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字母词的界定及其构成类型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李君 《学术交流》2004,(11):162-165
"字母词"是汉语中在一定言语社团使用的部分带有字母或完全用字母表达的词。这类词从它的性质看,具有音义结合的特征;从书面语和言语角度看,属于语言现象;从汉语和外语角度考察,它又具有汉语词汇性质。字母词在构成类型上,按字母构成情况划分,主要以对外语词语或其缩写形式的直接使用等6种形式出现;从字母产生的途径看,大致存在取自外语某词语的首字母或分别取自几个词语的首字母形成等10种类型。  相似文献   

周甲辰 《唐都学刊》2007,23(2):112-115
在庄子那里,“得意忘言”中的“意”,既可以指对象难以言说的精微意义,也可以指向形而上的“道”。“得意忘言”中的“忘”既是鉴赏者语言水平臻于化境的表现,也是鉴赏者领悟了对象深层审美内蕴、获得了高峰体验的反映。“得意”与“忘言”互为前提,是不可机械分割的有机整体。其基本精神就是要引领人们超越语言文字、超越此在去追寻与道合一、物我两忘的“至美”境界。所以,“得意忘言”这一命题不仅具有语言学上的价值。而且蕴涵着丰富的道家文化精神;发展过程中既影响到文人们对理想精神境界的追寻,也影响到文人们对理想创作境界和鉴赏方法的构想。  相似文献   

If young children approached word learning with little social savvy, certain predictable patterns of error would arise in the way they interpret new words. The absence of such errors provides evidence that social understanding informs word learning even in the infancy period. We outline such evidence, and then scrutinize it with respect to four challenges. 1) Is it necessary to invoke genuine social understanding to explain infants’ word‐learning successes? 2) Do infants treat social clues as criterial in their interpretation of new words? 3) Individuals suffering clear deficits in social understanding sometimes display apparently intact vocabulary acquisition: Must we then conclude that word learning can proceed without the aid of social understanding? 4) Is processing of social clues too effortful to be generally useful for everyday word learning? The first challenge is answered by the available evidence: Infants indeed capitalize on social understanding to interpret new words. Although the remaining challenges have yet to be resolved, we offer speculations that might profitably guide future investigation.  相似文献   

北京话里的特殊量词   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉语方言里的量词 ,大都可以视为其所在方言的特征词 ,体现不同方言之间词汇上的区别特征[1] 。另外 ,作为名词的“陪衬”[2 ] ,量词往往属于常用、多义、相对活跃的词类。因此 ,一种方言里的量词还能为我们探究此种方言的特点与变异提供材料和线索 ,包括语言现象背后的社会、文化、心理等诸多因素。北京话有自己的量词系统 ,其中一部分已经与普通话重合 ,另一部分则与普通话、现代汉语的书面语有很多不同 ,可以看作北京话里的特殊量词  相似文献   

“范跑跑”词族的语言特征及其新闻传播效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“中国主流报纸十大流行语”中,“范跑跑”、“躲猫猫”诞生于网络,热传于各种网络媒体和传统媒体,并派生出一系列具有相似结构的新词形成了词族。它们的流行,有其语言的内在因素,也有外在的传播机理。独特的词语构形形态和叠字修辞模式,构成了这一词族的语言魅力;传播者心理的接近性和接受的定势效应,强化了该词族的舆论力量。在由网络舆论向主流舆论的溢散过程中,“范跑跑”词族以其广泛的社会影响,证明了当下媒体舆论的价值。  相似文献   

Education is the chief concern of the Church. The word "education" itself [obrazovanie] comes from the word meaning "image" [obraz]. To educate a person is not simply to pass on to him a certain sum of knowledge, it is to bring out a certain image in him. The Christian view of man sees in him the image of God. It is the image that is in every one. In many, the image has become blurred and obscured by sin. But it can never be completely destroyed. The task of the spiritual transformation of man, which the Church serves, is akin to the task of the icon restorer, who must clean the deposits off the darkened face and reveal to the world its original beauty, the radiance of its colors and lines, its harmony.  相似文献   

Automation, alienation and an atomized social life are phenomena of twentieth century life in the Western countries which American philosophers and sociologists view with considerable alarm and explore from many angles. The author of the following article analyzes the analysis and draws some conclusions of his own. ["Contemporary Capitalism and Spiritual Life of the Individual," Voprosy Filosofii, 1960, No. 6—abriged.]  相似文献   

What is special about all our living exchanges with our surroundings is that they occur within the ceaseless, intertwined flow of many unfolding strands of spontaneously responsive, living activity. This requires us to adopt a kind of fluid, process thinking, a shift from thinking of events as occurring between things and beings existing as separate entities prior to their inter‐action, to events occurring within a continuously unfolding, holistic but stranded flow of events, with no clear, already existing boundaries to be found anywhere (Mol & Law, 1994)—a flow of events within which we ourselves are also immersed. We thus become involved in activities within which we find things happening to us, as much as we make things happen in our surroundings—in other words, our surroundings are also agentive in that they can exert “calls” upon us to respond within them in appropriate ways. Consequently, what we can learn in such encounters is not just new facts or bits of information, but new ways of relating or orienting ourselves bodily to the others and othernesses in the world around us—although much can “stand in the way” of our doing this. My concern below is to explore events happening on the (inter)‐subjective side of the Cartesian subject/object divide which “shape” our spontaneous ways of acting in, and reflecting on, the “worlds” within which we live out our lives.  相似文献   

Spirit breathes where it pleases. But literature lives where it can—or, rather, where it is allowed to live. Literature's life in thick literary-artistic journals is a difficult one, but no more difficult than the life of any regular person in this era of changes; in other words, the difficulties are natural. In recent years, literature has begun to "live" in publications of an entirely different type: "glossy" journals and newspapers, including dailies. How is its life there, in, for instance, Playboy magazine? Or Cosmopolitan? Or on the newspaper pages, next to the horrors of our everyday life? We asked some very different people from some very different "nonliterary" publications to tell us about it. These people have one thing in common: all of them, directly or indirectly, are helping literature to expand its habitat.  相似文献   

闫文培 《阅江学刊》2012,4(4):107-112
随着时代的变迁和语言的发展,现代俚语的概念和构成已发生迁延和扩展,绝大多数社会流行语已成为现代俚语的重要组成部分。从语用学、认知语言学和社会心理学等多个视角考察俚语的形成机理可见,关联理论、认知语境、模因论以及逆反心理是现代俚语得以形成的基本原理、必要条件、重要途径和心理学基础。  相似文献   


Alongside the better known repudiations of truth that have risen to prominence since the 1970s—known variously in terms of postmodernism, identity politics, democratic materialism or simply university discourse—this article seeks to estimate the significance of the reactions against truth that are characteristic of finance. Finance is a collective subject or social movement in its own right, composed of a set of actors, devices, technologies and platforms which together constitute an apparatus that reacts against truths whenever and wherever they arise. This operates most clearly in the logic of risk management, a generalised technology that accompanies the financialisation of economy, politics and culture. The process of financialisation or rather what will be called here the ‘biofinancialisation’ that seeks to code life in the terms of finance, bears austere lessons about truth and resistance and these, in conjunction with new resistances from below, provide new prospects for radical politics and progressive social change today. These lessons we will learn from, among others, the 38th Prime Minister of New Zealand.  相似文献   

闫顺英 《阅江学刊》2013,5(2):137-141
“使”有两种用法:一是表动词的“役使”,是常语;二是表“致使”,为连词,分别相当于英语的“enslave”和“cause”。古代文献中表“役使”和表“致使”的“使”都是动词。汉语中词和句法结构不是一一对应的,这两个不同的意思是由语境赋予的:如果前面是人,施事性比较强,表示主观情况,则表示“役使”;如果前面是一种客观情况,是一种行为导致另一种行为发生,则表示“致使”。表“役使”既可以表示动作实现,也可以表示动作没有实现,而表“致使”则表示动作一定实现了。  相似文献   

Objectives. This study explores the efficacy of visual appeals that may be used to communicate environmental risk.Methods. To better understand the social and cognitive barriers present in environmental risk communication associated with climate change, we conducted a series of six focus groups. Groups were asked to view images of environmental issues and select the best representation of their feelings out of a range of preselected emotions. While further research is required, preliminary investigation based on the focus groups suggests several themes. Results. First, an individual's familiarity with both an area and an event will decrease the individual's perception of urgency; conversely, the participants expressed greater concern for events that were local and new—in other words, familiarity diminishes urgency, while emergent problems create alacrity. Second, participants expressed a sentiment of tacit blame, in which the participant's own contribution to the issue received less emphasis when ascribing fault. Last, the participants reacted positively toward messages that emphasized a hopeful and solution-based narrative and were seemingly less motivated by images that relied on fear-based messaging. Conclusions. Preliminary findings suggest that hopeful, solution-based messaging may be more effective in facilitating pro-environmental behavior than either fear- or guilt-based appeals.  相似文献   

《The Senses and Society》2013,8(3):321-340

From 2014 to 2015, I curated an exhibition entitled LOUD silence, which was held in two different venues in California: Grand Central Arts Center at California State University Fullerton, followed by gallery@Calit2 at the University of California, San Diego. The exhibition offered the opportunity for viewers to consider definitions of sound, voice, and notions of silence at the intersection of both deaf and hearing experiences. The exhibition displayed prints, drawings, sculptures, videos, and several film installations, and featured work by four artists who have different relationships to deafness and hearing, including Shary Boyle, Christine Sun Kim, Darrin Martin and Alison O’Daniel. These four artists explored how the binary of loudness and silence might be transformed in politicized ways through their own specificities, similarities and differences in relationship to communication and language. The stereotypical view of the deaf experience is that they live a life of total silence, where they retain little to no concept of sound. But on the contrary, deaf studies scholars Carol Padden and Tom Humphries state that deaf people actually know a lot about sound, and sound informs and inhabits their world just as much as the next person (Padden and Humphries 1998: 91).Through these artworks, the artists aimed to loudly explode the myth of a silent deaf world, and they troubled just how “inaudible” sound really is through their own visceral experiences of it. Ultimately, I argue that the work in LOUD silence offers an avenue for eradicating deaf oppression.  相似文献   

Public health policies to prevent disease within populations are giving rise to shifting patterns of healthcare delivery in the late modern era. There is an inherent tension in modern medicine between evidence‐based standardisation, on the one hand, and patient‐centred specificity on the other. This tension manifests in recent policy narratives regarding public health risk (which we have characterised in terms of the epidemiological clinic) and co‐production. Drawing on co‐produced data with health trainers (lay health workers tasked with supporting behavioural change in patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease) in a deprived post‐industrial region of England, our decentred analysis focuses on three extended narratives from this data set. Our analysis builds on and develops emerging theories of risk work, informed by Habermas, and we explore the extent to which elite narratives of public health risk are resisted, absorbed, or bracketed off by client‐facing health workers—emphasising the heterogeneity of responses—and locate these responses within the context of the workers' employment conditions, their embodied experiences, and their wider beliefs and traditions. We argue that co‐production—albeit in a highly constrained form—is possible while delivering public health interventions. However, in the context of a community where health is so adversely affected by wider social problems and where task shifting has drawn lower status healthcare workers into these client‐facing roles, workers must find their own ways to negotiate and attempt to reconcile this context with the risk‐framed practices they are required to carry out.  相似文献   

Objective. We extend the scope of the often‐asked question “who talks more—men or women?” by analyzing gender differences in talking via electronic communication. We do this by conducting a controlled experiment to elicit email communications and personal characteristics from a sample of college students. Methods. An integration of the disparate fields of communications, education, women's studies, and economics guides our approach, which uses multivariate regression to explain word counts from our electronic survey. Results. We find a positive and significant effect of being female on number of words used, especially when communication is with a female professor, consistent with a female role model hypothesis. Conclusion. Overall, we find that women “talk” more than men—sometimes. The results depend on the topic of conversation and to whom they are talking. Electronic communications may level the playing field, or even give females an advantage, in certain communication situations.  相似文献   

This article, taken from a leading Soviet literary journal, elaborates the concept of "social humanism" as applied to literature. It is also concerned with a frequently discussed question in Soviet literary criticism — the nature of the hero in Soviet and other modern literature. The authors are researchers at the Gorky Institute of World Literature. Voprosy Literatury (Problems of Literature), 1960, No. 12 — slightly abridged.  相似文献   


In a national survey in New Zealand (N = 12 992), participants of Māori descent (N = 2936) reported their proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing Māori and in understanding spoken Māori. Only 6–10% reported that they could cope “very well” in these areas while 36–52% reported their proficiency as “no more than a few words or phrases”. There was no evidence of subgroups of Māori with divergent proficiency across oral language or literacy. Six latent classes were fitted but these appeared to lie along a continuum, and analysis employing item response theory (IRT) and factor analysis confirmed this. A simple sum of scores across the four areas correlated very highly with the IRT factor score (r = 0.97). High proficiency was more common among older Māori and females, in the Midland region (lowest in the South), and for those with sole‐Māori ethnicity, followed by multi‐ethnic Māori (seldom seen in those of Māori descent but not ethnicity).  相似文献   

张宏丽 《学术交流》2007,(5):149-151
东正教统治俄罗斯千余年,对俄语语言的影响广泛而深远。从成语看,大量来自东正教的成语已成为俄语标准语,无旧词的痕迹,宗教色彩淡化或消失,已获得新义或转义。从谚语看,含有上帝等词的谚语众多,已成为农谚、民谚的来源,语义发生极大变化。从词汇看,加快了俄语对外来词的吸收进程,丰富了俄语词汇的语义系统,赋予俄语全民用词以新的内涵。通过分析东正教文化对俄语成语、谚语、词汇三个方面的影响,可以帮助我们深入了解俄罗斯国情与文化,为跨文化交际服务。  相似文献   

江苏省张家港市东山村崧泽文化早中期大墓的发现, 证明长江下游在距今 五千七、八百年以前已存在明显的社会分化, 初级王权已经产生, 社会已进入“古 国” 1 1 “古国” (guguo), a concept put forward by Su Bingqi, literally means “ancient state.” This literal translation is adopted in this paper. However, the author believes that in Su’s theory, guguo is roughly equivalent to “chiefdom” in the West. 阶段。在中国古代文明演进过程中, 率先开始社会重大转型的不是黄河中游的 中原地区, 也不是以古长城地带为中心的北方地区, 而是崧泽文化所在的长江下游地 区。该遗址的发现还表明, 在文明化进程中, 中国古代最早出现的 “古国” 的性质和 表现形式并不完全一样, 有的是神权至上, 有的是王权至上, 从而导致其发展方向和 发展前途的不同。

关键词: 崧泽文化 社会分化 王权

The discovery of large burial sites belonging to the early and middle stages of Songze Culture at Dongshan Village, Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province, shows that distinct social polarization had already emerged in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River 5,700 or 5,800 years ago, when the initial stage of kingly power had taken shape and society had entered the stage of the “ancient states.” In the course of the evolution of ancient Chinese civilization, this area—rather than the Central Plains in the middle reaches of the Yellow River or the northern area centered around the ancient Great Wall—was the first to experience significant social transformation. This discovery also indicates that when the “ancient states” first appeared, they varied in form and character: some took the form of theocracies while others were dominated by kingly power. These differences meant that they developed in different directions and had different outcomes.  相似文献   

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