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随着地方金融改革的深入,金融创新持续推进,区域金融协同发展过程中,金融风险呈现集聚效应。区域性金融风险突发性强,传导速度快,局部机构的经营恶化极有可能导致区域性金融危机爆发。因此,现阶段亟需借助金融审计手段,发挥金融审计的预防、警示等作用,采用行之有效的措施,对金融风险进行有效识别、防范与化解,进而促进区域金融健康协同发展。  相似文献   

金融创新与金融风险的防范和化解是动态依存的,两者的多重重复博弈的结果等于总体上的金融发展收益加上可控制或可忍受的风险水平和技术进步条件下的金融创新。金融创新在促进金融发展时若使用不当,会加大金融风险,因为创新促使商业银行改变经营策略,金融体系改变其构成,以及金融风险的隐蔽性更强,但如果能创新金融理念,并以金融技术创新和金融制度创新为主体,创造灵活实用的经营手段、金融工具和健全的金融法律制度,就一定能增强各金融机构防范和化解风险的能力并扩展其生存空间。  相似文献   

消费道德是建立在社会主义市场经济基础上的有利于社会经济可持续发展的适度、健康文明的消费观念和消费行为。目前在我们的消费领域存在不少问题,这和我国社会健康持续发展存在着矛盾和冲突,所以我们要加强消费道德建设,树立低碳消费观念,促进社会健康持续发展。  相似文献   

居民消费水平的高低,消费结构是否合理,消费方式是否优化,在很大程度上反映一个国家、一个民族、一个地区的经济发展状况、社会发展程度、人民的生活质量。建设社会主义新农村,需要创造条件,保证农民消费质量。本文针对改善农村消费环境、完善农村消费市场、引导农民改变消费观念等一系列问题从金融服务业支持的角度论述了自己的看法。  相似文献   

金融创新、金融风险和金融稳定的关系是一个具有现实意义的问题,金融创新是金融领域各种要素的重新优化组合和金融资源的重新配置。从微观层面看,金融创新对金融稳定的促进作用体现在金融风险规避、金融效率提高和金融市场发展。从宏观层面看,金融创新有助于货币融通、金融体系稳定和金融发展安全等。而另一方面,金融创新可能带来金融脆弱性、危机传染性和系统性风险,并给金融监管带来巨大挑战,对金融安全产生负面冲击。  相似文献   

近年来,洛阳市政府金融办紧紧围绕市委、市政府中心工作,认真贯彻落实中央、省、市各项金融决策和部署,深入学习实践科学发展观,扎实开展创先争优活动,营造良好金融生态环境,以构建区域性金融中心为目标,大力引进各类金融机构落户该市,不断增强金融业发展活力,做大、做强、做优该市金融业,有力促进了该市经济和社会又好又快发展。  相似文献   

(一)汽车消费成为拉动湖北消费市场快速增长的重要支撑点  相似文献   

网络金融的迅猛发展对银行业而言是机遇与挑战并存。研究阐述了银行业迎接互联网金融时代的意义;剖析了新互联网金融浪潮下银行业面对的制度挑战、运营挑战及技术挑战;揭示了银行业所面临的基于制度优势、运营优势及技术优势的机遇。研究有助于促进传统银行业向网络金融业的平稳转型和我国网络金融的稳健发展。  相似文献   

The risk analysis of the health impact of foods is increasingly focused on integrated risk‐benefit assessment, which will also need to be communicated to consumers. It therefore becomes important to understand how consumers respond to integrated risk‐benefit information. Quality‐adjusted‐life‐years (QALYs) is one measure that can be used to assess the balance between risks and benefits associated with a particular food. The effectiveness of QALYs for communicating both positive and negative health effects associated with food consumption to consumers was examined, using a 3 × 2 experiment varying information about health changes in terms of QALYs associated with the consumption of fish (n = 325). The effect of this information on consumer perceptions of the usefulness of QALYs for describing health effects, on risk and benefit perceptions, attitudes, and intentions to consume fish was examined. Results demonstrated that consumers perceived QALYs as useful for communicating health effects associated with food consumption. QALYs communicated as a net effect were preferred for food products associated with negative net effects on health, while separate communication of both risks and benefits may be preferred for food products associated with positive or zero net health effects. Information about health changes in terms of QALYs facilitated informed decision making by consumers, as indicated by the impact on risk and benefit perceptions as intended by the information. The impact of this information on actual food consumption choices merits further investigation.  相似文献   

价格促销对消费者品牌选择的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过实验方法探索性地研究了价格促销对消费者品牌选择的非对称影响。研究表明:消费者对不同产品的价格敏感性有所不同;较贵重的笔记本电脑、手机等耐用消费品行业中的低端品牌在与高端品牌的短期价格竞争中会获得更多市场份额,而对较廉价的洗发水等非耐用消费品来说,高端品牌将会在降价促销时获益更多。本文研究结论与国外同类研究结论有所不同,对企业的定价决策有重要的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

A mathematical model is presented, which addresses individual hygiene practices during food preparation and consumption patterns in private homes. Further, the model links food preparers and consumers based on their relationship to household types. For different age and gender groups, the model estimates (i) the probability of ingesting a meal where precautions have not been taken to avoid the transfer of microorganisms from raw food to final meal (a risk meal), exemplified by the event that the cutting board was not washed during food preparation, and (ii) the probability of ingesting a risk meal in a private home, where chicken was the prepared food item (a chicken risk meal). Chicken was included in the model, as chickens are believed to be the major source of human exposure to the foodborne pathogen Campylobacter. Monte Carlo simulations showed that the probability of ingesting a risk meal was highest for young males (aged 18-29 years) and lowest for the elderly above 60 years of age. Children aged 0-4 years had a higher probability of ingesting a risk meal than children aged 5-17 years. This difference between age and gender groups was ascribed to the variations in the hygiene levels of food preparers. By including the probability of ingesting a chicken meal at home, simulations revealed that all age groups, except the group above 60 years of age, had approximately the same probability of ingesting a chicken risk meal, the probability of females being slightly higher than that of males. The simulated results show that the probability of ingesting a chicken risk meal at home does not only depend on the hygiene practices of the persons preparing the food, but also on the consumption patterns of consumers, and the relationship between people preparing and ingesting food. This finding supports the need of including information on consumer behavior and preparation hygiene in the consumer phase of exposure assessments.  相似文献   

消费者创新性对绿色消费行为的影响机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
劳可夫 《南开管理评论》2013,16(4):106-113,132
消费者创新性是消费者比其所处社会环境中的其他人更早接受市场创新的程度。本文主要探索消费者创新性对理性且受环境条件约束的绿色消费行为的影响机制。本研究首先参考计划行为理论,构建了消费者创新性影响绿色消费行为的假设模型,然后根据假设模型设计调查问卷并开展了问卷调查;最后本研究对问卷调查所获得的909份样本数据进行了数据信度和效度检验,并用AMOS17.0软件对问卷调查数据和假设模型进行了结构方程模型的拟合检验。研究结果表明,消费者创新性对绿色消费行为具有显著影响,其作用机制是通过影响消费者绿色消费的态度、主观规范和知觉控制影响消费者的绿色消费意向,进而影响绿色消费行为;研究结果还表明,男性、较年轻、较高学历和较高收入的人群具有更高的消费者创新性。  相似文献   

中国房地产市场与金融市场发展关系的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
随着我国房地产业的发展,房地产市场与金融市场的关系越来越密切,但国内尚无有关房地产市场与金融市场关系的实证研究.本文在实证分析中国1997到2003年间房地产市场与金融市场的月度数据基础上,建立两者之间的误差修正模型(ECM模型).我们对ECM模型线性Cranger因果检验,并对模型的残差项进行非线性Granger因果检验,发现房地产市场的发展与金融市场的发展长期之间存在着双向线性因果关系,但没有发现两者间的非线性的Granger因果关系.  相似文献   

冷秀华 《管理科学》2002,15(1):72-75
产业兴衰是经济发展不同阶段的必然产物,是产业结构调整的基础.分析了我国西部地区新兴产业发展与衰退产业退出的障碍因素,提出应该遵循产业兴衰规律,促优限劣,推动产业结构升级,推进西部经济发展.  相似文献   

《Risk analysis》2018,38(4):638-652
The objective of this research was to analyze the impact of different cooking procedures (i.e., gas hob and traditional static oven) and levels of cooking (i.e., rare, medium, and well‐done) on inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella in pork loin chops. Moreover, the consumer's exposure to both microorganisms after simulation of meat leftover storage at home was assessed. The results showed that well‐done cooking in a static oven was the only treatment able to inactivate the tested pathogens. The other cooking combinations allowed to reach in the product temperatures always ≥73.6 °C, decreasing both pathogens between 6 log10 cfu/g and 7 log10 cfu/g. However, according to simulation results, the few cells surviving cooking treatments can multiply during storage by consumers up to 1 log10 cfu/g, with probabilities of 0.059 (gas hob) and 0.035 (static oven) for L. monocytogenes and 0.049 (gas hob) and 0.031 (static oven) for Salmonella . The key factors affecting consumer exposure in relation to storage practices were probability of pathogen occurrence after cooking, doneness degree, time of storage, and time of storage at room temperature. The results of this study can be combined with prevalence data and dose–response models in risk assessment models and included in guidelines for consumers on practices to be followed to manage cooking of pork meat at home.  相似文献   

针对消费者对国内生鲜农产品质量安全的"信任危机",本文构建了植入消费体验的生鲜电商C2B2B2C模型,让碎片化的消费者通过互联网就近聚合为社群化的食物社区,生产者通过合作社聚合为规模化生产基地,食物社区与生产基地借助电商平台进行产销对接、以销定产和消费体验。研究表明,在传统B2C模式下消费者只能依据供应商提供的信息进行Stackelberg博弈和有限消费体验,购买需求较少。当植入充分的消费体验后,生产者与消费者融合为prosumer,购买需求随消费者对生产者的信任度增加而增加。实证揭示,农耕生产、质量追溯、物流配送、网购操作、产品呈现和售后服务都会显著影响消费体验,电商平台要实现商业可持续性发展必须为消费者设置这些全面而丰富的体验场景。  相似文献   

近年来,南江县坚持把科学决策作为推进依法行政、建设效能政府的重要保障来抓,狠抓决策咨询工作,加强决策制度建设,通过科学决策,不断推进经济社会的和谐健康发展。一、加强决策咨询和监督,提高行政决策的公信力发挥科技顾问团的咨询论证作用。我们坚持先咨询、后论证、再决策的原则,充分发挥咨询机构的作用,避免和减少决策失误与决策风险。县委、县政府成立了由县长任组长的科技顾问团,下设综合、农业、工业、基础设施建设、社会事业5个专家顾问组,从县内外聘请67名专家和科技拔尖人才担任顾问。科技顾问团的主要职责是为县委、县政府决策…  相似文献   

本文首先分析了网络财务的发展现状及存在的问题,然后分析了无线网络财务的特点和相对优势,并从技术可行性、经济可行性、管理可行性3个方面对我国企业发展无线网络财务进行了可行性分析,接着分析了我国企业无线网络财务的应用框架,最后对无线网络财务存在的问题及不足之处进行了探讨,并对发展前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

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