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Pan Qing,9,plays Hu Sanhiang in Eight-year-old Wang Lichun plays the Princess Iron Mirror in Zuogong.First Stage Appearance  相似文献   

MA Yuan was the first woman judge in New China. Statistical figures provided by the Supreme People's Court showed that there were 21,000 women judges among the 146,000 judges across China by the end of 1993. Ma Yuan, who in 1985 was appointed Vice-President of the Supreme People's Court by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, was born in  相似文献   

WE arrived at Ben-Gurion Airport in Tel-Aviv in the evening of November 9, and were met and welcomed with smiles and bouquets by Aviva Brodstein, chairperson of the Tourism, Overseas and Absorption Department of Na'amat, Maya Zahavit, Chairperson of the Israeli Section of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Samira Khury, Chairperson of MDWI, Yaffa  相似文献   

THE Hubei Normal College for Women, established in 1906, was the first public school in Hubei Province to enroll female students. The college offered a five-year Bachelor's Degree program. The college is located at Wuchang, one of three towns in the city of Wuhan, the provincial capital. Initially, the college had only one class of 50 students in each grade level, with a new class entering each year. Wang Shiyu, who had been appointed  相似文献   

MY first teacher was my mother. It was she who taught me to read. It was she who planted in my heart a profound love of Chinese literature. She was also the one who set me on the road to independence. Today, I am teaching others—I am an associate professor of Chinese language and literature at the Central Institute for Finance and Banking, a member of the Chinese Poetry Society, a member of the  相似文献   

WHEN the first prize winner for a prestigious jewelry design competition was announced, silence reigned in the hall. Those present were surprised by the final result, because the winner was not a European or an American designer, but a Chinese woman named Li Fangfang. It was 1989, and in celebration of its branch company's 50th anniversary in the United States, Van Cleef and Arpels,  相似文献   

SICHUAN opera, popular in Sichuan,Yunnan and Parts of Guizhou provinces,originated from Emperor Yongzheng's regime in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) by the combination of kunqiang-(melodies which originated in Kunqiang (melodies which originated in Kunshan,Jiangsu Province in the Ming Dynasty),gaoqiang (a kind of rhyme scheme of Chinese opera) and luantan (a  相似文献   

ONE of the fundamental distinctionsof a modern society from atraditional one is that in a modernsociety every citizen enjoys his/her rightslaid down by law.Traditionally,womenwere expelled from society’s mainstream.influenced as it was by the dominatingConfucian ideology,one philosophy of  相似文献   

IN the 1950s, 16 million Chinese women who hadn't even been able to read their own names learned to read 2,000 Chinese characters and to write simple letters. By attending literacy class they learned enough to be able to read popular literature. They were no longer illiterate.  相似文献   

IN June 1994, the Public Security Bureau of Beijing selected 66 young women from universities, colleges and some other units and founded the first team of patrol policewomen in China. At a personnel exchange meeting for university and technical secondary school graduates held at the Beijing International Exhibition Center, the Public Security Bureau looked for  相似文献   

IN April of 1996, Kui Yuanyuan, a core member of the Chinese Gymnastics Team, won the only gold medal for the Chinese team at the World Gymnastics Championships in Puerto Rico. It was also the first gold medal for China in international women's floor exercises. Pretty and lively Kui Yuanyuan delivered another outstanding performance on behalf of the Beijing Team at the Eighth China National Games in 1997. Gauging from the enthusiastic response of the audience, she has  相似文献   


The present paper uses a social selection and social adaptation framework to investigate whether problematic substance use normally precedes or follows homelessness. Clarifying temporal order is important for policy and program design. The paper uses information from a large dataset (n=4,291) gathered at two services in Melbourne, supplemented by 65 indepth interviews. We found that 43% of the sample had substance abuse problems. Of these people, one-third had substance abuse problems before they became homeless and two-thirds developed these problems after they became homeless. We also found that young people were more at risk of developing substance abuse problems after becoming homeless than older people and that most people with substance abuse issues remain homeless for 12 months or longer. The paper concludes with three policy recommendations.  相似文献   

WHILE a university student in Kuomintang-controlled Shanghai, she met a Communist who changed her life. This man set her on the way to become the first woman doctor in the Communist New Fourth Army. Zhang Yangfen now enjoys her old age in peace and satisfaction with her fruitful life. Sitting under the grape arbor in her courtyard, Zhang recalls her past. Every Common Person Has Her Obligation To the Country My childhood was spent in the years when China was in a desperate situation and people were living in dire poverty.  相似文献   

The 121, 357 members of the Daur nationality live mainly in the Daur Autonomous Banner of Morin Dawa (county level administrative division) in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Qiqihar, in Heilongjiang Province. The majority of Daur people believe in Shamanism, with a small number following the beliefs of Lamaism.  相似文献   

The proximity of dating partners in peer friendship networks has important implications for the diffusion of health‐risk behaviors and adolescent social development. We derive two competing hypotheses for the friendship–romance association. The first predicts that daters are proximally positioned in friendship networks prior to dating and that opposite‐gender friends are likely to transition to dating. The second predicts that dating typically crosses group boundaries and opposite‐gender friends are unlikely to later date. We test these hypotheses with longitudinal friendship data for 626 ninth‐grade PROSPER heterosexual dating couples. Results primarily support the second hypothesis: Romantic partners are unlikely to be friends in the previous year or share the same cohesive subgroup, and opposite‐gender friends are unlikely to transition to dating.  相似文献   

FOUR years ago, Hu Ping, then the Minister of Commerce, was doing an investigation in Hubei Province in central China. This busy minister took the opportunity to stroll through the market and buy himself a pair of brown mesh oxhide shoes which he put on immediately. Coming back to Beijing the next day, he took off his shoes only to find the heel of the right shoe was missing. With joy and expedition, a newly-married couple went to buy a pair of stylish women's shoes in Xidan, a shopping area in Beijing. The bride put them on at once and only walked a hundred meters before the heels dropped  相似文献   

"DE'ANG" means the "people with noble characters on the mountains". This name with its strong cultural taste is a reminder of the history of the De'ang. Long ago De'ang people preferred to settle on the hillside, probably to escape war or the prevailing plague. The De'ang villages are usually surrounded by big bodhi  相似文献   

The arrival of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States is frightening to U.S. intellectuals on many grounds, not the least of which is his narrow conception of who and what is an “American.” This essay explores this broad worry but also reflects more personally on those dangers. It contrasts visions of ‘America’ and argues that the U.S. is indeed a house divided unto itself, but not in terms of geography or citizenship. And, contrary to much wishful thinking over the years, that right-wing of the U.S. population is not a fringe element of U.S. society.  相似文献   

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