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In the study of risks , different sciences use the same category in different ways, each related to its own ontological assumptions. But many of these fields communicate very little with one another. This article seeks to approximate two of these areas of study that have shown similar concerns and that can mutually strengthen one another, namely, geography and demography. Geography was one of the first disciplines to include risk in its environmental dimension and has had broad experience in simultaneously focusing on social and natural dynamics. Demography, on the other hand, faces greater difficulties because only recently has it incorporated the environmental dimension into its scientific scope. Both have brought the concept of vulnerability into their conceptual framework as complementary to that of risk. Geographers understand vulnerability as a more symbiotic form of the relationship between society and nature, whereas demographers give it a strong socioeconomic component. In this regard, the conceptual discussion on risks and vulnerabilities, in its attempt at approximating these two fields, is a way of conceptually advancing and strengthening the different approaches to empirical work, especially in population–environment studies which is the common ground for the dialogue between the two disciplines.
Daniel Joseph HoganEmail:

Disaster disparities and differential recovery in New Orleans   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The historical disparities in the socio-demographic structure of New Orleans shaped the social vulnerability of local residents and their responses to Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. These disparities, derived from race, class, gender, and age differences, have resulted in the uneven impact of the catastrophe on various communities in New Orleans, and importantly, their ability to recover. This article examines how the pre-existing social vulnerabilities within New Orleans interacted with the level of flood exposure to produce inequities in the socio-spatial patterns of recovery. Utilizing a combination of statistical and spatial approaches, we found a distinct geographic pattern to the recovery suggesting that the social burdens and impacts from Hurricane Katrina are uneven—the less flooded and less vulnerable areas are recovering faster than tracts with more vulnerable populations and higher levels of flooding. However, there is a more nuanced story, which suggests that it is neighborhoods in the mid-range of social vulnerability where recovery is lagging. While private resources and government programs help groups in the high and low categories of social vulnerability, the middle group shows the slowest rates of recovery. Further, it appears that the congressionally funded State of Louisiana Road Home Program (designed to provide compensation to Louisiana’s homeowners who suffered impacts by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita for the damage to their home) is not having a significant effect in stimulating recovery within the city.  相似文献   

Much research to date has tended to view vulnerability by discipline or sector, despite the fact that individuals and households experience multiple, interacting and sometimes compound vulnerabilities. However, cross-disciplinary thinking on vulnerability has emerged. At the same time, also emergent is an alternative to traditional thinking on poverty, which shifts the focus away from poverty as a static set of deprivations towards poverty as a dynamic set of interacting material, relational and subjective aspects of life in a human wellbeing perspective. The contribution of this paper is to bring together these two strands of thinking in order to explore the ways in which a human wellbeing conceptual framework might contribute to the analysis of vulnerability in terms of better capturing the multidimensionality of vulnerability.  相似文献   

There are significant human impacts associated with climate change. This paper introduces a model for identifying small area risks associated with children’s vulnerability to climate change-related hazard exposures, which is transferable to other regions and adaptable to varied population and exposure scenarios. The cross-national El Paso-Ciudad Juárez (US-Mexico) metropolis serves as the study area for model implementation, which involves mapping social vulnerability, hazard exposure, and cumulative climate change-related risks. This study addresses two limitations of extant fine-scale climate change vulnerability mapping studies. First, rather than focusing on one exposure variable, it assesses the combined risks of multiple exposures (extreme heat, peak ozone, and floods) and, thus, offers a model for mapping neighborhood-level cumulative climate change exposure risks. Second, it provides a model for small area spatial analyses of climate change vulnerability within low-/middle-income countries and in contexts where climate change risks (and appropriate responses) are cross-national in scope.  相似文献   

Many developing countries are already affected by multiple stressors, which have increased their vulnerability to accelerated negative environmental change. Coastal erosion, deforestation and habitat fragmentation become even more serious problems in coastal locations when coupled with the projected impacts of climate change. However, anticipatory adaptation to such changes as increased coastal erosion and extreme events does not need to wait for specific climate scenarios, but is more reliant on the examination of current vulnerabilities and the range of possible no-regret strategies. These need to, however, accommodate multiple stakeholder preferences. This study therefore examines coastal communities’ perceptions of environmental change in northeast Zanzibar, Tanzania and their preferences for adaptive strategies, while simultaneously examining physical change processes through change analysis. The study suggests coastal forest buffer zones as an anticipatory adaptation measure, which is based on soft measures such as vegetation planting, awareness raising and stakeholder cooperation.  相似文献   

文章通过对干旱区社会经济结构、社会网络等调查,探讨气候变化导致干旱区家庭生计脆弱性的原因。借助空间回归模型,以新疆于田绿洲为研究区域,2000、2005、2010年为时间段,同时考虑社会经济结构和空间扩散因素,综合检验气候变化条件下,社会经济结构、地理位置差异、族群及相邻效应等因素对干旱区家庭生计脆弱性空间变化可能造成的影响。结果发现,家庭年均纯收入、家庭抚养比率、女性户主的家庭比例、仅以农业生产为主要经济来源的家庭比例等社会经济因素及空间相邻关系是影响干旱区生计脆弱度空间扩散的最主要原因。族群因素方面,维吾尔族对干旱区气候变化和环境演变更为适应。而不同的地理位置,如乡村和城市、绿洲和荒漠等则表现出不同的生计脆弱度空间聚集状态。  相似文献   

The article addresses a question that so far has been neglected in environmental sociology: How do social vulnerabilities and precarious situations affect opportunities for sustainable consumption? Firstly, I will show that both the sociology of inequality and environmental sociology have hardly made any systematic attempt to clarify the relation between the physical environment and social inequality. Subsequently, I will distinguish different dimensions in the physical use of the environment and ask whether and to what extent they are relevant to social inequality. I will then demonstrate that private households are the appropriate focus of research for a promising sociology of inequality approach to the distributive issues involved in using the environment. Finally, I propose that environmental research on sustainable consumption pay greater attention to the findings from recent research on precarization.  相似文献   

As social capital evolves, we need to better address how we assess it in terms of community connection and involvement. This research presents a longitudinal study of Goderich, Ontario’s post-tornado community connection and involvement in relation to the Capacities and Vulnerabilities Analysis (CVA) model’s social, physical, and motivational factors. We first address literature around rural communities, extreme stresses related to capacity and vulnerability, the window of opportunity, and current uses for the CVA model before continuing with a brief synopsis of the study community and our research methods of surveys and interviews. Our results highlight three key findings: (a) there was a reduction in perceptions of connection and satisfaction with rebuild from 2012 to 2016; (b) in 2016, employed individuals experience a stronger sense of connection to community; and (c) five years after the tornado, the more satisfaction with involvement the higher the sense of community connection. Concluding our discussion of these findings, we propose a modification to extend the CVA model’s usefulness to a wider range of situations. We argue a pre-emptive, motivationally focused CVA model can be a useful tool for rural communities in multi-level income locations to address their community’s capacities and vulnerabilities prior to an extreme stress and build their connection and involvement levels.  相似文献   

Significant advances have been made to understand the interrelationship between humans and the environment in recent years, yet research has not produced useful localized estimates that link population forecasts to environmental change. Coarse, static population estimates that have little information on projected growth or spatial variability mask substantial impacts of environmental change on especially vulnerable populations. We estimate that 20 million people in the United States will be affected by sea-level rise by 2030 in selected regions that represent a range of sociodemographic characteristics and corresponding risks of vulnerability. Our results show that the impact of sea-level rise extends beyond the directly impacted counties due to migration networks that link inland and coastal areas and their populations. Substantial rates of population growth and migration are serious considerations for developing mitigation, adaptation, and planning strategies, and for future research on the social, demographic, and political dimensions of climate change.  相似文献   

We present an integrative measure of exposure and sensitivity components of vulnerability to climatic and demographic change for the African continent in order to identify “hot spots” of high potential population vulnerability. Getis-Ord Gi* spatial clustering analyses reveal statistically significant locations of spatio-temporal precipitation decline coinciding with high population density and increase. Statistically significant areas are evident, particularly across central, southern, and eastern Africa. The highly populated Lake Victoria basin emerges as a particularly salient hot spot. People located in the regions highlighted in this analysis suffer exceptionally high exposure to negative climate change impacts (as populations increase on lands with decreasing rainfall). Results may help inform further hot spot mapping and related research on demographic vulnerabilities to climate change. Results may also inform more suitable geographical targeting of policy interventions across the continent.  相似文献   

Over the last 5 years, environmental justice (EJ) researchers have been calling for incorporation of health outcomes more directly into spatial studies of socio-demographics and environmental hazards. To date, researchers have not incorporated insurance status (an access to health care variable) in their models although access to care likely has an important association with the probability of health effects due to environmental exposures. As such, insurance status represents an important variable within spatial EJ studies focused on health, and the lack of spatially explicit access to care data is a critical limitation in the field. As a solution, we offer a method of using uninsured appendicitis cases, acquired secondarily from state hospital admissions data, to estimate rates of uninsurance at the zip-code level. We apply the technique to explore relationships between cancer risk from hazardous air pollutants and estimated rates of uninsurance, a previously unexplored phenomenon. Then, we compare the uninsurance findings to those related to poverty to illustrate how uninsurance, as a variable, compares to a more traditional socio-economic predictor used in EJ studies. The relationship between cancer risk from hazardous air pollutants and uninsurance is weaker than the relationship between risk and poverty, but both are statistically significant. As such, we conclude with a discussion of the importance of considering insurance status in spatial studies of EJ focused on health.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between place-based social vulnerability and post-disaster migration in the U.S. Gulf Coast region following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Using county-level data from the U.S. Census Bureau, we develop a regional index of social vulnerability and examine how its various dimensions are related to migration patterns in the wake of the storms. Our results show that places characterized by greater proportions of disadvantaged populations, housing damage, and, to a lesser degree, more densely built environments were significantly more likely to experience outmigration following the hurricanes. Our results also show that these relationships were not spatially random, but rather exhibited significant geographic clustering. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of these findings for future research and public policy.  相似文献   

Unlike most studies on social cohesion, this study explores the concept as a real-life macro-level phenomenon. It assesses to what extent the conceptions of social cohesion suggested by several macro-level approaches represent coherent empirically observable forms of social cohesion. Additionally it discusses two perspectives on social cohesion—the universalist and the particularist perspective. The former would expect social cohesion to be related to stages of socio-economic development. The latter hypothesizes enduring, regionally unique regimes of social cohesion resisting the homogenizing pressures of modernization. The paper finds evidence for both perspectives. On the one hand, a syndrome of social cohesion was identified consisting of trust, equality, order (i.e. lack of crime) and consensus on basic values which correlates closely with indicators of socio-economic development. This finding supports the universalist perspective. On the other hand, and consistent with the particularist perspective, the study found regionally unique patterns for Latin America, Eastern Europe and Scandinavia.  相似文献   

Currently, a number of contributions in mobility studies are looking for fruitful intersections with other ‘adjacent’ approaches . In this spirit, our theoretical paper argues to study one particular aspect: the intersection of social protection and mobilities. Currently, the provision of social services in the ‘West’ is strongly entrenched within nation-state logics, which assume that clients’ immobility is a precondition of service delivery and that national citizenship is the desirable conditionality of gaining social rights. To overcome such a wide-spread conflation of social security with state security, we introduce the heuristic concept ‘social protection’. It allows social security to be imagined beyond a state-centric perspective and avoids the pitfalls of either a citizenship or a migration approach by taking on a mobility perspective. Thus, for scholars anchored in mobility studies we propose how to develop a social security perspective in a progressive way. For readers from other areas, e.g. citizenship, migration or social policy, we will show how a mobility perspective enriched by a No Border approach can overcome a narrow Western, statist and static perspective on social security. Our goal is to conceptually open up what we call a ‘practical utopia’ research agenda, one that expands our political horizons for future and present socialities.  相似文献   

深圳市城市内部人口与社会空间结构研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张岸  齐清文 《南方人口》2006,21(3):52-57
“物以类聚,人以群分”,城市内部的人们由于社会、经济、文化等原因而在空间上表现为一定结构。国内外对于深圳市这类新兴移民城市的人口和社会空间结构研究还不多见,通过采用因子分析和空间分析结合的计算机统计分析技术,使用第四次人口普查和第五次人口普查数据,从人口空间结构和社会空间结构两大方面对深圳市的人口展开研究。具体来说,一是深圳市人口数量的分布和变化研究,主要通过人口总量、人口密度和多个人口密度分布模型来测算和分析;二是对于社会空间结构的分析,主要对人口普查数据的人口社会、经济、文化属性进行因子分析,提取出若干个主因子,然后根据各个街道这些因子的得分情况进行聚类分析,得到深圳市社会空间结构的模型。  相似文献   

Reid A 《Population studies》2002,56(2):151-166
This paper examines influences on post-neonatal mortality in Derbyshire (England) in the early twentieth century, by applying multivariate hazard analysis to a rare individual-level data set. The data allow detailed patterns of breastfeeding and weaning to be examined. The role of feeding is given special attention as a mediator between mortality and the other environmental, social, and demographic factors considered. Twins and illegitimate children were more likely to have been hand-fed, but this could explain only a small fraction of their increased vulnerability. Artificial feeding was associated with increased risks of death from diseases was predominantly the result of the greater likelihood of congenitally weak children being hand-fed. Most of the variation in post-neonatal mortality, particularly from respiratory disease, was explained by environmental influences - population density, altitude, and the presence of mining.  相似文献   

The economic crisis has increased the inequality and heterogeneity of people at risk of social exclusion, and thus their financial vulnerability. This article reviews the literature on the determinants of unbanking and underbanking and proposes a model linking financial and social exclusion. We aimed to determine if people at risk of poverty and social exclusion are integrated -and to what extent- in the financial system. To answer this question, we identified the demographic and the social exclusion factors that determine both the status of financial vulnerability and the use of banking services. We used multivariate analysis methods to analyze the information from the survey on social vulnerability conducted by the Red Cross Spain in 2015. Our results show a negative relationship between the risk of social exclusion and the intensity of use of banking services. This can lead to financial vulnerability and exclusion in the most extreme situations. We suggest that underbanking is the most relevant—but not previously studied- situation of financial vulnerability in Europe and discuss its implications for policymakers. This paper contributes to the measurement of the link between financial and social exclusion, and is the first quantitative study on the use of banking products by vulnerable people in a European context.  相似文献   

In recent years the political economy of the world-system approach to macrostructural change has asserted itself as a dominant paradigm in the sociology of development. Increasingly, comparative urban researchers have pointed to the linkages between the growth of Third World cities and the role these places play in the changing international system. This article begins by summarizing the major elements of this perspective on “dependent urbanization.” Then the urban experiences of the less-developed nations of East Asia are interpreted using this approach. This analysis leads into a discussion that centers on the main objective of the article, which is to tie the dependency/world-system perspective to policy-making and planning. How can this research contribute to debates about practical problems and suggest realistic, implementable solutions? The article concludes with some general comments about the relationship between theoretical analysis, planning, and action directed at bringing about social change.  相似文献   

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