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This article classifies 32 Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD) healthcare systems based on data from 2001 and 2007. It shows that European countries are clustered in different types of healthcare systems and that traditional typologies are only partially represented in the four types of healthcare systems identified in this study. Type 1 represents countries with low total health expenditure (THE), high public financing, and low out‐of‐pocket payment (OOP). In‐patient healthcare is higher and out‐patient healthcare lower than the OECD average. General practitioners (GPs) are paid by capitation, and patients' access to healthcare is strictly regulated. Type 2 represents countries with an average level of THE, high public financing, above‐average OOP, and high in‐patient and out‐patient healthcare. GPs receive a salary, and access regulation is strict. Type 3 is characterized by very low THE, low public financing, and very high OOP. Both in‐patient and out‐patient healthcare is well below average, and GPs are paid a salary. Type 4 includes systems with the highest THE, the highest public financing, and the lowest direct payments by patients. In‐patient healthcare is below the OECD mean and out‐patient healthcare is well above it. GPs are paid by fee‐for‐service, and most countries offer free choice of medical doctors. The clusters for the years 2001 and 2007 are quite robust. During this time period, THE increased, and patients' access to medical doctors has since become more regulated.  相似文献   

This study was based on vague but persistent problems of uncertain origin permeating treatment and care in Swedish residential institutions treating emotionally disturbed and socially disadvantaged children. The purpose was to generate a reliable, empirically grounded theory, sufficient to describe and explain these problems, which were first observed in supervisory sessions. The main methods used were grounded theory ( Glaser & Strauss 1967 ; Strauss & Corbin 1990 , 1998 ) and abduction ( Peirce 1914/1990 ; Fann 1970 ; Josephson & Josephson 1996 ). During a three-year period, 17 respondents from three strategically chosen institutions were individually interviewed twice. The results suggest that artificial family institutions , enjoying family privileges , may develop out of family ideas . Under certain conditions, such institutions may be transformed into non-professional institutions that fail to carry out their official task, but that instead effect unconscious psychological tasks – tasks that are both hidden behind and obstruct the institution's official mission. The possibility of avoiding this development is dependent partly on the quality of the emotional content, called the need for reparation , within the institution, and partly on the methods used to control this need. This notion was tested in practice in a separate part of the study in which the method action-cum-research ( Trankell 1973 ) was used. One of the studied institutions was then observed for two years during a process of planned change in organization, treatment routines and attitudes. After two years, the final resistance to the official task had disappeared, and the former non-professional institution now worked in a task-orientated manner. This result has broad implications for planning and support of care institutions, as the same phenomena might arguably occur in any care organization.  相似文献   

Migrant workers in the Chinese construction industry have been described as ‘indenture labourers of the twenty-first Century’. Under the guise of flexible work and high salary, there exist serious problems such as lack of an employment contract, poor working conditions, and the delay of payment. The origin of these problems lies in the subcontracting production regime of the construction industry that masks its labour relationships. The system also makes the intervention of industrial social work, labour rights protection and advocacy of corporate social responsibility ineffective. Based on a case of a migrant construction worker service organization, this study provides preliminary explorations on an indigenous model called ‘transformative social work’ in China. This model includes long-term education to raise civil and class consciousness, encouraging workers to fight for their own rights, facilitating the development of workers' union, connecting the support from university student volunteers and university teachers, striving for the empowerment of migrant construction workers, and the transformation of the production regime.  相似文献   

中国传统反腐败制度、文化构建与现代学习(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统上,中国就极为关注反腐败的制度设计和文化构建。在反腐败的制度设计上建立了比较严密的反腐败罪名体系,动态的预防、监督和惩戒体系,以及独具特色的监察体系和增薪养廉的配套体系。在文化构建上,宣扬“民本主义”思想,使之成为从权力源头遏制腐败的非制度性力量;推动“清廉”从政治道德向日常道德转变,使之成为传统中国反腐败的核心;重视行政的道德化,使之与传统社会教育和家庭教育的目标一致;重视清官文化和职业氛围的培育,将传统政治的理想和追求加以社会化。传统中国的反腐败经验即使在今天看来也具有重大的学习价值和借鉴意义,全球视野中的反腐败斗争不应忽视传统中国的历史经验。  相似文献   

1982—2007年中国国际收支平衡表体现了改革开放以来我国国际收支的变化呈交易总规模阶段性加速增长、国际收支出现持续双顺差、误差和遗漏项目发生逆转等特征。从储蓄投资缺口、国际产业转移、跨境资本投机和非均衡外汇管制等角度对国际收支的变迁进行了理论解释。短期内“双松一稳”政策可以避免国际收支急剧收缩对经济的巨大冲击,但在长期应实行大国经济发展战略,加快经济向由内需特别是消费需求驱动的发展方式转型,实现国际收支的基本平衡。  相似文献   

Despite abundant criticism of the American educational system in United States publications, Soviet educators are apparently favorably impressed with some of its features. This article in a Soviet higher education journal by the Deputy Minister of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education reports on a visit to American colleges earlier this year. ["Some Problems of Higher Education in the United States," Vestnik Vysshei Shkoly, 1960, No. 5—abridged.]  相似文献   

学习型组织:现代学校发展战略的理想选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马龙海 《学术交流》2002,(4):156-160
学习型组织理论是以系统动力学为理论基础创建的一种先进的管理理念。该理论以其思想的先进性、手段的时代性以及方法的务实性,为人们提供了一种全新的科学管理思想体系。构建学习型组织是适应现代学习化社会的需要,使学校教育教学活动的特征更体现了学习性机构的意义和价值。随着终身教育和学习化社会的普及,先进、科学、富于变革力量的学习型组织已经越来越成为现代学校管理模式和发展战略的理想选择。  相似文献   

Students enter college with expectations about how they will succeed; likewise, colleges configure their courses, resources, and activities according to implicit expectations of how their students will succeed. Data from 1079 students at 6 universities was used to explore whether college-success matches existed for Black students attending historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and for White students attending predominantly white institutions (PWIs) , and whether mismatches existed for Black students attending PWIs. Results confirmed these matches and mismatches, and suggested that Black students worked harder to persist at PWIs. So while Brown aimed to provide educational access across color lines, this study's implications are that once students enter college, they must be supported as individuals who succeed along many paths .  相似文献   

International education is a thriving industry, but relatively little is known about its consequences for the social integration of international scholars in educational institutions or the wider community. This article reviews research on attitudes toward international students as a key component of intercultural relations and a significant marker of social cohesion. An organizational framework for the investigation of these attitudes is proposed with threat mediating the influences of personal and situational factors on attitudinal outcomes. Broader contextual factors are also seen to exert influence on the process of attitude development and maintenance. A model derived from this framework is then tested with student, teacher, and community samples. A "tipping point" in attitudes toward international students as a function of the proportion of international enrolments in educational institutions is also explored. Finally, the applicability of the findings for promoting social cohesion in educational institutions and the wider community is discussed.  相似文献   

社会工作者的激励机制是社会工作人才建设中的重要问题。本文以一家专业社会机构为研究对象,使用自编问卷进行资料搜集,探索出针对社会工作者的激励因素。通过研究发现,笔者归纳总结出社会工作者的6个激励层次,依次为价值使命、人际关系、工作本身、机构条件、职业认可和薪酬福利。  相似文献   

通过对广东省13所职业技术学院双师型教师队伍的现状进行调查,获取了资格认定、基本结构、来源、参加生产实践、师生比、流动心理及后续管理等七个方面的详实数据。经过统计分析,认为广东高职院校双师型教师资格认定条件基本统一,形式上符合教育部的要求,但未经独立的第三方机构认证,双师型教师队伍实质上存在真正来源于企事业单位具备丰富的专业实践工作经验的双师型教师严重偏少、有相当部分教师不愿意或没有机会参加生产实践、紧俏专业的双师型教师匮乏、现有双师型教师队伍由于收入低而回流到实践管理岗位的意向明显以及双师型教师队伍严重缺乏后续管理等问题,值得教育主管部门高度重视。  相似文献   

We review 74 experiments with no, low, or high performance-based financial incentives. The modal result has no effect on mean performance (though variance is usually reduced by higher payment). Higher incentive does improve performance often, typically judgment tasks that are responsive to better effort. Incentives also reduce “presentation” effects (e.g., generosity and risk-seeking). Incentive effects are comparable to effects of other variables, particularly “cognitive capital” and task “production” demands, and interact with those variables, so a narrow-minded focus on incentives alone is misguided. We also note that no replicated study has made rationality violations disappear purely by raising incentives.  相似文献   

技术创新障碍:一种产业组织学的方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从产业组织理论角度 ,对我国技术创新在产业组织方面存在的三大障碍 ,即市场结构障碍、企业行为障碍和经济绩效障碍进行相对系统的分析。同时将技术创新纳入SCP框架 ,并结合制度、政府政策等方面内容 ,提出消除技术创新障碍的产业组织对策 ,希望能为我国企业技术创新提供一种相对系统的新思路  相似文献   

We study salaries of economics faculty at the University of California to determine how publications affect salary. We find that each publication in a top 10 journal has a positive and significant effect on annual base salary of 1.5%, or $2,053. Unlike previous research, our analysis specifies the impact of publications in specific journals. Publications in American Economic Review, Econometrica, and Review of Economics and Statistics have an independent positive effect on salary. Compensation is also affected by faculty rank, seniority, university of employment, and teaching awards. Base salary does not significantly differ by gender, however, gross salary is about 9% lower for women. After controlling for migration and faculty rank, seniority has a negative impact on salary.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Anne Corden, Social Policy Research Unit, University of York, Heslington, York YO1 5DD. Summary A fundamental reorganization of the basis of financial supportfor elderly people in independent sector homes is currentlyin progress. Much of the debate so far has focused on the reasonsbehind the policy changes, and possible implications for furtherdevelopments in provision of care and services. Less attentionhas been paid to practical details of mechanisms for transferringmoney to effect payment to independent proprietors. These havenot yet been finalized. It is important that arrangements eventuallydecided serve the best interests of the elderly people concerned.Such arrangements may not always be the simplest and cheapestto administer, either for those authorities paying the bills,or for proprietors balancing the books and managing homes. Thereis an opportunity now, while mechanisms of payment are stillbeing worked out, to consider the options and raise the levelof discussion on this topic, so that the welfare of elderlypeople is high on the agenda while policy decisions are beingmade. This article describes how elderly people currently paytheir bills for care and accommodation in independent long-stayhomes. Changes in the basis of government financial supportfor long-term care, due to be fully implemented in April 1993,will require different mechanisms for transfer of monies. Theoptions are considered in the light of what we already knowabout the significance of financial exchanges within care homes.  相似文献   

Many Muslim families do not enroll their children in school. This is so because material in school syllabi sometimes goes against Islamic beliefs or adversely affects the Muslim self-image, orthodox parents will not send their daughters to coeducational academic institutions, some adults do not realize the benefits of education with regard to the welfare of their children, and many Muslim localities remain resource-deficient slums. The government, local authorities, and Muslims should band together to encourage and enable backward Muslim minorities to uplift themselves academically. Steps to that end could include adding minority representation to the bodies which approve the syllabi in order to monitor the potential inclusion of offensive material, continuing to upgrade teachers in Muslim schools, optimizing available space in Muslim educational institutions, empowering minorities commissions in states to help backward minorities to garner education, eliminating the rules of discretion to avoid corruption and nepotism, simplifying the rules and procedures governing grants to educational institutions, conducting a scientific survey to obtain accurate baseline information for use in planning the education of Muslim minorities, giving special preference to localities populated predominantly with minorities when establishing educational institutions, and providing scholarship to bright and needy minority students. Additionally, the National Minorities Commission should be empowered by the central government to collect information and report on the educational, social, and economic conditions of minorities across the country. Autonomy in management must also be respected, with regulatory measures applicable to minority institutions being reasonable and appropriate.  相似文献   

Objective. With the growing number of older students attending college, one major issue concerning these nontraditional students is their overall low completion rates. We examine factors affecting nontraditional students' degree completion. Methods. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, we examine the effects of student characteristics on the probability of finishing college with event history models. Results. Part‐time enrollment significantly deters college completion, whereas the number of prior enrollments facilitates it. Being relatively young, having high cognitive ability, and a high‐status occupational background also increase the chance of completion, but these effects partly differ by gender. On the other hand, being divorced and having young children, the factors often negatively associated with women's socioeconomic status, suppress degree completion for both genders. Conclusions. Based on these results, we discuss how higher educational institutions and employers might be able to help increase the rate of completion among nontraditional students.  相似文献   

贺信民 《唐都学刊》2012,28(4):52-55
中华"文脉"源远流长而近世不振。"中文"作为高等教育一门传统学科、专业,应当部分地承担起振衰救弊的责任,而目前的学科、专业发展现状不尽人意。对此,既要注重现代,也应继承优秀传统文化;既要立足当下,也要着眼未来;既要学习和掌握知识,更要学会运用知识探索和思考;既要有学养,更要有德行;既要有专业素质,更要有专业能力。  相似文献   

西部大开发与高等教育发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高等教育优先发展是实施西部大开发的根本大计,具有十分重要的战略意义。优先发展西部地区高等教育,关键是树立教育是事关全局的基础性和先导性产业的观念,将党和国家发展贫困地区教育的政策落到实处,千方百计增加对教育的投入,全面提高教师队伍的整体素质;发展西部高等教育除了中东部要主动参与西部的教育资源开发外,西部高等教育要加快布局结构调整;办学模式的多样化;合理利用教育资源,促进产、学、研结合,实现西部高等教育与西部经济和社会发展的协调一致。  相似文献   

20世纪50年代,上海评弹团的工资变化情况体现了绝对固化与相对调节的时代特征,这一时代特征是国家政策在戏剧团体运营上的烙印。然剧团亦有能动性———对既定制度“适度损益”,只不过该权力掌握在剧团领导手中。关注剧团领导人,对于解析社会百态、总结时代特征意义重大。  相似文献   

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