saltykov Street off the Petrovka. Shortly before I had read his book, Simple as Mooing. I had imagined him exactly as he was -tall, with a heavy jaw, eyes that were in turn sad and stern, loud, awkward, ready at any moment to start a fight - a combination of athlete and dreamer, of medieval juggler who stands on his head to pray and uncompromising iconoclast.  相似文献   

Not long ago I had occasion to be present at a meeting of the comrades' court of Housing Operation Office No. 16 of Moscow's Bauman District. A statement by Citizeness Kh-va accusing the M-v couple of unseemly behavior ("They curse, threaten, put garbage in the soup …") was being considered. M-v is a young scholar — an art specialist. I am his research director, and naturally I am not at all indifferent to how he conducts himself in his home life.  相似文献   

胡亮 《社会》2012,32(1):220-242
“找价”是明清时期中国乡村一桩土地交易完成以后,卖主仍向买主索取加价的经济行为。本文从社会学视角,分析这一行为产生的社会背景、市场交易特点、官方对这一行为的态度及乡村土地的所有权特征,梳理“找价”被认可、规范确定和边界实现等方面的社会机制,以此解释这一现象出现和维持的合理性。  相似文献   

After a brief presentation and discussion of two versions of Newcomb's problem, I examine the analyses proposed by Levi (1975). Horgan (1981), and Kyburg (1980). I argue that the first two are not genuine solutions to the problem, but that the third, if appropriately elaborated and modified, is correct.This paper was written under a grant from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate School, which I gratefully acknowledge.  相似文献   

Shortly after my return to Moscow that time, the paper gave me a ticket to a meeting of Stakhanovite shock workers. I arrived an hour ahead of time, but the Kremlin's big hall was already filled. People talked quietly among themselves, no one left his seat. This was wholly unlike the noisy meetings in the crowded smoke-filled halls of Paris. I asked my neighbors where Stakhanov himself was sitting and whether they could point out Krivonosov, Izotov, the Vinogradovs.  相似文献   

Family-leave policy in the USA is essentially regulatory, providing for work–family supports that are unpaid and otherwise relatively limited in substance and scope. Using a path-dependency informed analysis of policy developments from the 1920s through the 1990s, I argue that these central defining qualities stem from government involvement beginning in the first part of the 20th century in helping the private sector to construct what I theorize was a 'precursor' work–family benefits system. During this period, the government was developing a general approach toward the growing numbers of working women that was based largely on traditional ideas ('separate spheres') about women's roles. Separate spheres influenced the way that the growing numbers of working women were viewed within the initial work–family benefits system, and I argue that this approach has carried over into the more recent family-leave policy debates, helping to explain the key features of present-day policy.  相似文献   

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