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中国的传统商业街区有着悠久的历史,见证着城市的发展历程,是城市文化历史的重要表征,同时其独特的空间模式和宜人的尺度也给人们留下了深刻的印象。本文以传统商业街区的空间要素作为切入点,分析研究了不同地域环境和建筑文化背景下传统商业街区的空间形态特征。  相似文献   

尤坤  王华新 《城市》2012,(1):57-60
文化是城市的灵魂,保护城市文化就是在为城市保留特色与发展的根基.作为传统文化的重要载体,历史建筑、历史街区的保护越来越受到城市规划管理者的重视,各级历史文物、历史风貌建筑逐步得到维护与修缮.在以土地换取经济发展、城市更新如火如荼的当下,对历史街区、历史文化环境的保护越来越成为历史文化保护的重点.一、国外经验总结从国外的实践经验来看,历史文化遗产保护主要经历了3个阶段:一是单体建筑的保护,用整修的方式应对建筑的现有功能;二是环境与街区的完整保护;三是历史街区的振兴、功能复兴与经济复兴.  相似文献   

历史街区是反映传统历史文化发展脉络的载体,伴随休闲经济时代的来临,历史街区休闲空间的发展已成为势不可挡的发展趋势。然而,当前我国在现代休闲生活向历史街区回归过程中,由于缺乏一定的理论支持与相应经验借鉴,使得历史街区休闲空间面临诸多问题。文章以日本古川町为例,通过阐述其历史街区中的古川建筑休闲空间、鲤鱼池休闲空间以及传统祭奠活动所形成的临时休闲空间的具体营造手法,以期为我国历史街区休闲空间营造提出普遍的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

随着经济和商业社会的发展,城市开发建设不同程度地蚕食历史建筑,破坏历史街区的整体风貌。历史建筑是人类发展痕迹的见证,一定程度上反映着地域文化。保护历史建筑也是保护地域文化。粤港政府在历史建筑保护工作方面积累了不少经验,通过分析粤港两地历史建筑保护措施,提出对城市历史建筑保护与利用的对策建议。  相似文献   

陈建明 《安家》2006,(7):130-133
社区商业作为商业的一个组成部分,在中国长期以来一直处于一个少人关心的地位,一直是以自发性的零散商业形式为主进行发展,属于比较落后的商业形式.但实际上其对城市商业的发展和结构的优化起着重要的作用.在市场竞争中,尽管比起超市、百货、购物中心等商业形态有诸多的劣势,但也有其核心的竞争力--便利性和多样性.这样的核心竞争力决定了其商业功能的亲和力.  相似文献   

中国传统文化和社会主义核心价值观的关系一直都是理论界研究的重点。中国传统文化博大精深、源远流长,是我们整个中华民族的精神脊梁。社会主义核心价值观以中国传统文化为灵感来源与思想根本,同时中国传统文化的继承与发展需要社会主义核心价值观的培育与践行,对待中国的优秀传统文化我们要以科学的态度对其进行弘扬,只有这样才能正确地对待传统文化与社会主义核心价值观的关系。  相似文献   

李锦生 《公关世界》2016,(13):71-73
目前主流的历史街区保护大致有两条路子:一是文创及商业化的路子,在历史街区、历史建筑中植入商业、文化创意产业等新功能,比如上海新天地、成都锦里等;二是大量未开发的历史街区,还延续着原有生活,是一种“冰冻封存”的方式。我们不禁要问,哪一个才是真正的历史街区?  相似文献   

王林生 《城市观察》2016,(4):141-147
街区复兴与更新是城市发展中面临的重大问题。前门大街在历史中的繁荣兴盛与文化商务的融合存在密切关系。在街区走向复兴的过程中,文化商务融合仍是重要的支撑性因素,并以以市场为导向的重建或再开发、具有福利色彩的综合整治以及以改变街区核心功能等为融合发展的路径。但由于在街区更新中定位不清晰、商业活动乏力,导致文化与商务的融合出现脱节,制约着街区更新的进程。  相似文献   

武微微  吴少平 《城市》2013,(4):47-51
五大道历史街区是天津近代城市发展的一个标志,也是现代天津的形象点之一。几十年来建设的插建建筑破坏了五大道原有的空间肌理,而且,五大道建筑的主体功能正逐步由居住向商业及娱乐功能转变。从许多国内历史街区更新改造的教训来看,如不对建筑空间肌理进行有效控制,任其肆意发展,  相似文献   

古文化街区作为一种特殊的城市空间,是延续地方历史文脉的重要场所.笔者以茌平县金牛湖景区古建一条街项目为例,在分析其历史脉络和场所特质的基础上,通过把当地传统街巷的空间特征与人们的社会活动、文化需求结合,将"七星如意"和"三重古街"的规划理念应用于整体空间规划和建筑单体设计中,带动了景区及周边地区旅游及商业价值的提升,对以现代手法重塑历史场所精神的仿古文化街区规划项目具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

宋平 《城市观察》2014,(4):71-78
广州是海上丝绸之路的重要发祥地之一,具有两千多年的对外贸易交往史,被称为"永不闭关的贸易口岸"。海上丝绸之路是广州极为重要的文化名片。市委市政府在文化建设中注意保护相关的文物古迹和史迹遗存。目前,广州地区的博物馆对海上丝绸之路文物精品的展示十分重视,除了常设陈列的部分外,还举办了一系列相关的临时陈列。广州海事博物馆、十三行博物馆、华侨博物馆也在建设之中。文化古迹大部分已向公众开放,水上的展示也在探索之中。但是广州还有更深的潜力可挖,应主要从统一管理和对外宣传、增加休闲因素、增加"水"元素等方面来考虑。  相似文献   

王琳 《城市观察》2009,3(3):71-78
城市文化软实力是城市综合竞争力巨系统下的子系统,由文化核心价值水平、城市制度健全程度、城市政府管理效率及创新、城市国际化水平、城市文化中心影响力等指标组成。本文对港京沪津穗五大国家中心城市的文化软实力进行了分析,并就城市如何提升文化软实力提出了建议。  相似文献   

中央活动区:现代CBD的新形态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱智  李英杰  王伟 《科学发展》2011,(4):107-112
在当前国际大都市中,以商务活动为主的传统中央商务区(CBD)正在向包括商务、商业、文化、休闲、旅游活动在内的、具有复合功能的中央活动区(CAZ)发展,一些高能级的中央活动区(CAZ)已经成为各国际大都市最重要的核心功能区和战略区域。这一发展趋势对于上海未来商务区发展、城市规划,特别是世博会园区的功能定位和后续利用具有重要的借鉴和参考意义。  相似文献   

现代服务业集聚区(MCBD)是现代服务业发展的新高地,城市服务功能的新载体,经济增长方式转变的新动力和城市形象的新名片。上海现代服务业集聚区建设与发展不仅强调经济、产业、配套设施等"硬实力"的目标与定位,更要关注文化、品牌等"软实力"的不断提升,以便将上海真正建设成为名副其实的现代化国际大都市。以上海长风生态商务区为例,针对商务区文化品牌建设与发展的成效与不足,提出针对推进现代服务业聚集区文化品牌建设与发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

Guangzhou's dynamic time-honoured businesses, commonly known as laozihao 老字号, while grounded in a locality, have nevertheless been caught up in the economic and cultural flowscapes of their times as they have followed the migration trajectories of the mainland Chinese. As these traders, businesspeople and migrants have moved and relocated from their hometown to overseas locations, they have also brought along their understanding of their culture, including the cultural elements that are associated with the businesses that they are involved in. This paper will explore the flowscapes and transformation of Guangzhou's laozihao that involved the mainland Chinese and Chinese diaspora communities during two periods. The first period stretched from the 19th century through to 1949 when mainland China came under Communist rule. The second phase started after the 1978 Open Door Policy and has continued through the introduction of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2013 till today. The Belt and Road Initiative has provided a strategic and opportunistic moment for these time-honoured businesses to reinvent and realign their business to suit the modern needs of the 21st century.  相似文献   

杨明刚 《科学发展》2013,(7):93-101
加快文化产业集群发展是调整区域产业结构、转变区域经济增长方式、提高区域市场竞争力的重要抓手和战略性举措,也是提升文化软实力的有效途径。上海环人民广场文化产业集群建设,是以上海建设国际文化大都市为动力,以满足人民群众的文化需求和社会需求为出发点,围绕市区加快文化产业发展的总体目标,集成各方有效资源,加强集群内部的有机联系,发挥产业聚集效应和企业创新能力,带动产业结构升级和经济发展方式的优化,促进区域经济发展的核心竞争力进一步提高。  相似文献   

Since the Silk Road was originally built to link China and the west in ancient times, it has contributed to the trade as well as the cultural fusion for over two thousand years. In terms of culture, the Silk Road has made a great contribution to the development of different culture in diverse regions along the road. the Silk Road is, not only a channel of exchanging commodities as it was first supposed to be, but a bridge connecting China, middle west Asia, Africa and Europe, for which people will find that the real power hidden behind the Silk Road is opening and communication.  相似文献   

About 40 years ago, traditional villages, towns and cities of the Arabian Peninsula started to lose their regional characteristics and embody modern forms and shapes. Since then, these characteristics have been subject to dilution due to social and cultural changes as well as institutionalized changes imposed by planning and architectural practices. This process creates debates and clashes between tradition and modernity. Projects carried out since 1975 are the least representative of the regional characteristics but do attempt to have urban and architectural identity. This paper argues that all the actors in “design formulation” (clients, architects, urban designers and planners) are trying to use historic elements in the creation of architectural identities. In fact they are making efforts to create urban and architectural identity to substitute regional characters. These attitudes flourished as a result of dynamic cultural, economic, political and ritualistic influences. This paper highlights the importance of urban and architectural identity in architectural and urban projects in Arriyadh, the capital city of Saudi Arabia because such projects create precedents for other Saudi villages, towns and cities. The study identifies the forces behind the initiation, transformation and evolution of the urban and architectural identity and attempts to supplement scholarship in the fields of architecture, urban design, and planning with regard to the role of identity as a tool for improving the spatial quality of the built environment. Architectural identity participates in setting up meaningful schemata which influences human behavior as a cultural process. The paper supports the concern for search for historic symbols which may influence the architectural identity and the quality of perceived environment during the design process of new or transformed physical environments. The paper views the traditional part of the city as an amalgamation of history and economic interests and its symbolic importance seems to be a perfect place for the emergence of different forms of engagement between tradition and modernity. The importance of the traditional part is unique while the importance of continuity of tradition is very likely complementary.  相似文献   

The propose of this paper is to generate a research agenda on exploring the possible prospects of cultural exchanges in the context of trade routes along the Belt and Road Initiative by using cha chaan teng (茶餐厅), or Hong Kong style café, which has been a “by-product” of inter-cultural experiences in the 1950s in Hong Kong. Thus, the theoretical framework used for researching cha chaan teng, and constructing the research agenda are informed with the concepts of food, culture, and mobilities. Ethnographic in-depth interviews, systematic participant observation of cafes, content analysis of selected cha chaan teng websites were used to gain understanding of this cultural practice. Drawn on the past development of cha cha cheng, this paper suggests that Belt and Road Initiative can be seen as one of the many trade initiatives at the current time, and food consumption, adaptation, and invention along the routes are businesses which go along well with the movements of people and projects. It is reasonable to expect intriguing business opportunities and products through cultural exchanges, something similar to the development of cha chaan teng started in the past in Hong Kong. The research agenda advocate inter- and multidisciplinary theoretical approach and mixed methodologies to explore what new developments will be brought along the routes either something that will emerge as new, or something that will continue to synergize from the past practices. Hopefully, empirical findings will direct toward a culturally sensitive interaction, in which understanding, compassion, tolerance, and respect can be nurtured and developed.  相似文献   

This introductory chapter provides a brief overview of the development of the Belt and Road Initiatives that comprises 6 BRI corridors. It explores the reasons behind the launching and promoting of the BRI by the Mainland Chinese government. The initiative by President Xi Jinping is, in part, the fulfillment of the China Dream and his focus on the “Community of Shared Future for Mankind.” In this sense, BRI provides a platform for Mainland Chinese business community and individuals to move out of the comfort of Mainland Chinese society and embark on economic and cultural connectivity with business community and the Chinese Diaspora in the global world. At the same time, BRI also serves as a platform for the global business and Chinese community to reach into China. As such, BRI could be regarded as a soft power and a cultural power that facilitate people-to-people connectivity and enhance sociocultural and economic activities along the BRI flowscape. The papers in this volume each provides a case study of how BRI serves as a soft and cultural power that enables the individuals and the business corporations to expand in their sociocultural and economic connectivity.  相似文献   

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