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你有资格做一个消费者吗?你会花钱吗?这似乎是 一句废话,谁不会花钱呢?其实,花钱并不是一件简单的事情。它中间的道理多着哩!我们不妨先由一个故事说起……某饭馆来了一位“大款”要替所有在该饭馆就餐的食客付钞,不想食客中有一书生模样的人不愿接受恩惠,坚持自己付钞,被“大款”大大地嘲弄了一通。书生恼怒,问清“大款”的资产状况后,竟以高于该“大款”的资产许多的价格要立即买下:“除了这个人(指“大款”)不要外,其它的东西给我统统买下!”书生对与他同桌吃饭的另一书生吩咐道。后来人们才知道,这个书生竟是北京一家有名的以高科技产业为龙头的大公司总裁。  相似文献   

有人把北方人和南方人的创业形式作了比较,从中发现一个规律:北方人创业以经商开店居多,一说下海,十有八九在经商开店上动脑筋,寻思着如何开个商店或租个门脸做买卖,开个小饭店甚至摆个小摊卖冰棍、烤羊肉串等,就连北京娱乐界的明星们也都竞相下海开饭馆,试图以大腕的派头招徕追星族食客;却很少有人像南方人那样办家庭作坊或合资工厂,从事制造业。  相似文献   

前几日,与好友在外吃饭,落座后,发现正对我视线的是门口站立的一位迎宾小姐。看得出,这是个外地姑娘,二十出头,高高的个子,身着与其他迎宾员无异的旗袍,每有顾客光临或离去,她总会微笑着说"欢迎光临"或"请慢走"之类的话。大概是食客们对  相似文献   

章法 《老年人》2006,(7):9-9
2002年,湖南南县农村青年刘运来在益阳市的城郊开了一家小饭馆。家住附近的退休老人吴鉴清,闲来无事,时常到饭馆坐坐,久而久之,与刘运来成了熟人。饭馆刚开张那会儿,生意红火。刘运来清点着花花绿绿的钞票,心里好不高兴。他暗自盘算,若把饭馆的规模扩大,提高档次,利润岂不成倍增长?于是,刘运来拿出积蓄,又借了10余万元,将饭馆里外装修一新。然后,高价请来两名厨师,从家乡招来几个人靓嘴甜的女服务员,新饭馆就开张了。一时间,新老顾客纷至沓来,饭馆生意格外火爆。然而好景不长,由于菜肴品种少,更新慢,客人日见稀疏。没两年,饭馆便开始走下坡…  相似文献   

彭根成 《职业》2016,(4):56
在北京市朝阳区建外SOHO东区9号楼底商铺,每天都能看到"食好运"煎饼店前排着长队的情景."欢迎选购我们的3D打印煎饼!"站在门口叫卖的是这家店的老板吴一黎,叫卖声吸引了不少食客驻足.  相似文献   

说起模特,人们更多想到的是这些俊男靓女们完美的身材和张扬的个性,因为大家对他们走出秀场后的生活无从了解.满怀着好奇,记者和赵雷约在"澜香婷食尚空间"见面,这是由他经营的一家餐厅.晚上七点,赵雷从一些食客的座席中起身向我走来.他上着一件粉色衬衫,下搭一条灰色牛仔裤,干净的脸上含着笑意,恰似一位帅气的邻家男孩,亲切而友善.  相似文献   

2011年12月28日下午三点,河北省冀商文化研究会一届四次理事会在河北汇宾大酒店隆重召开。会议表决通过了新增补的15名副会长,6名常务理事。  相似文献   

有的人认为,到了乌鲁木齐直奔哪家豪华的清真餐厅(通常叫宴会厅),便能将新疆美食一网打尽,尽收腹中,其实不尽然,最好的新疆美食往往不在大饭店里,而是在不起眼的小饭馆里,在不知名的小巷里,有时甚至是街边小小的食摊。当然,这需要你慢慢地寻找,细心地发现。在这里小编将奉上穿街走巷,散尽千金才觅出的乌鲁木齐民族特色餐饮美食图。全是个人观点难免会有漏缺,还望诸位食客海涵!  相似文献   

陈若鱼 《伴侣(A版)》2017,(11):44-46
01 聂姣姣吃完最后一块红烧肉后,提起脚边的拉杆箱,大步走出饭馆.拉杆箱轮子摩擦着不平的水泥路,发出呼啦呼啦的声响,混合着巷子里乱七八糟的声音,撞击着聂姣姣的耳膜.  相似文献   

孟宪丛 《老年世界》2013,(24):29-29
过了大年头一天,连成哥哥来拜年,一进门,把腰弯,左手拉,右手把你搀,咱兄妹相交拜的个什么年? …… 在饭馆里,我一边吃饭,一边听着这高亢的二人台《打连成》。听着听着,忽然强烈而清晰地想起了自己的母亲。  相似文献   

A large literature has sought to determine whether smoking bans help or hinder restaurants. Much of the literature improperly specifies its econometric equations and thus mistakenly infers causality. Examining the relationship between restaurant smoking bans and restaurant revenues in 267 California communities, we reach two main conclusions. First, California's municipal restaurant smoking bans are endogenous in a critical way—restaurant sales growth (or something correlated with restaurant sales growth) appears to cause restaurant bans, not vice versa. Consequently, failure to control properly for trends can produce spurious "evidence" of causation. Second, ban heterogeneity (e.g., state versus local) can be exploited to sort out—or rule out—causal effects. In other words, pooling data and treating smoking bans implemented at different levels as homogenous (as many studies do) ignores an important source of information and is likely to lead to erroneous conclusions. Our analysis holds lessons for the many studies that have examined the arguably more important question of how smoking bans affect smoking rates. ( JEL L51)  相似文献   

This paper describes reactions by regular patrons of a family restaurant to an armed robbery that occurred within its premises. One of the victims, the restaurant's co-manager, and these regulars participated in the construction of a narrative in order to restore their normal involvement within the community and to incorporate the profound disturbance of a robbery into the patrons' and manager's shared pasts. We discuss two different types of regulars who view this particular restaurant as a sacred place. In this context, we discuss particular discourse, appearance, and touch codes that support perceptions of the restaurant as sacred. To conclude, we discuss how regulars and management resolved this profound disturbance to establish shared histories in regard to the robbery and to restore communal relations within this restaurant.  相似文献   

The sociological and anthropological literature dealing with the social and cultural effects of tourism not uncommonly refers to its adverse effects; and among these is a tendency to create and reinforce patterns of deference on the part of the‘host’population towards the foreign‘guests’. The author's personal observations suggest that this expectation is not typically met in the case of Yugoslavia. An informal interactionist analysis of the Yugoslav restaurant industry, based on observation principally in two regions of the country, attempts to indicate why this should be the case. Models of behaviour rooted outside the restaurant itself, governing such factors as the relations between different age groups, and the evaluation of occupational skills, shape interaction within the restaurant, and define the relative statuses of guests and staff. It is also possible to point to ways in which the staff can be seen to exercise a measure of authority within the restaurant, regulating by their corporate authority the patterns of interaction found there. While the article does not challenge the claim that tourist-based development may under certain circumstances generate deferential or obsequious behaviour, it concludes with the demand that such claims be subjected to careful comparative scrutiny, in order to avoid misleading over-generalisation.  相似文献   

The themed restaurant is an example of a process of theming which is characteristic of many of the leisure experiences of contemporary society. This paper seeks to trace the origins and prototypes of the themed restaurant to provide a typology of theming devices and to offer an analysis of theming strategies. The various perspectives on theming as a cultural device are discussed, and the concept of quasification is introduced in order to advance our theoretical understanding of the theming process in its broader cultural context. Specifically, it is argued that the techniques of quasification entail the active and knowing involvement of both those who engineer themed settings and those who purchase participation in them. Late modernity, it is argued, has an unprecedented capacity for creating quasified experiences as antidotes to the tedium of its mundane everyday settings.  相似文献   

Arby's, a fast food restaurant, made a marketing appeal based on geography in its “Journey” television campaign, arguing that its meats sliced in its restaurants were fresher than Subway's meats sliced in Iowa. Although the target of the advertisement was Subway, some Iowans felt attacked. Iowans’ reactions and Arby's responses offer an instructive case of image attack and image defense in public relations.  相似文献   

Understanding the attitudes of restaurant and bar owners and managers toward a smokefree city ordinance can contribute greatly to the success of a smokefree policy campaign. While local opposition to a smokefree policy always arises from restaurant and bar owners, this study of restaurant and bar owners and managers in two Midwestern cities reveals that over two-thirds (67.1%) support a smokefree restaurant policy, and over 40% support a policy that would include bars. Moreover, most prefer the local government to require the city to be smokefree rather than choose to go smokefree on their own: only 1 in 5 would even consider going smokefree independently. The study explains that this is primarily due to widespread and unfounded fears of economic loss. Finally, the article recommends that education campaigns encouraging individual restaurants to go smokefree would be a far less effective strategy than persuading a municipal government to enact a smokefree ordinance.  相似文献   

There is a rich history of social science research centering on racial inequalities that continue to be observed across various markets (e.g., labor, housing, and credit markets) and social milieus. Existing research on racial discrimination in consumer markets is, however, relatively scarce and that which has been done has disproportionately focused on consumers as the victims of race‐based mistreatment. As such, we know relatively little about how consumers contribute to inequalities in their roles as perpetrators of racial discrimination. In response, in this article, we elaborate on a line of research that is only in its infancy stages of development and yet is ripe with opportunities to advance the literature on consumer racial discrimination and racial earnings inequities among tip‐dependent employees in the United States. Specifically, we analyze data derived from an exit survey of restaurant consumers (N = 394) in an attempt to replicate, extend, and further explore the recently documented effect of service providers’ race on restaurant consumers’ tipping decisions. Our results indicate that both white and black restaurant customers discriminate against black servers by tipping them less than their white co‐workers. Importantly, we find no evidence that this black tip penalty is the result of inter‐racial differences in service skills possessed by black and white servers. We conclude by delineating directions for future research in this neglected but salient area of study.  相似文献   

Restaurant employees must deal with loud noise, busy environments, difficult customers, heavy, awkward, sharp, and hot objects, repetitive motions, and stress on various joints, all of which can lead to fatigue, sudden accidents, and longterm musculoskeletal injury. The goal of this case study was to assess the risk of injuries and accidents from conducting various tasks in the restaurant, specifically carrying/lifting, table management, and polishing silverware. The nine participants were servers at a local country club restaurant. Physical workload was measured by a scale of physical exertion. Cognitive workload was assessed, as well as cumulative trauma disorder risk. Overall results show that there is sufficient risk in some of the tasks to warrant concern. Specific results are discussed, as well as recommendations for improved safety.  相似文献   

This study reports on the operation of trust and reciprocity in a secondary relationship of the restaurant organization. Working for tips rather than contract wages, the waitress is required to trust the customer and depend on the rule of reciprocity for her wages. Each restaurant customer is extended credit or trust during the service interaction. The restaurant worker develops a disposition or attitude towards this act of credit. The question for investigation is which conditions, structural or interactional, exert the greatest influence on the credit attitude expressed by the waitress? The table service staff of eight restaurants serve as the sample. When both models are tested, only the structural conditions exert a significant influence on the credit attitude. Findings suggest that acts of trust and reciprocity are influenced more by the climate or orientation of the employing organization than by conditions of work interaction.  相似文献   

《Journal of Aging Studies》2002,16(3):303-321
How might older adults' nonobligatory social interactions in a “third place” be described and interpreted? The ethnographic methodology, primarily participant observation, was used to gather data from a naturally occurring group of older adults who frequent a fast-food restaurant. Emerging themes include the concept of sociability, play, and laughter. Findings suggest that: (a) older adults congregate at this fast-food restaurant to be with their buddies “to play”; (b) the group is fun for members and there are lots of laughter; (c) group membership in this “third place” provides structure, meaning, and opportunities for these older adults to engage in personal expression; and (d) the members are sociable, but relatively little social support is exchanged.  相似文献   

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