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文章通过对邯郸现有成语典故景观在各种城市空间中运用现状的梳理,总结出现阶段邯郸成语典故文化的景观再现的问题。成语典故景观存在展示的方式方法相对简单、重城市节点轻生活节点、对人群的吸引力不足等问题。对此,提出成语典故景观应从视觉体验发展到感官体验;应增加生活空间中的应用;研究针对不同人群的"私人定制"式景观形式。  相似文献   

当前生态规划中,主要倚重"千层饼"生态适宜性区划和"廊道—斑块—基质"景观生态格局构建这两种方法,所建立的生态空间或局限于城市不可能发展的区域,或以不确定的迁移廊道联系景观斑块,其最大缺失是缺乏对生态过程的深层理解与预测。针对该问题,本文通过剖析不同时期生态规划思想方法对生态本体的认知广度和深度的缺失与不足,尝试拓展对生态本体认知的广度和深度,扎根于对生境这一具有"生物群落"邻里概念、能作为生态系统基本空间单元的生态本体的认知,提出以"结构控制"生境网络为手段的生境生态系统规划方法。  相似文献   

在日常生活美学的影响下,城市景观体现出更加生活化的审美情趣,"如画景观"变成了"如话景观",大众在公共活动中通过感官参与和文化参与去对话自然、社会、和个人经历,城市雕塑空间正承担了这样的精神功能。基于上海静安雕塑公园进行了雕塑空间的大众认同价值探究,开创性地基于用户体验思维——同理心地图(Empthy map)研究认同活动,得出感官参与、文化参与、均衡参与三种价值模式,并强调文化参与在认同中的重要价值。  相似文献   

景观设计城市景观要素包括自然景观要素和人工景观要素。其中自然景观要素主要是指自然风景,如大小山丘、古树名木、石头、河流、湖泊、海洋等。人工景观要素主要有文物古迹、文化遗址、园林绿化、艺术小品、商贸集市、建构筑物、广场等。这些景观要素为创造高质量的城市空间环境提供了大量的素材,但是要形成独具特色的城市景观,必须对各种景观要素进行系统组织,并且结合风水和城市特性使其形成完整和谐的景观体系,有序的空间形态。  相似文献   

王明浩  李灵芝 《城市》2014,(2):46-49
正城市景观反映一座城市的社会、历史和文化传统,记载、发展、弘扬着城市文化,是城市容貌的展示,是城市特色的体现,是城市各种空间艺术的表征。城市景观是指由各类建筑、建筑小品、构筑物、道路和广场等硬质界面所形成的硬质景观,由湖泊、河流、水体、公园和城市绿化等自然界面所形成的软质景观共同构成的城市空间。在这里,就城市空间与城市景观的关系作简单的阐述。  相似文献   

首先阐述斯里兰卡建筑师杰弗里·巴瓦对建筑内外连续性景观体验的塑造。在此基础上以其职业晚期的三个典型作品中建筑与景观的关系为切入点,分析了建筑师为了塑造室内外连续的景观体验,在平面布局、空间尺度、景观边界、以及物件陈设等四个方面展开的设计操作。进而探讨一种突破建筑内外边界的景观营造法,创造室内与室外、人工与自然之间的连续体验。  相似文献   

严寒城市冬季寒冷、植物凋零,极大地影响了公共空间对人们的吸引力,降低了人们外出活动的兴趣。提高公共空间的景观活力能够加大人们户外活动的频率。本文以严寒城市公共空间景观活力为主要研究对象,依据严寒地区独特的气候状况,结合亚历山大建筑模式语言理论,确定影响严寒城市公共空间景观活力的要素归属的三大环境,分别为自然环境、事件环境和空间环境。以此为基础,构建包含3个层次的严寒城市公共空间景观活力评价指标体系和评价体系,并建立评价模型。将评价模型应用于改造设计实例,获得改造重点和改造策略,通过使用后评价证明,利用该评价模型指导严寒城市公共空间设计或改造是可行的。  相似文献   

尽管众多研究认识到网络零售对城市物流的显著作用,但是并没有很多实证研究探讨网络零售对城市物流空间的作用路径。基于西方有关物流蔓延的文献,以深圳为案例,通过仓储建筑的空间分布分析物流空间的蔓延,分析传统零售商、网络零售商以及物流商等供应链策略,探讨网络零售如何在多层次通过多种途径影响城市空间的蔓延。  相似文献   

随着城市的高速发展,城市公共空间中的声音景观正被逐渐破坏殆尽。针对当前城市景观规划中以视觉为中心的倾向,本文对公共空间中的声音景观进行了分析,引入了声景观设计的概念与方法,并指出将中国古典园林中的"借景"、"对景"、"点景"、"障景"等手法运用于城市公共空间声景设计,可使空间景观更加完整和富有场所感。  相似文献   

公共空间是城市功能的主要组成部分。但随着城市化进程的快速发展,为居民提供的公共空间缺日渐匮乏,其中生活性街道空间的消失最为典型。本文以兰州市十二条生活性街道作为研究对象,从居民使用视角入手,结合地域文化特色,通过对城市街道生活空间景观的评析,概括总结了当前兰州城市生活性街道存在的主要问题。文章从可识别性、舒适感、安全感与可及性几个方面,提出了建设人性化生活性街道景观的优化建议,力求通过增加空间节点在居民生活中的互动特性,营造充满活力的城市人居空间环境。  相似文献   

Focus groups conducted with Canadian teenagers examining their perceptions and experiences with cyber risk, center on various privacy strategies geared for impression management across popular social network sites (SNS). We highlight privacy concerns as a primary reason for a gravitation away from Facebook toward newer, more popular sites such as Instagram and Snapchat, as well as debates about the permeability of privacy on Snapchat in particular. The privacy paradox identifies a disjuncture between what is said about privacy and what is done in practice. It refers to declarations from youth that they are highly concerned for privacy, yet frequently disregard privacy online through “oversharing” and neglecting privacy management. However, our participants, especially older teens, invoked a different mindset: that they have “nothing to hide” online and therefore do not consider privacy relevant for them. Despite this mindset, the strategies we highlight suggest a new permutation of the privacy paradox, rooted in a pragmatic adaptation to the technological affordances of SNS, and wider societal acquiescence to the debasement of privacy online.  相似文献   

With the ascendancy of the cyber world, client demand for online counselling has increased and is expected to continue to increase dramatically in the coming years. The purpose of this article is to describe an innovative pilot practicum project in which social work graduate interns offered cyber counselling within a university to undergraduate students. In this paper, we describe the key elements of this project, including those that are unique and those that follow typical practicum processes, along with the challenges identified. Implications for practice and social work education are offered.  相似文献   

The online city magazine TehranAvenue.com (TA) occupies the transnational crossroad of digital and urban space. It thus provides an important case study of how urban studies, postcolonial theory and critical cyber studies can be combined fruitfully to explain the potentialities and limits of digital and social networks in transnational Middle Eastern contexts. The article explores metaphors of the Internet as city, theories of transnational urban space and recent studies of the Internet and its politico-cultural uses in Iran to establish a theoretical method that can explain the simultaneity of local and transnational in digital and urban spaces. Qualitative data (email and telephone interviews with TA's founder, editor and contributors), combined with content analysis of the site, supports the claim that the city as metaphor and metonym can account for the intersection between contemporary North African and Middle Eastern digital spaces and national and diasporic urban spaces. The digital city – or blogabad – expands physical urban space into transnational networks. But there are important limits to the transnational reach of mediated social networking practices. In fact, the located identifications of web users are often much more important than the global reach of the technologies they use.  相似文献   

Today’s generation of youth and adults relies on communication technologies for entertainment, information, and social connections and more and more, for personal help and advice. With cyber technology having permeated the ways in which individuals seek support for a wide range of issues, the purpose of this paper is to report on a study that examined practitioners’ experiences and views of whether and how online communication has entered their face-to-face practice and of the implication for the therapeutic work. Using qualitative methodology, 15 social work practitioners participated in focus groups and interviews exploring their perspectives about the impact of cyber technology on their traditional face-to-face social work practice. The prevailing finding was that cyber communication has dramatically changed the nature of professional relationships. This key finding was supported by four major inter-related themes arising from the data: (1) client driven practice; (2) Pandora’s box; (3) ethical grey zone; and (4) permeable boundaries. Implications for practice are provided.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the online hacking group, the Syrian Electronic Army (SEA), and examines its goals. The study argues that it is not a hacktivist group but is made up of cyber warriors who are closely connected to the Syrian government in order to serve two main goals: serving as a public relations tool for the Syrian government to draw the world's attention to the official Syrian version of events taking place in the country and countering the impact of Syrian oppositional groups. The study investigates the online reaction to SEA by analyzing the comments posted on its YouTube videos in order to better understand the group's aims and strategies and the public perception.  相似文献   

We explore how self‐injurers, a group of deviants who primarily were loners, now use the Internet to form subcultural and collegial relations. Drawing on virtual participant‐observation in cyber self‐injury groups, over eighty face‐to‐face and telephone in‐depth interviews, and over ten thousand e‐mail postings to groups and bulletin boards, we describe and analyze the online subcultures of self‐injurers. Via the Web, they have become cyber “colleagues,” simultaneously enacting two deviant organizational forms and challenging the idea that deviant loners can exist in a cyber society. We further analyze these individuals and their interactions to compare and contrast the venues that they use, the communities and relationships that they form, and their relation to real life. We contribute to symbolic interactionism through our social constructionist stance toward the creation of virtual communities and relationships, our focus on identity and stigma, our view of social organization as grounded in the panoply of human interpersonal relationships, our contrast of the competing reality claims posed by virtual as opposed to the solid world, and our discussion of the modern versus postmodern self.  相似文献   

网络游戏已经成为青少年的一种普遍娱乐方式,而网络新闻在公众对网游青少年玩家的认识过程中起着重要作用,它们经常从不同角度来报道并放大具有典型意义的网游青少年玩家个案,以此建构网游青少年玩家的形象并引导人们对该群体的印象存储。通过对11年来人民网与新浪网中相关报道的内容分析,发现网络新闻对网游青少年玩家媒介形象构建时出现偏差,形成对网游青少年玩家污名化形象建构的影响。  相似文献   

Regarding piracy as the crime of stealing copyright holders’ rightful profits, many creative industries, such as the film, music, and gaming industries, are battling for stricter administrative and legal enforcement against copyright infringement. However, there is a counterargument that piracy could benefit copyright holders in the form of free promotion. Given China’s strict censorship of film content, this paper investigates how online piracy complicates the distribution of independent films in China. The advance of cyber technology and high-speed Internet access has not only fueled the spread of online film sharing, but has also encouraged public participation in the debate on the complex relationship between piracy, copyright, and censorship. Taking Jia Zhangke’s A Touch of Sin (2013) as a case study, this paper evaluates the alternative business models for Chinese independent cinema put forward by Chinese netizens.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of emerging research into the concept of deviant identity by highlighting major new directions in cyber‐deviance scholarship. We suggest that the examination of deviance in online settings offers unique new insights into the processes of identity construction and reinforcement, role play, and the social organization of deviant communities. We conclude by considering developments that may advance the literature on deviant identity in real world spaces, as well as expand the conceptual utility of deviance for other subareas of sociology.  相似文献   

This study examined how cyber delinquency changes over time and we identified how predictors influence these changes. We analyzed Korean Youth Panel data collected by the National Youth Policy Institute over five years for 2844 Korean adolescents living in 7 metropolitan cities and 8 provinces, using hierarchical linear modeling. The results are as follows. Cyber delinquency linearly increased over time. Greater computer use and perceived stress were related to more cyber delinquency, while greater self-control ability and community attachment were associated with less cyber delinquency. More computer use and offline bullying victimization were related to an acceleration of the increase of cyber delinquency over time. While, greater self-control ability was associated with a deceleration of the increase of cyber delinquency as time passed. The strongest predictor was amount of computer use, followed by self-control, and then by offline bullying victimization.  相似文献   

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