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左春伟 《职业》2012,(8):183
历史上,人力资源管理经历了传统的人事管理阶段、现代人力资源管理和发展至今的战略人力资源管理三个阶段。近年来,随着战略人力资源管理研究的深化,专家和业内人士对人力资源微观和宏观领域的实践与理论发展给予了越来越多的关注,与此同时,战略人力资源管理实践  相似文献   

田子坊的保护和再利用是由普通市民和众多产业个体一起参与的、自下而上的历史街区保护与再利用实践。然而新的利益分配格局也带来了新的矛盾和问题。本研究对田子坊街区保护和再利用的发展中商业与居住混合的状况进行了实证调查,从新制度经济学家巴泽尔(Barzel Y.)和科斯(Coase R.H.)的财产权理论的视角分析和理解田子坊中商居混合产生的困境和矛盾,结论得出田子坊商居混合矛盾的根本原因在于田子坊历史街区保护与再利用的过程中其居住空间财产权的再次划分。因此,对该历史街区中财产权的深入认识可能为解决这一空间利益冲突的问题提供新的契机。  相似文献   

尤坤  王华新 《城市》2012,(1):57-60
文化是城市的灵魂,保护城市文化就是在为城市保留特色与发展的根基.作为传统文化的重要载体,历史建筑、历史街区的保护越来越受到城市规划管理者的重视,各级历史文物、历史风貌建筑逐步得到维护与修缮.在以土地换取经济发展、城市更新如火如荼的当下,对历史街区、历史文化环境的保护越来越成为历史文化保护的重点.一、国外经验总结从国外的实践经验来看,历史文化遗产保护主要经历了3个阶段:一是单体建筑的保护,用整修的方式应对建筑的现有功能;二是环境与街区的完整保护;三是历史街区的振兴、功能复兴与经济复兴.  相似文献   

共生思想是纳入历时性与共时性的动态多元论思想,其着眼于生物多样性及地域文化的保护。本文对历史街区保护的价值内涵进行了深入的诠释,提出造就今日历史街区美学、社会、历史等外部价值的三大生长机制是新陈代谢、多元共生和动态均衡,即历史街区的内部价值。基于此观点,本文提出要想真正保护好历史街区、实现街区价值及意义的永续利用和发展就应根植于街区的过去,从内、外两方面入手,做到街区历史与未来、外部现象与内部本质的共生。  相似文献   

卢斌  陈宇  裴凡伟 《城市》2012,(1):45-48
历史文化保护区是"具有某一历史时期的传统风貌、民族地方特色的街区、建筑群、小镇、村寨等,是历史文化名城的重要组成部分".历史真实性、风貌完整性、生活真实性是核定历史文化街区的基本标准,也是保护的根本目标.目前,在历史文化街区保护和更新的实践中,由于规划编制者、实际行动者对其不同的理解及各种客观因素造成的影响,各种"保护"的结果大相径庭.重置所带来的五花八门的物质空间保护成果,街区历史真实性、风貌完整性、生活真实性的缺失,以及与之相对应的原封不动的保护所带来的发展停滞,成为街区保护最突出的问题.如何实现保护规划的根本目标,展现历史街区在人文、历史、美学、艺术、经济及交通等方面的综合价值,并最终使其可持续发展,成为当前关注的焦点.  相似文献   

潘璐 《社会学研究》2023,(5):1-22+226
在农村集体经济研究中,社会学面临如何将“集体”概念化的挑战,马克思的公社思想为此提供了理论启示。马克思在古代社会史研究中确立了公社作为人类社会组织形态的历史普遍性,总结了氏族公社、家庭公社和农村公社的多元形态及其演变过程。马克思“公社”概念的核心是在历史实践中形成的社会联结和共同性,公社体现了个体与集体的融合统一。本文将马克思的公社思想与中国实践相结合,对当代中国的“集体”进行了概念阐释,为理解与指导农村集体经济发展提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

尹来盛 《城市观察》2021,75(5):69-76
随着城市化的快速发展,新城新区开发建设成为城市扩张的主要方向.相反,老城区的发展问题曾被忽视并逐步陷入衰退.进入新时代,如何促进老城市新活力,实现老城区与新城区双轮驱动,成为亟待研究的课题.地处广州荔湾老城区的恩宁路汇聚西关骑楼建筑的精髓,却一度成为老旧街区衰败的典型.通过微改造,不仅保护了历史环境的原真性,同时促进了文化旅游产业的发展,实现了历史文化街区的再生,走出了一条独特的历史文化街区复兴之路.文章据此进行分析,并从建立多元化参与机制、正确处理历史文化遗存保护和发展的关系、防止侵害消费者权利和公共利益等方面提出了进一步完善历史文化街区复兴的政策建议.  相似文献   

尹来盛 《城市观察》2021,75(5):69-76
随着城市化的快速发展,新城新区开发建设成为城市扩张的主要方向.相反,老城区的发展问题曾被忽视并逐步陷入衰退.进入新时代,如何促进老城市新活力,实现老城区与新城区双轮驱动,成为亟待研究的课题.地处广州荔湾老城区的恩宁路汇聚西关骑楼建筑的精髓,却一度成为老旧街区衰败的典型.通过微改造,不仅保护了历史环境的原真性,同时促进了文化旅游产业的发展,实现了历史文化街区的再生,走出了一条独特的历史文化街区复兴之路.文章据此进行分析,并从建立多元化参与机制、正确处理历史文化遗存保护和发展的关系、防止侵害消费者权利和公共利益等方面提出了进一步完善历史文化街区复兴的政策建议.  相似文献   

楼舒 《城市》2014,(8):42-44
正一、引言杭州作为全国首批公布的历史文化名城之一,其闻名之处不仅在于秀丽的西湖山水,还在于丰富的历史文化遗产,历史文化街区则是杭州历史文化遗产中的重要组成部分。近年来,杭州市政府十分重视历史文化街区的保护工作,截至目前,共确定了26处历史文化街区(包括11处历史街区、15处历史地段),并且每年划拨专项保护资金对其进行整治改造。在杭州历史文化街区保护工作中,我们  相似文献   

公共历史学是源于美国史学界的一门新兴学科,多学科交叉的特点使其具有极广的应用范围,本文即是对历史街区空间调研的公共历史学探讨。通过对重庆十八梯街区的调研实践,比对不同调研方法的结果并分析其原因,以期形成更全面分析历史街区问题的视角与方法,为历史街区空间研究开辟新的思路。  相似文献   

The historic cities of Brazil, despite its colonial structure, don't fail to go through transformations that affect contemporary cities, which is the main source of problems, leading to new approaches to urban issues such as mobility and accessibility. The uncontrolled growth of tourism in the historic cities can be considered as a big problem, because at the same time, they have committed to the conservation of its built heritage and demand control of the activities that occur in their areas without harm. Then, a permanent dialogue between conservatives and planners could be accomplished by joining the various sectoral policies. The study of urban mobility in historical sites was in fact the focus of this work because of their peculiarities, such as its specific characteristics of urban structure, morphology and occupation. In fact, the development of tourism in historic centers generates specific demands, such as adaptation to new uses of the houses, intensive movement of people and vehicles, illegal parking, among others. Beyond threatening the city preservation, does not provide mobility and accessibility to tourists, because these cities were not designed for the tourism conditions and needs of contemporary life. Characteristic features of Brazilian baroque cities, such as topography , the narrow streets, narrow or nonexistent sidewalks, steep turns and ramps strong, are not suitable for heavy vehicles, traffic and pedestrian circulation. Thus, studies concerning conservation urban integrated are aimed at an approach to interaction between historic preservation of the environment with the dynamic socio-economic of the local.  相似文献   

Social dimensions of gradients in urban ecosystems   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Dow  Kirstin 《Urban Ecosystems》2000,4(4):255-275
Urban ecosystems are complex mosaics in which the biophysical characteristics are transformed over time by a concentrated, diverse set of human activities. Understanding their complexity requires the continuing development of interdisciplinary approaches. The use of gradient approaches has pointed towards the need to examine in greater detail the roles of human influences. In this paper, I propose the addition of three social dimensions to characteristics defining urban gradients: landuse, land management effort, and historical context. These dimensions correspond with major types of social activities that modify the physical environment. They are intended to augment research by explicitly elaborating on the social factors contributing to the variation along the complex, indirect gradients that typify urban areas.The diversity of urban landuses has numerous influences, obvious and subtle, on the complex urban land gradients. Incorporating new information on historical and spatial characteristics of management practices supports more direct fine-scale analyses of the impact of human activities on the environment. This path of inquiry also requires engaging in more detailed research on historical dimensions of urban development in conjunction with biophysical analyses. Examples from Columbia, South Carolina, illustrate the ways that social and historical processes contribute to urban ecology.  相似文献   

This research considers the role of indigenous institutions and conceptions of space in the urban design process for producing culturally appropriate designs for Balinese towns. Employing a pluralistic approach (The Image of the City, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1960; Planning a Pluralist City: Conflicting Realities in Ciudad Guyana, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1976; House Form and Culture, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1969, Human Aspects of the Built Form, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1977), a case study of the town of Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia explores the popular accounts on the operative indigenous conceptions of space in contemporary Balinese urban settings. This exploration aims at providing a ground for reconnecting urban design proposals with their cultural context, thus promoting the spatially expressed localism originating from the diversity of cultures which is currently undermined by the highly standardized process of the Indonesian planning system. In particular, for the town of Gianyar, such an exploration provides a set of placemaking issues which is useful in devising urban design guidelines for achieving a town with more pronounced cultural identity.The research concludes that to achieve culturally appropriate places, the design process has to acknowledge the Balinese Hindu psycho-cosmic concept as the core principle in the design of Balinese townscapes. As such, the existing indigenous cosmic territory, which accommodates the relationship between human (microcosm) and environment (macrocosm), along with its adat law and institution, has to be incorporated in contemporary urban design processes. As a result, urban spatial organization, structure and form will significantly reflect the Balinese cultural identity.  相似文献   

Developing greater understandings of socio-ecological relationships across urbanizing areas is increasingly recognized as important for the conservation and management of natural resources in a variety of development contexts. Efforts to do so have been hindered by a lack of consistent measures of urbanization and the challenge of integrating socio-cultural characteristics into definitions of urban. We present a novel method for linking perceptual definitions of urban, suburban, and rural to geospatial characteristics and demonstrate how the method can be used to map urban, suburban, and rural areas at multiple scales in central and eastern Massachusetts. Our method can facilitate comparative approaches to urban ecology, be used to scale up socio-ecological studies, and inform conservation research and practice in urbanizing areas.  相似文献   

The article examines a mainstream curricular unit on the Haitian Revolution, centered on a culminating role-play activity. Cultural studies, subaltern studies, and hermeneutics are applied as theoretical frameworks to read the curriculum unit and its activities. These theoretical lenses sharpen an understanding of what it means to experience history in the classroom. These lenses are used to consider the political relations of power within the historical moment being studied and the political notions of power within the production of historical knowledge itself. The author conducts an analysis of the epistemological and hermeneutic problem spaces within this curriculum, with particular attention to how this curriculum unit might be translated into an urban school setting that accounts for marginalized student positions.  相似文献   

Rivers are important components of many urban systems, and research into urban rivers is increasing internationally, both in scope and intensity. As an introduction to a special section on urban rivers, this short article briefly highlights some key trends in urban river research based on a survey of published articles from Web of Knowledge, before summarising the contributions made by the special section papers. In particular, there has been a general increase in work on urban rivers since the 1990s, with a more dramatic increase from 2001. Most published research has concentrated on water quality and its wider environmental implications; ecologically, many studies have focused on autecology, community ecology or river restoration/rehabilitation, with the main emphasis on macroinvertebrates or fish. Geographically, most studies have taken place in North America (mainly the US) and Asia (mainly China). In the large majority of cases research has been on relatively small rivers within urbanised catchments rather than large, heavily urbanised systems within major towns or cities. Given the wide range of topics and studies relating to urban river research, a detailed meta-analysis of the urban river ecology literature would be a useful endeavour. The six papers included in the special section of this issue provide a sample of some of key and emerging themes within recent urban river research, and originate from a session on the understanding and management of urban rivers held at the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Annual Meeting in 2010, at Imperial College London.  相似文献   

Urban areas are among the most affected by human activities. In Europe, urbanization has essentially occurred since the end of the 19th century. However, the influence of this dramatic process on aquatic ecosystems has rarely been quantified and analyzed using historical data. In this study, we investigate the evolution of the hydrological system and native aquatic macrophytes in urban areas between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 21st century. Four urban areas in Switzerland were chosen for the analyses, Zürich, Basel, Lausanne and Fribourg, and we analyzed the changes in aquatic plant diversity based on the historical and recent floristic data available for the same areas and the same time periods. Our results show that a significant proportion (~30 %) of aquatic habitats has disappeared from the investigated locales during the last 130 years and that the extinction rate of the aquatic plant species is notably higher in the studied cities (28 %) than in Switzerland as a whole (2 %). Thus, between the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 21st centuries, urban development in Swiss cities has prompted a degradation of aquatic habitats that resulted in a significant reduction of the aquatic biodiversity. However, our study shows that urban areas still have the capacity to shelter a large diversity of aquatic organisms, including some of the most threatened species. Thus, it is important to integrate urban areas in the conservation strategies for these species.  相似文献   

城市社会管理及其新模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张岚  隋佰玲 《城市观察》2012,(2):119-128
随着城市化进程的加速,城市社会结构发生了深刻的变化,利益关系日趋多元,收入差距逐渐拉大,社会矛盾不断凸显,全新的城市社会发展格局对传统的城市社会管理提出了挑战,加强和创新城市社会管理也随之成为学术界关注的热点。在对社会管理的基本认识基础上,简要回顾了城市社会管理的历史进程,分析了当下我国城市社会管理所面临的新社会逻辑,结合对政府所提倡的社会管理新格局的理解,继而对城市社会管理新模式进行了探讨,并提出这个新模式所面临的可能困境与其应对方式。  相似文献   

C. Y. Jim 《Urban Ecosystems》2013,16(4):741-761
Urban greening contributes notably to quality of life and ecosystem services in cities. Compact cities in developing and developed countries are commonly beset by greenspace deficit. Based on literature review supplemented by field studies in different cities, a sustainable urban greening strategy is proposed. Urban renewal and new developments without a greening vision could miss the opportunities to bring relief. The public and private sectors can join hands to insert plantable spaces into the urban fabric. Urban greenspaces (UGS) with good connectivity forming a green network to permeate the city constitute the hallmarks of a naturalistic design. Preservation and creation of natural areas with rich biodiversity offer a new dimension to UGS design. Greening benefits could be expressed in economic terms to complement conventional ecological-environmental emphasis. Outstanding trees could receive high-order conservation efforts, and trees in construction sites warrant enhanced protection. Tree transplanting demands an overhaul in concepts and skills. Improving roadside tree planting and maintenance offers a cost-effective way to upgrade the townscape. Ameliorating widespread soil limitations could remove a major hindrance to tree growth. Innovative ideas of development right transfer, street pedestrianization, river and canal revitalization, green roofs and green walls could mobilize hitherto underused plantable resources. Lacking appropriate institutional setup and scientific capability pose intractable bottlenecks. Innovative public policies and greening technologies are needed for sustained improvements. Amalgamating natural and social sciences in a multidisciplinary approach and reinforcing the link between science and public policies could overhaul greening.  相似文献   

Students' understanding of history may be shaped less by their social studies teachers than by the powerfully ubiquitous, historically themed media images they passively consume outside of school. In this article, the author describes two strategies conducted during a classroom-based action research study designed to explore how historically themed film can be used to scaffold activities that encourage middle school students to conduct inquiries of the past and critically evaluate feature films and documentaries. Data collected from student surveys, focus group discussions, assignments, and classroom observations suggested that students benefit from well-structured activities that encourage them to compare historical accounts with cinematic portrayals of the past. In particular, the Know-Wonder-Learn and anticipation guide strategies can encourage critical critical viewing and thinking about how film accounts are created.  相似文献   

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