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拥有21%世界人口的中国,作为一个高度统一的国家进入工业化的高速增长时期,必然产生许多人类历史上从未出现过的现象和问题。在主要由发达国家所构造的世界经济秩序中,阻碍劳动力国际流动是合法的,而阻碍其在国内地区间的流动则是不合法的,这迫使中国只得依靠低价工业品生产和出口来实现经济资源的国际配置。所以,依靠价格优势和进行“价格大战”是中国现阶段工业化进程中难以避免的历史性现象和必然过程。加入WTO后,中国工业化的“价廉物美”现象,必将以更快的速度向国际化的方向扩展。中国工业化过程中的地区差距将表现得非常突出。这是因为,中国不可能像其他工业化国家那样把工业化过程中的经济不平衡问题外化成国际现象。而且,在中国工业化进程中,一个巨大国家之内的地区差异成为导致“重复建设”的重要原因之一。中国拥有的巨大人口、国土和地区间差异,使得中国政府管理经济的“工作量”是世界上任何其他国家的政府所不可相比的。加入WTO是对中国政府管理经济的能力的一个很大挑战。  相似文献   

The place of national interests in a country’s internal and external policy can- not be replaced by the free trade principle.  相似文献   

When Chinese researchers discuss reform of social security policies,they often focus on restructuring old-age pensions and medical insurancefor workers in state-owned enterprises. This has become the onlyperspective from which they review the emergence and drawbacks of theexisting system when redesigning the social security programs for China'surban areas, with reference to the developed and other developingnations. In fact, the social security system under the planned economywas established w…  相似文献   

Material wealth and cultural resources in present China are partly separated from the state monopoly and enjoyed by citizens and social organizations. A folk society (or civil society) is gradually taking shape and  相似文献   

Summary This article reviews the modernizing agenda of New Labour forsocial work which has been articulated in the various changesfor social work and social care announced in the ‘QualityStrategy’. Focusing predominantly on arrangements foreducation and training, the article argues that, rather thanpresenting a coherent strategy, the structures and proceduresare fragmented and unco-ordinated at many levels. A major weaknessis that New Labour has failed to clarify where it places socialwork in the structures of a ‘modernized’ welfarestate.  相似文献   

Freedom and privacy of correspon-dence are basic rights of a citizen to per-sonal freedom. According to Article 66 ofthe Telecommunications Regulations, theexamination of telecommunication contentsshould be limited to the needs of nationalsecurity or investigation of criminal crimesand must be conducted by public securityorgans, national security organs or people’sprocuratorates according to legally pre-scribed procedure. But the people’s courtsdo not have the right to investigate the con-t…  相似文献   

Models of stochastic choice are intended to capture the substantial amount of noise observed in decisions under risk. We present an experimental test of one model, which many regard as the default—the Basic Fechner model. We consider one of the model’s key assumptions—that the noise around the subjective value of a risky option is independent of other features of the decision problem. We find that this assumption is systematically violated. However the main patterns in our data can be accommodated by a more recent variant of the Fechner model, or within the random preference framework.  相似文献   

With the increasing salience of foundations in many policy fields, and recent changes in market conditions, policies towards foundations designed decades ago seem outdated. In this article we suggest reassessing foundation payout minimums. To examine the impact of payout rates on grantmaking foundations lifespan and performance under “new normal” economics, we simulate multiple foundations lifecycles using Monte Carlo methods in diverse capital market conditions, with varied investment and payout strategies.We find that while under past market regime perpetuity seems to be a given, under more probable future scenarios, foundations might face increasingly early mortality and endowment depletion, limiting their potential impact. Furthermore, lower payout rates allow for higher lifetime grantmaking, higher mean annual grantmaking, and lower giving volatility. Accordingly, we suggest a tiered payout policy, in line with foundations’ missions and proper financial planning.  相似文献   

The role that area deprivation, family poverty, and austerity policies play in the demand for and supply of children's services has been a contested issue in England in recent years. These relationships have begun to be explored through the concept of inequalities in child welfare, in parallel to the established fields of inequalities in education and health. This article focuses on the relationship between economic inequality and out‐of‐home care and child protection interventions. The work scales up a pilot study in the West Midlands to an all‐England sample, representative of English regions and different levels of deprivation at a local authority (LA) level. The analysis evidences a strong relationship between deprivation and intervention rates and large inequalities between ethnic categories. There is further evidence of the inverse intervention law (Bywaters et al., 2015): For any given level of neighbourhood deprivation, higher rates of child welfare interventions are found in LAs that are less deprived overall. These patterns are taking place in the context of cuts in spending on English children's services between 2010–2011 and 2014–2015 that have been greatest in more deprived LAs. Implications for policy and practice to reduce such inequalities are suggested.  相似文献   

经济发展和能源需求的阶段性特征、节能减排的基本国策以及气候变暖和温室气体减排的制约,都要求中国能源战略,尤其是能源结构战略,进行相应调整。以往中国的能源战略规划主要是从能源储备和能源生产,即能源供给侧来考虑满足能源需求问题。为了应对气候变化,中国能源结构战略亟待调整:一是要从供给和需求双侧管理来考虑满足能源需求问题,二是要将二氧化碳排放作为满足能源需求的一个约束。建立优化模型,得到反映节能和排放约束下的最优能源结构,进而通过可计算一般均衡模型,评估能源结构变化导致的能源成本增加对宏观经济的影响,结果表明:政府的可再生能源规划对二氧化碳减排具有重要的正面影响,但二氧化碳排放约束改变能源结构导致的能源成本增加,对宏观经济具有一定的负面影响。因为中国许多重要行业对煤炭和火电的依赖程度依然很高,所以,现阶段通过改变能源结构减排的空间不大,应该重视其他方面的节能减排努力。  相似文献   

本文提出将人的保护确立为中国民法典编纂的价值基础。中国民法典中的人是个体性和社会性因素的统一。在中国民法典的编纂中必须:(1)克服传统民法的财产中心主义,以人的保护取代抽象的财产权保障在民法典中的核心地位;(2)放弃对民法中的人的行为设定一个统一的模式,根据人的行为的具体性质进行具体的法律调整;(3)出于人的保护的要求,对民法中对市场机制的运用进行合理的限制;(4)超越割裂了人的概念的统一性的传统私法法典编纂模式,回到统一的民法概念上来。  相似文献   

This paper is a first attempt to study the problem of aggregation of individual ordinal probabilistic beliefs in an Arrowian framework. We exhibit some properties an aggregation rule must fulfil; in particular we prove the existence of a quasi-dictator.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the behavior of contestants in the game show “Quiz Taxi” when faced with the decision whether to bet the winnings they have acquired on a final “double or nothing” question. The decision in this natural experiment is made by groups of two or three persons. This setup enables the decision-making process to be studied with regard to group and communication characteristics. The contestants show fairly risk averse behavior. There is also a significant heterogeneity in attitude to risk. In particular, all-female groups are much less likely to go for the risky option. Furthermore, decision-making behavior appears to vary across differently composed groups and prior performance. The study also documents the importance of discussions: The propensity to gamble increases with discussion length, and the correlation between communication content and the final choice is strong, indicating that time and subjective context are important features of decisions made under risk.  相似文献   

We conduct experiments to analyze investment behavior in decisions under risk. Subjects can bet on the outcomes of a series of coin tosses themselves, rely on randomized ‘experts’, or choose a risk-free alternative. We observe that subjects who rely on the randomized experts pick those who were successful in the past, showing behavior consistent with the hot hand belief. Obviously the term ‘expert’ suffices to attract some subjects. For those who decide on their own, we find behavior consistent with the gambler’s fallacy, as the frequency of betting on heads (tails) decreases after streaks of heads (tails).  相似文献   

Hydrogen energy has an advantage over conventional fossil energy because of its clean and lowcarbon features, while its stability gives it an advantage over renewable energy sources such as hydropower, photovoltaic(PV) power, and wind power. Using hydrogen as a fuel can achieve zero carbon emissions or even net zero emissions at the end of energy conversion. Moreover, with hydrogen as the carrier, an energy system of multi-energy complementarity will be established by coupling multiple energy sy...  相似文献   

Iain Taylor 《Social history》2013,38(4):484-508

Much of the extensive historiography of nineteenth-century English friendly societies has focused on their capacity to create social capital and their predisposition towards insolvency, although more recently historians have argued that the ability of affiliated orders to raise levies made them financially stronger than previously supposed. However, given that societies still failed regularly, in what circumstances was it impossible to mount such rescues, and why? This article answers this question through a case study of three small ‘local’ societies in West Kent. Using the perspective of risk and risk transfer, it suggests they all suffered from a serious combination of membership and competitor risk which, when mishandled, also caused significant reputational damage to both societies and their managers. A further major tension was that many local opinion formers were starting to demand higher standards of accountability, including from friendly society trustees. The article also looks at the survival strategies of individual managers and members, arguing that – during financial crises – self-interest exerted powerful forces on those societies. In each case, the evidence reveals that often longstanding local relationships, based on mutual trust and shared values, were fractured so completely that raising levies or other bailouts to keep them afloat proved impossible.  相似文献   

Disney’s animated heroine Pocahontas has been touted as a new type of protagonist differing from her predecessors whose lives revolve around men. Pocahontas’ romance eventually does become subordinate to her role in protecting the social fabric of her village. Yet in placing the needs of her community before her own personal desires, she fulfills societal expectations of today wherein young women are supposed to progress from selfish absorption in relationships to selfless dedication nurturing others. Pocahontas, then, models the submersion of a young woman’s desires to allow a commitment to selfless altruism.  相似文献   

Conditionality has arguably always been part of welfare and poor relief regimes dating at least as far back as the poor laws and the condition of less eligibility. Nevertheless, there has arguably been a more pronounced turn towards welfare conditionality in the latter part of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries and this appears to be continuing across jurisdictions largely unabated and despite the fact that large amounts of evidence continue to suggest the ineffectiveness of welfare conditionality as means of promoting re‐ entry to the workforce for those experiencing unemployment. Alongside this, much evidence also points to the ultimately deleterious effects of welfare conditionality on those at whom it is targeted. This is an area which has seen an abundance of recent contributions in the context of the UK and further afield but that has arguably suffered from a lack of cognate data that sheds light on the Irish example. In attempting to begin to remedy this, this article presents data from a series of interviews carried out with welfare recipients in Ireland in 2018. The purpose of this article is to shed light on experiences of conditionality in the contemporary Irish welfare state and to attempt to nuance further what conditionality can mean. In doing so, this article takes the approach of allowing the data to “speak for itself” in order to best showcase the experiences of those most affected by welfare conditionality.  相似文献   

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