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王建民 《创新》2010,4(2):116-120
在城乡二元结构逐渐弱化、大量农村人口进城务工的背景下,我国很多农村出现了大量的留守儿童,加上有些农村地区基础教育不完善甚至日渐凋敝,导致城市中出现了一个新的"低龄寄宿"农村小学生群体。"低龄寄宿"对小学生的早期社会化产生诸多不良影响。解决这一问题,除了依靠学生所在的家庭、学校外,加强农村社会工作者队伍建设也是一个重要方面。  相似文献   

This paper identifies the relationship between pupils’ Family Background, their mathematics scores, and school-level policies, using the 2012 Programme of International Student Assessment for Italy and multilevel modelling. School-level policies have played a leading role in recent school reforms in many countries, but there is no straightforward empirical evidence for how they affect pupils’ outcomes and the equality of educational outcomes. Our findings show that that only some school policies intensify the Family Background Effect – (educational equity) and affect student outcomes (educational efficiency) simultaneously. We find that competitive schools are able to screen students by selecting higher socio-economic status parents, which mainly harms equity without having much effect on efficiency. There are some policies which allow some trade-off between aforementioned objectives, mainly policies related to management schools.  相似文献   

The organization of pupils in a boys' comprehensive high school into homogeneous teaching units in order to eliminate the psychological, social and academic effects of streaming by ability may be dysfunctional if the objectives of the institution include the attainment of higher verbal standards. A practising teacher identifies the establishment by pupils of a ‘verbal norm’, and describes the system of social sanctions imposed by the verbally less proficient against the above-average pupil.  相似文献   

Early modern schools have long been known to have been unruly places. Yet historians have struggled to contextualize violence and other forms of transgressive behaviour committed by pupils, either interpreting such behaviour as part of a virtually timeless culture of children and youth or as a reflection of a decline in morals due to macro-historical events. This article adopts the sociological concept of aspirational reference groups to analyse pupils' transgressive behaviour such as drinking, brawling and carrying rapiers in the context of the violence frequently committed by early modern adults. It does so on the basis of disciplinary cases which have survived as part of the exceptionally well-preserved papers of a teacher-scholar at a Lutheran Latin (grammar) school in Saxony. Pupils' transgression reflected their humanist training and foreshadowed the culture of students. Transgressive behaviour at schools prepared pupils for the similarly violent and hierarchical culture of early modern universities. Though subject to disciplinary measures on the part of urban authorities, pupils' transgression was in fact essential in perpetuating a common code of behaviour for men of learning in the decentralized Holy Roman Empire and therefore served to stabilize rather than destabilize existing hierarchies in early modern society.  相似文献   

Empirical child welfare research in England takes insufficient account of wider social theory. Intellectual, professional and political reasons for this are discussed. The implications are considered in relation to one important social problem: the low educational achievement of children looked after by local authorities (‘in care’). It is concluded that the absence of a broader sociological perspective has led to insufficient and simplistic explanations from researchers and policy‐makers of low achievement among looked‐after pupils. It is unwise to rely on official statistics on educational outcome indicators for looked‐after pupils. Previous conceptualization of poor educational performance has been inadequate, and we should refer to low achievement, not ‘underachievement’. The socio‐economic risk factors that are linked with family breakdown and admission to care also predict low educational achievement, such as social class and poverty. Social mobility and transition to adulthood are increasingly problematic in England, making it difficult for care leavers to improve their social position. Parental maltreatment is strongly linked with educational failure. Other countries may do no better than England does. Thus, it is by no means obvious that the care system necessarily jeopardizes looked‐after children’s education.  相似文献   


This article discusses the relationship between the senses, power and educational change. A case study of a significant shift in instruction methods will be used to show how educational change is related to both the senses and to power. The monitorial system of education, as developed by Bell and Lancaster in the early 19th century, was a system that facilitated the instruction of large numbers of pupils by just one teacher. Most of the instruction was conducted by pupils, older and/or more experienced children, whereas the teacher had an overarching responsibility for overlooking the “machinery” without teaching much himself. In the second half of the 19th century the method was replaced by a new method in public elementary schools. From now on teacher-led lessons came to be the norm for what mass education should look like. This momentous change meant, among other things, that the relationship between pupils and teacher was transformed as the teacher increasingly was supposed to hold lessons, whereas the pupil to a greater extent became associated with listening to and closely observing a lesson.  相似文献   

In the research reported in this article, we attempt to identify the background and process factors influencing the effectiveness of groupwork with computers in terms of mathematics learning. The research used a multi-site case study design in six schools and involved eight groups of six mixed-sex, mixed-ability pupils (aged 9–12) undertaking three research tasks – two using Logo and one a database. Our findings suggest that, contrary to other recent research, the pupil characteristics of gender and ability have no direct influence on progress in group tasks with computers. However, status effects – pupils' perceptions of gender and ability – do have an effect on the functioning of the group, which in turn can impede progress for all pupils concerned.  相似文献   

We seek to explain the development of the educational gap between children in “out‐of‐home care” (CLA), children deemed in social need (CIN), and other pupils. A cohort of 642,805 pupils aged 16 in 2013 was used to chart the educational progress of the full cohort, the CLA (n = 6,236), the CIN in 2012 or 2013 but not CLA (n = 20,384), and a sample individually matched with the CLA (n = 11,084). At age 7, attainment of the CLA and CIN was approximately 1 standard deviation lower than the cohort average and predicted attainment at 16. At this point, the persistent “CIN” (those with earlier and persistent needs) had the lowest attainment relative to others, and this declined further during secondary school. Those entering care before or during primary school had very low attainment at age 7, but their relative attainment did not decline. Attainment of CLA and CIN at age 16 likely reflects early environment, special educational needs, and poor relationships with secondary school. Policy, research, and intervention should focus on CIN as well as CLA, do so before entry to care, and take account of the onset of, and probable reasons for, educational difficulties.  相似文献   

Communication I. Need for Self-Assertion: Chief Factor in the Behavior of Young Adolescents (Submitted by A. R. Luriia, Full Member, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, RSFSR)

When pupils enter the period of early adolescence, considerable changes in their behavior occur, Harsh in their judgments and often selfwilled in their actions, young adolescents cannot at all be compared to fourth-graders [c. 11 years old - Ed.], who are industrious and obedient to their teachers. In the fifth grade we can find manifestations of anarchism, the phenomenon of the "meaning barrier," a critical attitude, a tendency to defy shortcomings, obstinacy in its persistent form, and other negative phenomena, which are encountered so rarely in younger schoolchildren as normally not to be taken into account.  相似文献   

The attitudes of 4,585 pupils in 27 New South Wales secondary schools to four aspects of school life (school in general, choice of subjects, discipline, and uniforms) were examined in relation to sex, form, and type of school. Marked sex differences in attitudes were obtained, with the girls generally showing more favourable attitudes to school than the boys. Differences in attitudes between forms were found which suggested that pupils tend to reject school values with increased age. Differences between types of schools classified on the basis of geographical location and whether single sex or coeducational did not show clear cut trends. Possible reasons for the findings are discussed as well as the educational implications of the direction and level of pupil opinion about the topics investigated.  相似文献   

The concept of urban education is seen as education conducted under certain conditions and in a particular environment—for example, in inner city areas where immigrant groups have settled. Greek children in State schools in the inner city of Sydney serve as an example. It is suggested that for the local Australian pupils, and for those for whom English is a second language, school entry marks the beginning of their alienation process. Home and school value systems are at variance. The needs of the local Australian group and those of the immigrants are totally separate and disparate. Implications for an effective balance of home and school demands are discussed.  相似文献   

Patterns of Bully/Victim Problems in Mixed Race Groups of Children   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study investigated the extent of bullying within and between British Asian and White girls and boys (n = 156) and some of the reasons why it occurs. There was no significant difference in the percentage of peers that nominated Asian and White children as either bullies or victims. Contrary to our prediction (derived from Tajfel's social judgement theory), both Asian children and White children were significantly more likely to be named as bullies of same-race classmates than to be named as bullies of other-race classmates. Again contrary to our prediction, for Asian boys and White boys there were no significant correlations between general racial preferences/attitudes on the one hand, and the extent to which they were named by classmates as bullies of other-race children on the other hand. In order to investigate the types of bullying directed at own-race and other-race pupils, a subset of the sample of children (n = 60) were also asked about the specific types of bullying they had experienced, and who was responsible. Some significant racial differences emerged, most notably that proportionally more Asian children than White children reported that they had been teased about their colour or race by children of the other-race, and the opposite was the case for non-racial types of teasing. The implications of these results for children's social development, and for school's attempts to remove bully/victim problems, are discussed. One recommendation was that teasing, and especially racial teasing by racial majority pupils, should be a focus for intervention.  相似文献   

To understand children's peer group affiliation, this study examined to what extent children in naturally occurring groups resemble each other on bullying, likeability, and perceived popularity. Participants were fourth‐ to sixth‐grade pupils (N = 461). Peer groups were identified using the social cognitive map procedure. Resemblance on bullying, likeability, and perceived popularity was evaluated by means of variance components models. Resemblance in peer groups was strongest for perceived popularity, followed by bullying and likeability. Moreover, resemblance on bullying could for a large part be attributed to the high‐perceived popularity of the group, and to a lesser extent, to the low likeability of the group. It is concluded that children showing bullying seem to affiliate with each other most of all to attain or maintain their position in a perceived popular peer group. Results stress the importance of considering the functionality of bullying from a group perspective.  相似文献   

葛继勇 《唐都学刊》2007,23(4):49-54
法进作为鉴真的弟子,跟随鉴真东渡共五次。与其一同遣往福州买船备粮的“近事”,乃在家亲近奉事三宝、受持五戒的优婆塞。携带的“轻货”为铜器、真珠、翡翠等较轻且贵重之物。法进在海中遭难时曾有祈求海龙王,力助佛舍利失而复得之举。其所撰的《进记》记载了其赴日传法的活动。  相似文献   

周宁 《唐都学刊》2006,22(4):108-112
晚清以降,西方新知大规模输入,但各门学科知识的传播并不同步。中医由于悠久的传统和独特的疗效,面对西医的咄咄进逼仍保持着持久的生命力。桐城巨子吴汝纶值此举国遵奉中医之时,力倡西医,诋斥中医,注重养生保健,大力引荐西方医学新知,甚至临终仍不肯一试中医,其原因何在?深入吴氏的生活世界和阅读世界,我们会发现,家门不幸、友朋交往和西书阅读是促成吴汝纶对中西医评价的重要原因。  相似文献   

王勇 《唐都学刊》2007,23(4):43-48
鉴真作为唐代中日友好交往的象征,近年备受中日两国学术界关注,但是研究者多侧重于宗教、历史以及艺术、医学等,运用文学资料独辟蹊径者寥寥无几。日本学者藏中进较早注意到唐诗与鉴真的关系,指出唐人皇甫曾《赠鉴上人》实系送别鉴真之诗。这一独创性阐释,不仅对传统的鉴真研究形成冲击,而且也为古代中日文化交流史增添佳话。本文在吸收和扬弃藏中进成果的基础上,对《赠鉴上人》文本进行更深入的探讨,认为《全唐诗》列为别题的“赠别筌公”应是正题,并利用唐人佚书《延历僧录》的资料,论证“筌公”或为鉴真名号;同时稽考皇甫曾与鉴真的人际关系,指出灵一、灵祐是皇甫曾与鉴真交往的接点,纠正了藏中进的某些观点,补强了藏中进学说的部分环节。  相似文献   

Using data for 9, 13 and 15-year-old students from three different datasets (PIRLS-2006, TIMSS-2007 and PISA-2009), we investigate whether the age at school entry affects children school performance at the fourth, eighth and tenth grade levels. Since student's age in a grade may be endogenous, we use an instrumental variable estimation strategy exploiting the exogenous variations in the month of birth coupled with the entry school cut-off date. We find that younger children score substantially lower than older peers at the fourth, the eighth and the tenth grade. The advantage of older students does not dissipate as they grow older. We do not find any significant effect of the relative age of a child with respect to the classmates’ age. Finally, we show that secondary school students are more likely to be tracked in more academic schools rather than in vocational schools if they are born in the early months of the year. From a policy point of view our results suggest that it might be useful to postpone the entry at school of children, or at least pupils should be prevented to anticipate the age of their entry at school. Tracking should also be delayed.  相似文献   

While the aim of the special sex education lecture given to pupils by authorities invited from outside the educational system is laudable, the content is not based on empirical investigation of the needs of youth. A survey of 1,426 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18 years showed that greater emphasis is needed on the social aspects of dating behaviour than on reproductive biology. An obvious educational need with social implications remains unheeded by government ministers.  相似文献   

Australia's immigration policies have had a dramatic effect on school populations, especially in the state of New South Wales which receives about 40 per cent of the intake. This paper is based on a study that was carried out for the Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research and the NSW Ministry of Education. The study revealed that many non-English speaking background pupils miss out on English as a second language tuition, community languages are allowed to lapse and aspects of the school environment, such as relations between different groups, are not given the attention that they deserve.  相似文献   

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