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创业团队的创新绩效,是保证企业生存和发展的关键。基于自我决定理论,探析团队心理授权、团队成员交换、任务互依性与团队创新绩效之间的关系。以浙江省参加大学生“挑战杯”大赛的72个团队为例,采用配套成组方式,进行问卷调查和数据分析。结果发现:团队心理授权正向影响成员交换和团队创新绩效,成员交换中介了两者之间的正向关系,任务互依性正向调节了团队心理授权与团队成员交换之间的关系。研究结果丰富并拓展了理论界关于团队心理授权和团队创新绩效的研究,为企业提升团队创新绩效,提供了新的视角和思路。  相似文献   

在调研84个知识团队,共338名成员的基础上,以共享心智模型和行为信任为中介变量,从团队成员的专长、任务和人际3个方面的特性出发,构建了一个“环境基础-内化条件-知识系统”的整合模型.研究结果显示,团队成员的专长异质性、任务互依性和关系强度对交互式记忆系统产生正向影响.共享心智模型和行为信任完全中介了专长异质性和任务互依性对交互记忆系统的作用,部分中介了关系强度对交互记忆系统的影响.在控制变量中,团队规模对交互记忆系统存在负向影响,团队历史和任务复杂性对交互记忆系统具有正向影响.  相似文献   

李燃  王辉  赵佳卉 《管理科学》2016,29(5):71-82
 近年来,激烈的市场竞争对组织的创新能力提出了更高的要求。除个人创造力以外,如何提高组织中的团队创造力越来越受到学者和管理者的共同关注。        从团队层面检验真诚型领导行为对创造力的积极影响,并对与团队创造力紧密相关的反馈寻求氛围、团队中的地位冲突水平、任务依存性等影响因素进行综合分析和检验;利用问卷调查方式,收集中国东北地区8家企业、84个团队、两个时间点的数据,进行回归分析。        研究结果表明,真诚型领导行为对团队创造力有显著的积极影响;反馈寻求氛围对真诚型领导行为与团队创造力之间的积极关系起中介作用;团队中的地位冲突会削弱真诚型领导行为与反馈寻求氛围之间的正向关系,即当团队中的地位冲突水平较低时真诚型领导行为对反馈寻求氛围的积极影响更大,当团队中的地位冲突水平较高时这种积极影响会被削弱;任务依存性对反馈寻求氛围与团队创造力之间积极关系的调节作用没有得到数据支持。        研究结果验证了真诚型领导行为对团队创造力的作用机制和积极效果,引入反馈寻求氛围的概念解释真诚型领导行为风格对团队创造力的作用机制,在分析真诚型领导行为与反馈寻求氛围之间起到调节作用时运用地位冲突这个较新的概念,为未来的相关研究奠定了基础,对组织管理实践有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

马君  王迪 《管理科学》2015,28(3):38-51
适应新常态与创新引领是当前中国转型发展的主基调,如何激活员工创造力已经提到企业发展的战略议程.基于有机整合理论和内外激励协同的视角,引入心理需要作为重要的边界条件(发挥调节作用)和作用机制(发挥中介作用),构建一个被中介的调节效应模型,尝试揭示任务意义和奖励如何协同影响员工创造力.以某信用卡中心3 150名员工为研究样本,运用多元回归和区间估计Bootstrap法进行假设检验.研究结果表明,①任务意义正向影响创造力,表明优化工作设计、让员工体验到更多的工作意义和价值有助于提升创造力;②奖励正向调节任务意义与创造力的关系,但被胜任需要和归属需要的中介作用所解释,表明尽管奖励从整体上促进任务意义转化为创造力,但只有当奖励能够激活个体的胜任感和归属感时,才能推动员工将从任务意义中体验到的内在激励因素转化为现实的创造力成果.研究结果为弥合激励理论冲突、推进理论整合提供了新的分析框架,也为相关行业优化工作设计、丰富任务意义感知以及完善绩效评价和薪酬设计提供了坚实的理论指导和实践指南.  相似文献   

基于期望理论和公平理论视角,从团队层面对绩效薪酬与团队成员探索性创新行为(简称探索行为)和利用性创新行为(简称利用行为)的关系进行跨层次研究,检验团队薪酬水平的调节效应.采用上下级问卷匹配的方式搜集调查数据,运用HLM 6.0对来自51名团队主管和329名团队成员的匹配数据进行统计分析.研究结果表明,绩效薪酬与探索行为之间为倒U形关系,与利用行为之间为正相关关系.薪酬水平调节绩效薪酬与探索行为的关系,在高薪酬水平情境下,高强度绩效薪酬对探索行为的负向效应更弱;在低薪酬水平情境下,高强度绩效薪酬对探索行为的负向效应更强.薪酬水平正向调节绩效薪酬与利用行为之间的关系,团队薪酬水平越高,绩效薪酬与利用行为之间的正向关系越强.为绩效薪酬有效性研究提供了一个新的研究视角,研究结论对指导企业优化团队薪酬决策及改进创新管理具有重要的实践价值.  相似文献   

选取1960-2009年间9国的面板数据,基于面板平滑转换回归(PSTR)模型及改进的算法,实证分析了经济增长与能源强度间的关系。实证结果不仅支持了经济增长与能源强度之间倒U型关系的存在,而且表明在一国经济的不同发展阶段,经济增长与能源强度之间存在连续平滑转换机制,机制转换效应使经济变量以阈值为界从一个机制转为另一个机制;目前,中国的经济增长与能源强度处于倒U型曲线的上行阶段,当人均GDP达13208.48美元时,能源强度的拐点或将出现,经济增长对能源的依赖程度或将逐步下降。  相似文献   

传统金融理论中理性人假设并不能有效解释我国股票市场现象。国内学者基于行为金融理论,考虑投资者行为对股票市场的影响,但理论分析不足且鲜有聚焦于异质交易者情绪交易行为。因此本文从投资者情绪异质视角,把股票市场投资者划分为乐观交易者与悲观交易者,建立数学模型从理论上推导乐观情绪投资者、悲观情绪投资者与异质交易者结构对股票波动的交互影响机理。研究结果表明:乐观交易者占比较小的情况下,随着悲观情绪的缓和,乐观情绪对股价波动的效应是倒U形曲线;而随着乐观情绪的高涨,悲观情绪的缓和对股价波动同样呈倒U形。当乐观交易者占比很高时,乐观交易者情绪高涨与悲观情绪缓和均会助推股价波动。从异质交易者结构来看,乐观交易者占比对股价波动影响效应为正U形曲线,而更高水平的乐观情绪与更低水平的悲观情绪会提前其效应的反转。本文的研究结果较好地解释了牛熊市、虚假信息披露与宏观调控政策低效等事实的存在逻辑,为优化交易者结构,改善信息披露质量,进而防范股票市场系统性风险提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

越轨创新是员工自发进行的一种非正式创新,在组织中普遍存在,并逐渐得到学界关注。已有研究从个体、领导和组织角度对越轨创新的形成因素进行了大量探索,但忽略了同事的作用。因此,当员工观察到同事创造力后,是否以及如何对自身越轨创新产生影响值得探讨。结合社会信息加工理论和社会规范视角,构建有调节的中介模型,提出同事创造力将对员工的越轨创新产生曲线效应的影响,创新同侪压力是上述关系的关键中介机制;考察员工的面子取向作为创新同侪压力对员工后续越轨创新的激发作用,以及同事创造力通过创新同侪压力激发员工越轨创新这一间接关系的边界条件。通过问卷调查方法,在两个时间点上收集259对领导与员工的配对数据,运用Spss 26.0和Mplus 8.0进行回归分析,对上述理论假设进行检验。研究结果表明,(1)同事创造力对越轨创新有显著的J形曲线效应;(2)同事创造力对创新同侪压力有显著的J形曲线效应;(3)创新同侪压力在同事创造力对越轨创新的J形曲线效应中起中介作用;(4)员工的争面子取向在创新同侪压力与越轨创新的关系中起调节作用,员工争面子取向越高二者关系越强,但护面子取向不能调节创新同侪压力与越轨创新的关系;(...  相似文献   

王永贵  姚山季  瞿燕舞 《管理学报》2011,8(7):1004-1009
以认知评价理论为基础,采用实验研究方法探讨了消费者参与创新体验情境下影响胜任感与自治感的关键因素以及可能存在的调节效应。研究结果表明,在消费者参与创新体验的活动过程中,当提供图像说明时,消费者的胜任感水平更高,自治感水平却更低;消费者对目标任务的感知复杂性会对自治感产生积极影响,但对消费者胜任感的影响不显著。消费者个性对操作说明与感知胜任感之间的关系具有调节作用。  相似文献   

作为一种积极的领导风格,授权型领导的积极作用会有临界点,到达临界点之后,授权型领导与结果变量之间会呈现倒U型曲线关系,即产生"过犹不及"效应。授权型领导被定义为领导者将权力授予下属、团队或组织,让其进行自主管理、自主决策的一系列行为。关于授权型领导的"过犹不及"效应的研究主题包括工作态度、角色认知、工作行为、工作绩效,其理论基础包括资源保存理论、角色理论、社会交换理论、双重任务加工理论,其边界条件可从个人层面和组织层面进行总结。在未来的研究中,可以从静态和动态两方面来分析领导者授权行为的积极效应和消极效应;从辩证的视角分析过度授权为何以及如何对团队和组织产生负面影响,进一步回答如何授权才最有效的问题;从个体特征、领导—成员交互视角、文化因素等方面对授权型领导"过犹不及"效应的边界条件予以拓展。  相似文献   

Using surveys and interview data this research examines teams’ engagement in creative processes. Results of cluster analysis indicated that the more creative teams were those that perceived that their tasks required high levels of creativity, were working on jobs with high task interdependence, were high on shared goals, valued participative problem-solving, and had a climate supportive of creativity. In addition, members of the more creative teams spent more time socializing with each other and had moderate amounts of organizational tenure. Implications for management are discussed.  相似文献   

Team cultural diversity, the degree to which working team members differ in culture‐related factors, may affect healthcare teams’ outcomes. This paper focuses on one particular source of cultural diversity, namely religion, and examines its relation to the production efficiency of hospital wards. Building on the categorization‐elaboration model of organizational diversity, the authors test an empirical model positing that team religious diversity has non‐linear effects on efficiency, and considering the role of moderating variables of the relation diversity–efficiency. Empirically, the authors adopt a two‐step approach, whereby the first step applies data envelopment analysis to estimate efficiency scores for each team, and the second investigates the effect of diversity and of moderating variables. The model is tested on a sample of hospital wards from three large hospitals in Dubai. The results suggest an inverse U‐shaped relation between religious diversity and the wards’ efficiency. Evidence is provided that the relation is moderated by task complexity, task conflict, team leader tenure and diversity in nationality. This study advances research on the management of hospital team diversity by emphasizing the complexity of diversity effects and the importance of contextual factors.  相似文献   

In light of the workforce's increasing nationality diversity, our study explores the antecedents for the successful management of nationality diversity as visualized in a favourable diversity climate and enhanced team performance. We propose a double‐contingency model in which we argue that the effects of nationality diversity will be dependent upon task interdependence and leaders’ cultural intelligence. We propose that nationality diversity will be more consequential in more interdependent teams, in which team interactions and processes are more salient. Moreover, team leaders with higher cultural intelligence will possess the skills to foster adequate team processes and thereby enhance diversity climate and performance of nationally diverse, more interdependent teams. We collected multi‐source data from 63 work teams (N = 410) and their supervisors at a German facility management company. Moderated regression analyses supported the hypothesized three‐way interaction between nationality diversity, task interdependence and leaders’ cultural intelligence. Additional simple slope analysis showed that nationality diversity is positively related to diversity climate and performance only when both team leaders’ cultural intelligence and task interdependence are high. Our study not only provides recommendations for successful nationality diversity management but also yields theoretical implications for diversity and cultural intelligence research.  相似文献   

The effect of leadership on individuals in multinational teams remains underexplored. Based on self-concept theory, our study investigates how subordinates' work engagement is influenced by their perception of leader cultural gap bridging (CGB) behaviors that seek to facilitate intercultural collaboration in multinational teams. We draw on a quantitative, two-wave, individual-level study with 280 employees working in multinational teams. Our results reveal that subordinates' perception of leaders' CGB behaviors enhance their work engagement through its effect on their team identification. The positive indirect effect is contingent on the level of relationship conflict in the multinational teams.  相似文献   

Modern business decisions are naturally prone to political influence and have become increasingly complex. Firms attempt to address this complexity by using decision-making teams, which not only involve the use of politics but also show conflict among members. We know only little about politics in decision-making teams. Paradoxically, the team level is particularly eminent in the related conflict literature. Hence, we incorporate the team level by relating the individual-, dyadic-, team-, and organizational-level politics literature with the team conflict literature to foster exchange between conceptually related yet empirically distant streams of research and to initiate more intensive politics research at the team level. In a thematic analysis of 166 publications, we identify 11 themes that represent ongoing discussions, debates, and trends within and between research in politics and conflict. We map out how research on multilevel politics and team-level conflict can enhance their mutual understanding and strengthen the meaningful team perspective in politics research in the future. Our main theoretical implications are advice for future scholarly research on theory choice within and between these streams of research, on the challenges of researching organizational politics and conflict as multilevel phenomena, and on conceptual boundaries between the positive effects of politics and conflict.  相似文献   

信任与建设性争辩对科研团队创造力影响的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
如何提高科研团队创造力是科研管理的一个重要课题。本文目的在于探寻科研团队内信任与建设性争辩的相互作用机制及其对团队创造力的影响,在回顾国内外相关研究文献的基础上,利用问卷调查,对中国科学院6所科研院所的163名科研团队成员进行施测。研究结果显示:在科研团队内,信任与建设性争辩和团队创造力都呈正相关关系;建设性争辩与团队创造力呈正相关关系;信任通过建设性争辩的中介作用来促进团队创造力。本文的研究结论对科研管理具有一定的理论和实践指导意义。  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》2015,26(6):1080-1094
Considerable theoretical and empirical work has identified a relationship between transformational leadership and team performance and creativity. The mechanisms underlying this link, however, are not well understood. To identify the intervening processes inherent in this relationship, we experimentally manipulated the leadership style assigned to 44 teams taking part in a resource-maximization task. Teams were exposed either to a leader using inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, or a control condition. Our findings reveal important differences between leadership styles in communication and team outcomes (objective task performance and creativity). These results suggest that different dimensions of transformational leadership should be emphasized depending on the outcome sought. In addition, our results provide evidence for a sequential mediation model where leadership influences team outcomes through overall team communication and trust in teammates. This study suggests mechanisms by which transformational leaders may impact team outcomes, which has implications for team building and leadership training.  相似文献   

Creativity increasingly takes place in organizational settings best described as large-scale, long-time duration projects. Such projects, directed at the development of complex products such as aircraft, autos and computers, are characterized by high levels of complexity including ambiguity as to the ultimate outcome and design of the product. In developing these types of products, firms design organizational structures that are composed of many multi-functional teams, each responsible for the design of some sub-system of the overall project. Through a process of inductive theory building based on a case analysis of one such organization, we propose that creativity is affected by multiple levels of interdependence. We find that even the best attempts at developing an organizational architecture to handle such complexity are never complete and that periodically crises arise during the design process. These crises are significant events where creativity occurs and new technical knowledge is generated, allowing the organization to realize its project objectives. Although the case analysis centers on the relation of context to creativity, we argue that creativity leads to technological learning, which we define as a form of organizational learning.  相似文献   

The role of different types of intelligence in the occurrence of conflict in global virtual teams (GVTs) has largely been overlooked in the literature. As suggested by the theory of multiple intelligences, this study explores how cultural intelligence (CQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ) influence the occurrence of interpersonal, task and process conflicts in GVTs. Furthermore, by drawing on the contingency theory of task conflict and performance in groups and organisational teams, we examine the impact of these different types of conflict on the performance of GVTs. Utilising multilevel analysis, we tested the research model using a sample of 810 graduate and undergraduate business students from 38 different countries who worked in 232 GVTs. The results show that the CQ and EQ of the team members reduce the occurrence of the three different intragroup conflicts in GVTs. We also demonstrate that process conflict negatively affects GVT performance. We discuss the implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

The success of many knowledge‐intensive industries depends on creative projects that lie at the heart of their logic of production. The temporality of such projects, however, is an issue that is insufficiently understood. To address this, we study the perceived time frame of teams that work on creative projects and its effects on project dynamics. An experiment with 267 managers assigned to creative project teams with varying time frames demonstrates that, compared to creative project teams with a relatively longer time frame, project teams with a shorter time frame focus more on the immediate present, are less immersed in their task and utilize a more heuristic mode of information processing. Furthermore, we find that time frame moderates the negative effect of team conflict on team cohesion. These results are consistent with our theory that the temporary nature of creative projects shapes different time frames among project participants, and that it is this time frame that is an important predictor of task and team processes.  相似文献   

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