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王海轩(中)中国书法家协会会员辽宁省书法家协会理事辽宁书协省直分会副主席王文轩(右)中国书法家协会会员辽宁省书法家协会理事沈阳市铁西书法家协会常务主席王军轩(左)中国书法家协会会员沈阳市铁西书法家协会副主席兼秘书长据我所知,在中国书画艺术领域,虽然名家辈出,但一门之中,才隽迭现、交相辉映者,除王羲之、王献  相似文献   

正师索民,1987年毕业于鲁迅美术学院,现为辽宁省群众艺术馆研究馆员,中国书法家协会会员,辽宁省书法家协会副主席。曾获中国书法家协会"德艺双馨"书法家、辽宁省"优秀中青年书法家"、辽宁省委宣传部"四个一批"人才等荣誉。作品被中南海、中国文联、中国文字博物馆、美国赛克勒博物馆、辽宁省博物馆、宁夏美术馆等机构收藏,并由黑龙江  相似文献   

正师索民1963年生于陕西省旬邑县,1987年毕业于鲁迅美术学院。现就职于辽宁省群众艺术馆,研究馆员。中国书法家协会会员、辽宁省书法家协会理事。曾获中国书法家协会"德艺双馨"书法家、辽宁省"优秀中青年书法家"、辽宁省委宣传部"四个一批"人才等荣誉。作品被北京中南海、中国文联、中国文字博物馆、美国赛克勒博物馆、辽宁省博物馆、宁夏美术馆等机构收藏,并由黑龙江美术出版社出版《师索民书法艺术》、辽宁美术出版社出版《笔墨从心——师索民书法作品集》。2014年3月,在辽宁省博物馆举办了"笔墨从心"师索民书法展。  相似文献   

刘军 《今日辽宁》2011,(4):78-79
王金笛,其父是首届中国书法家协会副主席、曾任辽宁省书法家协会名誉主席、著名书法家、辽宁省原副省长王塑骋,从小在父亲身边耳濡目染的熏陶,在其父写字时,他在旁拽纸研墨,五岁开始描红,之后临颜、柳字帖,在父亲的指导下开始了书法练习。即使在随其母亲走“五七”道路期间,也是不间断地练字临帖。既是受其父的影响,也是个人的喜好,随后...  相似文献   

穆奕 《今日辽宁》2008,(1):56-57
马秉枢(Ma Bingshu)简介:中国书法家协会会员,辽宁省书法家协会创作委员会秘书长,盘锦市书画院院长,盘锦市书法家协会常务副主席兼秘书长,盘锦市政协委员。作品曾获全国第七届书法展最高奖"全国奖",2001年全国书法"兰亭奖"提名奖,首届世界华人书画展书法铜奖,新世纪全球华人书法大赛铜奖,2000年全国书家新作展铜奖,多次获辽宁省书法展一等奖。  相似文献   

<正>王丹,字复秋,号易斋,1963年生于锦州。现为中国书法家协会理事、篆刻艺术委员会副主任、培训中心教授,辽宁省文联副主席,辽宁省书法家协会主席,西泠印社理事,辽宁省美协理事,中国艺术研究院中国书法院、中国篆刻院研究员,国家一级美术师,辽宁省政协常委,第七届全国青联委员,多次任全国书法篆刻展评委。  相似文献   

正杨宝林,笔名杨抱朴,吉林大学书法文献学博士,国家二级教授,享受国务院特殊津贴专家,中国书法家协会教育委员会委员。现任沈阳师范大学书法教育研究所所长,研究生导师,辽宁省文艺理论家协会副主席,辽宁省高校书法研究会主席,辽宁省书法家协会理事,教育部学位中心评议专家。先后获第八届中国文联文艺评论奖;第四届中国书法兰亭奖理论奖;第八届全国书学讨论会一等奖;第三届辽宁省书法兰亭奖;第十二届、第十三  相似文献   

正王冠1926-2015,原名王冠安,笔名王冠,字晚成。1948年毕业于东北师范大学美术系。著名书画家,国家一级美术师,终生享受国务院颁发的政府贡献特殊津贴。曾任中国美术家协会常务理事、中国书法家协会理事,辽宁省文联党组成员、副主席,辽宁省美术家协会主席,辽宁省书法家协会主席,辽宁美术馆馆长,辽宁画院院长。出版《王冠书画艺术》等专集。曾连续三届当选为全国文代会代表及全国美展评委。2010年被辽宁省文联授予从艺60周年"辽宁文艺终身成就奖"。  相似文献   

张广茂:辽宁省美术家协会会员、辽宁省书法家协会会员、辽宁省散文学会会员、沈阳市书法家协会常务理事、沈阳市青年书法家协会副主席、沈阳书画院专业书画家。出版有《少年书法三百六十五天》《颜真卿多宝塔碑笔法详解》《颜真卿自书告身帖笔法详解》《董浩叔叔谈绘画》(合著)等书。  相似文献   

正幺喜龙,1950年生于沈阳。曾任沈阳市文学艺术界联合会专职副主席,沈阳市文史研究馆副馆长。国家一级美术师,终身享受国务院特殊津贴艺术家,被辽宁省委、省政府命名为“青年专业技术拔尖人才”。中国人民政治协商会议辽宁省第九届委员,中国人民政治协商会议辽宁省第十届委员、常委,中国书法家协会会员。沈阳市劳动模范、沈阳市劳动功勋奖章获得者,沈阳市文史馆馆员。出版个人专著16部,举办个人作品展20余次。  相似文献   

王犁 《今日辽宁》2004,(4):52-53
不知不觉间,我与庆涛已相识相处了15年。记得那年的冬天,我和海城的一些朋友去北京,为辽宁省书协举办的“29人书法展“贺喜助威,在展馆外的一个小餐馆就餐时,意外遇到了也来这里就餐的庆涛。我的一个朋友认出了他,并把他隆重地介绍给了我,于是,我们便在那次意外的相遇中相识了。张庆涛原本是海城一所农村中学的教导主任,后被乡里领导选中,派他去广州管理一个乡办的运输公司,他踌  相似文献   

In the post-war years, Australia has accepted more refugees on a per capita basis than any other country. Refugees are unlike other migrants in that they are forced to move. They have no option. They arrive unprepared for settlement. They have more difficulty finding employment, especially at an appropriate level, than other immigrants. They often come without format documents, with limited English language ability and with few supports. All of these factors make skills recognition even more difficult than for other non-English speaking background immigrants. Different training models, continued chauvinism about Australian training versus overseas training, inadequate attention to existing skills and the protectionist policies of some employers, professional bodies, etc all militate against refugees slotting into the labour market at a level commensurate with their pre-flight level. Australia needs to do more than select people and then leave them to their own devices. Carefully planned and ongoing programs are needed to help refugees integrate satisfactorily into the labour market. There is still a perception among refugees that Australia only wants them as labourers.  相似文献   

Over the last few years, the psychiatric service system in Victoria has undergone extensive reorganisation. The goals of mainstreaming and integration, endorsed by the National Mental Health Policy, have been fundamental in these changes. However, the implementation of these policies has aroused much criticism. This article discusses the concepts of mainstreaming and integration and summarises a research project into their impact on service delivery. We conclude that the initial implementation strategies in Victoria represented a limited understanding of the complexity of the key policy concepts; in particular, the overly literal model of mainstreaming has put at risk the gains of recent years in developing community-based programs.  相似文献   

McEntire (1984) proved that, for a portfolio problem with independent assets, the generalized harmonic mean plays the role of a risk-free threshold. Based upon this property, he developed a criterion for including or excluding assets in an optimal portfolio, and he proved an ordering theorem showing that an optimal portfolio always consists of positive amounts of the assets with the largest mean values. Also, some commonly used utility functions were shown to satisfy the property that the dominance of an asset over another is unaffected by the addition of other assets. In this paper we extend these results to the case where assets are dependent.  相似文献   

This review highlights the urgency for a seamless and co‐ordinated approach to service delivery for people with intellectual disability and mental illness. There is emerging evidence of the high prevalence of mental illness in persons with intellectual disability. The notion that people with intellectual disability can have mental illness has only been recently acknowledged. Furthermore, people with intellectual disability also experience a wide range of psychiatric disorders often seen in the general population. Despite of recent developments in treatment options for these people, many of them continue to experience barriers in accessing mental health services.  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(4):295-307
This paper attempts to indicate what some of the similarities and differences are in clinical work with individuals and groups. This effort was stimulated by a desire to indicate that neither one extreme of "everything is the same" nor its opposite that "all social work methodology is different" is accurate. The author has used concepts such as relationship, transference, resistance, and group developmental phases among others to explore the potentials and limitations in applying these concepts to clinical work with individuals and groups.  相似文献   

The introduction of new asset/income tested charges for high care residents was the 1997–98 Commonwealth government policy response to concerns about financing residential aged care. This in‐depth study of residents, families, staff and managers in three aged care facilities explores issues of equity, access and empowerment arising when some residents pay more for the same level of care and amenity. The study reports little evidence of financial contributions affecting access to high care places and the delivery of care, the potential for differential access to amenities such as single rooms linked to the extra payments, and no evidence of a sense of empowerment linked to payment of the new charges. The complexity of current financial arrangements, access to appropriate financial advice at the time of entry, and the potential for an informal two tier system in relation to the allocation of amenities are identified as developing policy issues.  相似文献   

This study attempts to understand the lived experience and emotional well‐being of Australian‐Vietnamese grandparenthood. Thirty‐six grandparents participated in four focus group interviews while three grandparents took part in individual in‐depth interviews where the experiences of the grandparents were further clarified. The findings reveal that Vietnamese grandparents encounter many changes in their lives and their relationships with their children and grandchildren in their new homeland. However, many still seem to play important roles in the family, creating a vital bridge to grandchildren. According to our participants, the grandparents' most important roles are the maintenance of good emotional relationships and support, and the construction of harmony and continuity in their modified extended families. To be able to assume these roles, grandparents need to actively explore and consider accepting new values. For many, a successful grandparenthood brings happiness to the family, positively influences grandparents' life satisfaction and emotional well‐being, and this in turn enhances their quality of life.  相似文献   

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