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As attention has shifted towards the emotions in general, the notion of so-called negative emotions has come in for renewed interest. The author explores this notion and argues that its invocation cannot be done without cost to our understanding since it obscures all sorts of relevant complexities. There are thus no emotions around to which we can helpfully refer collectively as "negative," although there are of course painful emotions, emotions that negatively evaluate states of affairs, emotions that are negatively morally evaluated, and so forth. Furthermore, while attempts are under way to reappraise various (commonly) negatively evaluated emotions, those attempts involve different kinds of argument which cannot and should not be collected together as "defenses of negative emotions."  相似文献   

The current study examined different types of display rule knowledge and their relation to parental control of children's emotional expression and children's social competence. A sample of 61 third-grade children (50% Euro-American, 40% Latino, and 10% African-American, Asian-American or other) participated in the current study. Children's knowledge of display rules for positive and negative emotions was explored, as were the different reasons for endorsing the use of display rules. Parental level of control of children's emotions was also examined. Findings indicate that children who endorsed the use of display rules for both positive and negative emotions were rated as more competent by both teachers and peers. Parental control of children's expression of emotion was negatively related to children's knowledge of display rules and better social outcomes.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of negative peer experiences (NPEs; peer victimization and exclusion) on mood (depressed, angry, positive). Seventy‐seven (43 female) fifth graders from elementary schools located in a small town in the Midwest completed a friendship quality measure, in addition to daily reports (seven school days) of mood and peer experiences. Multilevel modeling showed that children who had NPEs in which no one intervened had more negative and less positive mood. For negative mood, this result was attenuated if the child had a friend who was generally helpful. The results demonstrate the positive role of bystanders during NPEs and highlight the protective role of high‐quality friendships.  相似文献   

认真对待各种自由--肯定性自由概念和否定性自由概念   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
自由的各种变体我们试图像奥古斯丁谈论时间那样谈论自由:“假如没有人问我,我还知道。当我试图对它进行说明的时候,我反倒一无所知了。”我们也许可以根据几种独特的方式认为自己是自由的。从某种意义上说,如果不存在任何外部限制,那么,我们就是自由的。霍布斯和边沁都曾经把自由当做外部限制的缺席来说明。这是关于自由的否定性观念(negativeconception)。还有一种自由观念,认为自由就是人们按照自己的愿望进行活动的能力。自由是与选择的范围(以及我们满足自己欲望的能力)相对称的:我们所拥有的选择越多,我们也就越自由。就财富、声誉和…  相似文献   

The distinction between positive and negative goals is important in the psychology of peace because it affects the way people respond to the threat of nuclear war. An orientation toward the negative goal of avoiding war has been a priority because of the great danger of the nuclear threat and also because negative means and goals, being primarily reactive, more concrete, and more oriented to short-term objectives than positive goals, are more conducive to action. However, there are unfortunate consequences of too exclusive a concentration on avoiding war: inadequate conceptualization of a positive, more easily maintained goal of peace, and increased anxiety resulting in poor-quality thinking about ways to achieve peace. Choosing positive means of working toward peace is consonant with peace as a positive goal, and it compensates for some of the disadvantages of an exclusive focus on avoiding a nuclear confrontation.  相似文献   

徐福来 《浙江学刊》2007,1(5):121-126
马克思的自由概念是扬弃了"积极自由"和"消极自由"的"自由个性"。由于柏林不懂得,马克思是从否定的方面去理解物化的现实的,并且强调的是"抽象的自由"和"现实的自由"之分,从而把马克思的自由概念误解为"积极自由"。在当代中国的语境中,澄清柏林对马克思的误解,科学地阐释马克思的自由概念,具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

Parent‐reported reactions to children's negative emotions and child negative emotionality were investigated as correlates of internalizing and externalizing behaviors. Children (N = 107) and their parents participated in a short‐term longitudinal study of social development. Mothers and fathers independently completed questionnaires assessing parental reactions to their child's negative emotions and child negative emotionality at Time 1 (33 months) and child behavior problems at Time 2 (39 months). Child negative emotionality was significantly related to greater internalizing and externalizing behavior. Maternal and paternal punitive reactions were related to greater internalizing behavior, but only for boys with high levels of negative emotionality. Results indicate that child temperament and child gender may be important moderators of the relation between parental emotion socialization and child internalizing problems during the toddler and early preschool years.  相似文献   

夏凡 《求是学刊》2006,33(3):40-45
文章对德国哲学家恩斯特.布洛赫的代表作《希望原理》的部分段落进行了仔细解读,分析了布洛赫希望概念的现代人本主义基础,着重解析了布洛赫与海德格尔哲学之间既批判又吸收的复杂关系。布洛赫提出了“人是希望的动物”的命题,在西方哲学史和马克思主义哲学史上均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

知识共享是企业实施知识管理的重点和难点,企业知识共享既有正效应,也有负效应,这是由企业组织的特点、组织的内外环境以及知识的特点共同决定的.企业知识共享的正效应表现为:增强企业获取知识的有效性、防止知识流失、优化知识资源配置并提升企业组织的核心竞争力;负效应表现为:导致部分员工在知识共享过程中出现"搭便车"现象,影响企业知识共享的安全性.鉴于此,克服负效应的主要措施为:提倡团队精神和员工间的相互信任,建立完善、公平的知识共享激励机制,合理运用惩罚形式,制定内部知识产权保护制度,限定知识共享的范围.  相似文献   

Although peer influences are thought to be critically important to adolescent development, there is a paucity of research investigating the emotion socialization practices that take place between adolescents. This longitudinal study evaluated close friends' responses to negative emotion using a newly developed assessment tool of peer emotion socialization, you and your friends. Adolescent participants (N = 205) exhibiting a range of internalizing and externalizing problems between 11 and 17 years of age were assessed and re‐evaluated two years later. Participants were asked to rate the frequency with which their friends responded to them by encouraging, distracting, matching, ignoring, overtly victimizing, and/or relationally victimizing their emotions. The results indicated high levels of internal consistency and moderate levels of long‐term stability. Close friends most often responded supportively to the participants' emotional displays, but these responses differed by gender. Also, friends' emotion socialization responses were concurrently and predictively associated with participant problem status. This study contributes to a better understanding of the processes by which adolescents' emotions are socialized by their friends and has important implications for future prevention and intervention efforts.  相似文献   

Two studies compared popular and rejected children's reasoning regarding social interactions involving negative emotions. The first study, with 23 rejected and 23 popular 10‐ to 11‐year‐olds, involved hypothetical social scenarios where a classmate ‘victim’ was likely to experience a negative emotion. Although popular and rejected children both recognized negative emotions and were equally likely to suggest helping behaviour to aid the victim, there were gender effects on the type of helping behaviour suggested. Specifically, popular girls were significantly more likely to offer comforting behaviour than advice whereas popular boys offered advice more than comfort; no such preferences were exhibited by the rejected children. Furthermore, popular girls were significantly more likely than other children to refer to emotional states when justifying their helping response. In the second study, 30 popular and 30 rejected eight‐ to 10‐year‐olds identified the motives behind story characters' efforts to mask negative emotions. Popular girls were more likely to identify the target motives than rejected girls, but no such difference was apparent for the boys. The results are discussed in the light of evidence regarding gender differences in peer interaction patterns.  相似文献   

The present study is among the first to examine external assets as predictors of positive emotions among at‐risk youth. The study aims to examine the associations of external assets with positive emotions, determine external assets as a predictor of positive emotions in phase 1, and see if these predictors were consistently established in phase 2. At first contact, 403 participants from low‐income apartments in the suburbs of Kuala Lumpur, aged 13–25 years were asked to complete the 25 Developmental Assets, Malaysian version. The participants were also invited to participate in social activities organized by the PERMATA community. The same participants were approached four months later to examine the stability of measures. Multiple regression analysis revealed support is the most significant predictor of positive emotions at phase 1 whilst positive peer influence, family boundaries and caring neighborhood are the significant predictors at phase 2. Results suggested that the presence of other external assets can enhance the positive development of at‐risk youth, however, the support must be present to some extent in the first place.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to demonstrate, at least for the passions, that while emotions are important elements of common sense psychological thought, they are not psychological, neural, or mental entities. People talk of emotions, we claim, in two sorts of cases: Firstly, when it is believed that someone has done something that she shouldn't because she has been overwhelmed by desire (a motive) and secondly, when someone is found to be compelled to devote cognitive resources to an act she knows she will never carry out. In this case motivational states command attention and cognitive and physiological resources, distract us, even though they will not issue in action. In either case pointing to an emotion is pointing to a partial, aborted, or misdirected desire. We discuss why emotions are considered important in common sense and professional psychology though they do not exist.  相似文献   

杜甫在诗歌当中大量运用并发展了以典咏怀手法,使用典与他的现实人生思考和自我体认紧密结合,从而达到浑然一体。而杜诗中典故群的使用及对多重典源的消化,又在一定程度上构成了"秘响旁通"的美学活动,深化了杜诗意蕴。从诗歌发展史的角度来说,咏怀诗的发展呼唤用典手法的加入,而杜甫完成了两者的结合,从而消融了用典手法与诗歌抒情性的矛盾,使用典成为抒情诗当中的有机部分。  相似文献   

One question in moral psychology concerns the role of emotions to motivate moral action. This question has recently become more urgent, because it is now clearer that cognitive developmental theories cannot offer a complete explanation of moral functioning. This paper suggests that emotion, as is typically understood in psychology, cannot be seen as the basis for an acceptable explanation of moral behaviour and motivation. However, it is argued that it is possible to understand emotions as embedded in agentic processes, and regulated by conscious concerns. So understood, emotions acquire an important role in the person's moral life. These conclusions are reached through an extensive review of psychological and philosophical conceptions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a non-preference-based approach to the analysis of negative freedom. It is argued that a proper understanding of (different conceptions of) negative freedom necessitates an examination of the consequences of changes in the set of feasible alternatives. For this reason the paper does not focus on freedom rankings of opportunity sets but on freedom rankings of opportunity situations, i.e., pairs consisting of a feasible set and an opportunity set. Three different freedom rankings of opportunity situations are axiomatically characterised. Each of the three rankings forms a generalisation of the purely cardinality-based freedom ranking of opportunity sets presented by Pattanaik and Xu (1990).  相似文献   

贾雨村的正邪两赋说和秦可卿的卧室意象不仅昭示着<红楼梦>人物形象的谱系渊源,而且作为<红楼梦>的写情策略贯穿于整部小说的内在肌理中.大观园的世界也是一个正邪两赋的世界.在<红楼梦>的神道设教叙事策略中,秦可卿这个人物远远超越了道德层面,具有写意的特征,曹雪芹塑造这个人物时其关注焦点与其说是道德,不如说是生命本身.正邪两赋的历史谱系在小说中一直被当作贾宝玉和群钗情感世界的祖先和偶像,成为<红楼梦>情节设计和人物设计中的重要组成部分,用以展示大观园诸艳的情缘体验.<红楼梦>并不是一部通俗小说,而应该是一部抒情体小说.诗性叙事,是<红楼梦>叙事上的本质特征.  相似文献   

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