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<正>一个大学生毕业后找工作,一次又一次的失败。最后小伙子不找工作了,他把自己每次失败的原因总结出来,开了个应聘工作培训公司,用自己失败的经历去警惕别人,帮助别人成功的找到工作,同时也成就了他自己的事业。这令人想起"渔王"教儿子捕鱼的故事。经验丰富的"渔王",手把手精心调教出来的儿子,捕鱼技巧却怎么也比不上普通渔民的儿子,智者告诉苦闷的"渔王",你只传授了他们你的经验、技术,却没有传授他们失  相似文献   

大凡领导,都懂得人才的重要性,但在实践中往往是用人成功易、容人失败难,因此埋没了不少人才。这不能不令人深思。按照科学用人观,容人之败与用人之功并行不悖,同样有利于英才辈出、事业发达。  相似文献   

沙平 《领导文萃》2007,(5):149-149
1928年,大散文家沈从文被当时任中国公学校长的胡适聘为该校讲师。沈从文时年才26岁,学历只是小学文化,闯入十里洋场的上海为时不长,即以一手灵气飘逸的散文而震惊文坛,当时已颇有名气。  相似文献   

感悟失败   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人们都希望事业成功,人生辉煌,然而,却总会遇到挫折和失败。即使一位最成功的人士,在其漫长的人生岁月中,也不可能一帆风顺,心想事成。美籍华人建筑师贝聿铭,他所设计的建筑物都是世界级的水准,其作品遍及全世界各大城市,贝幸铭的盛名誉满全球。然而,就是这样一位大名鼎鼎的人物,也有失意的时候。七十年代初,当他的事业正如旭日上升之际,突然受到一次沉重打击。由他设计的波士顿市60层高的“镜子”大厦——约翰·汉考克大厦发生了事故。这座大厦整座建筑完成之前,大厦外壳已全部装好的双层玻璃窗的玻璃片就开始脱落堕地。此事…  相似文献   

高尔夫球名将黑根说过,在每打一局球之前,他都事先准备打出6个坏球,那么结果真的打出了坏球就觉得很正常,也不以为然了。但这样做的结果常常相反——他并不会真的打出6个坏球,成绩往往出乎意料地好。有行家评论说:事先承认不论哪一局球你不可避免地会犯错误,就可以减少心理的压力,而发挥出更好的水平。  相似文献   

如果有人经历的失败足以葬送一个为之奋斗的事业的话,那么,塞奥·捷曼正是战胜了这种失败的人。 1984年,可口可乐公司授权他扭转同百事可乐公司竞争引起销售下跌的不利局面。捷曼的策略是改变可口可乐的配方,以“新可乐”商标面市,并对此大肆宣传。然而,却没能保住旧可乐的市场。他  相似文献   

多年前,蜗居台湾的何应钦以四星上将的身份跑到荷兰旅游,荷兰国防部接待了他,并带他参观了荷兰的国防设施。参观完后,荷兰人又做了一个国防简报,向何应钦展示了一旦战争爆发他们如何应对的计划,这份计划之缜密、全面让何应钦咋舌。但更令何应钦惊讶的是,他看到了一份更详细的计划,而且被放置在所有计划最显眼的位置,以突出它的重要地位,这个计划的名称叫——投降计划。何应钦表示很不理解,他说,在中国人眼里,投降是可耻的事情,是被所有人看不起的行为,而为投降做计划会涣散军心,是战争大忌,中国文化崇尚舍生取义。而荷兰人的回答很从容:“我…  相似文献   

在我们的传统观念中,虽然也有“胜败乃兵家常事”、“不以成败论英雄”等哲言,但在人们心理积淀中,更牢固的还是“胜者为王,败者为寇”这样一种遗训。时至今日,鲜花、掌声和笑脸依旧包围着胜利者,失败者只得  相似文献   

某省农科院在今年不到两个月的时间里,有3名中青年高级科研人员因闯市场屡屡碰壁,造成压力大精神失常而自杀。其中一位39岁的副研究员是农科院作为特殊人才从西北引进的甜瓜专家,在湘园瓜果种苗分公司从事甜瓜研究和育种,先后开发出10多个甜瓜新品种。由于没有完成创收任务受到奚落,就打开家里的液化气自杀,并在肚子上割了一刀、颈上割了一刀,最后从5楼跳下。科研应该面向市场,但让科研人员去做生意,可能钱赚不到,科研也做不好。人不是万能的,不是在所有行当都能取得成功,即使是在熟悉的领域,有时也会遭到失败。失败并不可怕,可怕的是社会不…  相似文献   

自己把自己说服了,是一种理智的胜利;自己被自己感动了,是一种心灵的升华;自己把自己征服了,是一种人生的成  相似文献   

This paper outlines a model for examining the process of formulating a successful management buyout, taking the viewpoint of all concerned, viz., buyers, sellers, advisors, investors and employees. It arises out of the observation of, and involvement in, a number of buyout negotiations: some were completed but continue to falter; some were aborted; others are currently successful. The paper suggests that eventual success is a function of two main factors. The first is the probability of conflict, as defined by the buyout typology, and the second the decisions made, and not made, during negotiations. The latter includes such questions as, for the company: what to hive down: which management to involve; future customer relations; and for the deal: the setting of the price: the future role of investors; choosing advisors.  相似文献   

The failure rate of American executives placed in overseas assignments is unacceptably high. Better selection techniques and training methodologies could help improve the chance of success of expatriates.  相似文献   

Is Corporate Planning a failure or a success? In this article David Hussey assesses the research which has been done on the planning process and concludes that Corporate Planning obviously has the potential to improve business performance but for many reasons this potential has not been realized. He then examines the attempts which are currently being made to persuade managers to ‘think strategically’, to use portfolio analysis scenarios and other techniques of strategic analysis. He asserts that to succeed, the planner or the consultant in planning must use these and other analytical approaches to help managers ‘to change the perceptual boundaries of the strategic problem’ and generate strategies and action programmes which will enable them to compete successfully in world markets.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2022,55(4):102109
This study examines the learning effect of multinational enterprises' (MNEs) failure experience in foreign direct investment (FDI). We also examine the contingent effects of two key investment attributes: cultural distance between the host countries and the MNE's home country and entry mode. Using a longitudinal dataset of Korean foreign direct investments during 1990–2011, we find that an MNE's prior FDI failure experience is negatively related to the failure likelihood of a focal subsequent FD, indicating a learning effect of FDI failure experience. Our results show that this learning effect weakens, as the cultural distance between the host countries of prior failed FDIs and South Korea, or the joint venture percentage among prior failed investments increases; however, those interaction effects become insignificant when a focal subsequent FDI is in a culturally different country, or a JV. This study enriches the literature on learning from failure and research on experiential learning in FDI by demonstrating the boundary conditions of the learning effect of the FDI failure experience of MNEs.  相似文献   

为了分析复杂关联供应链网络在遭遇干扰事件时的鲁棒性,研究关联网络层内和层间级联失效机理.通过随机规则生成供应链无向信息层网络和有向物理层网络,描述并分析由α、β、σ等参数表征的节点负荷、容量等网络结构特性.针对存在边流量约束的情况,提出相应的失效负荷分流策略;通过构建极大簇函数,判断关联供应链网络中经分流策略后仍具运作功能的有效节点,并依据供应链信息层网络和物理层网络间一对一匹配的关联关系,构建时变失效迭代状态方程,从而有效描述关联网络间的动态失效传递.最后,在不同参数控制下,对初始单个节点故障和多个节点故障两种情况下的关联供应链网络综合鲁棒性进行数值仿真分析.按节点度从大到小、从小到大、随机3种方式去除多个节点,结果表明在β=0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 4种参数下,按度从小到大方式去除多节点,其引发的关联网络级联失效规模较之其它两种方式大;同时发现关联供应链网络在多节点去除情况下,其级联失效较之单层网络具有明显的一级相变特性,即少量的节点移除就会导致整个关联供应链网络崩溃.  相似文献   

The considerable amount of published literature on venture management is reviewed in an attempt to see how successful this technique is in promoting new products. It was found that earlier articles were optimistic but later articles were more realistic with several describing failed projects.

An attempt is made to relate this with the published literature on the failure of traditional Research and Development but little published evidence is available. The role of New Towns in innovation is briefly mentioned. Finally the reasons for failure are identified and guidelines are established as a means of making venture groups more successful.  相似文献   

There is a growing literature concerned with the design and implementation of performance measurement systems but few studies of success and failure. This paper describes three phases of research into design and implementation of performance measurement systems involving 16 different businesses. The conclusion from the research is that senior management commitment is a key driver of success, but the paper will also describe the main factors which influence and change this commitment over the life of a performance measurement implementation project.  相似文献   

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