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社会保障制度改革与政治稳定:西方的经验分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
西方社会保障制度不仅与经济利益紧密相关,而且与政治斗争结伴而来,逐渐成为资本主义政府的一项基本功能,成为资本主义政党政治的一个主要内容,对稳定西方资产阶级统治和国家政权发挥了重要的政治功能.20世纪70年代中期以后,西方各国纷纷改革社会保障制度.由于社会保障制度具有刚性和权威性,甚至已经和西方政治制度融为一体,社会保障政策成了政治体制中不可或缺的组成部分,因此,社会保障制度的改革牵涉到公众的既得利益,要经过复杂的政治程序和相当程度的公民认同,必须谨慎地加以推进.  相似文献   

林雁 《阅江学刊》2010,(2):128-136
社会进步赋予公众更多的休闲时间,也赋予休闲更多的知识内涵,进步的社会观念推动公众选择高雅的休闲,因此,休闲活动的知识化是社会进步的必然要求。随着科学技术的发展,教育与其他知识活动都趋向休闲化,提供知识服务的公共场所,也越来越休闲化,而且必定在科技高度发达的未来社会里能够做到真正休闲化,因此,知识活动的休闲化是科技发展的必然结果。人类文明的发展方向是全社会成员都享有高度的自由,都能全面发展,并处于高度和谐的社会关系中,这需要通过知识休闲去实现。知识休闲必将成为全社会都享有的生活形态,知识休闲的社会化是人类文明发展的必然方向。  相似文献   

魏晓春  钱晓萍 《唐都学刊》2011,27(6):119-124
农村义务教育学校布局调整后对闲置学校教育资产如何处置成为棘手问题。尤其是闲置不动产的再利用,存在诸多争议,究其原因主要是投资结构复杂,产权不明晰,因此确认这些土地、校舍的产权成为问题的关键。而产权确认又存在相关法律与政策相左,为避免纠纷,提高教育资产的效益,相关部门必须依法制定统一规则,及时解决。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平和社会文化素质的提高,讲求消费的文化品位已经成为一种新的时尚.文化的变迁,标志着人们的需求发生了变化,从而为企业带来新的营销机会.企业要想获得成功,就必须在产品开发、包装和商标中增加产品的"文化含量".  相似文献   

Historically Australia has had, and continues to have, important links with the South Pacific. As emigration has become a growing necessity for South Pacific Islands, Australia has become involved as a receiving country of both legal and illegal immigrants from the region. A recent study of the social consequences of emigration in Fiji, Tonga and Western Samoa raises several important issues for Australia, and another study of South Pacific Islanders in Melbourne raises equally important questions. This paper summarises briefly the nature of those issues and suggests that this is an area of welfare requiring considerable attention.  相似文献   

原丁 《阅江学刊》2013,(3):96-100
传统媒体因单向传播而缺乏互动机制,新媒体的出现改变了政府向受众的单向传播,成为公众参与的积极推动力量。然而,新媒体对公众参与也带来了不可避免的消极影响。因此,政府需要积极回应,发挥新媒体在公共参与中的优点,遏制其缺点,促进公民参与,使新媒体成为政府与公众沟通的桥梁。  相似文献   

人的社会欲望是社会中普遍存在的对某种目标的渴望与追求 ,是一种膨胀了的社会需要。在一定时期 ,社会欲望的发展成为普遍性的社会问题。社会欲望失控与社会行为失范有内在联系。人的社会欲望失控已成为社会行为失范的重要社会根源。调控和引导人的社会欲望的手段是 :反对享乐主义 ,提倡节欲文化 ;引导合理消费 ,鼓励创新发展 ;注重道德导向 ,加强法律控制。  相似文献   

刘助仁 《创新》2010,4(5):30-33,37
互联网已经融入了当代社会的各个领域,并成为了一个国家赖以正常运转的"神经系统",而一旦出现网络危机,该国整个社会有可能陷于瘫痪。因此,网络安全已成为国家公共安全的"致命威胁"。美国政府在确立维护网络安全的国家战略,完善维护网络安全的管理机制,优化网络安全的技术组织结构,健全维护网络安全的法制体系等方面的经验对我国网络安全保障体系建设具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

浅析高校社会工作实验室利用问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国高等院校社会工作专业实验室建设的步伐在日益加快,社会工作专业的教师和学生对实验室在教学过程中扮演的重要角色认识的也愈来愈清楚。由于目前实验室的利用仍然处在一个摸索前进的阶段,仍然普遍存在着一些亟待解决的问题.如何充分发挥社会工作实验室的作用,科学合理利用实验室的资源业已成为每一个社会工作专业工作者关心的主要问题。本文针对目前国内高校中社会工作实验室的现状,结合作者本身工作经验,提出了一些改进措施。  相似文献   

陈博 《唐都学刊》2010,26(6):82-85
在强调"依法治国"的当今社会,"人治"成了权大于法、无法无天、滥用职权、肆意枉为、徇私舞弊的代名词,犹如过街老鼠,早已臭名昭著了。但多数人对"人治"的理解是片面的,甚至是误解或曲解的,使"人治"在很大程度上蒙受了不白之冤,故欲冒天下之大不韪,为其正名。  相似文献   

刘玲  杨群 《社会工作》2009,(2):50-52
改革开放以来,我国经济社会取得了长足发展。与此同时,各个群体产生利益分化和群体分化,形成了贫困弱势群体。由于缺乏必要的医疗保障。贫困弱势群体看病贵、看病难问题已经成为经济社会可持续发展的障碍,进而成为构建和谐社会的障碍。本文将对其医疗保障的现状进行描述,分析缺乏医疗保障的成因,提出针对贫困弱势群体的医疗保障问题,需要建立一个多层次的医疗救助体系。  相似文献   

The counterpart city represents an attempt to conceptualize the hidden spaces inhabited by social problems and ‘problem’ people who are counter to the mainstream, or included, modes of contemporary urban social life. This ‘opposite’, or negative, space comprises the spatially withdrawn and socially excluded who are largely outside the purview of the comfortable classes of the same cities. Not only has residential segregation been sustained over recent decades, so too have mobile circuits of mutual exclusion been created, which enable higher‐income groups to avoid the associated negative externalities of poverty (visibility, disorder, aggression and so on). As responsibility for dealing with social risks has become devolved to the level of the household, the desire for social evasion, as politicians, media systems and welfare patterns mark out threatening territories, has become more evident. The counterpart city is shunned in ever more elaborate ways and with the support of public policies. As the ‘spatial’ social policies, housing and urban, have become increasingly criminalized in the focus of their agendas, such interventions expend energy to facilitate this separation between affluent and poor. Traditional imperatives for public intervention are diminished as poverty has become more concealed from affluence – its costs and impacts evaded by technologies, socio‐spatial circuits and policies that skirt those who are locked into places of poverty and abject marginality, a constellation of social forces and effects I term the great cut.  相似文献   

秦爱玲 《创新》2010,4(5):22-24
中越两国关系正常化以来,特别是随着中国—东盟自由贸易区的建成,中越两国间的经贸合作越来越紧密,经济、政治、文化交流与合作活动也越来越频繁。广西作为中国通往越南、通往东南亚各国的重要门户,有着其自身的发展优势。广西政府、企业如何把握机遇、发展对越经贸合作,实现优势互补,促进地区经济发展、构建社会主义和谐社会,是我们目前也是下一阶段的研究任务。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,北京分行业职工工资结构发生了很大变化,人口规模较小的高收入行业群体和人口规模庞大的低收入行业群体的形成,将原有的扁平型行业分层结构转变为金字塔型。在市场机制、再分配机制和国家垄断机制的交互作用下,高度依赖再分配体制的行业和国家垄断行业成为高收入行业的主要组成部分。这种交互作用已经在一次分配领域造成一定的混乱,并带来了较大的负面影响。受教育程度高度转化为就业竞争力,并在个人阶层地位的获得过程中发挥着关键作用。  相似文献   

全球气候变化严重威胁人类的生存与发展,这一问题已成为全球共识。人类与自然的关系、气候变化与生态文明的关系成为现代人不得不面对的问题。国际社会反思危机的根源,提倡生态文明建设并采取行动。在这种大背景下,中国传统文化的“天人合一”思想重新回到人们的视野,其包涵的丰富的生态伦理文明思想成为现代生态文明的有益补充与借鉴。  相似文献   

Has Social Security Become Irrelevant?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years, it has often been asserted that social security has become irrelevant to contemporary economic and social realities. This claim has been accompanied by proposals for the abolition of social security and its replacement with commercial provision. In some countries, social security has already been extensively privatized. Instead of dismissing the claim that social security has become irrelevant, this article examines the views of social security's critics. It suggests that steps need to be taken to address their challenge and ensure social security's long-term survival.  相似文献   

物联网在广西北部湾经济区特色农业中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全胜跃 《创新》2011,5(5):71-73,127,128
特色农业信息化、智能化是广西北部湾经济区发展现代农业的有效途径。物联网是近几年信息科学研究的热门领域,其应用研究已上升到国家战略层面。物联网在特色农业中的引入与应用,将对广西北部湾经济区特色农业生产、运输和销售产生深远影响,它将确保特色农业产品质量安全,解决供应链管理中存在的问题,提高综合经济效益,从而引领广西北部湾经济区现代农业的发展。  相似文献   

The financialized world of the 21st century is a world marked by a high degree of economic rationality, secularism and value commensurability. Profit-driven financial voluntarism is spreading everywhere, leading directly to the “financial internalization” of individual lives and the decline of the holistic spirit in human life. World development is inseparable from financial innovation, but the present financial system has diverged from its true nature. Undeniably, capital’s innate quest for surplus value has not changed since Marx’s times, nor have its essential social relations or the leverage effect of capital in wealth creation. However, the 21st century has seen a great change in the development of the logic of capital: driven by the global capital financial system, it has become more abstract, overriding regional boundaries. Its subject orientation is heterogeneous and diverse, while its operating mode is virtual and enigmatic. In particular, as instrumental rationality has become more intelligent, the mental dimension of capital has become more subjective. An interpretation of the financialized world from the point of view of phenomenology of spirit reveals the underlying issue of the alienation of man’s spirit from his objectified world in the 21st century, and thus offers food for thought at the level of spirit for the objective understanding of the category of capital in the 21st century.  相似文献   

A half century of intensive educational propaganda has finally had its fitting effect: astrological notions are being assimilated these days in our country with striking ease and moreover above all by educated, so to speak enlightened, people. It has become good tone to listen on every occasion to the forecasts of fashionable astrologers, to interview them, and to print computer horoscopes. The traditional skepticism of our scientists barely suffices them to keep their own scientific view of the world intact. But if any understanding is to be achieved about the phenomenon of the present-day astrological renaissance, it can only be done in connection with science. For over two thousand years, astrology has endeavored to become a respectable science, and for this reason alone, any analytical approach to astrological material must, in any event initially, regard this material as scientific.  相似文献   

基于文献综述的文化产业概念反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾贵 《创新》2010,4(5):114-116
自1944年法兰克福学派提出"文化产业"概念至今,文化产业成为了我国和英、美、日、韩等发达国家竞相发展的战略性产业。然而,各国政府和学术界对文化产业这一概念尚未形成统一的认识,文化产业定义五花八门,成了文化产业研究中一个亟需解决的问题。文化产业是指为满足人们的精神文化需求,通过创造性地利用文化资源,形成文化价值,并采用工业生产手段大量复制的文化产品和文化服务的总和。  相似文献   

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