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杨献珍作为我国杰出的马克思主义哲学家、理论家、教育家,从二十世纪30年代到80年代,在长达半个世纪的革命工作实践中,在唯物辩证法方面的研究成果对我们党和政府的决策产生了重大影响。特别是在极“左”思潮泛滥,唯心主义横行,形而上学猖獗的历史时期,杨献珍通过研究、宣传马克思主义唯物论、辩证法,立足中央党校讲坛,  相似文献   

<正>"等我有钱了,一定要吃一顿比萨"。在人们的想象中,一个标准的"中国奢侈品消费者"存在两种分裂的形象:平时穿着amarni中规中矩的套装、在高档写字楼中有一间自己的办公室、英语流利、每年去欧洲度假一个月;或者——另  相似文献   

杨献珍作为我国杰出的马克思主义哲学家、理论家、教育家,从二十世纪30年代到80年代,在长达半个世纪的革命工作实践中,在唯物辩证法方面的研究成果对我们党和政府的决策产生了重大影响。特别是在极“左”思潮泛滥,唯心主义横行,形而上学猖獗的历史时期,杨献珍通过研究、宣传马克思主义唯物论、辩证法,立足中央党校讲坛,对“左”的思  相似文献   

王宪平 《经理人》2003,(7):90-91
聪明人买鞋不去挑价钱最贵的,也不会挑最流行的,而是买最合适自己脚、穿着舒服的。  相似文献   

在教学中,教的真正含义乃是使学生真正地学习,是优化和促进学生的学,就是说,教师不仅仅要充分确认学生的主体地位,更重要的是要积极主动地创造条件,实现学生的主体地位,实现学生的独立思考。  相似文献   

惠誉国际信用评级公司新出炉一份报告称:经济衰退的影响可能会持续到2010年,媒体特别是报纸、杂志2009年的光景尤其不容乐观,甚至“在一些城市,日报将有可能消失”。美国传播业不幸被其言中,报业“倒闭潮”一浪高过一浪。一个行业的集体性倒闭,究其原因,泡沫经济难辞其咎。覆巢之下,岂有安卵,其他国家的报业未必能够独善其身。谁来拯救报业?或许,国际传播业将要进行一轮大洗牌。  相似文献   

早晨运动好还是晚上运动好呢?生命到底在于运动还是在于静止呢?这些相异的说法常常让大家无所适从。著名健康教育专家、洪昭光&#183;张永国际养生中心创办人洪昭光教授在全国各地做健康报告的时候,经常遇到人们有关“养生悖论”的提问。对于这些相互矛盾的说法,洪教授说:“出现这种情况很正常,这首先说明社会进步了,健康已经成为人们日益关心的一个重要问题。”  相似文献   

丁燕 《经营管理者》2013,(27):274-275
文章通过比较美中两国在外语教学中的课程设置、教学模式、师资培训、评估方式等方面,发现美国外语教学中的可借鉴之处,为当前我国的外语教学提供参考和建议。  相似文献   

他们是普通的劳动者,他们在平凡的岗位上做出了不平凡的成绩;他们是最优秀的共产党员。他们用自己的实际行动实现了共产党员的誓言;他们是世界上最可爱的人,他们的心中惟有国家、集体和人民。  相似文献   

2009年3月13日,温总理一年一度的两会记者会又如约而至。7年的总理生涯,7次中外记者会,总理展现给世界的是他一如既往的沉着稳健、儒雅温和,以及他特有的个人魅力和更加坚毅的信心与勇气。在此次记者会上,总理回答了中外记者提出的关于世界金融危机、中央4万亿投资、外汇储备以及人民币汇率等多个关系到国计民生、经济发展的问题,问答之间,展现出大国总理的风采,以及在他领导之下的更加负责任、务实高效、充满信心的政府。  相似文献   

客户关系管理价值链研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在电子商务时代,以客户为中心的客户关系管理(CRM)成为增强企业核心竞争是客户价值管理,本文对CRM价值链进行了初步探讨,提出了CRM价值链模型,并对CRM价值链的基本阶段及其支持条件进行了深入的分析.  相似文献   

In this article the author argues that the last decade of development has proved to be a myth. He suggests that the poor countries have probably been exploited during this period. He believes that ‘aid’ programmes have badly misfired. However he is constructively critical and puts forward guidelines for planning and action. While he acknowledges that the task is huge he believes that we have the potential, given the desire to achieve success.  相似文献   

Angry physicians create problems--for the people they treat and work with, for their administrators, and for their loved ones. Addressing negative emotions is one of the most prevalent organizational and personal challenges facing physician leaders. Solving this problem starts with taking an honest look at the factors and processes that shape physicians' coping patterns. Learning effective emotional management skills is underscored by a simple fact: Emotions are contagious. The Type A behavior pattern (TYABP) refers to an aggressive coping mode. Cross-cultural research suggests that, compared to the general population, physicians show elevated scores on TYABP measures, and that women physicians are at particular risk of developing TYABP. In Part 2 of this series, interpersonal anger management strategies will be presented.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This article takes a closer look at the scope of actual early retirements, reasons for choosing early retirement, the popularity of different types of flexible retirement schemes, and the status of elderly employees within their own organization. It appears that positive reasons for choosing early retirement are more often mentioned by persons in higher professional groups, by those with a higher level of education, and by those who work in the civil service or the service sector. Neutral and negative reasons are mentioned more often by persons in lower professional groups, by those with a lower level of education, and by those working in the industrial sector. Although the motives for opting for early retirement differ, there do not appear to be great differences between categories of respondents if they have been able to choose their age at retirement personally, within specified age limits. Approximately a quarter of the respondents indicated they would leave work at the age of 60, even if this meant a 30% drop in net income.  相似文献   

The ethicist     
The 1990s seem drawn for major changes in the U.S. health care delivery system. After a quarter century of piecemeal changes to compensate for the cost dislocations caused by passage of the federal Medicare and Medicaid programs, legislators, moved by a high level of demand from buyers, third-party payers, and consumers, are at last positioned for some structural revamping. Nothing is certain, however, as evidenced by the shifting deadline for introduction of the current Administration's approach to solutions. In this article, the author uses a fictionalized scenario to imagine the status of our health care system in the year 2000. As in 1990, much will remain to be done, even if much will have been accomplished.  相似文献   

The Team     

项目团队有效性的影响因素界定与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从项目管理的层面界定了影响项目团队有效性的五个因素即团队价值观、人际互动关系、角色分配、团队领导的能力与团队智慧,这些因素无一不受到项目团队的学习能力的影响,因此,项目团队的学习是提高项目团队有效性的重要途径.由此,本文给出了项目团队的IWRAM学习模式和深度汇谈的具体学习方法.  相似文献   

There are an increasing number of women entering full-time careers in occupations that were once male dominated, for example, management. Recent surveys have suggested that more women are pursuing management careers in Western Europe and the United States. The pressures on these women are enormous in view of industry's inflexibility. Corporate policies must change if women are to survive in organizations. A variety of these policies are discussed in this paper, e.g. flexible work weeks, maternal and paternal leave, change and relocation policies, career planning, etc.  相似文献   

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