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The intensification of production is the most important direction of the nation's economic development during the entire period of mature socialism. It is objectively conditioned and is a decisive means for increasing the economic and social effectiveness of socialist production. The 26th CPSU Congress and subsequent plenums of the party's Central Committee elaborated the intensification concept and the strategy of its realization. This essentially means a new model of the economic growth of the USSR in the next few five-year plan periods.  相似文献   

社会主义市场经济下,作为经济活动的主体,仍然以谋求利润最大化为内在动力,但社会主义的本质则要求市场主体的经济行为与社会发展的总方向保持一致。本文在阐明市场对伦理要求的基础上,探讨了创建社会主义市场经济伦理的原则。  相似文献   

在世界性经济危机与社会主义中国的经济将维持正增长的强烈反差对比之下,重新审视中国坚守的方向和走过的道路,意义非同寻常。共和国的前30年为后30年的改革发展奠定了坚实的基础。共和国的后30年继续进行探索,取得了多方面的辉煌成就。历史经验告诉我们,建设社会主义最重要的不是有没有详尽的蓝图,而是有没有认清社会主义方向的视野,有没有不折不挠地迈向社会主义未来的勇气。尽管今天的中国还存在着大量问题,面临着多重严峻的挑战,但只要坚持社会主义的方向,未来的道路一定会越走越宽广。  相似文献   

马克思、恩格斯在《共产党宣言》中认为无产阶级革命在内容上是"国际"的,在形式上却是"一国"的。基于此,"中国特色社会主义"也可以解读为是内容与形式的高度统一。其形式表现为"中国特色"、"中国模式"、"中国道路"、"中国经验"等;在内容上则表现为社会主义的经济、社会主义的政治、社会主义的文化等方面。我们应当在内容与形式的有机统一上,把中国特色社会主义事业建设好。  相似文献   

论新时期社会主义意识形态建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新时期社会主义意识形态建设对于社会可持续发展具有重要意义 ;应坚持以马克思主义为指导 ,确立科学社会主义理想信念和科学的世界观、人生观、价值观 ,加强社会主义道德建设 ;同时应坚持政治与经济、建设与批判、继承与创新、“德治”与“法治”相统一的原则  相似文献   

谷炜江 《学术交流》2002,3(4):10-12
邓小平提出的“社会主义本质”理论是对马克思主义关于社会主义理论的丰富和发展。它把解放和发展生产力作为基本手段,最终以实现人的全面发展、共同富裕为目的,这对今天的社会主义建设实践具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

毛泽东在革命战争年代就指明了中国革命的前途,即通过新民主主义革命不问断地进入到社会主义革命,最终建设社会主义和共产主义。新中国成立后,毛泽东创建并不断完善社会主义经济制度以及与之相适应的政治制度,领导了大规模的社会主义经济、政治和文化建设,奠定了中国特色社会主义的制度前提、思想保证、物质基础,创造了社会主义建设的有利外部环境。在这个过程中,毛泽东创造了一系列独创性的关于中国社会主义建设的理论成果,提出实现马克思主义普遍真理同中国实际的第二次结合,走自己的路,探索适合中国国情、具有中国特点的社会主义建设道路。这是毛泽东在中国社会主义发展史上的重大理论贡献,为实现马克思主义中国化第二次历史性飞跃做了充分的思想酝酿与理论准备,不仅是中国特色社会主义理论、道路、制度形成的历史和逻辑的起点,而且是中国革命、建设和改革的一条指导原则。毛泽东在探索中既留下了成功的经验,也留下了失误的教训,这两方面都为当今中国特色社会主义建设积累了宝贵经验和重要启示。因此,不论是从历史实践上还是从理论逻辑上说,毛泽东都是中国特色社会主义事业的伟大奠基者、探索者和先行者。  相似文献   

杨彬 《求是学刊》2003,30(6):60-64
马克思对剥削范畴的揭秘是有着严格的前提条件、严谨的逻辑思维和鲜明的时代背景的.马克思所揭示的剥削是以资本主义社会制度和生产关系为基础和前提条件的特定范畴,是具有浓重封建色彩的剥削,是一种特定阶级关系的表现.在社会主义条件下,剥削的制度性前提和阶级对立倾向已经不存在了.私营经济中的劳资雇佣关系已经演化成社会主义市场经济条件下正常的经济关系,既不含有阶级对立成分,也没有政治色彩,已不构成马克思当年所揭示的剥削关系.  相似文献   

This article examines the new content of profit in the socialist economy; the place of profit in the system of economic categories of socialism; shortcomings which restrict the possibilities of using the index of profitability; and ways of enhancing the role of profit as a means for improving the operation of socialist enterprises.  相似文献   

Improving the effectiveness of social production and securing high rates of economic growth and rises in the standard of living of workers are today connected with the extensive utilization of external economic relations. The Report of the Central Committee of the Communist Party to the Twenty-Fourth Congress states:

One of the major resources to be drawn on in improving the economic effectiveness of the economy is further elaboration and perfection of external economic relations. Political factors, having to do with strengthening socialist fraternity and fortifying the economic basis of peaceful coexistence, and economic factors, stemming from our economic needs, both make it important that we expand the production of goods for export in all branches of industry. This will also help to increase the import of needed goods. There can be no doubt that the expansion of international exchange will have a favorable effect on improving the performance of our industry as a whole. Of course, certain specific measures must be taken to improve the control of all external economic activity if we are to increase the role of economic and scientific-technological relations with other countries in our economic progress.  相似文献   

跨越与过渡:当代中国社会转型的二元特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘春香 《学术交流》2003,3(12):123-126
当代中国社会的转型在取向上具有二元特征:一是在社会制度上要跨越资本主义社会制度;二是在发展生产力的手段上又要充分利用资本主义创下的优秀遗产。邓小平对当代中国如何建设社会主义做出了卓越贡献,他提出改革是社会主义发展的直接动力,改革始终以经济体制改革为重点,并渐进式进行,等等。这些都是马恩关于"中间站"思想的中国化,具体化。  相似文献   

构建社会主义和谐社会的客观现实条件   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王天哲  赵绥生 《创新》2007,2(2):60-63
社会和谐之所以是社会主义的本质属性,是因为只有社会主义才具备了实现社会和谐的客观现实条件。社会主义制度是社会和谐的政治前提,广大人民群众根本利益的一致性是社会和谐的经济基础,社会主义生产力的发展是社会和谐的物质条件,党的领导是社会和谐的政治保障,社会主义核心价值体系是社会和谐的精神动力。  相似文献   

It is already more than a quarter of a century since socialism has gone beyond the boundaries of a single country. As a result of the victory of the socialist revolution, in the postwar years in a number of countries in Europe, Asia, and subsequently in the western hemisphere as well — in Cuba — there developed a world socialist system: a social, economic, and political community of free and sovereign peoples following the road of socialism and communism, united by common interests and goals and by the close ties of international socialist solidarity. Its nucleus is the Soviet Union, which has amassed enormous experience in the construction of a new society.  相似文献   

How to effectively integrate the basic economic system of the primary stage of socialism in which public ownership is the dominant and diverse economic sectors develop side by side with a resource allocation model in which the market plays a decisive role is a fundamental issue in building a socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics. Western bourgeois economics and the traditional understanding of Marxist classical writers reject the possibility of such integration. In the transitional countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the practice and theoretical exploration of combining the two ended by abandoning public ownership. The fundamental feature of socialist economic reform practice with Chinese characteristics is to uphold their organic unity. This approach has already achieved great progress but at the same time is confronting a series of new problems.  相似文献   

社会主义是经济全球化的最终归宿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关立新 《学术交流》2002,2(6):38-42
尽管经济发达国家是目前经济全球化的主导力量 ,美国等西方发达国家是目前经济全球化的最大受益者 ,但是经济全球化的最终结果不可能是“资本主义化”、“美国化”。经济全球化的实质是全球经济市场化 ,参与经济全球化进程的国家是多样化的 ,社会主义国家加入这一进程的目的是利用市场经济 ,为本国经济发展奠定强大的物质基础 ,而不是就范于资本主义的经济发展模式。社会主义将是经济全球化的最终归宿。  相似文献   

Much of the current conversation about social justice, economic responsibility and individual self-realization is informed by an explicit or implicit comparison between capitalist and socialist modernities. The Soviet Union’s variety of socialism understandably serves as a critical master referent in this conversation. In this regard, a dominant historical narrative that ties the history of Soviet socialism to the Bolshevik origins imposes serious limitation to available depictions of socialism and histories of the twentieth century. This article turns the Bolshevik fundamentals assigned to the Soviet project into a problem of historical analysis and argues that the Soviet experience has more than one normative vision of socialism to offer. The goal is to foreground the divergence of normative conceptions of the socialist society and individual by historicizing the two principal and presently closely identified ideological-educational undertakings: those of the New Man and the ‘New Soviet Person’. By tracing the histories of the two projects, the article shows how the collectivist ethos of the Bolshevism of the 1910–1920s that rejected the ontological differentiation between the individual and his or her social milieu failed to retain its ideological, institutional, and cultural currency even during the 1930s, not to mention throughout the Soviet period.  相似文献   

《改造》杂志是五四时期的一份重要刊物。在1919年9月至1922年9月的三年时间里,它对空想社会主义、无政府主义、俄国社会主义、德国社会民主主义以及基尔特社会主义等社会主义思想进行了译介,同时,它还成为五四时期社会主义论战的主要阵地之一。《改造》杂志在对社会主义思想译介的过程中,摈弃门户之见,注重学理研究,兼具实效性,因此影响广泛,对社会主义思想在五四时期的传播起到重要推动作用。不过,它主张渐进的社会改良,反对走俄国革命道路,表现出一种不协调的温和色彩,这也从另一侧面反映出五四启蒙的多元性和复杂性。其对社会主义理论的探索和争鸣对于今天的社会主义建设不无借鉴。  相似文献   

田猛 《唐都学刊》2005,21(5):66-68
创新是马克思主义哲学的灵魂."三个代表"重要思想作为时代精神的精华,围绕着"建设一个什么样的党,怎样建设党"这一时代主题,从社会主义政党与社会主义建设辩证关系,从执政党推进社会发展的能力建设问题,从有效提升执政党主体素质的哲学高度创新和发展了邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义的理论,深化了对三大规律的认识.  相似文献   

This article aims at making a dialectical assessment of the development of social welfare between the period of Mao's socialism and Deng's economic marketization. It examines the transformation of ideological discourses between the two periods and its impact on social welfare outcomes. It posits that an ideological system is important in affecting the outcome of social welfare policy. Mao's welfare policy, despite certain shortcomings, created a relatively equal, sustainable and self-sufficient society with solid achievements in social welfare and especially in human development. Deng's economic marketization, although remarkable in economic growth, is producing social contradictions leading to the decline of welfare service. The current development discourse is dismantling Mao's welfare policy without establishing a new and more democratic conception of socialist political economy.  相似文献   

China has experienced rapid economic growth since its reform and opening up 40 years ago. The prime mover and key driver of these amazing achievements originated in China’s transformation from a planned economy to a socialist market economy, and from a closed economy to an open economy. The optimal allocation of the various factors of production and the interaction of economic growth and structural upgrading also played a significant part. China’s economic growth over the 40 years has applied, and proven effective, the general principles of development economics, and more importantly, based on the realities of China, it has contributed to theoretical innovation and institutional innovation, leading China along the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Entering the new era, China is committed to building a modern economic system and promoting high-quality development under the guidance of the new development concepts of innovation, coordination, green development, opening up and sharing.  相似文献   

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